0 . FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1030 ,THE MIC14ICAN D A I I. Y FRIDAYLMAY 2,.1930TA-1Fa MT!l-I \-- LAhT1!L 4 Yri VATAM U I L m \ ; ,. . ._..,,, SPORTS COUSTUMES WILL BE MODELED Dresses to be Representative of Campus Clothes Worn on School Days. SEVEN MODELS CHOSEN Peck and Peck Display Modeh in First All-Sports Style Show. In the attempt to cultivate good taste and appropriate clothes for campus wear, W. A. A. is exhibit- ing this afternoon a collection of dresses which have been chosen as representative of sports wear for the college women during the school day. The -models displayed are from the Detroit store of Peck and Peck. Refreshments and a showing of the costumes by campus models compose the afternoon's entertainment, which is scheduled to start at 4 o'clock today in the ballroom of the League building. The girls showing the sports cos- tumes 'are Mary Shields, '32, Mary Harrigan, 3O, Kathleen Suggs, '30, Vincelle Bartlett, '33, Donna Jones, '32, Harriet Trowbridge, '30, and Herma Grabowsky, '30. The models were chosen by Thomas Roussel, manager of the Detroit store of Peck and Peck, for their ability to wear standard sports clothes. The style ,sliow is one of many that have been undertaken by W. A. A: to stint4ate women's interest in style, but this is the first year that all the models are to be strict- ly, of the sports order. The style show is one of a series of events that, have been given in connec- tin..with the sports clothes cam- paign of the last few weeks. The campaign is a general result of the dissatisfaction that has been pre- valent because of the formality and inappropriateness of the cos- tumves worn by Michigan women on the campus. CONTEST WINNER DISCUSSES PLAY. WRITING COURSE "Tfe princile benefit in taking drama courses is to learn what tra- ditions to depart from," stated Elis- abeth- Smith, Spec., who recently won the long play contest with her contribution "Jonica Starrs." The I aim should riecessarily be high. A study of Ibsen, Shaw, and Shake- speare may produce a play like the "Show-off," whereas the study of popular contemporary drama such, as the "Show-off" will produce* mere vaudeville skits." "A play is never an individual effort," Mrs. Smith continued. "It is not a play until it is produced. In my own case, the criticisms and suggestions of other -students en' gaged in play-writing have been invaluable in the re-writing of my own plays. Professor Rowe, of the rhetoric department, has been most patient and helpful in the revision and rewriting of my work." Elisabeth Smith entered Michi- gan as a freshman eight years ago, but left to be married. Last year she re-entered as a special student. "I manage to have about three hours a day .to write, and I make every minute count," remarked Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith is the other of two children. "Everything I write is based upon something that has happened to someone I know or to myself. I can't write from imagination," she continued. "In my last play every character can be traced back to someone I know. The events are not necessarily authentic. I take the characterizations of individuals and build up events to fit those' characterizations." Mrs. Smith is very much inter- ested in the use of color on the, stage. "Colors should be used to indicate character, and can also be used instead of scenery," she said. "Extreme care should always be taken in the costuming of charac- ters. In the recent campus produc.- tion of 'Romeo and Juliet,' Romeo did not stan'd out at all-he was just 'one of the boys.' According to my theory, Romeo should be dressed entirely in black and Juliet in white. Juliet should ,have a black sash and slippers and I C r FLDGWING GOWNS TABOO IN CLASSI AS SPORTS GARB REIGNS SUPREME i . i ABSURD oFCOUE - 5UT HOW A BOUT TH5 ,ted Past Century Inlander Reflected Student 1 "Dnion on Matters of Current Interest The Inlander of the last cen- tury was not devoted to student literary aspirants, as is the present publication. It was rather an or- gan to reflect student opinion on matters of current interest on the campus; it did not exploit and en- courage student writing merely for the sake of the writing itself. As an example of this, the In- lander published in April, 1896, was devoted exclusively to women, who were engaged in a campaign for athletic education for women, and for a women's building. The his- tory of the movement for a wom- en's building, the Women's League, and aspects of the early days of co-education were featured in this number. The only section which exhibited any similarity to the present magazine was the book re- view department. In accordance with the Women's theme usedthroughout the maga- zine, the frontispiece is a drawing entitled "The College Girl," with the only poetry included in the is- sue printed under this caption. The lines, "Sweet maid dost see what life may be In thoseedim days that wait for or thee? Grow strong as wise, 'till love arise To meet the longing in thine eyes!" conote an entirely different type of college girl from the emancipated and carefree.one of today. Among the several articles about! Romeo's doublet should be slashed+ to show white, to indicate their in- completeness without each other.' The backdrop in the death scene should be of black velvet. In this scene, Juliet would be completely in white and Romeo in Black. As Ro- meo dies, he would take up some1 white roses from Juliet, but would drop them as he falls with his face! to the backdrop. When Juliet dies, she would fall between the curtain and Romeo, once more giving Ro-! meo outline by her white costume, i accenting him in death as her love made him definite in life." the women's building is one which' prints and explains the plans ofj the building, now known as Bar- bour gymnasium. This was the first building on campus erected solely for women. Alice Boise Wood, first woman to attend the University, writes an entertaining account of her first year here. She was the daughter of James Robinson Boise, professor of Greek, and began, attending her father's classes, though there were then no women connected with the university in any capacity. Despite the hostility she encoun- tered on every side from both fac- ulty and students, she remained in school until she received her de- gree. It was not until several years after her graduation that women were officially admitted to the Uni- versity. A symposium of 26 contemporary authors on "Athletic Education for Women" was the real feature of this issue. Both men and women, responded to a questionnaire sentl out by the Inlander on the advis- ability of opening the field of ath- letics to University women. Among those who answered were William Dean Howells, Ella Wheel Wilcox,. George W. Cable, Elizabeth Stuart Ward, and Charles Dudley Warner. The consensus of opinion favored athletics for women. The "Among the Books" section reviewed several contemporary publications, indicating the type of literature indulged in by the nine- teenth century college women. The titles include "Studies in Educa- tion," Macaulay's "Essay : on Mil- ton," "Problems in Differential Calculus," and "Plane and Solid Geometry." A novel by Elizabeth Stuart Ward, "A Singular Life," is hailed as "one of the books of the year which will go down to coming gen- erations as having an enduring value. It is a book which fascin- ates, interests, and elevates the reader." PAGEANT DANCES I \ l fr lufllrIuI!n u ituun unun f n u uNmu u NEED AT TTENDANCE r U "Only Four Weeks Left Before Lantern Night Which Will iLL LUILV IVI IVILIU be HeldMay 27. Since there are only four weeks' left before Lantern Night, which d1g is to be held May 27, Miss Sylvia'Wvrn uno=onrr ruThat OUtdooU Adams, advisor of dances for thei t ve-nJ HonoraryG- piU Freshman Pageant, requests that Announces Names of 14 7 every participant be regular in at- New Members.d po tending practices. In two weeks an open rehearsal will be held in HOLD INITIATIbN MAY 13 ',If f wisel chosen Palmer field, and it is essential ___n__heshi ctlimits that the dances be organized by an, = n teshi l-t this time. dances oganized yScholarship and Participation in 7f a budget, it consi All natural dances are being pre- Campus Activities Form I of:lie Sweater coSIre pared in the freshman dance Basis of Choice. .o classes. Several of the practices; e t C . Oa and for the additional dances have Elections to Wyvern, junior hon- the Spors Frock iusfad been changed in either time or, sa place. Following is the complete orary society, were -annoucedy Co/as J e list: terday. Fourteen women werei- No. 2, scarf dance, 4:15 Tuesday, elected, including Emily Bates, Do- in Barbour gymnasium; No. 5, bow rothea Birdzell, Eugenie Chapel, novoffers them. and arrow dance, 5 o'clock Wed- Dorothy Ellsworth, Cally Ensmin-________________ nesday, Field house; No. 6, Eng- lish dances, 3:45 Monday and Wed-) ger, Katherine Ferrin, Helen Kitz- nesday, Barbour gymnasium; No. miller, Katherine Koch, Jean Levy, 7, Irish dances, 4 o'clock Monday, Elizabeth Louden, Joselyn McLean, Field house; No. 8, 10, Gypsy Jeannie Roberts, Dorothy Sample, dances, 5 o'clock Tuesday, Barbour and Margaret Thompson. . L BE R.TY AT MAY A gymnasium; No. 9, tumbler and j Both scholarship and participa- ster dances, 4 o'clock Wednesday, tion in campus activities are taken = £x // Barbour gymnasium; No. 11, High- i into consideration in the election:. Ifl ltlltlillliltll 11ttUl l tt t Barbour gymnasium;yo.e11. High-n.a.i. land fling, 5 o'clock Thursday, Bar- of women to Wyvern. The mnation - - bour gymnasium; No. 12, morris will be held May 13 in the Cave of dances, 3 o'clock Monday, Field the League building. house.- The Well-Dressed The first all-university women's dance ever to be held at the Uni- Combined Glee Clubs versi o Ioa will takeplace May Woman Walks With Will Dine at League 19. It is a feature of Mother's Day, and is under the sponsorship of New Smartness Entertainment for the Cincinnati Mortarboard, and junior and sen- Girls' Glee club, which will give a I ior women. The student buys the I joint concert with the UniversityI ticket, which entitles her to take Girls' Glee club at 8:15 Saturday not only her escort, but also her x.* night in the Lydia Mendelssohn parents and her escort's parents. theatre, will begin with a dinner ' _ ______ _Presents tonight in the Russian tea roomI° in the League building. - Saturday, afternoon will be occu-'!JL ight Colored r pied with rehearsals. The local glee club will give a formal dance t Hts Saturday night after the concert u in honor ofthe visiting club, at the Delta Delta Delta house. The Uni- in versity Men's Glee club will act asBaku or a esot othe Cincinnati women. Bk Straws iS mr Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. A. H. White, "ror Miss Nora Crane Hunt, and Dr. and Th W Mrs. Charles Sink will act as chap- h eWarmer Days I CREATED for the purpose of erones for the dance. The Cin- cinnati women will stay at dormi- DANA dc" e*endo seminwaing r tories and sorority houses during chic, ease, andpose i.wanking;or their visit. r I HIepose .. a shoe; that cleverly.J' Ticketsfor the concert are on RICHARDSON *n sale at Wahr's book store and at e eman or a truly smart the main desk in the League build- 7 NICKELS ARCADE street shoe. Fashioned of Matte Kid- Mail Blonde Kid-White Kid Orders i Filled FFAC ACJ -OOTWEAR. ill t Lam, Std rs: r,. 1.. ' , r , '~: 4 ,' rt , ,. Af y , y, iY i. ; S j .M 11 I hAf da i -if } si".c 1$ a j r t t f- / ., { "4 l \ -_ ., .yon . 1' r'S: . . "! w ! t .a Y,._. i s' { 4 ( . #" . 'r ": t .-l" 5 l _ rt , '..}.:.:d t F' 11 This Linen Shoe May Be Tinted to Your Order Making it easy to ensemble your accessories in the custom manner. 'his is a presentation of two new fashions at once . . . the fashion of linen accessories and the tinted-to-match-your-costume custom touch. Pastels are the smartest accessory colors . . . so the white k :trimming harmonizes with which ever one you choose. $10.50 Goodyear's has just received a new and complete line of golf oxfords. Mezzanine Shoe Shop 1' 1' L"Let's Ma t e Up" at THE FIFTH AVENIE rI-I)P N choosing sanitary protection follow the guidance of hospi- tals. 85% of our leading hospitals now use the same material of which Kotex is made . . . Cellucotton (not cotton) absorbent wadding. This is a cellulose substance which, for sanitary purposes, per- forms the same function as the -cn ,- nFc -nn j -h f3: tmn KOTEX IS SOFT... 1-Not a deceptive softness, that soon packs into chafing hard- ness. But a delicate, fleecy softness that lasts for hours. 2-In hospitals-Kotex is the identical material used by surgeons in 85% of the coun- try's leading hospitals. 3-Deodorizes ... safely, thor- oughly, by a special process. 4-.Dlbo-a.istaym- 11 11 .U I I I I r