PACE Fors~ THE MICHIGAN DAIEY WEDNESDAY. AtlL nO, 1930 . r sked every morning except Moaday; the Tiiversity yar by the Board in Cof Student Publications. i Member of Western Conference Editorial jeociation. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled othe use for republication of all news dia- atches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published ereinl. Entered at the postoficee at.Amu Arbor. ifegan, as second class matter. Special rate J postage granted by Third Assistant Post aaster General. ing returns be carried over from r1/ economics into the field of educa-L tion. This concept of economics, he says, states that "working in a' aema given direction there is a point up LOOK OUT- to which profit increases and be- IITAG DAY yond which it inevitably declines." AHEAD! For example, increasing the facili- The first -of the annual series of ties of a factory means a propor- tag days is no tfar off. The open-. tionate rise in the standard of the ing gun will be fired next Wednes- product the factory turns out. But daynw ill be fre shn At red emp1 -and here diminishing returns ;day, when the Fresh Air camp mandesaidtommpplyherernis a (not taxicab) drive is opened for my be said to apply-there the purpose of collecting three. certain point at which many fac- tories combine to limit further im- thousand dollars to provide recrea- provement in the quality of the tion for the poor kids around town. product; increase in facilities be- Don't fight shy of this drive, yond this point tends to lower both though; it's worthy of support. Re- the efficiency of the factory and member-even a heel will give. the degree of excellence of the- 7- # T, sub cen ten( Musi AndDram i~MARE RESERVATIONS NOW Music And Drama EUROPEORIENT a ANYWHERE -> 'ONIGHT: At 7:15 all those whoT mitted manuscripts in the re- TAVELERS CHEQUES, ETC. I play contest are invited to at- E. C. KEBLER. Steamship Att d the meeting of Prof. Rowe's; k B"" I &g Hurvn. Ana Arbo. i BASEBALL AND TENNIS GOODS' y :'ii: I Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail,) $,41o. $4.'ce: Ann Arbor Press Building. May- Pard'Str Editoriaet 492S; Business, Star4 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 P MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg News Editor............Donald J. Kline Sports ditor.......Edwar L. Warner, Jr. Wyomen's Editor..........Marioisoliter e eegraph Editor. Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman Lterary Editor.....Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor....obert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frak .. Cooper Hlenry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Mloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney William Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Man'ey Berram Askwitk Lester May Helen Bar eMargaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard Peckam Arhrj.Bernstein Vugh Pierce lrthu J.Bes Victor Rabinowit. S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel homas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts elen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Crl F. ,Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Ceddes S. Cadwell Swanso Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompa Eily Grimes Richard L. Toin Morris (rove-ma Robert Townsend Marg aret Harris Elizabeth Valentine Sullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. nLe . Lionel Willens usse . Mccracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee. Vivian Zii BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers AdvertisingT............l. ollister Maley Advertising......Kasper H. Jalverson Service..........George A. Spaer Circulation................. J. Verr iavis 'Accounts.............. ....101oh1 R. Rose Publications......... ..George R. iHamilto Business Secretary--Mary Chase Assistants James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robet Crawford (eorge R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Charles Kline Roer Wi1iamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice MeCully E«thel Constas Sylvia I~iller Josephine Convisser Ann Verner Blernice Glaer Dorothea Waterman Ana Golderger Joan Wiese Hortense Gooding WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1930 Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY "TRADITION FADES.. ., Tradition has a bad habit of fading. Its tendency to pass peace- fully away is all right in many cases where the tradition never was anything to brag about, but where you have a good, red-blood- ed tradition such as the fall and spring class games, most of us would prefer to see it grow and flourish.; Class rivalry isn't what it used to be when everyone i'n each class1 knew everyone else. The University has grown too large for that. But whatever spirit is left-even if the freshmen only want the blood of their sophomore fraternity bro- thers--can be vented and all ex- cessemotional steam can be blown off at the games. There is something ispiring about a t'unch of mud-splattered freshmen and perspiring soph- omores. And th colorful crowd of spectators standing on the shores of the Huron watching the anxious officials make ready for the next tug is no less interesting than the combatants themselves. We should grieve when this sort of tradition fades. Yet when the meeting > to elect class leaders for the games were held yesterday, only a handful of men were present and they were not particularly enthusiastic. I no more than these attend the games, the affair will be a sorry one in- deed.6 This year both classes have pow-1 erful incentives for turning out in' full force; the sophomores to avenge their only defeat in two, years of competition, and the freshmen to keep clean their slate' so that they can set a record of+ four victories, last achieved by this year's graduating class. The class games are one of Mich-+ igan's best traditions. They have+ rarely been blemished by unpleas- ant or unfortunate occurances and !class in Prof. Jack's office. The prize-winning play will be read and discussion will be led by Lennox Robinson.I RAYMOND MORI. Last evening'svStudent Recitai by Raymond Morin at the School of Music was exceptionally well received. For a young pianist, Mo- rin showed wisdom too often neg- lected in selecting student pro- grams. ft is interesting to note that, he offset Debussy with Chop- PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS We have all makes. tPemington, Royals. Corona, Underwood Colored duco finishes. Price $60.: 0. D. MORRILL I 314 South State St. Phone 6615 1111 South University Ave. %/z Block East of Campus i product. It is a noble and democratic ges-j ture to make higher education ac- cessible to all; more money in the: coffers means more beautiful build- ings, and promises of large salaries{ attract teachers of higher calibre. But it is possible, in achieving these ends, that the very factors which bring beautiful buildings and more qualified instructors may defeat the purposes of the univer- sities. Opening the doors of our colleges to everyone automatically lowers the standards, and when we come to take stock of the fruits reaped. from our college education we find that there are none. As IAdams puts it, "instead of the many enjoying the privileges of the few, those privileges will have dis- appeared for everyone." Michigan seems to be approach-. ing just such a turning point as Adams describes. To augment fa- cilities or not is the question. The problem of the administration lies in ascertaining the exact locality' of that turning point, and then, with it in mind, in taking steps in the direction of opening the gates of the University just so far. Be- yond this point education for all cannot successfully pass. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 worts of possible. Anonymous corn- OH, THANK YOU, SIR! Dear Joe: The guy who said your column is lousy should have his' eyes sandpapered with 18 kinds of powdered glass and I hope he gets coffee in his wristwatch when he dunks his doughnuts. Until the last critic has stepped into an; empty 40-story elevator shaft, I remain, Fish Chassis. Monday night the Board in Con- trol of Publications gave a ban- quet in the Union at which aspir- ing night editors stood on their feet and made suggestions for the improvement of The Daily. Most, of them had the same ideas in mind, so when night editor No. 6 got to his feet there wasn't muchj left to talk about except the weath- er and the possibilities of the New Jersey peach crop. in and, avoided tonality which is the student pitfall. Morin's interpretation of Schu- mann's Sonata in G Minor was unfortunate. With the stiffness of an exercise in counterpoint, in an auditorium which insists upon twisting all echoes into an acous- tic nightmare, he was slow in warming, to his task. In the { Scherzo alone did he rise to the spirit of the thing as though to a challenge. Technically rigid and engrossed in form, it is not unnat- ural that, like most young artists, he has not been able to forget his hands and pass on to the larger matter of artistry and interpreta- tion. ! His Debussy was much superior; the chiming romanticism of La Cathedrale Engloutie, the vague softness of the Doll Serenade, and the pictorial phrasing of Gradus Ad Parnassum; all furnished a foil I for his technical abilities and a turn for his rendition. It is not in- ferred that Morin lost himself in romanticism, but rather that'it was more accessible to his present stage of development. The Respighi Nocturne was un-' livened by any interest but served as an interlude between exhibi- tions. For if Morin's Debussy wasj technical, his Prokofieff was pyro- technical. From the first murky 1chords to the last one felt that he i was in his element where both form and matter were on a plane., The fiery difficulty of the Sugges- 1 tions Diaboliques is a challenge which he met adequately enough. 1 Delicious and Refreshing Your good deed for today r .J , : F:. .. .. .. ..Y.. : ,. . ..... ... .. .. ' ''::. . .. .... .. .. ti t ... {ti ; {:: :'ti ::: '.ti't. . . , j.. "' V i P --, ;" ,. 1; '= r'1 . . .! ': . '---- . ..::.:: ..:... } '. ,_.. J e rN wLISTEN IN" (;rantlaud Rice ^i-- Faimous Sports Champions- Coea-Cola Orehestr~a -Wedtiesday 10.30 to II p. mi. E. S. TI. -" Coast to ,y Coast NBCNetwork t munications will be disremirded. The names of communicants will, however, Photo of be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be into his ora construed as expressing the editorial . opinion of The Deily. FOLLOn WHY NOT AN HONOR SYSTEM? Dear Joe: Bill about to tion. * * launch thep uiis e omttrhat syrefreshes Nomatter hoy busy you are-how hard you work or play-don't forget you owe your- self that refreshing pause with Coca-Cola. You can always find a minute, here and there, and you don't have to look far or wait long for Coca-Cola. A. pure drink of natural flavors-- always ready for you- ice-cold-around the corner from any- where. Along'with millions of people every day, you'll find in Coca-Cola's w lesome refreshmeht a delightful way to well-beig. The'CocaCI:ta Company, Atlanta,G a. W UP BY CHINK. Closer observation of To the Editor: the doings at the Romance Lan- The most promising part of the The recent discussion of the hon- guage building has convinced me program was not disappointing. or system, and the effect it would that the scaffolding or fence or Passing from the poems back to have upon student academic mor- 1 whatever it is they're putting up the abstract in Chopin's two Scher- als in the literary college, seems to over there is for no other purpose ;i in B and B flat Minor, and the me to be one that most vitally than to repair the eave trough. Etude in E Major, Morin again re- concerns the affairs of the under- The man on the scaffolding told vealed his salient faults: harmon- graduate body of the University. me that the thing was to protect ically and melodically effective, he The literary college is now not able the bushes, but come now, Joe old had' adniulty rhythmically. Rests to reach its desired goals largely man, I don't have to believe that,: and accents which could pass un- because of an insincere attitude on do I now old fellow? noticed,,',if: Debussy's and Proko- the part of the students. The Uni- Yrs.,, The Chink. fieff's welter.:of harmony and dis- 3 versity has recognized this and is; l sonance were glaring in precise seriously attempting to rectify the;Copin The grimgsinprcs unfortunate condition by raising Not unless you want to, I sup- Chopin. The first impression was uposertunateThenChink, by theswayrepeated.'in:. the last; the best of the entrance requirements, and by pose . . . The Chink, by the way,th de b d bet therrequrements enclosed a bit of verse for thethe rond eing midwaybween improving the standards of class Rolls Poet's Corner but is was eveni the two. work.I rAnd still Raymond Morin stands These steps are being wisely too terrible for the Corner, so Iota oeta rmsn i made andcertainly hit at the crux'filed it away in the To-Be-Used- outasamoregt sh pro niing of the situation, but they do notI Only-in-Emergencies department. aretr. His gravest shortcomings of utthy o otar the. fruits of his- immaturity, a directly overcome the present * * * harvest through which every art- breach of intimate relations be- Downtown they're advertising a ist has lived; his main talents are tween the faculty and the students. "Comfortable Electric Chair Car his intensity of expression and as- The students will always be more Service" to points east. Mebbe so, siduous care for detail. A few or less suspicious of the faculty but that's the first time I ever i years should fill in rhythmic faults when it remains suspicious of the heard of a comfortable electric and prove to us that he is an artist. students. 3chair. Anyway it's a capital idea.: L.P. B. The proctoring system is conse- You know, capital?jo quently one of the chief reasons * * * PROFESSOR DAVIS EDWARDS. for this breach between professors 1 There was a partial eclipse of A Review. and undergraduates and if an hon- the sun here Monday afternoon Professor Davis Edwards opened or system results in the develop- which explains why so many of us the series of four dramatic read- ment of a more sincere relation- walked around all afternoon lug- ings, being sponsored this spring ship between the faculty and stu- ging slickers and casting suspi- by the speech department, with dents, as I am quite sure it will cious glances at the darkened sky. ; Edna St. Vincent Millay's "The do, such a system is certainly much Did it fool you? King's Henchman." more desirable that the proctoring Miss Millay's operatic libretto- method. Jaw Hawk writes me that he is wherein 'she exploits her facile as- One writer to your column stat- worrying about the style show of similation of the English lyric tra- ed that the honor system has not women's sport costumes to be held dition and particularly strives for stopped cheating in engineering Friday afternoon. "Heaven help musical equivalent of the emotions college. The result of the survey the innocent men of Michigan," -affords splendid opportunity to taken among the professors of that says he, "if Miss Corn's idea of a the trained reader. It contains college and published yesterday, sports costume should consist of, rhythmic and melodic subtleties certainly show that the reverse is anything LESS than a few leaves, that go undiscovered or unnroiect- CW-6 9 MILLION A DA YIT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT 1S ,i i ( . {{ 1 i. true. No system and if the honor can be perfect a tassel, and a bit of silk on each method reduces ear!" , t the amount of copying it must bej MUTINY AND CONSPIRACY! classed as at least a comparative The Big Shot has made good his success at the proctor system. threat and issued a villainous, I believe that most students pamphlet, a copy of which I found will agree with me that the present yesterday on the bulletin board. system is quite undesirable and It's addressed to Rolls contributors any system that will materially and gives the following reasonsI correct its evils will be a Godsend. why they should join "The Rolls! There is a current belief that Union": (1) The R. U. is all power-I the students of the literary college I ful. Joe Tinker couldn't get along! do not have a seriousness in their without us. Why? Because thej class work, because they have no I fathead never did have a decent definite objective. However, many idea, and everybody knows you! of these students are preparing to' can't run a column without ideas.! enter the professional schools and f (2) The R. U. will protect you. If really do have a sincere purpose every contribution does not appear: in attending the University. The in The Daily we shall strike (3) ed in dramatic production with its! more diversified interest. Prof. Edward's reading restores one's confidence in the self-suf- ficiency of the spoken word. It re- vives a reverence perhaps not too common today. Perfect articula- tion is the finest point in Prof. Ed- ward's technique. At all tempos of deliverance he attains clarity. A continual tenseness in his voice; stimulates the imagination to pic-, ture setting. Rhythms he offered ' a-plenty-some of them realized byj Miss Millay, others of them subtly superimposed on her text by intel-' ligent transformations of accent. Somewhat boldly Prof. Edwards' did not over..onnrn himvc lf withI f The telephone looks ahed Even as you are putting through your daily telephone calls, groups of Bell Telephone ex- perts are calculating your telephone needs for five years, ten years, twenty y.ears from now. It is their work to discover from all avail- able facts-not fancies -how each state, city and community will probably grow. 'these facts are reduced to forecast charts, precisely as an astronomer plots the course of a comet. Thus central oCces are planned years be- fore they are actually built. Underground and overhead lines are laid out to fit future as well as present needs. Expansion of ser- vice is provided for. Bell System planners virtually live in the cities of the future. They play a vital part in providing the best possible telephone service for the least possible cost.