SU6NDAY, ATP L 27, B~30 TH E MICHICAN DAILY PAGE EEN Netmen Win From Western State Normal! n PLAY BY PLAY ACCOUNT OF SECOND BOX SCORES SET-TO AGAINST SYRACUSE SQUAD OIOAW6O(ContinuedFrom Page 6) Schofield. Frank struck out. Tomp- VRRZ_ T ARMCormick forced Truskowski, Kelley kins tossed out Hayman, Walkov AMRN EG R H E Ito Hayman. L. Hill batted for taking second and Stoneberg hold- m f----oit--------0- R H E Compton. Kelley tossed out L Hill, ing third. Beagle beat out a hit to Byrum Wins 6-4, 7-5 Match turning back Wolfe in straight1 Detroit.....020 020 000- 4 9 1 McCormick taking second. Butler Daniels, Stoneberg scoring and From Hammer to Take Fea- sets, 10-8, 6-2. In winning Ryan Cleveland .-..700 013 00x11 17 0 was hit by a pitched ball, Superko Walkov taking third. Sulkowski used his net attack and accurate Whitehill, Sullivan, Carroll and singled to left, scoring McCormick.Iforced Beagle, Daniels to Straub. ture Battle of Meet. lobbing game to good advantage. Hargrave Brown and L. Sewell. Tompkins rolled to Hayman. Three One run, two hits, no errors. Beal and Bob Clarke, playing in runs, four hits, no errors. BEAL DEFEATS BELLER the number one doubles position 00R H E SEVENTH I N N I N G-Syracuse I !Tompkins ptching, L. -11paying for Michigan fell straight set vic- Chicago .000 000 000- 0 6 6 cetemkns Mchn L.ickleft forg.- Celebrating the first real tennis tims to the first string Hilltopper StLouis 030 700 02x-12 15 0 ne nd crik ft r weather of the year Michigan's combine of Bryan and Household- Lyons and Autry; Crowder and Michigan. Walkov flied to McCor- Varsity net team successfully ush- er, 8-6, 6-1. Byrum's stellar work Manion, mrick.Kevley popped to Tompkins cred in the 1930 court season by in the forecourt coupled with his RHaymangrounded to H~udson, who! diiel t urning3 acktason g forceful service proved more than R H E retired him unassisted. No runs, no decisively turning back a strongenough for the Wolverines. Philadelphia 011 010 001- 4 5 1!hits, no errors. Western State Teachers College ;Gain Doubles Victories. Washington 000 001 43x- 8 15 0 Michigan: Hudson singled sharp-1 combination by a 6-3 score yester- Second doubles play went to Grove and Cochrane; Hadley ly to right. Kelley threw out Straub, day afternoon on the Ferry Field Michigan in decisive fashion. Cap- and Ruel. ! Hudson taking second. Daniels tap-' courts. tarn Eddie Hammer and RollinH ped to Kelley, Hudson going to In handing the Hilltoppers their Clark showed a flashy net attack R H E third on the play. Truskowski hit first dual match reverse in three to send the visitors, Beller and Boston ......010 000 002- 3 10 1 sharply through Topol, Hudson seasons the Wolverines displayed a Sorenson down to a straight set New York . .104 100 11x- 8 11 0 scoring. Truskowski was caught well balanced front. Michigan was defeat, 6-3, 6-2. Lisenbee and Heving; Pipgras stealing, Horowitz to Walkov. One the winner in four of the six sin- and Dickey. run, two hits, no errors. gles encounters and in two of tne *+ ,*} w n' -yEIGHTH INNING-Syracuse: Bea- three doubles matches. I cigan G.oifers W , NATIONAL LEAGUE. ge beat out a hit to short. Tomp- Byrum Beats Hammer. 'I Bi R H E kins threw out Sulkowski, Beagle Del "Skinny" Byrum, star of the .Open1ng BI en Meet Brooklyn .. .000 000 100- 1 9 1 taking second. Horowitz was out, Kalamazoo forces, turned back the Boston ......002 000 000- 2 7 0 Tompkins to Hudson, Beague hold- determined bid of Eddie Hammer, , (cntinued From Page 6) Elliott and Picinich; Seibold and ing second. Topol walked. Stevens "What shall we buy Michigan leader in the number one The final individual match also Spohrier. forced Topol, Daniels to Straub. No singles match in straight sets, -4, went to the Wolverines with Liv--- runs, one hit, no errors.for her'graduation?" 7-5. Byrum broke through Ham- . 1st game score Michigan: Schofield took the mer's first service to establish the ngston, who drew this position on R H E mound for Syracuse. McCormick margin in the initial set. The WoN- the team over Ahstrom and Roys- New York ... ... .... 13 16 0 struck out. L. Hill was out, Beagle To' be really happy verine broke through to an early ton, took Parker of Purdue into Philadelphia .. 2 6 3 unassisted. Butler grounded to Hay- 2-0 lead in the second set only t9 camp, 3H0 Hubbell and O'Farrell; Elliott, man. No runs, no hits, no errors. she must have pearls fall behind and trail 5-3 and 40 ;Howard paired up with Lenfesty1I Koupal, Smythe and Davis. NINTH INNING-S y r a c u s e- lov owr air upwi e ey --- Stoneberg walked. Walkov got a love, in the first foursome and experi-Soeegwle.Wlo o Byrum double faulted at this ite i u y ind 2nd game fluke single over second, Stoneberg enced ltl i cl nwinning on otir.Fakbte o juncture and Hammer drove suc- over the Boilermaker combination R H E going to third. Frank batted for' cessfully on the next four points of Bassett and Parker. The best New York . 010 122 001- 7 16 0 Frey and Sukeforth; Carlson and to bring the score to 5-4 and then ball in this round was a 66, 32 out Philadelphia 000 210 020- 5 12 3 Hartnett.n fiveallAt tis oin Byrm aainPruett and IHogan; Sweetland - v l . and 34 in. Hoiard was again out and Davis. brought his forceful net attack in- standing and three points more s R H E E M EVERYODY'S SAYING IT! M'IRACLEAN There 's Nothing Better Michigan's best d r e s s e d men and women get that way because they have their garments MiraCleaned Regularly by oldman Bros. They k n o w that their clothes are always spot- lessly clean and new-look- ing. Suits TopCoats Miracleaned and Valeteria Form Pressed i i i I 4 { to play behind his powerful ser- were added to the Michigan total. vice and ground strokes and ran In the second foursome Hicks out the set. and Royston gained another 2 1-2c Brace Proves Winner- points by winning over Dinka and Bob Beal, performing in the sec- Captain Cook of Purdue. The ond singles for Michigan, found Boilermaker duo gained their half plenty of opposition but managed a point when Royston and Dinka' to win in three sets over Beller of halved the first nine. By virtue of j -Western State 6-1, 3-6, 6-3. Fred yesterday's victory the Wolverines Brace outstroked Householder of can now boast an enviable record; the visitors in the third singles to of 18 consecutive wins in Confer- gain a 6-4, 10-8 decision. ence dual competition. Next Fri- Sorenson added another point to day the Michigan Varsity will en- the Hilltoppers total by turning gage Ohio State in competition atj back Michigan's fourth singles per- Columbus.3 former, Rollin Clark in straight setts of 6-3, 8-6. Bob Clarke was an h -- easy winner over the Western Star, j Bradford in the fifth singles, 6-2, amonds Watche 6-3. Dincinnati Chicago . .100 000 ..000 000 R- 000- 1 000- 0 HE 50 7 1 St. Louis .. . .005 Pittsburgh . .000 Hallahan and and Iemsley. 000 002- 070 20x- Wilson; 7 10 1 9 12 3 I Brown i i 0 I C LS SIFE NOTICE I-NOTICE, _ WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 246 RADIO SERVIC Competent service men on all makes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE !Dial 21408 521 East Liberty 246 Special Chicken Dinner Sunday FOREST INN, 538 Forest 6C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. SAND-Washed and screened sand and gravel; all sizes. Immediate delivery. KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Two very desirable homes, fine surroundings, handy to campus. Immediate occu- pancy. References. Phone 5740. 928 Oakland. 612 FOR RENT-Large rooms. Accom- modate two students or grad- uates. 1302 North University.. FOR RENT-Two well furnished rooms, separate or as suite. For business people or married cou- ple. 509 S. Division. Dial 4531. FOR SALE FOR . S A L E-Dental office and practice. Downtown. Populatioi 150,000. Same location 30 years. High grade clientele. Replace- ment value $3,000. Sacrifice. Ill health. Ben H. Lee, 1146 Lake Drive S. E, Grand Rapids Michigan.-x WAhfED WANTED-Students who desire to canvass during summer. .Call at 401-2-3 Ypsi-Ann Building. 6 W A N T E D--An old , established company is looking for women with good social contact in Ann Arbor and other Michigan cities, to present fancy California an- ned fruit: sold diret to con- sumer only. Write for appoint- ment and give all qualfiatlons} and phone number to H. G. Howe, 1107 Fisher Bldg., Detrit, Mich. 56 WANTED-About Sept. 15, a mod- ern four or five room heated, un- furnished apartment, con'ven- ient to the University. Please -re- ply to Box 126, care MichIan j Daily. 12345 LOST LOST - Silver ring with carved ivory Indian head. Keepsake. Phone 7136. Elizabeth Reinhart. Reward. 561 LOST-One pair White Gold rim- med glasses in a black leather case. Name inside. Finder please call Isabelle Charles, 1004 Olivia. Phone 3718. LOST-One ear drop-silver rose and leaf set with marcasite. Call 8897. Reward. 456 LOST-Before vacation. Pi Kappa Alpha pin. Reward. Phone 21388. 456 LOST-Sigma Alpha Iota pin. Finder please call 8367. 456 Read the -DAILY CLASSIFIEDS It Will Pay You Well TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPfING A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service.. Experienced erators.. Moderate rates. op.- ~SSDERVC - 4 ~ . , 6 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 s, Clocks' Jewelky Ryan Adds Another.1 Ryan rounded out Michigan's performances in the singles by -'Wi High Grade Repair Service Phone 4744 I i ;, I , I t I Cash and Carry r j ---" -- -r T-- ^rY-Y ^v-v1 r r-_-.- -. . --rte HAHN'S German-American Restaurant 512 East William COME AND ENJOY OU' CHICKEN DINNER. -,.-.-., r k 16 Engineers and Architects Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Typewriting and Pound Papers ollege Pennants and Jewelry. Leather Goods 1Iaipus C 1111 South University Ave. 1/ Block from Ca r fI - i Chicken Noodle Soup And All Fixings 65 Cents. T-BONE. PORTER HOUSE. ROUND AND SIRLOIN STEAKS WITH FRENCH OR FRIED POTATOES EVERY NIGHT. 50 Cents BRING YOUR FAMILY AND LISTEN TO OUR VICTOR RADIO GOTTLIEB GIRBACH, PROP. Fresh Strawberry Ice Crea rt This Week's Specialv 50c a quart at the Soda Fountain The exceptional flavor of this ice cream C will charm your taste Phones 22553 436 3rd Street C Ann Arbor's Best Ice Cream" Fruit Punch made with sun-ripened fruit juices o i <->_______-____ ~- a-o o o<-of Special Dinners and Luncheons ! Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Ladies' Dresseis Miracleaned and Refinished to $150 (No Higher) Called for and Delivered All Ladies' (Fur trim included) Miracleaned and Refinished $1.00 Called for and Delivered Phone 421 GOLDMAN ROTHERS C I e ners Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play While You Pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:- -.r,.. Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records Use the DAILY CLASSIFIEDS They Brig Results! 0 ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 FENCING for J Residences AMERICAN " 4 dy Y'r ' i i