TVV915AY, APTM 29, 10 30 THE MICHT YAN 1 . PAM Five Oil I fAY 1 1 L L9,1\90 LTV l 1 1 \1? L-171\ L'IZ S LY1 d. .\ +4, R AL 'E A E SE P NS T alIETEXANS CHOOSE [[BERLIN REPORTER BAEBLLSEASON OPENS AT PALMER iCOLLEGE QUEEN; HTHLE , TIC MEETING1 TRLINE REORE COLLGE UEE | LL \\) L|TO GIVE LECTURE FIE ;ALPHA I DELTAS WIN FIRS NDS TH REPORT GMEAGINST ALPHAGAMMADELTA9YDRTYTUF m Dfa Because IIRISH PLA YWRIGI-T University of Texas is Chosen fHre ais. IINSPIRES THEA TRE Campus for 1933 Women's efre--~ .Sports Conference. SLennox Robinson Describes Art of Lady Gregory, Actress. FAVOR HEALTH PROGRAM Announce Competing Teamsfor "When one speaks of Lady Greg- Iic Wednesday; Four Sororities ( ory one speaks at the same time of Pteciation d yp Will Play. the most distinguished woman College Woe. playwright in the world," said Len- C ___ge m . Yseay e non o pened th nox Robinson, director of the Ab- With a report of the accomplish- baseball season of W. A. A. The bekhar nDbiada h S . o bey Theatre in Dublin, and at the ments of the sixth national Athletics games scheduled were as follows: present time Play Production's Conference of American College 4 Zeta Tau ,Alpha against Chi guest director of his own play, "The Won hich - Omega; Delta Gamma against White Headed Boy."oth Tn ' prsien thy Dir Alpha Phi; Alpha Zi Delta against "Lady Gregory," Mr. Robinsonbne othy T muff, '30, president, the final Alph continued, "is one of the most in--- business meeting came to an end Alice Schalek. ha Gammai Delta; KappaDelta ring units of the Abbey Theatre, at noon Saturday. The next confer- Miss Alice Schalek, of Vienna, aganst Helen Newberry; and Although she is in her seventies she ' ence, which will be held in 1933, Austia, who will speak at 7:45 to- Theta Phi Alpha against Alpha still takes an active interest in the w i bfore he Ann Arbo ba nch - Omicon P. Because of a mix up in theatre. It was, of course, as every- will meexas, Austin, Texas. Oregon St of the American Association of managers and on account of the one knows, partly through her zeal TxAs riuta, Colegeas. O elette Univ teAeianAscato short notice all the games were de- and ambition that the Irish Na- Agricultural College was elected University Women at a meeting to faulted' except that of Alpha tional Theatre was founded. She is corresponding secretary, of the be held in the ballroom of the Gamma Delta and Alpha Zi Delta. noted mainly for her brilliant one- Conference w h i1e Marguerite Lbild- Alpha Zi Delta was victorious act plays, two important ones of eague buiing. over Alpha Gamma Delta by alwhich are "Rising of the Moon" Assocated Pr sP oto !Schwarz, of the University of Utah Noted as a globe-trotter, photo- score of 25 to 4. The Alpha Zi Delta and "Workhouse Ward." Lady Greg- Feeney Marie Murphy will continue to act as secetary- grapher, lecturer and authoress, team . was in excellent form con- ory continues to write even now,: of Fort Worth was elected queen by treasurer of the organization. the speaker is by profession a wide- sidering that it was the opening and endeavors to encourage the the men students of the Texas Ag- Among the more important of the ly known European journalist. Con- game of the season. Ruth Marshall, younger playwrights of the modern ricultural and Mechanical College, resolutions which were drawn up nected with the Ullstein press, of '31, played a very fine game as theatre." iCollege Station, Texas. at the conference were that A. C. A.h pitcher for the winning team. Mr. Robinson, with an unusually C. W. favor the continuance of play Berlin, she has written for the most Wednesday more games are jolly twinkle in his eye, smiled tol-GTdays for colleges on more highly scheduled at Palmer Field. There erantly at this theatre-going re- organized plans which will include papers. During the World War she - will be three at 4 o'clock and one ported, when asked what oppor WOMENS STA TUS orai n wih will c u pr- . at 5. The teams scheduled for 4 tunity aspiring young women play-c ganizations; that every meber of served as Austria's only woman war b'clock are between Alpha Epsilon wrights had in Ireland. "All of the Mrs. Minna Miller Smith Sees A. C. A. C. W. sponsor at least one MisspShde. Phi and. Couzens Hall; between opportunity in the world," he an-M N Student Vt play day for high schools during iss Schalek Delta Delta Delta and Kappa Al- swered. "As a matter of fact, that isp the year; that A. C. A. C. W. en- knowledge of the women of thes pha Theta; bteween Delta Zeta and one of the interesting innovations "f courage members to sponsor out- Orient gained during her travels. C Gamna Phi Beta. At 5 o'clock in principle. Young women play- The point of view of the average ing activities, that A. C. A. C. W. In these countries she studied the v Sigma Kappa will play Martha wrights," he concluded, "are becom- Michigan student is less serious be opposed to intercollegiate comn- I problems and conditions of women 1 book. ing more and more numerous, and now than it was five years ago," petition for women; that W. A. A and her lecture tonight on "The A new schedule will likely be ne- their attempts are now being rec- said Minna Miller Smith, '27, who establish a closer relation with I Epic Progress of Oriental Women"v cessary to arrange the games so ognized by people vitally involved appeared in "Her Cardboard Lover" other campus organizations; A. C. will tell of finds. that those houses defaulting be- in the theatre.I at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre A. C. W. oppose participation in This evening's meeting will be int cause of short notice will be able --Olympic games by all women; and honor of the Junior group of theu to play. This has not been arrang- CHOICE OF WORK last week. "However, I believe there that A. C. A. C. W. favor a definite A. A. U. W., but others interested in ed as yet but will be announced in REQUIRES ST UD Y is a better focus now," she con- health campaign which the in- attending Miss Schalek's lecture,v a few days. All teams scheduled tinued. 'The serious student is dividual organizations will carry which will be illustrated by colored!] I~ slides made from. pictures she took for Wednesday must be on the field "In choosing a vocation, the first very serious and the ones who outdrt not lter han 5 miner y- on her travels, are cordially in-v not later than 15 mintes past thing one should do is to narrow aren't don't pretend to be." For the next three years, A.. vitede t the hour. , the choice of occupations down to "The status of women in the Uni- A. C. W. will support a platform - f.[S " ht.'Which is slihtl revised frm the - CALENDAR. April 27-May 3. Tuesday. 2 :30-Faculty Women's Play Reading Section,I building. 3: 00-Senior Society, building. 4:00-Oriental Girls, garden room. 5:30--Alpha Gamma League cave. Club, League League League Sigma, 7:vv . ,-W "4arn Len W i e b ild- ing. 7:15-University Girls' Glee Club, League committee room. 7:15-Portia, Portia room, An- gell Hall. 7:30-Athena, Athena room, Angell Hall. Wednesday. 2:00-Michigan Dames' bridge, League benefit, League ball room. 4:00-Baseball game, Palmer field, Alpha Epsilon Phi vs Couzens Hall; Delta Delta Delta vs Kappa Alpha Theta; Delta Zeta vs. Gamma Phi Beta. 4:30-Theta Sigma Phi, Lea- gue building. 5:00--Baseball games, Palmer field. Sigma Kapp. vs Martha Cook. Thursday. 4:00--Oriental Girls, League garden room. 8:00-Mu Phi Epsilon, League buildinlg. FIRST 'PLACE TAKEN BY NORTHWESTERN IN SWIMMING MEET Score of 13 Leads Telegraphic Contest Held With Four Colleges April 8. J IOWA SECONDS WITH 10 4~ Jean Botsford, Adelle Mysen, Elizabeth Hatch Winners on Michigan Team. Northwestern University won the intercollegiate telegraphic swim- ming meet in which Iowa, Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana and Michi- gan were entered. Michigan tele- graphed the results of the meet held here April 8. Northwestern had a total score of 13 points, Iowa came second with 10, and Illinois followed a close third with 9 points. Indiana took first place in the 40 Yard crawl with a time of 22.5 see- onds, Illinois came second and Northwestern and Iowa State tied for third place. In the 40 yard breast stroke the winning time was 29.4 held by Northwestern, and second place also was won by Northwestern while !Illinois was third. Iowa took both first and see- ond place in the 40 yard back- stroke with Northwestern in third place. The winning, time for the backstroke was 32.4 seconds. In the 150 yard free style Illinois was first while Northwestern and Iowa came second and third respectively. Those who were, winners on the [Michigan team and whose scores were telegraphed to the other col- leges were, Jean Botsford, '33, for the 40 yard crawl; Addelle Mysen, '31, for the 40 yard breast stroke; IElizabeth Hatch, '31ED., for the 40 Friday. 4:00-W. A. A. style st tea, League ball room. Saturday.. 3:00-Alpha Lambda League cave. how and Delta, '. New Style Hat Chosen for Rural Postwomen After several months of discus- sion as to the style, General Post Office and Union of Post Office workers have announced that Eng- lish women in the country districtsI will have new hats. yard backStroke; and Jean Bots- The Union, although not likingford '33, for the 150 yard free style the old style hat of hard straw UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO - with an oil skin cover for bad Hereafter any serenaders plying weather, were not in favor of the their trade before the sorority navy blue felt-brimmed hat, turn- houses after 11 o'clock do so strict- .d up on one side and fastened upon their own responsibility. eit apmelsbdgeandvocfated'The sororities have agreed not to with a metal badge, advocated by recognize any nocturnal concerts he General Post Officea fter this hour. MARY E. TULLER GIVES REPORT OF D.A.R. CONVENTION Mrs. Mary E. Tuller, chaperone at the Zeta Tau Alpha house, rep- resented the Ann Arbor chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the convention re- cently held in the new Continental Hall at Washington, D. C. In her report to the local group upon her return she summarized the work of the organization., The convention just concluded was the first to be held in this new building which was constructed at a cost of $3,000,000 wholly through1 the efforts of the D. A. R. 'organ- lzation." During the last ten months the group has added 10,000 new names to its national roll. Since It was founded in 1890, by 18 women, the organization has grown to include 170,299 active members. A student fund nas been startedl by the Daughters which has, so far assisted 305 boys and girls. This year 12 new daughters have been found and many Revolutionary soldiers' graves have been marked. The women have also had 3,000 copies of the Immigration manual, the authentic manual of the United States government, printed in 17 languages. It is the aim of the physical edu- cation department at Purdue uni- versity to have each woman parti- cipate in both an individual sport and a team during the season. A, wide variety of sports are offered, giving women at least a partial knowledge of sports which they may carry on after college. a Iew .wich particularly appeal to versify is not yet localized, 'Mrs. W110b Jy * a 1UA him," stated Prof. G. E. Myers of the Smith stated. "The stage through last one. The platform is based vocational education and guidance which Michigan women are now upon the ideal "Play for play's department in a -recent interview. passing is, no doubt, temporary. sake," and some of the important Then one should study each of and will not continue. The added points are: to emphasize mass par- these thoroughly from every possi- complexities in the life of the ticipation; to promote the adoption ble angle. woman student, brought about by of a health concept by all college In this study, the first considera- increased rights, perhaps account women with the hope of actual im- tion, according to Professor Myers, for the forming of political ma- provement in habits of living; to is the importance of each occupa- chines which mark distinctly a simplify the systems of awards in I tion. One should try to discover new development. Whether this is various colleges; to require physical how widely these occupations are a harmful or beneficial experience and academic standards of eligibil- distributed throughout the coun- will depend entirely on the con- I ity; and to promote those activities try, the number of people engaged duct of the 'new woman' under wnich may be adapted to theneeds in them, and whether they are this regime" of after-college life. growing or declining in importance Mrs. Smith believes that extra- The intramural board conducted' as time goes on. curricular activities are being over- the athletic events which took place The next thing to find out what emphasized. "The value of partici-. in the afternoon, while the Physi- constitutes a day's or week's work pation in extra-curricular activities cal Education club honored the in these vocations. After that, a1 depends entirely on what a student delegates with an informal tea on consideration of whether a techni- is in the university for," she stated, the terrace of Palmer Field house. cal or general education is neces- "I believe that the training a per- At the formal banquet, Saturday sary, and the length of time re- son gets in college dramatic pro- night, Dr. Margaret Bell, head of quired for it, is extremely im- ductions or on student publications the physical education department, portant. is valuable if such activity will bet- acted as toastmistress. At this time "Personality is much more vital ter fit him for his work after grad- the farewells were said, and the in some lines of work than in uation." conference was brought to a' close. others," went on Professor Myers.- --.--- "Every young man or woman should think of this when he chooses his life work. "The aim back of all this is to make an analysis of a person's qualifications and limitations to compare with the requirements of different occupations. In addition * to this, a college student should once you know the lasting find out for what he is best fitted through coming in contact with the o lines of work he is looking into, or Com iort o iotex meeting people connectect with' them, while he is still in school." "After the decision is made, the problem is one of a good prepara- tion, a good start in the occupation s after graduation, and constant study to keep up with the work from then on," concluded Professor Myers. m __ ___ i ' - -'+rw -r r Month End Sale Featuring smart new Spring app style, superior in quality, backed by scientious business dealings with hun fled patrons--this fact is our greatest arel-correct in five years con- dreds of sanis- advertisement. I T Spring Dresses Selected from our stock of higher priced dresses. Prints, Flat Crepes, Chiffons. Sizes 14-46 i. l .:A i '' $137s 175 $2400 73rd Anniversary SaleI 14 DRUG SPECIALS One 50c bottle of Ambrosia, the liquid cleanser to take the = place of cold cream and powder base, free with every purchase of 54c or over. Djer Kiss Special, one $1.00 Talc, one 50c face powder, one 50c perfume, all for................ ... $1.15 Metal Boudoir Box, containing one dozen Camay soap ..$1.00 Vaseline Hair Tonic .........34c and 59c Dilectol Anit-acid Mouth Wash . .21c Mack's Almond and Hard Water Soap, 76c a dozen Milk of Magnesia .. . . ...21c and 34c . Rubbing Alcohol ....49c pint . Peroxide ................................ 17c - Suits Tweeds, Jelgas, Viola, Crepes. Specially priced. Coats Utility and Dress Coats, Capes, Flares, Fur Trimmed and Plain. All Sizes. Specially Priced. $2400 $"4800 $5975 Y OU will never go back to old- fashioned methods once you have tried Kotex. There is really nothing like its safe, soft, lasting protection. . Kotex softness comes from many filmy, thin layers of Cellucotton (not cotton) absorbent wadding. This is KOTEX IS SOFT-... 1-Not a deceptive softness, that soon packs into chafing hardness. But a delicate, fleecy softness that lasts for hours. 2-Disposable, instantly, completely. 3-Deodorizes . . . safely, $2400 - 48 Gloves