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May 02, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-02

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r RIDAY, MvA7Y 2, 1 J2

S E SD T NEoted Architect Discusses Usesof oG ALPTsATY
Sof Construction Plans and Subec
Difficulties Faced.

tGradually Comning to be
'ognized as Valuable,
Says Professor.


Thirty-two high school bands will
]arade the streets of Ann Arbors
%turday as the climaxing event of
the Michigan State Music Contest
which is being held here by the
State Department of Public Instrue-
tion and the University School of
It is also planned to have a
massed band concert Saturday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock on the!
university campus, besides another :
band concert at 6 o'clock after the
announcements of the awards.
Batnds, orchestras, glee clubs, andl
instrumental ensembles, represent-
ing more than 180 high schools of
the lower peninsula will compete
for the coveted state champion-~
ships in thei'r respective contesting I
groups today and tomorrow at the
high school and Morris hall audi-
The parade Saturday will be in
the nature of a demonstration to
show the people of Ann Arbor in
a spectacular way that High School
in e is an established fact. The
lie of march will be from the
campus down State street to Huron;
down Huron to Main; then on Main
to Williams, and back on Williams
to the starting place on the cam-
Two events on the program will
1e of interest to the general pub-
li, the concerts of the All-State
orchestra and glee clubs to be held
today at 4 o'clock and at 7 o'clock
in Hill auditorium. The program
wil onsist of a group of well known
clasical numbers, among which will
be: "The Volga Boatman," Shu-
bert's "Unfinished Symphony," and
"Finlandia," a tone poem by Sib-
This years contest, the third of
its kind to be held in Michigan,
promises to be the best attended
and the most successful ever to be
conducted, according to reports
from Prof. Joe. E. Maddy, of the pub-
lic school music department, who
has spent much time going around
to the various high schools of the
State organizing and stimulating
interest in the music contest.
Mri.kl Attend Meetng
of Gear Manufacturers
Prof. Frank A. Mickle, of the me-
chanical engineering department,
left Wednesday morning to attend
the annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Gear Manufacturers' associa-
tion being held in Cincinnati. He
is attending the meeting at the re-
quest of the chairman of the as-i
sociation's committee on the stan-
dardization of gears.
As a representative of the Amer-
ican Society of Mechanical Engi-
veers, Professor Mickle has been
active on several sub-committees
on the standardization of gears for
the pst five years. The A. S. M. E.
expects to do considerable work on
revision of their stanards at this
meeting in Cincinnati.-
Police Receive Training
in anding Revolvers
Weekly instruction in the use of
the revolver is now being received
by members of the local police de-
partment. Each Wednesday after-~
noon and Saturday evening the of-
ficers meet in the basement of city
hal. where instruction in the use
of the pistol is given by Kurt Neu-
mann. The practice meets are ar-
ranged in shifts so that each of-
ficer receives the same amount of
802 Packard Street
11:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

." n t. { o f } L yiyR:Y ,,
1 t i' f:
L )
you .
{ r d..
J r1 }

Speaing before the Architectu-
ral society Wednesday, W. E. Rapp,
of the Detroit firm of Smith, Hinch-
man, and Grylls, discussed the
pract cal side of working drawings.
He took as an example the Wilson
House in Detroit, built by his firm.
and related many of the consider-
ations and difficulties with whichE
he wa confronted during the con-
One of the greatest differences?
between architecture which is
taught in the schools and that
which is met in the business world
is the fact that the client must be
pleased, he said. The careful arch-
itect is confronted with the prob-

"Although accountancy w a s
taught in the universitics of Italy in
the 15th century, its first introduc-
tion into those of the United States
did not come until thirty years
ago," said Prof. W. A. P, ton, of the
business administration school, in
Ian address last night befdre the
Business Administration Club.
"Most of the development in this
field has come in the last hfiteen
years," Professor Paton added.
ates to the London "The time is not fir off when a
tries as seen on the course in this subject will be re-
sult of a long period !,quired of all students even though
reduction in naval ( this be a period of specification.
e world.
Increasing interest in the mode of
FINDS thinking and in the technique of
l accountancy has given it an ever-

Above are pictured the signatures of the deleg
naval conference and the official seals of their coun
London naval treaty. The agreement came as a re,
of diplomatic efforts to bring about a substantial
armaments among the leading sea powers of th



rat Y rv, V'7ZvF A

TI,,, Y


1 em of suiting the house to the 11V Y .,LLUUI WILL E # .E IDI AM,! growing importance which even
needs and the wishes the own-wori t
Exhibited to the public for the that members of the expedition the law schools are begming to
Warden Preston E. Thomas of the Ohio state penitentiary in which er. first time since their discovery, were led to believe that the person recognize.
320 prisoners were recently burned to death is taking decisive steps To draw the plans for the Smith several cases of representative ob- had been forcibly .interred in the In speaking of the opportunities
to stamp out the "passive resistance" revolt begun by the convicts after House Mr. Kapp was obliged to go jects found on the site of Seleucia i still wet wall. I of Public accounting, Professor
the disastrous fire. The picture shows him in his office which is guarded to England. When he returned and by the University expedition will be The exhibit of these articles, a Paton explained the change that
by a soldier. set to work on the actual plans, a put on display Saturday morning sample collection of the finds of has been taking place in this field
year elapsed before the construction in the Museum of Classical Archae- the third season of excavation by heen taing ace inthis fie
E SUwas ology, according to Prof. Leroy the University expedition to S becoming valuable onsultants.
The advice of Mr. Kapp to pros- Waterman of the semitics depart- eucia, will open to the public Sat- i"Acoi alua c ants.
E 0 TENANNOUNCED pective architects was to devote a ment and head of the expedition. urday morning and will continue on over puc ont n can te
little time to the inspection of the Included in this display is a con-. Monday and Tuesday. contemporary in the way of con-
Population reports for the first businesses of stone and wood carv- siderable collection of small marble sultation. This work of consulting
I must be able to organize and u tni an
. - andI fifth wgards in Ann Arbor were ers since tesuccessful archJand terra-cotta figurines of Greek Coiwent ion Delegates business-counselor is growing in
announced yesterday in the gov- the work of his entire staff. and Parthian origin. Many of these tobe Feted at League importance", he concluded.
RefWl pa t tgD~ ernment decennial reports for __________ had religious associations but oth- I__________
Reift wcillnSpeaktcStaghinnertectraiS tl ers are merely decorative. --
. IrWashtenawbtcountyArchitecturalhSchooDelegates to the national con- Healing Meeting W ill
for Graduating Class in | Probably the mast impoiitant ivention of Kappa Beta Pi, legal so-I
There are 2,035 people in ward Gets Stone Fragments find of the year was a series of rority, will be entertaine at a re- e Conducted Tonight
Union May 13. one, the census revealed, while thebronze cylinders sealed in clayceton to be gieat 3 o'lock
fifth ward totals 1,035. Compila- From Old Structures jrs. In each oft eee cylinders ce t egvn tew'~c Ahaigmeigwl ecn
ABO_$TAT ASE____o eprsb ad er o as ah hs yidr Saturday afternoon in the Women's Ahaigmeigwl ecn
ABBOT I TOASTMASTER tions of reports by wards were not Awere parchment manuscripts, the Leag ecbuildisnn hren oducted by Mrs. Mable Mead How-
included in the 1920 census. These A number of carved stone frag- first tound in Irak. Although these, The receptio is in charge of ard of the Kyros Sacred Concert
Ernest C. Reif, '30, recently ap- reports, made public yesterday by ments from buildings recently torn in themselves, may not be of any Mary Frances Hassmer, '29. All Co. tonight at 7:30 at the Unity
C. W. Tuomy, census supervisor for dw njpriua m d
pointed as permanent secretary of CW.sTnay cnss s nel down in New York have recently particular importance, they indi women planning to enter the Law Center, 391 S. Main street, oppo-
the 1930 class of the literary col- Fisher of Pontiac, district super- been secured by the College of cate the possible existence of very Schol next year are cardially in- I site the Wuerth Theatre. The pub-
lege, will be the student speaker at visor, are the earliest returns re- Architecture, it was announced yes- j valuable manuscripts. They were vited. lic is cordially invited.
the Senior Stag banquet to be held ceived in this county. terday by Prof. Emil Lorch, of the dry and brittle when found, and, at
at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday, May 13, in The totals as submitted are only architectural school. the present time, attempts are be- SHOWS AT
preliminary totals, the official stat- Among these is a large Gothic ing made to decipher them.SA IOTS:A3
the Union, the day of the tradi- p1 SATN :030
theion nuteonithes, t ed. No districts are indicated as 1 capital, and a finial, or pinnacle, Ranking next to the parchments TOAY UG2:00-900
it complete so that persons who were in the style of Francis I, taken from in importance, is a half bushel of
announced by Jackson A. Wilcox, not included in this first report some tower or buttress. All these coins of gold, silver, and bronze,
' 0, chairman of the banquet corn- he census-t opportunity to report fragments are carved from lime- some of which will be on display. PETER B. KYNE'S GREAT
In addition to his class offices teet__h____krsstoe eAmon d ithe objecssto be exhibited STORY "THREE GOODFATHERS" NOW IN
mite.___________"Tee rgensar ntrs-SrTadieOiRmrYta 200THETALKING VERSION.NOW IN
eif diPreidnt o the Effies jeve Legal StuIeing," remarked Professor Lorch, years old, several specimens of I
Reif is President of the Student "from a historical standpoint in dte cgranichnmayf
Council and a member of the Var- Hammer Bandit Vietim that they show the influence of be either wheat or barley, bronzeM
sity swimming squad. European architectural styles in door keys, some Greek stamped
Tickets for the banquet, at which Believed to have been the victim this country.. They are also good amphorac handles, and some Greek
i of the same hammer bandits who illustrations of craftsmanship inm ibe.d es. With
graduating students from all Iatce tt oie' crig"inscretarcips
grutng unt m Wednesday attacked tate Police- stonecarving,,IMsorethax 40 graves were open- CH ICKFORD-FRED KOLER
schools and colleges of the Uni- man Harry Nelson near Joneville, The College of Architecture has ed in the course of the excavations.
versity will have a final opportuni- Robert G. Surridge, '30L, was found also received a small scale model of.RAYMOND HATTON.
ty to cement into life-long ties the Wednesday night unconscious and the Fisher building, in Detroit, the Although these were nearly all
friendships they have formed at bound hand and foot in his auto- gift of the owners of the building., rifled by grave robbers, much jew- Here's a classic of the outdoors-a flaming drama of three hard
are to be placed-on sale to- mobile which had been forced off Made of plaster, this model shows elry, apparently overlooked by the men who are forced to adot a new-born infant in the heart of burning
day in the lobby of the Union and the road near Clinton how the building will appear when bandits, was found in them, sev
Sthrough committee members. Surridge said he was going North wholly completed. This model will eral articles of which wall be ex- _
Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the rhet-rs. I e sanine was go ing Ih be added to the already large cel- hibited. One possible case of bural -
I Prf. ald Abot, f' he hei on the Townine road, connecting lection of models of new buildings 'alive was found in a mud wall foun-
oric department, holder of Sigma US-12 and M-50, at 8:30, when a whcthef Colege of Aetur dinsat whr the skeleton was in
Delta Chi's oil can, will betoast- opposite which the College of Architecture dation where the skeleton was in
master at the st car approacing from the ssessessuch a horribly twisted condition
mseatteevent at which two direction forced him off the road. .- .-------.--
other men besides Reif willspeak. One of three occupants of the carA
whose name is rot yet announced said, struck him on the head
The other speaker will be J. Fred with a hammer Hark To His Mastets Voice! Saying
Lawton, '11, of Detroit, who has
as speaker at footballegame pepj Theatre G\l> _ UtY[MUSIC HOUSE ' The Choicest of Wholesome Foods
meetings. Lawton is well knownas SHOWING FRIDAY THRI* I1For Everything Musical

tne composer of Varsity. He also
wrote the music for two Union op-
eras, "Koanzoland" and "The Crim-
son Chest," while in school, and;
held a number of student offices,
including the presidency of his
Junior class, secretaryship of his
Senior class, Student Council mem-
bership, assistant sports editorship'
I of The Daily, and humor editorship1
of the Gargoyle.
Music will be furnished by thej
Midnight Sons quartet, an organi-
zation of University men which has1
made frequent radio appearances.
eIn addition to the quartet, an or-
chestra may be secured to play pop-
# ular music. Much time will be de-I
voted to mass singing.
From New York's famous sta
Hollywood's great
I k A k 1t

Shakespeare's Glorious
All Talking
All Laughing


Lowest Prices:
To Suit.
Play While
You Py.

Majestic, Victor, Crosley
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Orchestral Instrutnents
Victor, Columbia, Brunswick


Mrs. Anna kaimbach

601 East William Street


i m



Now Sow The Seed

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ge farce, ~eDulcy~~



*ge farce,"Dulcy"
test comedienne.

. 0. .with



The New Defnition Screen!
A May-and-September love story.
Ignorant youth caught in the love-spell
of a worldly-wise woman. Punet to a
charming dancer.
Based on
Play by
SonVan I'

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come in due
We know that the seed must be sown; otherwise, it
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So it is too with saving money. Sowing the seed, in
a savings account, is the first step. With careful[cultiva-
tion, the account grows. It is always aided by interest
your savings each. And interest goes on, day and night,
regardless of wind and weather.
Now that spring is here, and the growing season with
us again, isn't it a good time to sow the seed of savings?
In this Bank, there is no waste time for your money.
An account can easily be opened at our brnwli office on
State Street.

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