ESTABISHED 1890 Elr t qja lattg IASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 EIGHT PAGES CflDUfn~eunor IIARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF AlUMNIT ii Afli flflIDlftcwC1 rIm7 rc'i PRICE FIVE CENTS JaUFOVIVIVIE u nt CLUB TO BE ERECTED IN DETROIT RAL INCOSNI I T E C L" :.:....:..: ::.v: .:.r::y{.:v J ,. IN TER C LA SS CA M ESv ..::. ::.:...- :?{r ':{ai:r": : {'{"}s4r ~?"i:4"?... i} $'"! .':i:; 't{...::i.}:i:6 D0FEAT BUCKEYES BY SCOREOF 13 TO5 Wolverines Chalk up Nineteenth Victory Over Ohio Team by Wide Margin. ROYSTON, LENFESTY WINI EDUCATIONAIMS hub 0111111 [tLLJ UNDULI! ULUUL W _ Of HITS, LOSES TOg COLGATE, 8-1: Clash Will Begin at 10 O'clock on South Ferry Field; Nine Points Are in Balance. FRESHMEN IN LEAD, 5-1 First-Year Students Take Both Canoe Races and Two Tugs of War in First Meet. With the hopes oi overcoming .'the disadvantage incurred at the hands of the freshmen yesterday afternoon in the first half of the traditional spring games, soph-r omores of the entire University will unite in full strength at 9 o'clock this morning to enter the last four events of the underclass struggle. * This morning activities willbe staged at 10 o'clock on South Ferry field and will count a total of nin i Loop, 2 2 Opponents' Captain, Loses Points to 'Chubby' Hicks in Thrilling Match. (Sperial to The Daily) Holtzman Pitches for Wolverines and Allows Nine Hits in Four Innings; Truskowski Scores Lone Run in Seventh. (Special t T he Daily) C(L TVI' E U N VE VN SIT Y, MIay 2 -latting hard against coe 1 oltznan iII the third and fourth bininngs here this afternoon, Colgate wniassed eight rus to gain a clean cut victory over the University of icliia n, 8- , in a gaeic thit went seven innings by agreement. The seomd 1( m , cif4 the scheduled double header wa.s called on acount of rai n, a i 1U1v tliimder stormn breaking five minutes after the end of the curtain raiser. The Maroon nine played errorless ball belhind ti leeffective pitching of George Purple, who kept the visitors' seven hits well scattered. Every one of the Colgate regulars cuinnected safely at least once, all of tle clouts going one base. In the third an error by Doran, \Volverine second sacker, started C~t'tr nt t l thr v tri ur tt .ntnc~~- . ~, -4 .-... rnT. (1Cu vxiu 5,u to Aa 2. -1 Michigan stretched its string of straight Big Ten dual meet victor- ies to 19 here today when the Wol- verine golfers turned back the threat of a determined Ohio team to win four of the six matches and pile up a score of 13-5, over the dif- ficult Scioto Country club course. Dr. Stratton D. Brooks. f -- w~z v aucci Dtritoa e olse way io a tw> run scorng counts, giving the second year men Detroit's new intercollegiate alumni club, the architect's drawing ILenfesty Medalist. he first eight Maroon batters got to base s ample opportunity to gain a vic- of which is pictured above, is to be built sometime this summer at the! "Chubby" Hicks, brother of Helen ht--- tory, despite the fact that they cost of $4,000,000. This club will be one of the few of its kind in the Hicks, famous woman golfer, de- 111 D T. ut. were outscored yesterday after- country and for luxury and equipment it will be unrivaled. The club feated Alan Loop, Ohio's brilliant VLEVY TAKES SECOND .ng ne nnfive to one, when the fresh- rooms themselves will occupy the top eight floors, the lower ones captain, on the eighteenth green HO OS NCOTS he men won both canoe races and twoI being designed for locations of various business establishments. A con- I to take the most exciting match of - tugs-of-war including the main a t has been let and work on this twelve story building should the day. Hicks added 2 1-2 points Former Missouri Head Declares (spc'iul t oTe Daily) i To Meet This Morning. a point to his opponent. Howard Method More Important Than CHICAGO, May 2 - Nathan pitch The freshmen will likewise meet IT T TO Ii F II M ft Fplaying number one for the Wol. Extent of Authority.Lsnd t at 9 o'clock this orning prepara- verines, lost two points to Kep- u-n $50 in the National Oratorical Dowle tory to participating in thegae, II I L11 d LernslotwopistoKp League Contest this evening. Dol T y will assembnin mfront of he JrSCORESPOLICE TACTICS GuitaBearman, of Minnesota, a life Union while the second year men three man made a clean sweep of Bywon pace. groun Wll meet at Waterman gymnasium. h1s ach nfest Mi a mbr B Wil metatWatrmn ymasim. Il VIV W L UI Li bI II ~ I lv LLIhis match against Sidebottom byj "In a university's treatment of - ______________coc The events this morning will be a taking all three points from the crosse Pillow fight, a cane spree, an ob- Plans for a T2,000 School Musicians Buckeye player. Royston made it the vital problems "of its student C In stacle race, in which the conpeti- $4,000,000 Twelve2HighSthree to one in the singles matches body, administrative officials do no UN ST O LEUk tion will be by picked individuals, Story Intercollegiate Club Hear Results of State by letting Petuska down with 1-21face the u in oh mw and a "hog-tieing" contest, in Are Now Completed. Music Competition a point while collecting 2 1-2 him- its its authority should be exercised, llhi which all members of both classesMnself.but rather of what methods will Ltste wic engal emsofr ythcase TN J C IIn the afternoon doubles prove most effective," declared Dr. UIILCottr freshen wo frstestbe START BUILDING JULY 1 BANDS TO PARADE CITY matches Michigan could do no bet- Stratton D. Brooks, '96, former gles,e tween pcked therst contest e Plans for a $4,800,000 Detroit Hill auditorium resounded to j ter than win one match from the president of the University of Mis- Haverford Philosophy Professor Dowle 50 mn , ill udioriu resunde tothe Bucks. Keppler and Loop, by su- souri, in an interview last night. from each class, then lost, the sec- building project, which will be cheers of 2,000 high school musi- perb playing stroked their way Dr. Brooks recently came into to Give Three Addresses five r end, and took the last one, in erected as quarters for the Inter- cians yesterday afternoon as the around the tricky lay-out .to win! national prominence in connection on Religious Topics.Wo Which the entire classes partici- collegiate Alumni club, have been results of the State Music Contest! two points from Hicks and Howard, with a controversy over the distribu- Afte firsted ar elage numbers.deding completed and actual construction were announced before an enthus- while Lenfesty and Royston were; tionf asedepuetnnaebtIEN forth ypatr TetarenumberseciingtheI;cowhitewashiing Petu~ska and Side- psychooy earmn d hei -_ factor in the final event, the will begin July 1, stated an an- iastic crowd of high school students, bottom to the tune of e-1. stitution and the subsequent re- er mn freshmen pulling the second year nouncement made yesterday by parents, and friends. Trueblood Attends Victory. volt of the faculty. He is in Ann "Some Quaker Ideals" will be the at sec men from their positions with such Carroll P. Adams, secretary of the The competition was divided I The entire Michigan team play- Arbor to attend the meetings of subject of the address which the closed speed that the latter weretdragged club. The building will be located into three classes for the high ed excellent golf throughout the the Alumni association which are Rev. Dr. Rufus Jones, for 30 years In t into the river. The first two tugs at the northwest corner of Wash- schools. The following are the win- matches today, collecting nine being held today. professor of philosophy at Haver- flee fl 2nargins smington boulevard and Grand River ners in the three classes as an- points in the morning rounds, The function of the university, ford college, will deliver at 4:15 Trusk In the canoe races the two fresh- avenue, occupying 150 feet of front- nouned at the close of the ;making it necessary to win only he said, is to provide for its stu- o'clock this afternoon in Natural Wolve age on Washington boulevard andn pubic one more during the two afternoon dents every opportunity possible The men teams of two men each were 105 feet on Grand River. concert yesterday. The orchestras foresomes matches, for them to exercise their best Science auditorium. The lecture Ann A ors. e races were run prev- The structure, which will rise 12 that took first places were Flint Michigan's regular Varsity golf judgment in dealing with difficul- will be the first of three he will give third us tote tugs-war, on the Istories, is to be built of steel and ,Mt. Clemens, and Deca- coach, Professor Trueblood, who ties which they meet daily. I today and tomorrow in Ann Ar- two g wider portion of the river, westNC concrete fireproof construction with ,rnjust returned from an extended There is the attitude on the part I bor. Ten from the traditional scene of the an exterior of Indiana limestone er. The winning Boy's Glee clubs trip to the Union of South Africa,| of young persons, as well as many The Rev. Dr. Jones will speak be- eked < class tugs. The course was nearly resting on granite bases. The club were Grosse Pointe, Cadilac, and made his appearance with the | older ones, that "they can do the fore a student audience at 11:00 again three-quarters of a mile long,'run- will occupy the top nine floors; the Bad Ax. The schools placing 5rst team today for the first timte this job better than their elders", he o'clock Sunday morning at the St. specti ing froa d backanoe very up- lower ories are designed for stores in the Girls Glee club were Po season. Coach Trueblood has pi- continued, but for students of this Andrews Episcopal church. Under- Nor To Continue Canoe Races. I The building is being financed by tiac, Ypsilanti, and Zeeland. In loted the Maize and Blue mashie opmion, a rude awakening will graduates are especially invited to oppon Despite a strong and menacing I the J. B. Book, Jr., corporation, the mixed chorus competition the i seasonsg lege. informal nature, all ritual being the W wind the racing was quite success- which will erect the building and winners of first and second places _"Our education system should eliminated, it was stated yesterday will b ful and will in all probability be lease it to the club on a yearly ren- I were Ann Aror andpersons to learn to btheRev.HenryLewispastorof coninteacht eapersonsgtowerton AlearndDeabto 7submit b h e.Hny eipso fsided cniednxyeracodn totai basis, the club holding a 30-year1 eabrn atoiy"hesi.Ueo the church,lii ',f1e Negligence 'Theseutwoitaddressaes.willofbe u n tw Richard Cole, '30, who officiated, lease. The architectural work will while third place was a tie between "Either the canoe races, or canoe be by the construction department Ypsilanti and Reed City. Bame for C s policing methods, however effec- der the direction of the Student wo jostling, or some other similar of the financing corporation. The announcements were made tit ma e e univer council convocations committee. event, will no doubt be held in the All of the facilities of a modern at the-conclusion of the afternoon Ohio Prison atein an ob'ofve "co nly re-~ The Haverford college professor will future, to make the first day ac- club for college and university men concert of the All-State orchestra gy twn thesjecional antipathy be- deliver a third address at 8 o'clock tivities in the spring games, a more such as are found in other large and Gle Club, which climaxed to- officias, he asserted. Sunday evening in I ill auditorium Cole complete water sport program," cities of the country will be pro- day's program of competition. The (BylAssociatedrs,~d by arrangement of the Studente Cole stated vided. These include dining rooms, concert which was comprised of the COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 2.-- Disciplinary measures meted out Chistian association. Bonac administrative boards aspn- AdnnrawhcthRe.D.Igy The victorious freshmen canoes a men's grill, a regulation-sized j numbers used in the contest itself Negligence was blamed for the yunen formmisd enords whAcdinnerh e w ail t wih the Rev. Dr. Hagy, were manned by John Mason and swimming pool, a billiard room, iwas well received. Ohio tt f wi tk ld ntor misdemeanors which Jones will meet with 30 students Terry, Jere mandoaand!'games and card rooms, lounges, a There were 57 schools represent-Ohpenieniaryfre, wich 00ok woudnot greatly affect the life interested in convocations has been Dash o library, a ladies' dining room and cd in the All-State orchestra, and 320 convicts lives April 23. In a re- I the student are generally gross- I arranged for Sunday noon at the Cottre and W. L. Coryell, while the soph- parlor, bowling, alleys, a combina- 36 schools in the Chorus. Ann Ar- port submitted to Governor Myers ly unfair to him and are valuable Union by the Episcopal church. Enoch omores crews were composed of tion gymnasium and auditorium bor, Kalamazoo, and Grand Rap- Y. Cooper by his inquiry board, only as preventative measures as The speaker is widely known as Callan Robert Goldstein and William Al- seating 600 people, and squash and ids had the largest number of stu while at the same time a report an example for others, Dr. Brooks a lecturer before undergraduate Purp len, and Paul Hartig and John handball courts. Included in the 1dents in these organizations. The Isubmitted by the state fire marshall believes. Irregular actions of stu- groupshandratfoneatimemwasDcollege Litste Hubly. I plans are 68 bedrooms on the upper ! program contained such well known expressed belief that the origin of1 dents usually are not of lasting sig- preacher at Harvard university. The first three events this morn- floors of the building to care for rselections as "The Volga Boatman," a fire was incendiary. nificance, but suspension often has He has been trustee of ory. ing will each count two points while members who desire to live in the "Finlandia," and "Montezuma Negligence consisted in the al- drastic effects on the person's ca-HBryn the last, the "hog-tieing" contest, club and for transient guests of 1Comes." leged failure of prison officials to reer, he said. Temporary suspen- Mawr college since 1896 and chai- Lits will count three, making a total of members. The activities of the contest will designate someone to take com- Ison results only in handicapping a a the ofrownin erity. id nie and witht i hthechosixrkatsostakete oyes-w unvriy Butl nine, and with the six at stake yes- Organization of the Intercollegi- be continued tomorrow with the ar- mand of the situation arising from he rod of permanent dis s terday, 15 for the entire spring ate Alumni club was first announc- rival of the bands which will com- j the fire inside the prison wall, the whereas record of permanent dis- Baro -Pa-o"ls Butler games. ed March 22, 1929. It is an out- pete for championships in the mor- inquiry board's report said. Negli- missal Di prohibitive of future suc- Barroom Play toeCldse.Super - I growth of the 15-year-old Inter-I ning, and in the afternoon will pa- gence caused a delay in opening Dr. Brooks, after graduating from With Two Shows Today Desolation Marks Path collegiate association. The present rade the city and hold a massed cell doors behind which the doomed Dhe Brsi, er au ein - mmrspisppomaey10. bdcncr nh campus. the University, served as supern; - Straub of Tornadoon 23 Killed ; aconvicts were locked, while there tendent of the Boston public schools Two performances of "Ten Nights Daniel Swasalso serious delay in sending from 1906 to 1812, president of the In a Bar Room" will be given today Trusk (By Associatei Press> ASTOR AND PARTY END SCIENTIFIC in a fire alarm, the report said, de- UIniversity of Oklahoma from 1912 at the Mimes theatre. A matinee Donan CHIA , y .-- nseCRUISE AMONG SOUTH SEA IL D siethefact the prison had no Ito 1923, and as head of the Univer- is scheduled for 2:30 o'clock and Holtzn dCHIAGOMy_ _ofICR ISMO GOTHESL ND fire apparatus. sity of Missouri from that time un- the night performance will start McCo desolation today mark the paths of Giving three possible causes for til about one month ago, at 8:30 o'clock. I Barth tornados and storms which curveted (ys Associated Prvess) cormorants that use tiny, flap-like the fire as defective wiring, incen- --___ _ _- Barig over nine states of the middle west NEW YORK, May 2.-Vincent As- wings for swimming instead of fly- diarism, and spontaneous combus- Kiegle Thursday, leaving 23 persons dead tor returned from the Galapagos ing, and a trigger fish so called be- tion, the report said strong circum- FRESHMAN RAMPAGE AFTER GAMES Tot and scores more injured and home- Islands, cradle of the Darwinian cause under certain conditions,just ULTS IN AUTOMOBILE DISASTER McC J tcause cnohsdachionsnajusto-I fire was started by the temporary1t--.inft less. theory, on his yacht Nournahal to- what nobody knows, his two spines, + wiring in the I and K cell blocks. j---- fift -day. briningr cormorants that doI .. - .I By C S F ith thi sp~'lrge. '. InI tie i afely amii a barra Njoltznan wore d (luring all of Col while Bartholomew players scorelessi rallies. i one down Purp r, sent a high fly bl hat was muffed 1 r bunted safely an when Daniels b der, Purple scori of Terrys' ground d the plate on4 the fourth inning d and by permissi gan coach Litster r r stole and went t ll's single.,Six. sc including beautifu r and Bonacker, g uns. lves to Meet Nort r Terry's fly-out, n e secopd time. bro on an Infield out. ond on Cottreil's the inning. he final frame Bu y to left following owski and Doran a rine receiver to tal Wolverines will rbor todiay to eng2 conference strugg ames already pla competition, Mic out one victory an t Chicago and Oh vely. thwestern is to b ent and in their ga should afford a g lolves' mettle. The e seeking to aveng defeat at the han which spoiled the uccessive victori Purdue team. BOX SCORE. atc: AB R r, cf. .......3 2 ker, 2b.... .2 0 lb. ........4 0 If.........4 0 er, ss. .....3 0 Al, rf...... 4 1 .. c.........4 1 , 3b.......3 1 ,p .3 2 r ... . .. .. .,..0 1 als .......30 8: er ran for Dashner ixth. higan AB R1 ,rf.......3 0 ko, 3b. ....3 0 kins, cf. ....4 0 n, lb......3 0 , lf. ......30 s, ss......3 -0 owski, c. 3 1 ,2b ....,..3 0 nan, p.....1 0 rmick ......1 0 olomew ....0 0{ 1r .... ... .1 0 as .......28 1 ormick batted for h. lor b ftwrd fn Bn ext stanza ge of seven ed (I the gate's scor- r held the il the next le, Colgate back of see- by Doran. d Hagy got hooted his ng. Dowler der. a fielder's g Dashner on of 2 the an for him. to third on cessive sin- il bunts by ave dolgate hwestern. Dashner up ught Dowl- A forceout grounder tler's sacri- g hits by allowed the ly. return to age in their le. In the yed in Big higan has nd one tie Io State re- e the next ame in Ann ood test of eWildcats e their one ads of the eeffects of es of the if 3 1. 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 4 0 9 3 2 0 3 0 0 A 0 3 0., 0 4 0 0 1. 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 21 8 0 in fourth, H 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 2 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 A 0 2- 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 f0 7 18 9 2 Holtzman athnm axl The whirring black funnel of the tornado dipped into four widely separated placesiTakamah, Neb., Westby, Wis., Norborne, Mo., and Russell, Iowa. A cyclonic wind dealt death elsewhere in the affected area. notGi~y fly: 6 u%,V th1Vat ave calesituated end to end, buckle out and not fly, perigums that have scale covered fins for wings, a fish with lock, like a trigger on a gun. two backioones, and several pisca- ( The zoo was presented with sev- torial specimens so rare that they en big land iguanas, seven foxes, and have no name. eight giant tortoises ior which the On a six weeks cruise, that end- I Galapagos Islands are named, and ed today, Mr. Astor had as his guest which are now almost extinct. 1Our Weaf herMan 1: b lot gy of fl .Y . ._ wm ieir arms as was proven foi- g e-i au ueu for "ar o omrew Proving that at least one mem- lowing the games during a victor- in seventh. er of the freshman class has fol- ious march down State street with Score by innings- wed Dr. May's instructions in the tug-of-war rope when a passing, Colgate .,........0 0 2 6 0 0 *.-.-8 ymnastic cligibing, a green flag car, r'eported to have been driven Michigan.........0 0 0 0 0 0 1-I victory, bearing the '33 class nu- by a faculty member, happened to Two-base hits--Tompkins. Sac- erals, floated from the University be in the way of the large rope.I ag pole yesterday until the B and supported by several hundred rifuces-Bonacker, Butler. Stolen