TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 TH~t MICIGAN fDAILY PAGE' T}RM a III Alli CHARACTER TRAITS IN SUNDAY SPEE[CH Eastern Pastor Asks Man to Put Trust in Human Verities Shown in Jesus. FIRST SHIP OF BYRD EXPEDITION IN HARBOR FOLLOWING RETURN CONVOCATIONS ENDED Worlds of Science and Idealism} Can be Combined Under Mature Religion. Achievement of a mature religion rests upon the willingness of man to put trust in the human verities! that Jesus dared to live by, under- graduates of the University were! told by the Rev. Dr. Donald Aldrich,j of New York city, Sunday morning in Hill auditorium at the final con- vocation of the spring series spon- sored by the Student council. "Jesus took an ordinary life, and laid it against the human verities,i and the face of God shone through," the New York pastor stated. "For man to acquire a ma-' ture religion, he must take the alignments of the character of Je-i sus, as they are faithfully portrayed in the Bible, and combine them with our knowledge of the universe,E which is the greatest in the history NEW YORK I,.I CERCLE FRANCAIS FROM ICE BARRIER MOLIERE'S COME ACE 0 N 0 SP LA Y- and snobrbery are dealt a series of I smart raps in Moliere's "Les Prec- 1 ! French, Spanish, Japanese Pieces ieuses Ridicules." which will share Will be on View Two Weeks i eoial'w H el s the program of the Cercle Francais' in 'Memorial Hall.-annual dramatic presentation next1 CW IThursday evening at the Lydia CAROT WORK INCLUDED! Mendelssohn theatre along with "Le An exhibition of original prints, Mystere d'Adam." a twelfth cen- etchings, and lithographs, recently tury religious drama. acquired by the division of Fine The play concerns itself with the Arts, was hung yesterday, and may adventures of two young ladies be viewed for the next two weeks from the country who come to the in the Fine Arts reading room on city to get a taste of the elegant the first floor of Alumni Memorial life led by Parisian society of the hall. times. But, through the conniving, Among these are six Japanese revengeful activities of two Paris- woodblock color prints, etchings by ians whom they have jiltedc in love. Tiepolo, an 13th century Venetian the young ladies, played by Mary painter, Corot, 19th century French Morley, '31, and Dorothy Beck, '30, artist, and Goya, Spanish artist of are shamed and humiliated into the 18th century. Also included in seeing that the elegant life was not this exhibit is a lithograph by the one to aspire to in preference Whistler, renowned English artist, to the simple country life. The parts and two early German woodblock of the two jilted young men are prints, together with several 15th taken by Robert Duval, '30, and. century etchings and engravings. Glenn Gosling, '31. The Fine Arts reading room has "Les Precieuses Ridicules," the also recently acquired two port- first of Moliere's writings which folios of colored reproductions of originated with him, was presented drawings by Delacroix, leader of the for the first time in 1659 before the Romantic movement in French king of France, with Moliere him- painting, and by Cezannes, called self in the leading role. It has 1 the father of modern painting. - - "These copies offer a very, inclusive study of the technique of these French artists and are wonderfully like the originals, having been done by a new German process," declared A~at~d ~Margaret K. Effinger, librarian. I WILL FEATURE DY ON THURSDAY proved a great favorite at the Com- edie Francaise, where it has been played practically every year since then. "It is interesting to note," re- marked Prof. Rene Talamon, direc- tor of the activities of the Cercle Francais, "that this is the eighth time the Cercle has produced a play by Moliere." In 1907, the first year of the Cer- cle's existence, Moliere's "Le Bour- geois Gentilhomme" was presented. Since then, the Cercle Francais has produced "L'Avare," "La Malade Imaginaire," "Les Fourberies de Scapin," "Le Bourgeois Gentil- homme," and "Le Medecin Malgre Lui," all from the prolific pen 'of the French dramatist. This is the second time that "Les Precieuses Ridicules" has been played by the French group. It was given its first performance in 1911. Tickets for the two productionis will be on sale starting today kat Wahr's bookstore, and evenings, at the box office at the Lydia Ivien- delssohn theatre, priced at 75 -ents. Holders of Cercle Francais 'eason tickets may present these 'vpith 25 cents and receive a ticket Tor the performance. I* of mankind. "A mature religion put us in com- mand of life. Too many people live in a world of science, and ma-" terialism; too few can properly combine it with the world of ideals. Those values called idea'ls some- how seem to be guaranteed by a power beyond, but most of us live in only one world, and we need a mature religion to take advantage of both. One cannot afford to take a one sided view of life. "We have lost control of religion, to- a considerable extent, because we have been forced to accept it liter- ally. The. authors of the book of Genesis did not mean it to be either a science or a religion. They only meant to ascribe the creation of the world to their God. "Considering the world today, we have a greater knowledge of the .universe than anything previous people, and we have a true know- ledge of the character of Jesus. By combining these two we can de- velop a mature" religion. We may reach the same conclusion as our forefathers, but we will have reach- ed it gloriously. "In considering the world we should not ask: Is there a power that rules it?, but we should ask, What-kind, of a power rules it? A inature religion can answer. It can not do so by taking a literal mean- ing of things and attempting to un-' derwrite them with science. "There is something in life that is suggestive of purpose. Some peo- ple believe that we cannot check up on intuition, but I wonder is there f anything more sure than charac- ter. If we look into history, the most challenging figure is Jesus. He took the qualities of life: love, friendship, sympathy,and the like,j and dared to live by them. He ab- solutely staked his life on these ver- ities, and if man would achieve aI mature religion, if he would know the purpose of life, he must put trust in these human verities." The whaler C. A. Larsen, of the barrier. Shown below are member Arthur T. Walden, Dr. Valcoo Vojtec ander, and Edward E. Goodale. Byrd expedition, in New York harb s of the expedition who returned w h, Martin Ronne, Norman D. Vaugha ITVY or vi 1 an after its return from the Ross ice a the ship. They are, left to right: , Walter Leuthner, Claire D. Aex- TIUNIUAL c99 11SUR Eich Will Address AD1ISUI'Alpha Nu Members RETURNSMTOerUT1ES at Initiation Dinner SPECTACLE Eighteen men, elected to mem- (Continued From Page x)b.i delegation included: David Hunter bership in Alpha Nu, forensic so- Total Eclipse Brings Information Mciety, will be initiated this after- Regarding Source of Heat, ment of State; T. G. Risley, of the noon in room 4002 Angel hall. To- Light, and Energy. menightfa.tban;uT. G.l be hey, at the Department of Labor; R. W. Flour- nght a banquet will be held at the (B Associated Press) noy Jr., and Mrs. R. B. Shipley, both Union in their honor. Dr. Louis M. The rare phenomenon of a total Eichhe rarhephpnomendnpoftmetoa of the state department. The four ! Eich, of the speech department, eclipse of the sun was witnessed technical advisors were: Professor ill be the principal speaker of the over a narrow swath across the Reeves, Miss Emma Wold, of the evening. northwestern United States today National Woman's Party; Prof. queofwil come wha esoAlpha n Nu -and in addition to being'a spectacle Manley Hudson of Harvard Univer- utwl oewhnApaN e ian d rof Brcard bates the Detroit Law college on of muclhinterest may have brought sity, and Prof. E. M. Borchard. the subject: "Resolved that the to astronomers new information re.- The work of the conference wasstdi gardingour chief source Hof heat, divided into three groups, one for! several states should be permitted gingouchesure>fhat each of the mreequestions. Pro-r to adopt the Ontario system of light, and energy. fessor Reeves was connected with liquor control." Three Alpha Nu As a spectacle the eclipse brought alumni, Richard Weber, Carpenter thousands of .persons into northern the group on territorial waters. H mti Rad WJber. re ntwillCalifornia, Nevada, Idaho, and Owing first to the death of form- 7+ ,Montana, out into the open with er President Taft and later to the represent the Detroit Collegef smoked glasses to witness the sun's death of the Queen of Sweden, the Lrocclusion by the moon. The path American delegates were unable to Garret Wright, Howard Simon, and of totality was both narrow and attend any public social functions. Fenlon Bocsche will speak for relatively short. Starting at a point According to Professor Reeves, the ; Alpha Nu. Members of the speech in the Pacific ocean west of San arrangements for the conference department will judge the debate. Francisco about 9:36 a. m., the were well carried out by the se- moon's shadow moved northeast- cretary of the League of Nations. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-The ward at a rate of 1,200 miles an "The conference was of a highly prevailing opinion that students hour entering Nevada at Honey technical nature," stated Professor have unduly radical tendencies is California, and dashing across Reeves, "and viewed as an experi- entirely unwarranted, according to Idaho and Montana. ment, it was a success; viewed as a, James B. Berry, of the department 3 finality, it was not a success. It is of sociology here. On the contrary, INDIANA UNIVERSITY - More to be hoped that the lack of con- using 100 students tested as a than 600 couples attended the 10th cretc results here will not discour- basis, the present day student is annual Junior Prom on April 26. c further steps for the codifica- ultra conservative in most of hi, Music was furnished by McKin- ?irn of international law." views. The only "radical" trend ney's Cotton Pickers. EDGAR JOHNSTONE PRESENTSREPORT Addressing a meeting of the School of Education faculty yester- day at luncheon in the Union, Prof. Edgar G. Johnstone of the University High school presented a report of the success of the grad- uates of this institution in their first year of college work. Professor Johnstone pointed out that the number of A's earned by graduates of this school in the I last three years is approximately 50 per cent the number earned by graduates of all other high schools. He further showed that the number { of unsatisfactory marks was lower in this group than in the ordinary run of college freshmen. Commenting on this report, Dean Edmonson of the School of Educa- tion said, "We have every reason to be proud of this record, especial- ly in consideration of the fact that the school is a comparatively new one, and we may well be gratified at the record of its graduates." Jack Will Lead Adelphi; in Literary Discussion' Prof. Peter M. Jack, head of the, I Rhetoric department, will lead a? discussion on "The Literary Rebels of Our Day" at the weekly meeting of the Adelphi House of Repre- sentatives at 7:30 o'clock tomor- row night, in the Adelphi room on the fourth floor of Angell hall. The 1 meeting is open to all who are in- terested. A short, but important business meeting will follow the closed ses- sion. Spoarkietone Pri nts Have th ebrillancy and clarity that you so desire in Photographs. Bring your films to Francisco- DBoyce hoto Co 719.North University Avenue , 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[1111111[11111111111[111111111111111111(III111111111111111[111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 Ilillllt11111#1111111111111 II11I11111I11111111IfIf MI If III III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII II11IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII111111111111if III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII It IIII IIIIIIIIII MI III IIMI I; 11 N 11