FRIDAY, MAY '2., 1930 TH'F Tr -T -, -- - - - T AA[ F TR a fly &11.1TI-I y s,.. ra t ?A7M w.rfya i. £ 5I~..4J.~I A£i..&~lhU Il tmn o St teHouse Naval Committees, and of r9''U'TT ody Plan Through Investigatiohn by Their Groups of TO, TIAIYARPLN1 c Committee Recommends Two w Year Test Period Prop os&.. ::::: .":i.".d :"'; . .ter.'::::< ' Here by Little. . ®.. ., Foreign Relations Parley Provisions fYAL S WI}Foreign Aero Office L LENIOH LWWI Tours United St at; OMMU NiSTS HOLD Foreign Police Take Measures to Prevent Disorder at Red Demonstrations. Victor Robinowitz, '31 Receives Honoroble Mention in Competition. WINNER RECEIVES $500 i 1 C.VLVffRATt I MOSCOW FRANK FAVO CHANGE Would Have Eakr kequire- j ments for Entrance but Raise. Junior Standards. Drastic recommendations, remin- iscent of the University college pro-j posed here by ex-President Clar- ence Cook Little, were made re- cently in a report of a special com- mittee on curriculum revision, to the faculty of the College of Lit- I erature and Sciences of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. While giving Associated Press Photo a greater opportunity for the en- Rep. Fred A. Britten (right), chairi man of the hoase naval commnittee, and Senator Frederick Hale (left), trance of students, the plan sug- ( chairman of the senate naval committee, have made plans for a thorough investigation by their committees gests a two-year period during of the provisions of the new internationa1 naval agreement which the American delegation recently signed which their abilities and their at- at London together with the representatives of England, Japan, France, and Italy. Senator William E. tainflents will be measured. At the I3D-h (center), the "stormy petrel" from Idaho and chairman of the foreign relations committee, also hasJ completion of this test, the drones annbunced that open hearings on the London Conference will be held by his committee. will be dropped and the genuinely studious given greater freedom for Gotham Column Explains Reason for Circuses progr.s.. president of the university, "many l L fN B EO E Now'.cw" oe~zene a~_ramn According to Dr. Glenn Frank, I _wRecew__n__Mr___Gen___m____y' Treatment _ students have gone to universities,P tlB U[ITI f V Explaining why circuses are al- down came the seats and the stu- not chiefly to -get an education, bt i ; 111 LU " L H~ ways leary of Ann Arbor, and also dents, many of whom were injur- nou cing the reort he saidn "ah J why the college population is now ed. most important of the raidmmen-N Yrather well behaved when circuses The circus got out of town within otiotatuf thn New York School Children Hear do come to town, a recent New York an hour, and though law, suits fol- and growth by the student rather Mayor Walker Speak at newspaper column tells of the I lowed, the circus people didn't care,; than the mere attendance of class- City Hall. pranks of college boys here and of for they felt that they had evenedI es, and the meeting of routine re- the counter pranks of circus men the score with the smart college bas, andththeomeetingayofbroutinebore- 'quirements. Students will be as free (By Associated Press) back i the good old days before boys. to enter the university as before, NEW YORK CITY, May 1.- the war. -years __ but they will be placedmoe care- Thirty million children in the Unit- fore 1915 the boys yoeinstitu - General Motor Buses fully than before in classes where fore1 nte foy plthis hsavo theit particular, stage of develop-ed Mates today joined in the cele- Rion were noted for playing havoc t Exhibited Hire ment and abilities indicate they be- i bration of National Child Health with any circus that came to town, --- logday in accordance with the proc- putting on side shows of their own Five new parlor coaches, part of Bn thgaccopdanchetheiproon to annoy the performers, stamped- a shipment of 150 from the Gen- By the new plan, the solid front I lamation issued by President Hoo- ing the elephants, firing the tents, eral Motors factory in Pontiac to of freshman requirements will be I. done away With. Many freshmen ver and similar proclamations of and even frightening the "Wild all parts of the system, will be in will be able to start at once upon the governors of the various states. IMen from Borneo." At length, in Ann Arbor today on a one-day ex- advanced work, by proving their In New York City, 15 school 11915, the management of a cer- hibit, it was learned from the Grey-{ aptitude. Ability t1 use a foreign I tain circus decided that these tricks hound Lines yesterday. It is ex- language will take the place of hour children representing 25 nations I|had gone far enough and decided pected that the majority will be on requirements. It is also planned assembled at City Hall park to be to put an end to them. They re- view near the campus.- that those passing two years' work addressed by Mayor Walker. They served a special section for the col- These new coaches, said to em- will receive a certificate and the are among the 165,000 children in lege students, and to the under- body the latest features in long- rank of Graduate in Liberal Stud- New York City who have been im-structure of the seats which held distance motor transportation, willt ies. Not all who receive their cer- munized against diphtheria by the collegiates they hitched horses, be in addition to the Greyhounds tificates will be admitted to their New York City department of which were in turh concealed out- special which is taking the track junior year. In this way it is hoped health under the leadership of side of the tent. The students, ig- team to Columbus today for the' that the standard of the last two H e a 1 t h Commissioner Shirley'norant of these preparations, began meet with Ohio State tomorrow years will be raised, and the size of Wynne. the usual festivities, jeering when afternoon, it was stated. years wll be rised, nd the ~ze of Wynne a ring approached their section___________ the university will possibly be re- Hundreds of health clinics, and announced: "Boys, we'll have NEW YORK-Anna Semenuk, 18, duced by limiting the opportuni- ! thousands of speeches and radio order here or somebody will get is boss of a refuse truck and wears ties of the university to those who addresses and 'many special may- hurt. We're prepared 'tonight." Theoverals an a whte ret wen really deserve them. A general ex- pole -dances and pageants were angry, silk-hted gentlema overalls and a white beret when amilnation at the end of the four planned to make the day memor- his whistle. At the signal teamsters tossing cans in the heart of the years will be required for gradua- able. urged their horses forward, and city. tion. urged_____their ____horses__ Iforward, _____and_ The data on which the proposed changes are based were provided by the experimental college conducted H r Y at the university. The committee ere YouWill Get The Fi est report offers a remedy for the tre- mendous expense of the university, without raising . the entrance re- quirements. The intention is to open the opportunity for higher SUIO~ education to those able and willing to take advantage of it and to re- strict it to them in order not to waste public funds. Members of Dental that Faculty to Attend Detroit Convention Henry W. Metzger, a senior at 'Yale University, was recently an- nounced the winner of the New I York Times National Collegiate I Current Events Contest. The aca-+ demic council of the contest, com- posed of faculty members from more than 20 leading colleges and1 universities in the United States, met in New York and awarded the, $500 prize to Metzger. Honorable mention was given to Richard H. Demuth, a senior at Princeton, and Henry H. Wiggins, a freshman at Columbia. Victor M. Rabinowitz, '31, winner of the local I contest, was among those consider- ed for the national prizes. The colleges taking part in the contest were: Amherst, Brown, Bryn Mawr, Chicago, Columbia, i Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Mount Holyoke, Michigan, Pennsyl- vania, Princeton, Smith, United, States Military Academy, United I States Naval Academy, Vassar, Vir- ginia, Wellesley, Williams and Yale. Westinghouse Staff Appoints Timoshenko1 as Member of Board Dr. Stephan Timoshenko, head of the school of advanced mechanics, has been made a member of- a Sci- entific Advisoiy Board for the! Westinghouse Research laborator- ies newly created for the purpose of keeping the company's special- ists posted on the latest and most advanced theories in the fields in which each of the board members is outstanding. Dnctor Timoshenko is founder of the University's school of advanced mechanics, the only one of its kind in the country. I Other members of the board are: Dr. P. W. Bridgeman, head of the department of physics at Harvard I university; Dr. G. B. Waterhouse, head of the department of metal- lurgy at the Massachusetts Insti-I tute of Technology; Dr. C. E. Me-1 denhall, head of the department ofI physics at the University of Wis- consin; and Dr. Edward Mack, Jr., Professor of Physical Chemistry at Ohio State university. (XCy .Associate d Press) Communists the world over held their annual May day demonstra- tions today, using the occasion to show growth and s8trength of their movement, and as a protest against particularly Widespread unemploy- ment conditions. . In most of the countries of the World the police, and in some cases the military, took precautionary measures intended ' to keep the demonstrations within bounds and to prevent disorders. In some countries, such as France, Germany, Greece and Po- land, such measures were extreme of and involved intensive mobilization Associated Press Photo Capt. Esmond B. Wilshire, Vice President of the Aera Club New South Wales, an organization of 800 fliers, who is now touring the United States, making a study of American aviation progress. PROGRESS OF FUND Michigan State Children's Fund Enters Second Year With 30 Projects Planned. FEATURES HEALTH WORK of the constabulary, arrests of agi- tators and in some cases their ex- 1 ptilsion from the country. Others Are Unconcerned. In other countries, notably Great Britain and Italy, the authorities considered the occasion as not much out of the ordinary. This was particularly the case in Italy, where the Fascist party has stifled political opposition. Spanish Amer- ica celebrated the day as a holi- day and an occasion for merry- making. Moscow, the cradle of the prole- tariat movement, staged a celebra- tion on a huge scale. Workers were released from their employ- ment at 3 p. m. Wednesday to ma~ke r nrfAni n fh th a+ niuAip p l i -uyu o 'u sir Lne event. A (DE , .Associated Press) parade of workers and Soviet sol- DETROI, May 1-The Child- diers and speech making were ren's Fund of Michigan entered its scheduled. second year today with 30 differ- In Kansas City, Kan., three men ent health projects either actually were under arrest accused of cir- started or under organization in the lat C state. - . ulaing onmmunistic printed mat- stae.ter calling for a demonstration Trustecs of the $10,000,000 fund here this afternoon, but officnals created by Senator James Couzens, entertained little fear of trouble in reporting on their first year's arising. The prisoners said they work, showed today that the 30 were of Russian birth and employ- projects represent an expenditure ed in Kansas City meat packing of $770,979.31. Officials of the funddKattg have estimated that an annual ex- plants. York Police Ready. penditure of $700,000 will be suf- In New York, the full strength hicient to fulfill Senator Couzens, stipulation that the principal and of the metropolitan police force of interest cf the fund be completely 18,300 men was on reserve duty as spent within 25 years. a precaution against disorders. According to the report, the ac- Following the same tactics em- tivity of the fund since its begin- ployed in the preparations for the ning groups itself under the gen- unemployment demonstration of eral classifications of demonstra- ; March 6, Commissioner Grover A. tion, research, subsidizing of estab- Whalen ordered all members of the lished agencies and the setting up department on reserve duty from of agencies in areas too impover- Wednesday afternoon until Friday ished to afford such service. morning. 0 r K BERLIN-The Society of German Surgeons halds that student duels are less dangerous than boxing; more deaths from been recorded. boxing havel ISth R I S , Several members of the Michigan Dental school will attend the 74th annual meeting of the Michigan State Dental society in Detroit next week. The convention opens at Ho-: tel Statler on May 5, and will con- I tinue until May 7. Among those who will attend the meeting from the University are Dean Marcus L. Wvrd, chairman of the committee on Inspection and Code of Ethics, and the committee on amendments to the constitu- tion, and U. G. Rickert, chairman of the Dental Science committee and, a member of the executive coun-I cil. Several others will attend the meeting, although this year's con- ference comes during regular school time, a fact which will interfere considerably with the local repre- sentation. In the past, meetings were held during the spring vaca-I tion, enabling the University fac- ulty to assemble at the gathering ensemble,d,,_ City Will Clean House Early in Month of May, "Clean-up week" in Ann Arbor has been set for the period of MayI 10-17, it was announced by Dr. John A. Wessinger, health officer. 1 During this week householders are expected to remove all rubbish that they wish to dispose of by carting ! it to the municipal ,ydumping ground on Cedar street or else by burning it. TILAVtLIITY 1 Can Buy You don't need to take out word for it-come and see them yourself and you will agree with us that for the price, our suits and topcoats for $14.75 are the best buy in town. You will find all new spring styles, s p r i n g fabrics and spring patterns. All new goods, the workmanship is first class and we will guar. antee your satisfaction. Buy that new suit or top. coat NOW and save the dif- ference. Remember, your choice of a multitude of styles and pat. terns, suit or topcoat and the ,. r ".r j v ,," . , !r f - /, . . - p IS ATTRACTING HUNDREDS OF EAGER SHOE BUYERS WHO ARE SAVING ... . $15Q to $ on New Spring Styles $16,000.00 STOCK MUST BE REDUCED % IN 30 DAYS Sport Shoes For Street and Golf. Cut to $4.90, $5.90, $6.90 and $7.90. Values up to $10.00. Street Shoes, In all the new Styles Shades and Leathers have been cut deep for this Sale. Dress Shoes You will find a great as- s o r t rn e n t o( the newest styles of dress shoes for Men and Women. All Re- duced. 1( N ' X . «~ . ~, i I I i I k I TENNIS SHOES AND HOUSE SLIPPERS AT BIG REDUCTIONS Rollins Hosiery for omen Reduced $1.39 (f $1.69 I New MEN'S HOSE Reduced to 39c and 69c highest $14.75. price in this group is SALE NOW ON-NO CHARGES-NO APPROVALS EXTRA SALESMEN SECURED FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RUSH 217 South Main Street, Ann Arbor New Ypsilanti Store: 120 W. Michigan In the building formerly occupied by Sweet's Dry Goods TOmE AM&6 An en ,nA A P 11 Ill NOT a tioatilig or a dritting b«t a travvi i 0 t m