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May 01, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-01

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TtRSDA'Y, MAY 1,19D30.

..+ririy.r.werrw....eM rewiriw lirrrir®IIrw1Y.

To c


University Curator of Mammals
Home From Research Trip
in Tuscon, Arizona.

2,000 Musicians Representing
280 High Schools to Pslay in
Contest This W eekend.

"inaazoo Colleges to Sponsor ' I__
Third Annual Conference I. OBSERVES DESERT LIF G1.
1rci n audy Dr. Lee R. Dice, curator of mais-
HERLD HERE LAST YEAR mals at the University Museums
building, returned ystidy ioses
UnjVersity Will Send Two Full ITucson, Arizona, where he has' bo
Delegations Representing t spent he past month and a half on
India andJapan.« zooogical research. W. P. Earfis, of
____of Detroit, who accompanied him th
The third annual model assem- on the earlier part of the field trip, Lth
bly of the League of Nations will be r etuiredl to his home early in April jJos
held Friday and Saturday at Klar ; Centering the activity of he ex-
- An
maao. The assembly is under the, cursion at the Carnegie Desert Lab-' 2,0
joint auspices of Kalamazoo College' oratory in Tucson, Dr. Dice ws able Ar asl fro
and the Western State Teachers.' . to collect over 250 specimens of AtKsejh
Qofeg, asitedbyAlionan Oh *. . ** **desert mnammas, shipping these Famous orchestra diretor, who s e
ve olgs h nvriyo finds back to the Ann Arbor insti- will bring his Castles in the Airel
tution immediately on collection, band here for the Military Ball St
tehians will send two full dle-l Many of the spcimens were ship-!Iwhich is to be held in the Union ins
gatioxs to represent kp Iihi and':Ja- ped alive, ballroom from 9 until 2 o'clock to-
assemby aftr ma9, ]~I~l~iS ~t~atins atLondonare sown abve as theyorriveiin NwisorkonathtFoeownurhindeparurewdringhorrowhight.Thls wll behisaa
Thpwllcnvne I o of the laded Fels of tle United States delegation to the five power naval parley which ended 'the first week in. March, Dr. Dice fis1perneonanwnto-d
day aciternThos at te ffirs plenary tb? e y are, lxe to rght;' Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams; Secretary of State Henry w eent immedately wtorth Cee ~alor
ah l oweeb , sj 4 k J b lna d m asd rD ihtM ro .h h ished his headquarters. The Car- j E S
thie 2teaof the model couyceiefr isj ve en cJ rified ard their slution in the future will be much more piossible. Althoufgh nege foundation at Washington TO HOLD RETU NITON1b
t eesofNCoun ildus.the 2raLTp hel Ir tatior1Iis Tao yet asr a tong step for ard has been made. as partly responsible fo th -T O HD g es heC u ilw ldsc st e
overthe question of ManchuriaI i f lAPV flffll MoehlmanCie Puritanism as Influence' Dr. Dice worked southwestward to Threnoftetirysxg a
Pduevbten hng, aand ssiaCitesMnThcingofnthe trip.hFrmtTucsonrade-
;ryeeig aqe ilb I~II-Snro h ufo aiona ates of the 'University who were in
herd. for the repesetatvesmtenUtJIU I o~o where a special field excursion was college during the presidency of
which Major C. Douglas Booth of ational' yDevelpment Educational cSystem i conducted. H{ yP apnhaesgiidP
teoylnsiueo nernatinalg g "The object of the excursion," r. -eritnin fatnig t
Affairs of London will speak on 1 lLByj Ij I Declaring Puritanism to be theYokpseed nltw sco- Dice said yesterday afternoon in an; Tappan reunion this June, accord- fn'
F U E Y bais ofmoden Ameicandualmarkostessd asltoasc56hadl-interview, "was to secure data con-v tP
" theastern Europe and World bai fmdr mrcneua atrada aea 66hdI cerning the adaptation of desert life inugtoPof. J. Raleigh Nelson, the a
Pew, 1 tion, Prof. Conrad H4.Mohlan chairman of the committee ap- b
hil~e. Committees Will M4eet. State Senator Denies Possibility i of the Colate-Rochester Divinity on more than three schools. Schools to its surroundings, with special pointed by President Alexander G"
Ietnsof the first three con- of Runniow for L. utenant- school, in a lecture yesterday *af- in Maryland, North Carolina, andrernc tool. Th rsus Ruthven to arrange for the affair. lie
tiees tinsmbywl cntrnopine utta hecu which we obtained were intensely Teruio hc.s h is
mtesotease lywlco-Governor in Fall. tron one otta h on South Carolina camne at even later intstn and Thereunonuwcchissteufrst
,titute the Saturday morning ses-'try'nteresinghoverywesuccessfulin 'of its kind to be held will honor D
sign. The first of these groupstysfrtshoswr one ndte.Teerslswl epbihdi these graduates on public occasions
dealing with legal and co nsttution I Senator Charles A. Sink, of the ; New England. lie further stated that in 1626i the fuature, as the necessity of more during commencement. Most ofV
alqetos ilcnie h ro-1Seto fMsiyseda eiieatePrtaswr hefrtt the Pilgrims furnished a free lresarch is probable before the ithem have passed 90 years of age.
pedchages tocthez Leag ue cow-i y sta rest current rumors that believe that the state owed its peo- ! present data will be complete. On Te illv oehra h
poeadesge ohaetatdc e would be a candidate for the pie an education," he stated. j schoolmaster to their citizens, and this excursion, however, definite Leaeywliv oeher c a t nin heo
uent aegeedwitha theipiatidos- iueatgvros in he Re-1 According to Prof. Moehlman,i in 1647 Massachusetts Compelledi proof of the adaptation of the des- I wilb weeaeevdpxhiscne- M,
ofte ~llg Pc.Ths~ ulia piaie ex epebe.1the necessity for reading the Bible,,I communities of more than 100 ert animal to his surroundings ilb rsre orterc n
mittee will also take in hand the "EeSinet elsng a y is previously ;confined to the clergy, I families to provide grammari both in color and habits, was found l ence. 1
th atlegislature," Seatrdin it imperative that the lay- schools. Harvard. and later Yale,l according to Dr. Dice. Dr. John L. Stoddard, '95, Mic-'
problem of the Root Protocol and ,Ie atstatement reads in part, "my name ra hud'nw madea. wreteotrwh o uia e Wefudpce-ic n en oa' letlvngaunswo1d
the adherence of the United States ma1soudanoshobteradnwretheougritonfeurianbs a"W fundpoke-mceanle has ga'sletclvingalumnuis9whoi
to the World Court. The third ha enmnine sapsil "Protestantismn paved the way lief in popular education. Six of I garoo-rats in that area which goes brha ety, lebaedihis 9borth va
committee, concerned with disrm'cnodit ohe icreangombe for New England's experiment ation the nine pre-Revolutionary col- without water for months and even 1 itdy ilb i n ro oII
disrm-cnsia T ohe ieunasng ovme asatatm, e xlie.(attend he Tappan reunion and also a
ainent, will discuss the progress of ofepsin.... have assumed1 in popular education," he continu-I leges were protestant.yastatie"h xlnd. the 71st reunion of his class of s
the work of the Preparatory Corn- such proportions that in order to ed. In Germany, Martin Luther whTe'ae col'o e n- Te e hi ae yoii ing h~ he is the only living me-
mission and also the proposal for clarify the situation, I feel obliged1 advocated state support of schoolsI land," Prof. Moehman continued, i therfohdrathugh ithisasnd rw
financial assistance to states which to definitely set the matter at rest. for both sexes. Clvinism further- i were the only ones which girls 1i hi od lhuhi sa r Others who will attend the Tap-
are victims of aggression. The sec- While I am~ deeply appreciative of! ed study of the Bible in Swiss col-~ were allowed to attend. higher Isas the sand it an slf.d Theyofhae otno ruinae:WlimDooat
delig it tr hehoor . .I us rspctuly r ee, and hebcewthe Rey forLa-t petiftn19hCntr., in the day time, so that they lose Lansing; Hon. C. A. Gower, Lan- 'L
and economic questions, will discuss decline to become a candidate. I practicallye, no moisturepmnt thus 1th entry sing; A. E. Macomber, Toledo; t
the proposed tariff holiday and thei desire to express my sincere thanksI tion of the Anglican Catholic1 He also traced the evolution of ar-cFrankly nPotteruDetroit;aL.-Con--
Bako nentoa etenn.quired" rnIPotr erot .es
flan of nteratinal ettlmen.... to all my friends.. .. and Church was political, and did lit- theological schools. In three areas Dr. Dice continued that there wasi ant, Chicago; Dr. Lewis F. ALnS.-
Following the luncheon SaturdayI regret that I feel obliged to decline tle to advance education. of modern education," said Prof. more life in the Arizona desert at! burg, East Millsboro, Pa.; r. s
moonsponore by he.Michganto seek 'the honor.....which they According to Prof. Moehlman, in Moehlman, "the public grammar;i the present time thanin most for- Pilher, Brooklyn, New ork; Zna
International Relations Clubs, the hoped for me." I16263 the British colony in New school, the American college, and eists. He then exhibited several ! P. King, Dearborn; E. P. Goodrich,-
delegates will attend the second Senator Sink has been three tim- 1 thAeican__________smn-__AnArbr;_._J.Boot,_Ft__e
plenarysessionof the ssembly . I te Amerian ~heoogical emin-!specimens of jack-rabbit" which AnAbr .J otF.My
plnr sso fteasml.es a member of the State Senate;II ary, the influence 6f Puritanism (were shipped to Ann Arbor during rs, Forida; qhares-M. Taylor, t
Reports of the various committees I n twice a member of the HoueI Commnerce Bureau; servive." the expedition. Some of these spe- sego; Dr. J. S. Mott, Kansas City.
will be heard and discussion of ofRprsnatvI Drn-hsi--__________
these reports will follow. cmenyinthe Senate he wasna Advocates U icim C nes ensmaue oeta w
The concluding meeting of the member of the comnmittee on fin- U iom I.O-IeS i onet fe n egh rm oet al NEW 85YattrbuteshetUri lkSed
i~polasemby il beth bn-onc adExplainedns ad asand had ears over six inches in~ ~atiue e
noeasebywlbetebn aneadaporainadh AccountingSse S upervisionExlie i length. i face' and ruddy coipleiond to the.
cuet Saturday evening, at which the served continuously as chairmanof"abtocsinlyrnshghIft thatse hasner used pwI
Ron. Hubert Phillips, economic ad- the committee of education. Dur - SwmigithUnosaulIaswevpudsnTco,"addrorog.
visor to the English Liberal party, ing the closing days of the last leg- A uniform system of accouniming,0mies icntthion'stannualOateletstpaouintcso,"laiest orrue
Cross Roads."; man of the Mvichigan teachers' re- governments, is advocated by the{ members 'of the house committeeeih. L. G. BALFOUR CO. I
'The second annual meeting of the tirement fund commission. national department of commerce bgniga ocokad7 PARS - Helen Wills Moody,' 1121 South UniversityI
Imoel asemlywa aeldinth!bBfoe iseletin-ohteetae andit breaeocnss.eo'lokrdilhecetsTesayandquenofthectop, hthexresedtRTENeT aWEER
ist Congregational Church here Ilegislature, Senator. Sink served on Since 1903 the bureau has beeniThursda ihsBcodn ohrprfrnefrwiei h adges-Favors-rgam
last April. the city council of Ann Arbor for! collecting financial statistics of all LoadSWisn'3,cirn.corofreesorprtwa. Corkey Stanlard, MVgr. '
«r.-.a.«<.. -I six years.. municipali'ties with a population of cometitors will be required to! __ __I_____

lore than 180 high schools of
estate of Michigan will be rep-
,ented in the 1930 All-State Mu-
,Contest to be held in Ann Ar-
rtomorrow and Saturday..
rhis will be the largest contest
its ;kind held in the state since
e inception of these gatherings
ree years ago, according to Prof.
seph E. Maddy of the School of
asic and director of music of the
in Arbor public schools. - The
100 secondary school musicians
m towns and cities 'throughout
e entire lower peninsula will as-
rnble in Ann Arbor Friday to hold
mnpetitive contests to determine
Ltd championships in orchestra,
strumental, and glee club music.
There will be two public concerts
4 o'clock and at 7 o'clock Fri-
y in Hill auditorium. An all-
ate orchestra and glee club, com-
>sed of the best talent in the high
h'oofs of -the state will performn
ithese occasions. Concerts will
aheld for the various competing
asses at the Ann Arbo~r high
:hoof auditorium.
The program of. pieces to be
.aed by the competing orches-
,as and at the all-state concert
dude such well known selections
"'The, Volga Boatman," Schu-
rt's "Unfinished Symphony," and
'inlandia," Tome poem by Sibe-
Weay Naming Contest
Vinners Until Monday
Winners in the liberal religious
-eed contest will be announced
[onday and not today as was orig-
ally planned, according to Prof.
)hn F. Shepard, of the psychology
epartmnent, who explained that he
,ould -meet with Prof. Roy W. Sel-
rs, of the philosophy department,
nd Prof. Robert C. Angell, of the
ciology department, on Saturday
r the purpose of determining the
Three prizes will be awarded in
:is contest, conducted by the'
iberal Students' union of the Uni1-
ir ian church.
Detroit Theaters, A ETH A E
The Season's Greatest Cast with
100 Golden Voices.
The Famous Magician
And His Daughter Jane,
Singing, Dancing comedienne.


SLUSSER EXHIBITJS 30,000,000 or more. Due to the va-'~swim no
RECENT PAINTINGS! Debating Society Holdsrosacutn ytm used, its and not
has been necessary to send agents ;time the
Baquet f or Initiatesc to each city to prepare the reports.; contest.
A collection of the water-colorsThbueuocnsspitot'
of Prof.Theebureaulofucensusopoints"outhrt
of Pof.JeanPau Sluser of he The Lincoln-Douglas Debates," I that a great deal of confusion andeihrt
arhtctrlscol wsrcetywas the subject of the address trouble could be avoided by the I firs tt
opened at the Gordon Galleries in given by Dr. Louis M. Eich, of the . use of a simple, logical, and com- haet
Detroit, and will be on exhibition speech department,oteApaprhniecasfiaino c per main
, t th Alha rehnsie cassfictio ofac-must be
there until May 3. Nu members at the initiation ban- counts, a change easily made.
The group of paintings, compos- qUet of this forensic society held' The purpose of these statistics isI-
ed of 20 landscapes done by Pro- Tuesday night at the Union. Dr. to make possible highly accurate la
fessor Slusser on a recent Euro- Eich described briefly the charac- and readily comparable data,
pean trip, forms the local artist's ter of these men and told the cir- i showing the sources of revenue
third exhibition at the Detroit gal-, cumstances and events of their de- and expenditure of city govern-
leries. Many of the water-colors inj bates. merits.
the collection have been displayed One of the features of the ban-
in several shows in Ann Arbor, and quet was the debate of Alpha Nu tt#iJ!IIJJltt#Iitlt#!#lItl##!fIti#!!#tI,
are well known to art lovers both against the Detroit Law college on REN A ADI
among the student body and the, the subject, "Resolved that the
townspeople. several states should be permitted CROSLE -AMRA
"Asi'de from the easy mastery of to adopt the Ontario system of
his medium," says the Detroit I liquor control." Three varsity de- S OP
News of this exhibition, "such as'! baters, Garret Wright, Howard 615 E. William Dial 22812 I
she swift, straight stroke resultant $imnon, and Fenelon Boesehe spoke ' #ttt##titilt tt~i ttttII~lhIltttt#lhIIIII'
in pure color and sparkling quall- for Alpha Nu while three alumni
ity which 'one, should rightly con- l of the society, Richard Weber,
cede to an experienced artist, Mr . Carpenter Hewitt, and Clarence ___
Slusser brinigs... the gift of Glendenning, represented the De- _ MCI
concentration, t'he ability to see i troit Law college.w
things intensely, and personally, S The nineteen initiated men, inr
and to convey this impression of, whose honor the banquet was held, From New York's famous stage farc
concentration to the beholder." are C. Furniss, C. McCoffree, Ii. A. H-ollywood's greatest cot.
This group of paintings has just! Manwaring, F. F. O'Brien, G. F. 1 .
returned from Milwaukee whereI Fisk, C H. Tanck, E. H. Frelhaner, lI '
it wcas on exhibition at the 0. J. Drake, H. Crim, W. Tringham
ly been purchased by Cousens hall. Albertson, A. F. Wenzel, 3. H. S hiR IO N
rswe. .t y ^ton, E. P. Kelley. Se-.

ot more than one-half mile i
less than one-quarter each
ey enter the pool for the LAST TIMESI
In order to qualify for I TODAY w I
;ie medals which go to the
n men who finish, or to; ILA
eir names engraved on the WILLIA
,en topythe 10 milesl
et rophyedbefore May 29POW LL A
11:30 TO 1:040 P. M.j See and hear Hal Skelly sinj
FRESH ASPARAGUS D lie." See and hear the superb ac
ON TOAST and= Fay Wray as the girl. See a,
WITH BACON loe-scenes, the gorgeous comedy.
DINNER SPECIAL_______________
5:30 TO7:00 P. M.- i m....ntrir.i. ...~Ur" r


J~j 2:00--3:30
te Make-AUp"f
igjig "'Littlg Pals" arnd "Never Say
cting of William Powell as the. rival
nd hear the vital action, the tender

1 ,I
1 r ",
1 ,
TAor ii iii saw
i ,


.. .

* .. .

The theatre with perfect
sound now offers the new
definition screen.

Ce., teDulcy"


Senisational Stage Play Diversion
It Tells of Three Great 'Loves,


Onse Performance Only--Thursday, May I st
Whirlwind Tour
rn- AMU A~ arnk(I


^c ' 1 1'

Paternal, P' u r e
i and Passionate!

yy ON
i music


!I 1







S " ' '


_ it

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