ESTABLISHED 1890 . !. r IC ia n tl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DRAMATIC READER T!APPEAR HERE' 'KING'S HENCHMAN' ON SPECH SERIES' University of Chicago Professor Will Appear at League f r} Theatre Tonight.! ELIZABETH SMITH, NAMED9 AS WINNER Of PLAY1 CONTEST* Annual Father, Son Banquet to be Held in Union on May 10 SEN E AFTER RS TO ATTEND STAG DINNER, ICEREMONIESI! Complimentary Tickets Will Given to Dinner Guests. be 'Janica Starrs' Is Selected b, Judges as Best Work in Competition. TO BE PRODUCED HERE y More than 3,000 fathers of Uni- versity students will be sent invita- tions tomorrow for the Union's an- nual Father and Son's banquet tc be held Saturday, May 10, in the Union ballroom. This date has been HAS VARIED EXPERIENCE Reading is First of Series of 4 ..Casting Will Begin Immediately Four to be Presented Under Direction of Play This Spring. tProduction. Prof. Davis Edwards, head o the '! Duplicating her achievement in department of public speaking of,. the one-act play contest held last the University o f C h ic a g 0 Isemester, Elizabeth W. Smith, spec., Divinity School, will appear at last night was announced as win- 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Lydia ner.ofgthealon ones with Mendelssohn theatre to read "The Prof. Davis Edwards. ner of the long play contest with King's Henchman," by Edna St. Educator and dramatic reader, her contribution "Janica Starrs." Vincent Millay, as the first on the who will appear tonight at the The play will be produced by the series of four dramatic readihgs to Lydia Mendelssohn thatre t; pre- Play Production classes later in the be presented this spring by the senf "The King's Henchman," by semester as were the prize-winning speech department. Edna St. Vincent Millay one-act plays in the early part of Within the past ten years Prof. the term. Edwards has achieved a significant-the c sps yh position in the recital world and national recognition on the lec- play writing class i the depart- CAMP US SOC I E IES ~ ots ntedpr- ture platform. His recent appear- !ment of rhetoric, although the con- ances have included lecture and Artest was open to any regularly en- recital engagements in New York i pJ V II U Irolled student. The judges for the City and vicinity and frequent pro- i ots eePo.PtrMno grams in the leading auditoriums cknead ofe rhetr depr- and colleges of the country. M Th $300 Is Collected Jack, head of the rhetoric depart- ProfesorEdwar s, Varied. n n Towards Goal of $3,000 English department, and Valentine 1 characterized as the best reader of for Fresh Air Camp. Windt, of the speech department, poetry in America, holds, in addi- !--- and director of Play Production. -tion to his position at Chicago Uni- MAY 7 TO BE TAG DAY Submits Two Plays versity, the corr'sponding post at Mrs. Smith's play was in three the Chicago Theological Seminary, Contributions totaling more than acts and was one of two which she: and at the Chautauqua School of $300 have been received to date submitted. She also submitted two Speech, and is past vice-president in the one-act contest, "All of the National Association of fromr fraternities and sororities in 1 plays i h n-c ots,"l in a Day's Work," and "Wives-in- Teachers of Speech. the Fresh Air camp, it was an- Law," which was the winner. Cast- Tonight's reading will inaugurate nounced last night by Stanton W. ing for the production of the long a series of educationally interest- Todd, '30, senior class president play will be started immediately. ing dramatic recitals that will be and director of the Fresh Air although the date for the showing an innovation in Ann Arbor, and a drive. has not been announced as yet. series that has been heartily en- Ietters addressed to all campus No other of the plays submitted dorsed by Prof. O. J. Campbell, organizations making the annual in the contest was given recogni- Prof. Kenneth Rowe, and Valen- appeal nforfunds were placed in tion nor was the number of plays tine B. Windt. tentered announced by the commit- the mail last Satrday, In adl=.d Has Varied Repertoire. tion to this canvass of fraternity f tee of judges. As an educator Professor Ed- and sorority houses, the drive will It Robinson to Criticize. wards is vitally interested in in- culminate with the general appealt was announced at the time of warrdstisgfrhsauine h the decision that the first place terpreting for his audiences the to the student body on Tag Day play would be read at 7:15 Wed- great experiences of classical and j which comes, this year, on Wed- nesda night in room 3227 Angell contemporary literature, and to nesday May 7. The goal for the hall at the regular meeting of the this end he is presenting "The student drive has been set for $3,- rhetoric department drama class. King's Henchman" here as being 000, which covers the running ex- At that time Mr. Lennox Robinson, peculiarly adapted to the interests penses of the camp. Funds for director of the Abbey Theatre in of the Ann Arbor audience. Ipermanent improvements of the Dublin and at present directing his Single admission tickets to to- property are contributed by alumni, play "The White-Headed Boy" with night's recital and season tickets members of the faculty, and others a cast picked from the Play Pro- for the series of four may be pro-'interested in the project. duction classes, will be present to cured at Slater's or at 3211 Angell' The camp which is located on comment on the play. All who en- hall, as well as at the box office of' the shores of Lake Patterson pro- tered plays in the contest are in- the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. vides more than 400 under-privi- vited to attend. leged boys of Detroit and Ann Ar- bor with the benefits of two-week Damage in Detroit Fire NA IN LG A Douting. 'Etiae _a_20,0 The student leaders of the camp Estimated at $200,000 this summer are: Walter Gavey,( soitdPes Harley Kline, '30, and Walter STOP PRISO)!N RIOTK~v, 1,5 sumer arie: Wlte3Gae evy, grad. Levy will be the head DETROIT, April 28.-Nearly ev- fcounselor for the senior section of ery fire company in downtown De- Wethe camp having charge of the troit was called out early this Warden Gives Order Shoot toI boys from 14 to 16 years old, while i Kill as Prisoners Get Unruly Gvey will direct the activities of morning to fight a fire which broke in Power House Tunnel. the junior group whose ages range out in the warehouse of the John up to 14 years. The lodge leaders F. Ivory company at 130 Lafayette' ( fy ilssocitcd 'rss,.) of the camp who have been re- boulevard and was only brought COLUMBUS, April 28- Thirty- cruited from the student body for under control after a four houi one National guardsmen with load- the most part, include the follow- battle in which $200,000 damage ed rifles and tear gas bombs were ing: George Preusser, grad, Edwin sent into Ohio penitentiary tonight Reischauer Oberlin, '31, Roland - was done. to quell disorder among prisoners in Voight, '31L, Wallace Carr, '33, The fire, whose origin has not a tunnel leading from a cell block Frank Harrison, '32, and Richard been determined, broke out shortly to the prison power house. Payne, '31. after midnight. Flames and sparks Seven of the soldiers went into __were carried hundreds of feet m the the prison court while 24 men sta- .air. Heat and smoke forced ccci- tioned themselves in the guard- -Military Ball Plans pants of the adjacent Salvation room with fixed bayonets. "A shoot Nearing Completion Army hotel to move into the street to kill order" was issued by War- Lt. Ferdand H. Pary and Har- den Thomas.Plans for the annual Military old Robinson, two firemen, wer Col. Robert Haubrich, commander Ball are nearing completion, ac- overcome by smoke but were reviv- of the National guardsmen station- cording to George M. Ryerson, '31, ed later in Receiving hospital. ed outside the prison since last ogeneral chairman, who last night Monday's fire. in which 320 con- IE G N E I G P O victs died, preceded the soldiers in announced that negotiations are ENGINEERING PRO to the court.under way to broadcast the music Upon reaching the court, the sol- furnished by Art Kassel and his THAT H ONOR diers entered the tunnel. The con- Castles in the Air over a Detroit_ victs apparently had. planned to station from the ballroom of the - shut off the power and throw the Union. Professors of the engineering prison into darkness. It is expected that Para- college having many years exper- First information that the con- mount Pictures will again take ience with the honor system, as it victs were in the tunnel came when several shots of the grand march' - they cut off the power supplying as in previous years. operates there, are practically una the light in the White City idle Art Kassel is bringing his band nimous in the belief that the sys- house. When the cell blocks be- here directly from the Club Metro- tem is functioning properly and came black, soldiers cut two holes pole, Chicago, where he has scored many of them will argue strongly in the roof and trained search- a tremendous success, and has also for the continuance of such a plan, lights into them. Later tear gas become well-known to radio audi-d bombs were dropped into the holes., ences through his regular broad- it was stated yesterday by Prof. A. It was learned that the mutineers casts over KYW. D. Moore, who as head mentor for had cut through a concrete wall in This will be his first appearance the students of the college, is in Larder to reach the tunnel on a national tour. He will go di- charge of the honor system. His Soldiers were kept onmnh ncef rectly from here to play for the statement was in reply to a recent hln --------------------of!-,---~-----------------------------t.. set by the, committee with the view to having Cap Night, which is set for Friday, May 9, combine with the banquet in providing a week- end full of interest. The principal speaker of the eve- ning will be announced in a few days by Walter H. Reichenbach, '30 who is chairman of the reception committee. The fraternity groups attending the banquet may make arrange- ments to sit together at tables seat- ing any desired number. Several local organizations are cooperating in extending a wel- come to the fathers who attend. The Athletic association will give complimentary tickets for the Illi- 1 nois-Michigan baseball game to anyone holding father and son's banquet tickets. The 'Butterfield theater interests will provide tick- ets to the Majestic theatres for the Saturday night performance. If PFAK FRAY L 7 Class Banquet to be Held May 10 After Annual Swingout Exercises. FRED LAWTON TO SPEAK composer of Varsity' to Discuss 'The Spirit of Michigan in Business.' Inaugurating a new feature on the annual round of spring Senior class festivities, a Senior Stag ban-! quet will be held Tuesday, May 13. in the Union following the Swing- out ceremonies scheduled for that afternoon. Seniors from all schools and colleges in the University will attend.j J. Fred Lawton, '11, of Detroit, has already accepted an invitation to be one of the principal speakers at the banquet. Lawton is well known as the composer of "Varsity." He also wrote the music for two Union operas, "Koanzoland," and "The Crimson Chest," while in school, and held a number of im- portant offices, including the presi- dency of his Junior class, secretary- ship of his Senior class, Student C llril m m a b i rci~ " N Professor Jesse S. Reeves. Head of the political science partment who returned to Ann. bor Sunday morning following work at The Hague. de- Ar- his PROFESSOR REEVESil BACK FROM HAGUE1 Technical Advisor to Committee Received Appointment From Secretary of State. DISCUSSES PROBLEMS 'R GAMES TODAY Captains to Choose Committees to Instill Class Spirit, Organize Action. NOVEL EVENTS PLANNED Rivalry Intense Since Freshmen Wish to Keep a Clean Slate After Earlier Victory. Leaders to direct the freshmen and sophomores of the University in their struggle for underclass honors Friday and Saturday will be elected today. The first year men will assemble at 7:30 o'clock this ' evening in the ballroom of the Un- ion while the sophomores will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in room 35 of Angell hall. The captains elected today will each choose a staff of assistants to organize completely the class and to develop class spirit. Rivalry at the games will be intense, it is be- lieved, inasmuch as the sophomores, who met defeat for the first time in their class career last fall, will be out, for revenge and to secure a majority of wins in underclass competition. Nine Events Planned. The freshmen, likewise, will turn out with" "blood in their eyes," in an attempt to keep their slate clean with the hopes of achieving, by the end of next year, an unblemished record of four Victories, iL goal that was last attained by the class of 1930, now about to graduate. The underclass games will consist of nine events, five in a water sport program Friday afternoon at the Huron river and four in a field day Saturday morning on South Ferry field. Two new events, canoe races be- tween'picked crews from each class will start the traditional battle Fri- day afternoon. Two tugs-of-war between picked teams of 50 each will follow these events. The final competition of the afternoon will be a tug-of-war in which all members of the two classes will participate. The first four events will each count one point and the latter two points, making a total of six points for the afternoon. Saturday Games Named. Saturday morning's activities will begin with an obstacle race, and continue with a cane spree, and pillow fight, all of which will be fought out by picked members.of the classes. The final event of the games will be a "hog-tieing" con- test for all freshmen and sopho- mores. The first three events will each count two points, and the last three points; bringing the total for the two days' competition to 15 points. +. I 1 I UU1L.1111 11 11 1uncu mem ership, a ssistant U sports editorship of The Daily, and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi- Irish Theatre Will be Discussed humor editorship of the Gargoyle. cal science department returned to by Noted Author in First IAbbot to Be Toastmaster. Ann Arbor Sunday from the Hague, byNoedAuho i2Frs Talk of Series. Lawton has spoken at many pp where he had been serving for 2 meetings on the eve of Varsity foot-;- nonths in the capacity of technical TO DIRECT OWN PLAY)ball games during the last few advisor to the Hague Committee for ! years, and is well known here as a the Codification of International, First of a series of two talks dur- humorous and speaker, said Jack Law. Professor Reeves was appoint- ing his three-weeks' stay in Ann Wilcox, '30, chairman of the ban- ed late in February by the acting Arbor, will be given at 4:15 o'clock ; quet committee. Lawton's subject Secretary of State, Joseph P. Cot- Friday afternoon by Lennox' Robin- will be "the Spirit of Michigan iltlon. -- willb .TeSii f ihgnl The Hague Committee, compos- son, author of numerous plays, and Business," and .his speech will be d of delegates fom more than especially directed toward the inter- ford-elegae ~ m oeta director of the Irish National the- es of yeirs in the Uier-forty-seven nations, invited by thei atre in Dublin, Ireland. The lecture government of the Netherlands, on the brink of their graduation. met for the purpose of formulating Friday will be in the Lydia Men-I Prof. Waldo Abbot, or the rhet-:acd ntremao ujcso ! a code on three major subjects of delssohn theatre and will be open oric department, holder of Sigma international law. These three sub- to the general public. ;Delta Chi's oil can, will be toast-~iertinla;Thesthrnsub- Mr. Robinson's subject will be master. Professor Abbot has pre- tionality, territorial waters, and the "The Story of the Irish Theatre." sided m this capacity over a num responsibility of states for dam- Play Production is presenting him , ber of Gridiron banquets. Besides ages done to aliens in their tern- in these two lectures, the second of; introducing Lawton, he will calltory. lasterernh which will be announced "at a later on two other speakers, one a facul- The conference date, and as the director -of his own ty man and one a student, whose According to Professor Reeves, the1 play ."The Whiteheaded Boy" which names are to be announced later length of the meeting was not suffi -j will be produced at the Lydia Men'- this week by Wilcox. cient to accomplish the desired dlessohn theatre Friday and Satur- Music Provided For. ends, and in addition, tre were day nights, May 9, and 10, and Music will be furnished by the too many countries to make the Monday and Tuesday nights, May Midnight Son's quartet, an organ- work complete. The flnal result of; 12, and 13. ization of University men which the conference was an agreement, Mr. Robinson, who arrived in; has made frequent radio appear- on the question of nationality only, Ann Arbor about a week ago, was ances. In addition to the quartet, which the United States refused to brought here by Play Production as an orchestra may be secured to sign. The work entailed in the two one of the outstanding dramatic ; play popular music. Much time ' remaining questions was concluded events of the year. Miss Jessie will be devoted to mass singing,,by reports and drafts, no agreement Bonstelle, director of the Civic since it is believed by the com- I being accomplished. theatre in Detroit, recently said that mittee in charge that the banquet ' The personnel of the American "Mr. Robinson has done more than will furnish a welcome opportunity (continued on Page 3) a great deal for the theater in Ire- for members of the graduating land." "He is a fine director and a class to unite for a final time in Hayer Plans Special clever author," she commented. singingthe Michigansongs which they have known through their, Numbers for Mimes 'The Rivals' to Play four years of college life. at Whitney ThursdayfTickets will be on sale the latter; All specialty numbers for the Wpart of the week in the lobby of American classic, "Ten Nights in a Presenting only one performance Angell hall and by members of the 'Barroom," which opened last night of Sheridan's farcical drama, "Tine 1 banquet committee, it is announc- at the Mimes theatre, were plan- Rivals," Mrs. Fiske and her com- ed by Wilcox. .ned and directed by Roy , Hoyer, oany on whirlwind tour will appear "Inasmuch as the idea of a class j Thursday night at the Whitney banquet, which has been aban- juvenile star of the recent produc- theatre. doned for some time in the Uni- tion of Pleasure Bound," and the Seats for the production are pric- versity, is being revived by this direct of the ancing in the an- ?d at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and year's Senior class only because of nual Union Operas. $3.00. , Mail order applications are popular demand, an early sell-out Songs for the production include being received at the Whitney box , of tickets, is expected," Wilcox such famous masterpieces as "Dad- office now. i'said. dy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Bow, ''T J)UIn ' VY 'an!.- fn A) ri ii ' GARGOYLETO AV NEW COLOR PLATES Drawing of Feminine Pulchritude in Colors Will Add to Cover of Humor Publication. After a year of experimenting with color plates, processes, and techniques in an attempt to find the right combination for Gargoyle covers, Jerry Ellison, '30, managing editor, claims he has attained suc- cess with the cover for the May is- sue, which will appear on the cam- pus tomorrow. The subject of the drawing is feminine pulchritude in colors, This number, Ellison said, con- tains more cartoons and photo- graphs than any other number of the year, in gddiUon to several good feature stories, departments, and reviews. Th- editorial d:1cusses a timely subject under the title of "Superfluous Comment." The editorial cartoon by Lee Blaser, '31, once more sizes up the academic situa tion, this time from an entirely new angle. It is well ex- ecuted in lithographic pencil. The picture of another pretty ac- tress (address on request) graces I Dlon't want to Play in Youir Yard," "Only a , Bird in a Gilded FESSORS UNANIMOUS IN BELIEF Cage," "Father, Dear Father, Come SHome With Me Now," and "Casey SSYSTEM IS WORKING, STATES MOORE jWould Waltz With a Strawberry ____________________________________ Blond." . -'Clog numbers, skits, and a boxing }l,000 students, Prof. Moore pointed 'fessors, though not in the class- match, all of which were a part of out. room at the time of examination, the original production many years The maximum amount of cheat- can check on cribbing through ago, have been included in the pres- ing reported by any professor was 20 suspected and 10 certain out of 1260 students. One professor, !with 15 years experience with the honor system stated he hadden- Scountered but three cases in deal- .'ing with 2,000 students. The pro- O urVa.)eM" aIn comparison of bluebooks and by ent production. contrasting work done on exams with that done throughout the se- Senate Debates Begin mester, according to Professoraa Moore. on Parker Nomination Moore. From his personal experience in conducting classes in the engineer- WASHINGTON, Apr 2 B ing college the head mentor states WASHINGTON, April 28-Before he has "known many occasions crowded galleries and an mtensive- when good and bad students sat lysattentivet membership, debate together in an exam, and no cheat- was begun late today in the Senate ing resulted. With the opportunity on confirmation of Judge Jahn J. Ai + nrnaixn+nA Parker of North Carolina, as an as-