PAGE EIORT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 1 1930. .. PAGE EIG!~~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I DAILY,''OF FICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) i r awn VOL. XL. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 No. 149 NOTICES Freshmen and Sophomores, Spring Games: In accordance withl custom and with the consent of their respective Deans, Freshmen and Sophomores in the Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engi- neering and Architecture, and Pharmacy are excused from classes froma 3 p. m., Friday, May 2, until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May t3, to allow them to participate in the spring games. Alexandcr G. Ruthven { Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927,, authorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one department to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the' budget account of the department from which the apparatus is trans- ferred. Departments having appo ratus which is not in active use are advised to send descriptions thereof to the University Chcmist-ry Store, of which Professor R. J. Carney is Director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry Store on consignment, and; if it is not sold within a reason-, able time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this opportunity. Shirley W. Smith Visitors' Night-Angell HaU Labnratory: The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall toI observe the moon from 7:30 to 10:30 p. in., Friday -and Saturday, Mayf 2 and 3. Reservations must be made by calling the Observatory office, University 657, between 9 a. in., and 12 noon, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. KENDALL TO' SPEADr. Martin.'Larson'S re elcin Will Give AddressScreen Reflections at Labor Meeting OI- Dumb Davies. haps without consciously trying to -- Speaking on the subject "Is W. Randolph Hearst presents the do so, managed to insinuate into Noted Biochemist, Recipient of Socialism to Replace Capitalism," latest Marion Davies epic opening the mind of the audience that we Chandler Medal, to Appear Dr. Martin A. Larson, who received at the Michigan today, titled "Not are too light-minded at the the- Here Tuesday, May 6. his Ph. D. degree at Michigan intte ihr r o ttei sn ihat weware amused or de- HeTusaMy6is h .dgea ihgni So Dumb." Well, it is, and it °isn't1 lighted with what is aptly char- 11923, will address the Socialist l but that's neither hither nor acterized by Skelly as "hokum." TO GIVE TWO LECTURES Labor Party meeting in the Court thither. 'shheicture deeves a C k Dr. Edward C. Kendall, professor house at 8 o'clock this evening. Concerning itself with the indio- S. B. C., Jr. of bi . The meeting is to be held in syncrasies of an over-talkative and o eiochemistry in charge of the celebration of May Day, which has slightly "off" hostess and her equ- Careless Douglas. section of chemistry at the Mayo me to be known as the " erna- ally queer guests at a week-end Mr. Butterfield presents the Foundation, will speak on "The tional Workers Ho'i Ly," and which party, the plot is usually amusing "new definition screen" at the Ma- Thyroid Gland and Thyroxin," on has for years been the day set and often laughable. The cast is jestic but even this modern im- Tuesda May 6 Nat - aside for the presentation and dis- capable, Robert Montgomery play- provement does not make The e ay, y urale i- cussion of the views of the work- Iing the male lead. As for Marion,4 Careless Age" starring Douglas gaged u Sigma Xi, honorarysnen- ing people. judge for yourself. Screen Reflector Fairbanks, Jr., and Loretta Young tificey and will also address Leaders of theLabor bestows the film a B, with no sat- any better. S society, nr os eae th eSocialist e isfaction guarantee. B. J. A. The obliging son runs off with their initiate group the same eve- group s that "because of thea notorious woman of affairs and ning at the Michigan League. public disturbance of a fcw, the P we1I Baktt Powll acktge. then he does get into trouble. He i Of WOMAN' SDEATH r f } }L l i :C r l a In 1925, Dr. Kendall was the re- cipient of the Chandler medal for distinctive achievement in chemi- cal fields, and delivered the honor- ary lecture before the Harvey So- ciety of New York in 1924. His great achievement was the isola- tion of the active principle of the thyroid gland, thyroxin, as well as finding proof that by use of thy- roxin, the same results may be ob- tained as by feeding the thyroid itself. Although the presence of iodine in the thyroid was discovered byE Baumann in 1895, to Kendall be-I longs the credit of the successful isolation of a simple chemical compound in which the idoine is present. He will lecture onthis phase of the work. Recently Dr. Kendall has turned his attention to another important substance involved in oxidation of the animal body, glutathione, and has had marked success. INDIANA UNIVERSITY - About half the men on the Indiana cam- pus have done unsatisfactory work in at least one course, it was re- vealed by a recent check-up. The! dean's report showed that a total of 826 men students had received notices or "smoke-ups" as the stu- dents call them. workers' standing has been jeop- Anhr ak ge rd in ardized, and that the Social't Arother backstage production Labor Party of America bases its features the Wuerth theatre pro- efforts on '%he interproation ofI gram today in "Behind t heMake- economic trends, rather than on 'upr unruly attempts to reform society. Superficially the picture has no Therefore it is making an effort! special attraction as talking pic-d to present to the public the true Mures go. Hal Skelly is a fairly good1 purposes of May Day in the light comedian, but has no chances to of economic conditions."I display his talents, Fay Wray is in the background most of the time, while William Powell dominates Chicago Plans Road the scene. Underneath the chatter in Former Canal Bed of the actors, however, he has, per- (1y Assocsw lld Press) CHICAGO, April 30.-The stag- nated Illinois and Michigan canal, DL MED [XPLA1NS long since useless to navigation, may be transformed in part into a 13-mile depressed boulevard, pierc- CHINESE AFFAIRS ing direct from southwest Cook county into the center of Chica- go. Russian Communists Responsible plays the part of the slighted lov- er until he becomes vicious and Itries to kill his Rayette. Nothing more than a D+ for this picture. R. R. S. On the Way. Tomorrow at Detroit's Fox, "This Mad World" meeting the problem of what to do in the last day, hour, and minute. Saturday at Ann Ar- bor's Majestic, Dennis King's her-I alded "Vagabond King." Kiing o MiMss sager Bbm I to Crowding of Driver's Seat and Speeding. CHARGE TO BE BROUGHT Overcrowding of the driver's seat and excessive speed were, accord- ing to the jury's verdict rendered at a coroner's inquest yesterday, the causes of the automobile acci- dent in which Miss Margaret M. Sager, 24, of 1000 East Washington street, was fatally injured and two others sustained injuries. Miss Sager was thrown from the car, a small roadster, when the machine crashed into the curb in front of the Dental building early Sunday morning. The driver and Edward Howard, 410 West Washington street, own- er of the car, escaped injury as did Edward Wheeler, '31, who was rid- ing in the rumble seat. Wheeler itestified that he was asleep at the time of the accident. The other occupant of the rum- ble seat, Miss Marjorie Peterson, '22SN, received slight injuries, but has been discharged from Univer- sity hospital where she, together with Miss Sager and Moran, were taken following the crash. Following the inquest, Prosecutor Carl H. Stuhrburg said that a war- rant of involuntary ;manslaughter would be sworn out against Mc- Crow, after which an examination would be conducted. Faculty Wives in need of summer students to work for room and board are asked to communicate with Mrs. Bacher at the Advisers Office._ Men's clogging classes in Barbour Gymnasium will be discontinued -for the remainder of the year. EVENTS TODAY Chemistry 5E; There will be no lecture today. Assignment for next week, Chapters 38 and 41 in the text. Lectures will be given next week,j and my own section (No. 34) will have its'regular meetings this week. a J. H. Hodges French Plays: at 8:15 p. m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, by the Cercle Francais:' "Le Mystere d'Adam," a religious play of the 12th century. "Les Precieuses Ridicules," by Moliere. Professor Henri Chamard of the Sorbonne will give a short address. All-Campus Open Forum: E. R. Sunderland, L.L.D., Professor of Law, will talk on the subject "The Ethicsrof Law," in Room D of Alumni Memorial Hall at 4 p. in. Business Administration Club: Professor Paton of the School of Business Administration, will speak on the various phases of accounting as a profession, at 7:10 p, m., in Room 318, Michigan Union. The Political Science Journal Club meets at 3 p. M., in 2035 Angell Hall. The Psychological Journal Club will meet this evening in room 3126, Natural Science Building. Mr. Skitsky will report on Russian psycholog- ical literature. Mrs. Donahue will present results of further investiga- tions on the relation of oxygen consumption-to mental work., .Phi Sigma meeting tonight in room 1189 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. C. A. Arnold will give an illustrated talk on "Some Geographic and Biologic Features of Gaspe Peninsula." The annual election of officers will follow. Junior Engineers Basebal Team: Please report on diamond Np. 2 at 4 p. m. for the first game. Do not wear spiked shoes. COMING EVENTS. English 32, Section 15, Mr. Litzenberg's. Section: The examination on' Friday, 1 o'clock, will be on "Romeo and Juliet," "Richard II", and "Othello." Mechanical and Chemical Engineers: Mr. H. C. Brockhoff of the. Western Gas Construction Company, Fort Wayne, Ind., will be in room 2028 East Engineering Building on Friday, May°2, to interview Seniors for positions with that company. Please make appointments with Miss McKim. H. C. Anderson, Alfred H. White Informal Readings by Faculty Members: The second of a series of informal readings by faculty members will be given by Earl Fleischman on Sunday,. May 4, at 3 o'clock, in the Grand Rapids room of the League building. Tea will be served by the House committee in the Concourse. All students are invited to attend. Lennox Robinson, noted Irish Playwright and Director of Abbey Theatre, Dublin, will lecture on "'he Story of the Irish Theatre," on Friday, at 4:15 p. m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The general public is invited. Rufus M. Jones, Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College, will lecture on "Some Quaker Ideals," Saturday, May 3rd, at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is invited. University Club: Annual meeting and election of officers Friday evening, 8:15. Program: Prof. A. G. Canfield and President Ruthven, on "Research." Beta Kappa Rho will meet in the Cave of the League Building, Saturday, May 3, at 8:15 p. M. it MICHIGA9N DOWJNS MAROONNINE 4-3 Errors Give Wolverines Victory Over Chicago, Despite Good Hurling of Knowles. Anton J. Cermak, president of the county board, has recommend- ed that the $1,200,000 item set aside in the citizens' advisory commit- tee budget for grade separation projects be used to build seven miles of the depressed boulevard. Use of the canal would elimi- nate five rail and seven highway grade crossings, Cermak said, and would supply a highway that would post $20,000,000 to duplicate else- where in the city or county. for Present Conditions Among Orientals. "Russian propaganda," according to Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the economics department, "is largely responsible for the present turn of affairs in China." "The communists," continued' Professor Remer, "were invited in for the purpose of popularizing the revolutions at the time the Na- tion alist government was attack- ing the north provinces. They came with the hope of beginning a* world revolution." ti 01 V, tE sc K si h 01 w to n. Eminent Viennese War Correspondent Praises Books Showing Descriptions of Both Armies W~ V 1.... A A' By, Emily t. GrImes, 31 respondents for German papers w explain that the "While 'All Quiet on the West- would be received in the East. I killing of foreigners including sev- si ern Front' is a marvelous epic de- took the first boat to leave Ham- eral American priests reported t scription of life in the German burghd it was 66 days boe dead in the recent bandit out- I trenches, 'Journey's End' is typical reached Yokohama, a very slow and aks, could be directly attributed of the English point of view," in tedious trip, at the rate of 100 miles ; to three causes. "In the first place,,"t the opinion of Alice Schalek, Vien- a day. I was amazed when I com-w j he said, "the foreigners are in a T nese journalist and war correspon- pared this trip with the one which country so disturbed that it is Ia dent. Miss Schalek received threeI I took, seven years later when I ;s decorations during the war for came over here in March on the dangerous for anyone. In the sec- bravery under fire in the front line maiden voyage of the Europa, trav- ond place, many of the Chinese e trenches and for outstanding serv-at the rate of 28 miles an consider the foreigners and for- ice antherratesofdishour." eign capital directly responsible th "Following this trip the govern- for the whole trouble; and lastly, a In explaining her attitude to- merit sent me to South America to the Chinese hope to secure Ransom. ward the two popular war descrip-__________ tions, she stated that "The Eng- make a year's study of German im-'c lish were interested in food while migrants there. D uringa yDr. Fisbein Discusses w we had no food in our trenches to{travels I have specialized in the~ Practices of 'Quiacks? 'W think about. Dry vegetables and study of foreign countries, not just rons _ C black coffee, without sugar and the women. They have been a side- Dr. Morris Fishbein, noted writer, an cream, were alloted to us as ra- line of my corresponding work, though I was sent to India to study and editor of the journal of the to iss tionswomen," concluded Miss Schalek. ,American Medical association, W Miss Schalek s position at the ! poke last night in Natural Science ba front during the early months of tAn author herself, she has writ-, pudt ndhi auaicence b the ar as s crreponentforten two books on the war, "Threel auditorium under auspices of the M( the war was as correspondent for Months on the Isonzo Front," and Hillel Foundation, discussing T a Vienna, paper. She was chosen "Tyrol in Arms." Besides these she "Quacks and Quackeries." Dr. to bbecause she was the only availa- has taken over 15,000 pictures and Fishbein's lecture was given over ir ing and photography. i-written innumerable articles for 'the to a review of the various fads, "After working three months in Ullstein Press, of Berlin, and has health cults, and pseudo-sciences the lines wo the Isonzo frontorohs been in the journalistic profession which yearly ;draw huge sums from z the cnmisn in charge, in Vienna for 28 years. the American public's purse. thought that the pubc should e kept inignorneo the secret of WE INVITE YOU TO RIDE (Continued From Page 0 ing for the erring Tipler, struck Lut. Montague nicked the second, an Dine, in the elbow and the bat- r was waved on to first base. 01- n forced Van Dine at second. nowles scratched a Texas league ngle to short left field, Olson olding second. Tompkins turned in the sparkler , the game on the next play hen Holahan singled to deep cen- r and the Wolverine gardener yippedOlson at the plate in an at- einpt to score. The play retired the de and staved off what appeared be the most promising Chicago pree, of the afternoon. Michigan added another run in i he home half of the seventh. ruskowski opened the inning with' triple to right center. Hudson was ent in to run for Truskowski. With ne out Olson allowed Butler's roll- r to get away and Hudson crossed he plate with what proved to be he winning run. Superko hit into double play, retiring the side. Johnson opened the eighth, Chi- I ago's most productive inning, ith a popup. Fish singled and Wingate doubled, placing runners an second and third. Fish scored nd Wingate took third on Mon- ague's wild pitch. Superko cut ingate down at the plate on Ur- an's roller. Compton replaced ontague after the latter had walk- emple. Van Dine singled to right o score Urban and close the scor- ng. Dr. Guthe Will Attend Anthropology Meeting Dr. Carl E. Guthe, of the Univer- sity Museums, will attend the an- nual spring meeting of the Amer- ican Anthropological association on May 9 and 10 at Milwaukee, Wis- consin. Dr. Guthe is the principal speaker on the association's pro- gram. He is scheduled to deliver a lecture on "The Hidden Story of the American Indian." Dr. Guthe is the past president of the association and will repre- sent the University at the May meeting. NEW YORK-A Canadian nurse who attended American soldiers ini France but who refuses to promise to take up arms for the country is appealing to the courts from rejec- tion as a citizen by naturalization examiners. Miss Averill Bland, born in Ingersoll, Ont., the daugh- ter of an English clergyman, told Federal Judge Bondy that religious beliefs forbade her personally to bear arms but that she would nurse wounded in event of war. The court reserved decision. - i THE PEE WEE GOLF COURSE IS NOW IN OPERATION Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 p. m. CLUBS AND BALLS FURNISHED Corner Jefferson and State 4 BOX OFFICE OPEN TOMORROW 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock war so I was sent throughout Ger- many and Austria to speak on 'Cruelty.' These lectures were il- lustrated with the pictures I had taken in the trenches," said Miss Schalek. "The government sent me to Ja- pan and China immediately fol- lowing the war to find out how cor- UNITED STAGES CHICAGO $4.00 ST. LOUIS $8.00 10:30 p. in. 9:30 n. ini. PITTSBURGH $7.00 BUFFALO $7.25 ALL NEW RECLINING CHAIR COACHES LOW FARES EVERYWHERE STATION: BUICK TAXI, 202 E. ANN STREET Across from Chamber of Commerce Phone 9504-21500 i During Lecture By Lennox Robinson I k II mlu for seats to ENGRAVING- Bring in your VISITING order for CARDS 'Whiteheaded Boy" Lydia Mendeissohn Theatre 111ll1111IllI l III 111111l11111111111ltll 1111 111111 111111111111 1111 1111111111111111 DO YOUR GLASSES REMAIN FULL Have you ever noticed that your guests leave their water glasses full at the end of the meal? Do you suppose _ they do not like water or is it the taste of the particular drink you are serving? Play safe--obtain complete admin- istration from your friends by serving pure Arbor Springs water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 W. Huron Phone 8270 ililitl111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIINl l 111i 1111N11111111ll t 1111U111illll gllllllll t- Let us show you the WEDDING new and exclusive styles of STATIONERY May 9, 10, 12 and 13 Special price to University girls on Wedding Invitations and Announcements. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE A Play Production Presentation i H 1111111111 11111111111111ill III) I ill)] a ii WEEK APRIL 28-MAY 3 MATINEE MIMES THEATRE PRESENTS THAT FAMOUS AMERICAN CLASSIC Ton Niunbic in nqRn r Rnntm Hear the old Time, Song Hits "I Don't'Wantto Play in Your Yard,"