y.Orll M ; T.i .' GEETfTH M T CHICAN-DAILY ____________ 4 ;A, !A* Zt3 flAILY flFFICIAL BULLTIN GRIFFIN ANNOUNCES REAL ESTATE MEETING _ i i ., c .h. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members The fifth annual conference of After the luncheon, there will be Regent Perry Shorts will talk on' meeting will be held. J. G. Lloyd of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- the Michigan Real Estate Associa- a session for discussion, at which "New Competition," while Dean j Alexander, of Grand Rapids, vice- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) tion will be held in Ann Arbor at Hugo J. Hesse, treasurer of the as- Griffin will discuss "Education for president of the assooiation, will VOLXI. SATJRDAY, FEBRUARY 22, the Michigan Union March 6-7, it sociation, will preside. Professor Business." preside, and three addresses and was announced yesterday by Dean discussions will be given. Gerald -- -- C. E. Griffin, of the school of busi- Roy R. Ray, of the Southern Meth- Friday morning another session Healy, of Flint, will talk on "In- NOTICES ness administration. ie also an- odist university at Dallas, Texas, wl be held under te ledership1 vestments, Sound and Speculative," To All Freshmen: Judging from articles recently appearing in The nounced tae program for the con- will give an address on "The Con- of M. L Niehuss, instructor in Real Guy W. Ellis of Detroit on "Crea- Daily, the writers are unfamiliar with the eligibility rules governing the entiono demnation of Real Estate for Pub- Estate Lous Brownow, of the tive SellR-g, and F. B. MKiddin participation of freshmen in extra-curricular activities. In order to Theconvea nont, whicheopens ,City Housing Corporation of Rad- ofLansing on ''The Mechanics of p oi Purposes," and will conduct the br.N . iltl n"h elCohn. l h pacr r clear up this misunderstanding, the regulation in question is quoted in Ilurdaiy noon with a luncheon, is discussion on that subject. Pro- brn N. J will talk on "The RealClothing.n rAll the speakers are full, as follows: held in cooperation with the school. . - Estate Developer and the Automo prommnent real estate nmen in the "No student shall take part in any public activity during his first f business administration. Prof. fessor Ernest M. Fisher will give an bile Age," and Louis Palmer, the state. y "o rsudent shll tae Uparty, exneaby spacivity dringssi ft Ernest M. Fiher, professor of real address on "Observi1 on Real president, will talk on "What the- _ year of residence in the University, except by special perissiorr of the ,state in the business administra- Estate in European Capitals" and University of Michigan is Doing for UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO - auCmsp permittee on StudentwA~ir. D g g teir fstsdestr ofe rank efcion school, will be the presiding also lead a discussion group. Pro- the Real Estate Vocation-An Ap- The coeds here are preparing ,for .ich special permission will not be granted to students with the rank of1 oficer. President Alexander G. fessor Fisher spent last summer in praisal." their annual musical revue, en- freshman, but may be granted to oher first-year students, providedl- ?uthven will welcome the dele- Europe investigating real estate Friday noon there will be a titled "Yours to Date,"'which will their work in the institutionfrmiom which they came meets the require lte, and Louis G. Palmer, presi- conditions. luncheon, after which the final be presented Feb. 28 and March 1. ments of the Eligibility Cnmittee. Special permission may also be lent of the association, will re- The dinner Thursday evenin granted t freshmen during their r1mcond secner of residence provided ispondl. Then Dr. Louis Webber, will be attended by Leonard P they have completed one full semester's work (fifteen hours or more) the secretary of the organization, Reaume, the president of the Na- ! with at least one mark of Ai or B and ith marks of rot less than will give a talk on "The Work of tional Association of Real Estate C in the balance of their work." the Conference," in which he will Boards; who will give an address. J. A. Bu'sley, Dean of Students outline the schedule of the confer- Louis G. Palmer, president of the -ence. . state association, will preside, and Organ Recita: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the.- following program in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday, February 26. The invited. Arrangements are made for examination of strangers. Final general public is invited to attend. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A arrangements will be announced regarding Battle Creek-Kalamazoo E minor; Bossi: Idylle; Guilmant: Pastorale, Finale, Sonata 1; Matthews: (trip of next week. Caprice; Karg-Elert: Symphonic Choral on "Ach, bleib mit deiner-- gnade"; de Falla: Pantomime (from "El Amor Brujo"); Saint-Saens: The Ann Arbor Stamp Club will meet at 8 o'clock tonight'in room Prelude; Elgar: Allegro (Sonata in G). 408 of the Romance Languages building. Prof. Howard B. Lewis will Ij Pasionl lj?~ 01 Charles A. Sink exhibit and lecture on his collection of charity stamps. There will hot be an auction. Visitors and collectors are cordially invited. German I, Section II (new section), will be held on Monday; Tues- COMING EVENTS day, Thursday, and Friday, at 1:00 p. m. in 305, South Wing. Drawing 12: Will meet every Thursday from 2 to 5, Room 443 West J. W. Eaton #! Engineering Building. A..L. Clark Forestry: Mr. J. B. Taylor, Supervisor of the Deerlodge National Geography 2, See. 10: The assignment for Monday is pages 399 to a 408. Hnry . Kendall oForest, will be in Ann Arbor during the early part of next week. He is scheduled to speak as follows: Monday, February 24, 9 a. m., Room 2039 Natural Science Building. Mathematics 51: Th'e eight o'clock section of Mathematics 51 con- Monday, February 24, 7:30 p. m., Room 2039 Natural Science Building. ducted by Professor Carver will meet in room 1042 East Engineering Tuesday, February 25, 11 a. m., Room 2039 Natural Science Building. Building. James W. Glover Wednesday, February 26, 11 a. m., Room 2039 Natural Science Building. All interested in forestry are welcome. Students in pre-forestry IHygiene 101: Tue seating list for lectures in Hygiene will be posted Mcourses are eprwilly urged toavailablefo present cesMondayt any evening. on both entrances t Natural Science Auditorium. Roll be taken be foundn Tyoom 2, aral r Scinerng ytime, and can on othentancs t Naura Scenc Auitoium Rol Fillbe ake lbe* found in Room 2046, Natural Science Building. }.,e n i~ F bnris 2prtr 411 /r /, ,. i 0t? b gnning Wonlay, P -oruary ~. Dr. lsaminnger Engineer Seniors: Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. is being represent- ed here by Mr. A. K. Baker, '29E, who, as advance man, will be here to give information to those interested in employment with the com-I pany, until the end of next week. Mr. A. M. Dudley and others will recruit here February 27 and 28. Mr. Baker may be found in Room 271 West Engineering Bldg., or} appointments may be made by calling 443. Mr. Baker will schedule interview appointments with Mr. Dudley. A. D. Moore Junior Year Abroad: All students in French interested in the Jun- ior Year Abroad Plan should see me at once. Rene Talamon Notiec: On and after today, all stray dogs found on the Univer- sity Campus will be picked up by this department. They will be cared for by Dr. B. E. Miller, veterinary surgeon, 1308 Broadway, to whom application for release can be made. E. C. Pardon, Supt., Buildings & Grounds Dept. EVENTS TODAY Exhibits are being held in the Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall as follows: Oil Paintings by Allied Artists of America Oil Paintings by Ernest H. Barnes Oils and Watercolors by Jean Paul Slusser An exhibit of Contemporary American Sculpture is on view in, the School of Architecture. Varsity Band: Formation at the Coliseum (Cor. So. Fifth and Tul nt 1rf~ tlp Mnn~fif~-Michivan hoekey game. Uniforms and R. Craig, Jr. Physical Education for Women: There will be a practical and writ- ten examination covering the work on posture given Monday and Tues- day, February 24 and 25, in all Fundamentals classes. Come in costume and bring materials for writing. Women's Educational Club will meet Monday, Feb. 24, at 4:00 in the Women's Athletic Bldg. A very interesting program will be given. All girls interested in Education are cordially invited. Dues are now pay- able. Geological Journal Club: There will be a meeting in Room 4065 N. S. Wednesday evening, Feb. 26, at 8 o'clock. Prof. Case will present "Discussion of the Shinarump Conglomerate." Seniors, School of Education: Meeting of class officers and all group and committee chairmen Monday, February 24, at 4:00 p. m., room 4017 University High School. A. i. E. E.: Professor E. B. Stason will speak at a meeting of the Ann Arbor section Monday evening, February 24, at 7:30 p. m. in room 248 West Engineering Building. His subject will be "Audions and Cork," and all are invited. Pleasant Days Mvake You Think of Spring Duds Well its time to get busy looking them over. The New Woolens are in and also Hats. They are here too in the Dobbs at $8.50 and the Berg at $5.00. Tinker & Company South State St. at William Street THESE I i r J-Hop Committee Meeting at the Michigan Union on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 2:30 p. m. Students of the Reformed Churches: Rev. W. Stuart, associate Pastor of the Lagrave Ave. Church in Grand Rapids, will address uni- versity students in Lane Hall, Sunday, Feb. 23, at 10:30 a. m., and 4 p. m. All are welcome. OW being presented at I Rn aLt : Ior J IJeA nn 1 gVLI1kS1.....b411a "" J b. coats. Alpha Nu: There will be an important business meeting of Alpha Morris Hall will be open from 7 to 7:10 and a short time following Nu Tuesday evening at 7:45. Com- _ -_ ame.mittees will be announced and Special rehearsal at Morris Hall Friday afternoon at 5 p. m. dlso .the coming year will be TYPEWITER Wonalslpha____ph_,G__-.m All makes of ma- xtional Alpha Apha Gamma -- -------- chines. Our equip- Exhibit open daily, Michigan ~'~ ment and. person- ue Theatre bobby, second floor. nel are considered umber of water colors, pencil among the best in the State. The ches, pen and ink drawings, and result of twenty years' careful ;n plates submitted by womenlbuilding. ents from the University of 0. g Q D. MORRI,, fornia, University of Southern 14 South State St. Phone 6615 'ornia, Vriversity of Illinois,_3_4_Phone_6615 the University of Michigan are isplay, "*;QF F imprehensive English Examina-JI, A make-up examination forBy George Kelly Washi )swofrayrao alpear last fall will be held thisf Serving thirty University Men for over years with dependable clot hes. THE I 1~ No igton Knew Men 11 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Matinee at 2:30 orning, Room 2225 Angell Hall. C. D. Thorpe I Children's Rhythm Classes: Chil- 'en's rhythm classes will not meet day. Theta Sigma Phi meets at the ichigan League Building at 10 a.' Inlander Business Staff Tryouts: ny freshman or sophomore wish- g to tryout for the Inlander busi- ss staff report this morning to! lander office in Press Building tween 9 and 11. Craftsnen will confer the third gree on a Senior Medical Stu- nt at 7:30 at the Masonic Tem- 4 e. All Masons in Ann Arbor are a 11 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre FRIDAY - SATURDAY NIGHTS Feb.28 and Mar. I t HE knew men, and knew economics. And never did he make a wiser move than when he appointed Alexander Hamilton Secre- tary of the Treasury. Hamil- ton was the founder of our national banking system, the redeemer of our currency; the man whose foresight has made our country the richest as well as the greatest in the world's history. Yes, George Washington knew men. Ati I1 DER h 11 Evening at 8:30 1 A Play Production Presentation MAIL ORDER APPLICATIONS NOW WI 6 N I Under Auspices of Undergraduate Campaign Committee 8 FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS- TEXT BOOKS Do you know men-and Banks? Do you realize that this institution can do for your financial status what Washington's man Hamilton did for your country's? We hope you do, for we're mighty anxious to do busi- ness with you. r All Seats 50c 11 IIL v W-4 v -W T IL -AL V V-% ^ W" *% A-4 'WL - V lr%, V W 46 IL T W--