4 4
VOL. XL. NO. 146
SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1930
-- - .. i
Dal' - - - u-rn t
Ruthven, Smith, Bursley Advise
Prospective Freshmen.
I'IIMLI~1As the first speaker on the " Or-
iN LUU U U IUI i entation Week" radio program
broadcast last night from the Mor-
ris hall studio, Registrar Ira M.
Air-Tight Ball Marks Slugfest Smith warned high school graduat-
as Michigan Shows Best I es against being "sent" to college
For Ths ear.', by family pride or the advice ofI
_T sY._I teachers and friends.
K L"The powerful pressure of public
COMPTON, KELLY PITCH opinion oftentimes pushes boys and(
girls on to, college whether they
Hitting Fulfills Pre-season's wish it or not," he said. "They are
Prmie he ixRus-r thus sent' to college and they ar- i
Promise When Six Runs Are <rive without any idea as to what it
Driven Over Plate. is all about."j
( Prof. Philip Bursley outlined the
By Adsit Stewart. program for the 1931 Orientation'
More than the bright sunlight i week which will actually last only
warmed the hearts of the Michigan I four and one-half days. "We shall
baseball fans yesterday afternoon not try to solve all the student's
as they beheld the Maize and Blue problem within this short time," he
diamondmen decisively defeat the stated, "but we hope to acquaint i
Syracuse nine, 6 to 1, and display him in a more or less sketchy man- i
for the first tiine this year the hit-
ting power, which, prior to the
opening of the season; it was be- I KEIN
lieved they possessed.
In addition to the effectiveness
with which the Wolverines con-
nected with the offerings of Kelley,
the Syracuse moundsman, they :.,'0 .
played an air tight game on thel
field to complete the first errorless Prof. C. H. Moehman to Speak
contest of the season. Michigan's; at Convocation in Hill
errorless ball was marred only by
Captain Straub's vain efforts in iAuditorium.,
the ninth inning to stop a fast'
drive by Walkov which by a wide PURITANISM IS SUBJECTq
stretch of the imagination was not
judged an error. . Prof. Conrad H. Moehlman, a for-
Compton Shows Form. mer member of the University fac-
The performances of the two ulty and now professor of the his-
pitchers, Comnpton for Michigan yCr fCrsint tteClae
and Kelley fo Syracuse, were ab tory of Christianity at the Colgate-
on a par as each hurler allowed Rochester Divinity school, will de-
five men free passes to first, hit liver a convocation lecture at 8 o'-
one man, and struck out five bat- clock this evening in Hill auditori-
ters. However, Compton allowed um under the auspices of the3
but three hits .in six ininings whe Michigan School of Religion and
the Michigan team collected nine h Scholtof Reliion
hits from Kelley in seven innings. the Student Christian association.
Michigan's first two runs came The subject of his address will be
in the second innings when Kelly, "Is Christianity Doomed?"
walke thee enninsuesion y The speaker is being brought I
walked three men in succession 'here for a series of three lectures
and his team mates committed two o uiaimi t oncin
errors. Straub, Daniels, and Trus- o Puritanism in its connection-
kowski had been walked filling the with capitalism, marriage and edu-l
bases When Topol fuinbled in an "artion. The fit ofthesen talks,
attempt to catch Straub off third buriterid a 4:15p'ciokMonday' w
and the Michigan captain crossed eder d natu:1 occ audi-y
the rubber for. the first Wolverine afternor n in Natural Science audi-
counter. torium. The second W14l be at 730
uter So'clock Tuesday evening in thef
Butler Scores Daniels. sm uitru.
McCormick dribbled an easy same auditorium.n
grounder to Kelley but the Syra- Prof. Moehlman is one of the
cause pitcher fumbled it again fill- foremost authorities on the his-nt
ing he' ases Aftr Coptonand is also the author of several
ing then bases. After Compton tory of Christianity in the country,t
struck out, Butler drove a slow books. He is a brother of Prof. Ar-
grounder to Hayman who tossed thur B. Moehlman, of the School
him out at first while Daniels scor- of Business Administration.h
ed the second run of the onning. oBsiesAmiisraio._t
The Wolverines practically put
the game on ice in the sixth byi
bunching two doubles and a sin-M
gle by the same trio which had -
worked so effectively against Kel-r
ley in the second inning. Straub
and Daniels both hit two I LL OPNg1 rUJ 11.i 1
but Straub was held on third.I
Truskowski then hit a single scor- Ten Nights in a Barroom' Willt
ing both Straub and Daniels. Includ 'M Specialty
McCormick then hit an easy one eManySp y c
to Kelley who forced Truskowski at Numbers and Songs'.
second, and McCormick was ad- a
vanced to second when the visiting "Ten Nights In a Barroom," the
pitcher hit Butler. A single into old classic first produced in 1862, ;
left field by Superko scored McCor- will open at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow
mick in the third and last run for night at the Mimes theater.
the Wolves in that inning. The production will be put on by
The one score for Syracuse came the Mimes players, and the cast!
in the ninth frame when Tompkins will include George Johnson, '30, E
walked Stoneberg and allowed two Josephine Rankin, '30, Nina Lewis,
singles to Walkov and Beagle. '32, Hobart Skidmore, 32, Mar-
BOX SCORE. garet O'Brien, '33, R. Duane Wells
SYRACUSE AB R H PO A E '32, and many others. The evening'
Hayman, 2b .......5 0 0 1 5 0 performances will continue allc
Beagle, lb........5 0 2 10 0 0 week, with a matinee performanceo
Sulkowski, rf .....5 0 0 0 0 0 at 2:30 o'clock Saturdaytafternoon
Horowitz, c ..... 4 ' 0 7 2 0 Among the many features to be t
Topol, 3b .........4 0 0 2 1 1 included in the show will be the
Stevens, cf......,4 0 1 2 0 0 original acts which were a part of
Stoneberg, lf .....4 1 1 0 0 0 the original production-clog num-i
Walkov, ss......4 0 1 2 0 0 bers, skits, and boxing match
Kelley, p. . 3 0 0 0 4 1 Tickets will be 75 cents for the c
*Schofield, main floor, and 50 cents on the.
**Fnpk 0 0 0 0 0 mezzanine for the evening per-
*Frank... 1 0 0 0 0 01formances, and 50 cents throughout
Totals 9 _ 4 2S the house for the Saturday mat~u
MICHIGAN AB R H P0 A E inee. Advance reservations may be
dnt h nia 11
ner with the physical plant of the
University, with th'e campus, and
with the adjoining sections of the
Prof. A. D. Moore of the engi-
neering school discussed the gener-
al plan for handling incoming en-
gineering freshmen and described
the Mentor system by which a com-
plete check-up will be made of the
progress of the student. He told the
prospective engineering freshmen
not to worry about the apparent
large size of the University, adding
that the first year class in the en-
gineering college numbers but 400
which he described as being only
"a large roomful."
Fourth on the program was Ad-
viser of Women Alice C. Lloyd who
surveyed the situation from the
standpoint of women. Miss Lloyd
outlined some of the women's rules
and told her listeners something of
the facilities that await next year's
freshman women.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
closed the one-hour broadcast with
a general welcome to prospective
members of the class of 1934 in
which he said that those who are
sincere in wanting an education.
have an inclination and capacity
for work, and are anxious to fit into
the social group will not fail to gain
the utmost from a University ca-
The University band, under the
direction of Nicholas Falcone pre-
sented several musical features dur-
ing the hour which was the last of
the 1930-1931 Michigan night radio
New Plan for Arranging 'Class
Schedules Will Be Used
Here Next Semester.
Early Classification Allows Better
Handling of Rush at
End of Year.
Early classification, instituted last
December for the present semester
in the literary college, the Schoolj
of Education, and the School of,
Music will be put in effect again
this semester, it was announced
yesterday by Prof. Daniel L. Rich,
Director of Classification. Students
in these schools will be able to
select their courses, sections, and
instructors for next semester some
time before the close of the pres-
Spring Games Hold Attention
of Freshmen, Sophomores.
CPreparatory to a spirited battle
for underclass honors the fresh
men and sophomore classes of the
University will meet Tuesday to
elect captains for the traditional
spring games to be held Friday aft-!
ernoon and Saturday morning.
The first year men will assemble
at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in
the ball room of the Union while
the sophomores will meet at 4
o'clock in the afternoon in room
35 of Angell hall, it was announced
last night by the Student council,
which will have charge of the
Nine events, in a water sports
program Friday afternoon at the
Huron river and field events Satur-
day morning on South Ferry field,
will comprise the class games.
Illinois Defeats Crack Relay
Teams; Campbell Takes
Hammer Throw.I
(By Associated Press)1
Aldrich to Speak
at 'Service Today
March Across Campus
F Y .-l^
Graduates of All Colleges Will
Unite to Attend Special
r ouw Services at
Hill Auditorium.
Seniors of the University, appear-
ing on the campus today with their
class canes to inaugurate the an-
nual series of graduating activities
will unite in a body at 11 o'clock
this morning in Hill AuditoriuM to
hear the Rev. Dr. Donald Aldrich,
( of the Church of the Ascension, New
York city, speak at the final Student
I council convocation.
Cane Day observance will con-
tinue until evening, with the sen-
iors carrying their rank-denoting
accoutrements to the theatres, to
the library, and on afternoon
strolls. After today, senior canes
I will be proper only on formal occa-
ent term.
Difficulties Eliminated.
Although some difficulties
encountered when the plan
tried out in December, the
that the new system did away
the standing in line and
crowds that had previously
Ryall to Show Practical
of Public Law Work
Rates Decisions.
Arthur H. Ryall, '02L, of Escana-
ba, one of the foremost public util-
ity lawyers in the United States,
will' deliver a' series of- tw C, e
on the sub.ject of Practice before
Public Utilities commissions at 2
o'clock and 3 o'clock tomorrow aft-
ernoon in room C in the Law build-
ing. The lecture will be open to the
Mr. Ryall has spent many years
in practice before the public utili-
ties commissions of Michigan, Illi-
nois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and other
states, and is a recognized authority
on the subject. He isa member of
the National Conference of Com-
missioners on Uniform State Laws
from Michigan, and as a member
of that Conference, he participated
in the framing of the Uniform Pub-
lic Utilities act. Mr. Ryall is a non-
resident lecturer on the faculty of
the Law school.
His lectures will deal with some
of the practical phases of practice1
before public utilities commissions,j
and especially with the details ne-
cessary to be proved in the es-
tablishment of public utility ratesj
and rate schedules.
'Grab Bag' Plan for Awarding
Gifts Planned.
An assortment of more than 20 1
different types of articles has been
chosen by the committee in chargef
of the Military Ball to be distri-'
buted at the annual formal dance;
to be held from 9 to 2 o'clock Fri-
day night in the Union ballroom,
according to plans outlined by
George M. Ryerson, '31, generall
The "grab bag" favor plan will be
introduced to the campus at thisl
party. Similar plans have been
used at a number of university J-
Hops, University of Miami, Colum-
bia university, Boston Tech, South-
ern Methodist college at Dallas,
and in several other eastern schools
where the idea was received en-
Campbell Will Appear
in Series of Readings"
Opening the first of a series of
faculty readings, Prof. 0. J. Camp-
bell will present a program of se-
lected readings from poems and
plays at 4 o'clock today in the
Grand Rapids room of the League
building. As a special privilege,
only ,,rints mmill hP n jm rit fn,
companied classification ensured
its success. Limited at that time to
upperclassmen, a significant fact
of the newly initiated system, ac-
cording to Professor Rich, isthe
fact that over ninety percent of
the, upperclassmentookadvantage
of the opportunity to classify
The fear that election of courses
in December would result in an un-
usually large number of changes
of elections at the beginning of the
second semester turned out to be
largely unfounded, and the total
number of changes thus far this
semester has only slightly ex-
ceeded that of last semester.
Other Colleges Favor Plan.
Early classification, procedure as
instituted in several of the larg-
er universities in the United States,c
has proved distinctly successful, it{
was revealed by an investigation3
made before the decision was
reached to put in effect spring
classification for October courses.
According to the new plan, each
student who so desired will com-
pletely fill out his election card
and his class cards some time be-
fore commencement. These cards
will be compared with courses and
sections available, and if satisfac-
tory they will be accepted and
placed in an envelope bearing the
students name, to be held in the
I Registrar's office pending payment;
of fees next fall.!
When a student makes the pay-1
ment of his fees next fall, he will
simply have to hand in the proper
receipted coupon to the Director of
Classification. On receipt of this'
coupon showing fees have beenl
paid, the class cards previously fill-
ed out will immediately be released
and sent to the instructors chosen.
"Thus," said Professor Rich, "the
only line each student will have to
get into will be the one leading to.
the Treasurer's windows.
Educational Authorities Talk I
Before Final Assembly.-
Michigan athletes at the Drake
Relays yesterday won the hammer
throw, took second in three relays,
the 440. 880, andone mile, and
placed third in the 103 yard dash.
Campbell won the hammer with
a toss of 148 feet, 1 1-2 inches, while
Tolan finished the century behind
Leland of Texas Christian and Bra-
cey of Rice Institute. The 440 rf
lay quartet was bestedtby Illinoi
which did not surpass the Wolver-
ines' record of one minute, 26 and
6-10 seconds set yesterday. Illinois
Photo by Bachrach
The Rev. Dr. Donald Aldrich,
Youthful pastor of the Church
of the Ascension, New York City,
who will address the undergradu-
ate body of the University this,
morning in Hill auditorium at theI
final spring convocation sponsored
by the Student council. Graduat-
ing students, observing Cane Day,
the first of the senior ceremonies,
will attend in a body.
Thanks Faculty for Co-operation
in Making This Year's
Work Successful.
won the u tuand missouri ohe mile --
relay. Prof. Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric
department, director and announ-
(By Associated Press) cer of the University's weekly
DES MOINES, Iowa- Climaxing radio broadcasts, closed the current
an afternoon of glittering perform- series of programs last night with
ances, in which seven meet records a message of appreciation for all
fell by the wayside, black hair those who have taken part in the
{ Tommy Warne of Northwestern presentation of the 1930-31 series.
University provided a thrill in the "During the past year, over 100
finals of the Drake Relay carnival talks have been given over theE
today when he missed by a hair- radio by members of the University
breadth establishing a new record faculties," he said. "Station WJR
for the pole vault. - generously donated its broadcast-
The hearts of 15,000 spectators ing facilities in order that its
nearly skipped a beat as Warne, a radio audiences might hear theI
slightly built youngster, attempted specialists of University speak upon
to clear the bar at 14 feet 2 inches, educational topics, the interest
a height never before reached by a which has been evidenced by the
vaulter. thousands of listeners throughout
bWarne hurl d his body ovrbut he Michigan and the middle west who
knocked the cross bar offrwith one have written letters of commenda-r
arm in his descent. tion of these educational talks sub-
Previous to making this attempt stantiates the belief that radio
to crack a record, Warne had clear- audiences appreciate enlightenment
ed 13 feet 11 inches, bettering by upon educational topics.
nearly 6 inches the former Drake "Everyone connected with the
(Continued on Page 2) broadcasting of these programs hasI
--' cooperated generously," Professor
EDWARDST R A Abbot said. "The Michigan Bell
Telephone company has provided
IN DRAMA SERIES special equipment for the trans-1
mission of the Ann Arbor broad-
The King's Henchman' Will Be 1 casts and has carefully watched to
First of Four Plays. avoid any transmission imperfec-
_______tions. Every member of the faculty
'The King's Henchman," by who has been asked to speak has
willingly taken time from his re-
Edna Vincent Millay, will be read by search, his study, or from his rec-
Prof. Davis Edwards of the Univer- reation to prepare and deliver a
sity of Chicago on Tuesday night talk; and the faculty and students
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre of the School of Music have given
to inaugurate a series of four dra- these programs more enjoyable."
matic recitals sponsored by the
speech department. Scabbard and Blade ,
The forthcoming series will be -
the first of its kind ever to be ImrIS 1 e W'Members
given in Ann Arbor and it is ex- Ninetee m - of the local
pected by Henry Moser of the R.N. T. C. unit E t itedio
speech department to prove pop- R. S .aT.aC. andt wrhnitotyd intol
ulrwth towspeole and students! cabbard and Blade, honorary mili-
alike. ownpeopltary organization, last night, ac-
alin. ccording to an announcement made
In commenting on the series, by Thomas M. Cooke, '31, of that
Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English organization.
department said, "The recital series Those taken into membership
gives the undergraduates an un- were: Kenneth Koon, '31, Will Ross
usual opportunity to hear impor- '31, Fred Schumann, '31, Robert
tant works interpreted with dis- Arnold, '31. J. G. Wilson, '32, Rob.'
tinction, Plays are written to bel ert W. Midcllewood, '30, . E . Jones,
spoken and no adequate idea of 31, Robert D. Bruce, '30, Oscar T.
their literary and dramatic excel- Perkinson, 32, Willard H. Clark,
lence can be gained from the mere '31, HFni3, Leoard Crk,
printed page. Each of the readers '31j, R. H. F'ahmig, Leonard Crosby, r
prined age Eah o th reder 1 32, Dolph Steinburg, '31, Danial G.
announced is a master in his own pChristian, 31, J. B. Gardner, '33,
way and will discover, to his audi- 1. Newcoib, '31 John A.
ence, in the play which he readts I G"oet, '33, H. E. i-Jam in t o, and
new life and new significance." Fredick Lowber,'30.
Prof. Kenneth Row of the rhe- F ec oe'
tonec department stated that, "In a - _____ -
world of printing there is too little ITickets for May Party
opportunity to remember the, to be Sold This Week
beauty of language. and esnecially
Aldrich to Give Address.
The Rev. Dr. Aldrich has been
chosen to address the undergradu-
ate body at this time because of his
interest in the religious problems of
the younger generation, for, his
youthfulness, and because of his
reputation for being a brilliant
The service will be the last of the
spring series sponsored by the
council and conducted by the Con-
vocations committee, of which
Stanton W. Todd, '30, is chairman;
Because of the possibility of a fi-
nancisl deficit in this undertaking,
a special appea is being made for
an extra large collection today. Sev-
eral of the previous collections have
not been sufficient to pay for the
speakers obtained, the chairman
The Rev. Dr. Aldrich is a gradu-
ate of Dartmouth colege and the
Cambridge Divinity school.
Dalies Frantz, Julliard scholar of
the School of Music, has arranged
special organ numbers for the serv-
ice this morning, it was announced
yesterday by Lorinda McAndrews,
'30, who is in charge of music for
the committee.
Seniors to Parade Campus.
At the conclusion of the' convo-
cation services in the auditorium,
the seniors will parade out to North
University street. There, the ranks
will divide, and smaller groups of
students will march in bodies tow-
ard the various student residence
centers. One group will march out
Washtenaw, another down State
street, and a third up North In-
The parade will thus be in the
nature of the so-called Easter pa-
rade, it is pointed out by Justin F.
Way, '30, chairman of the Cane Day
committee, in that no formal route
of march will be followed. The sen-
iors, dressed in the height of sar-
torial elegance, will stroll about
A Ann Arbor's highways andbyways,
exhibiting to the world their ele-
gance as scholars and gentlemen.
Lieutenant Colonel of Medical
School at Washington Will
Talk Here on May 1st.
Lieut. Col. Fielding H. Garrison,
of the Army Medical school, Wash-
ington, D. C., will deliver the last
address in a series of lectures spon-
sored by Alpha Omega Alpha, hon-
orary medical fraternity, at 8 o'-
clock, Thursday night, May 1, in
Natural Science auditorium. The
date for this lecture was originally
set for May 0'.
An authority on the history of
medicine and the author of many
texts, Lieut. Col. Garrison will
speak on "Newer Aspects of the
History of Medicine in Ancient In-
dia," illustrating his lecture with
lantern slides.
Since receiving his bachelor's de-l
gree at Johns Hopkins university
and an M.D. at Georgetown univer-
sity, Lieut. Col. Garrison has been
actively interested in medical re-
search and the history of medicine.
He has served as the editor of "In-
Butler, rf.......5 0 1 0 0 0 maaeUp IpnJiMJL 1101
Superko, 3b.....4 0 1 1 0 0'
Tompkins, cf .....4 0 1 2 3 0 Simpson Wins at Penn,
Hudson, lb .......4 1 1 12 0 0, Relays in Record Time
Straub, 2b .......4 2 .1 3 2 01 (By sssociated Press>
Daniels, ss......4 2 1 1 5 0 FRANKLIN FIELD, Philadelphia,
Truskowski c.....4 0 2 6 0 0 April 27.-For the second straight ,
McCormick, lf ....4 1 1 2 0 0 year Ohio State's greyhound of the
Compton, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0; cinder path, George Simpson today~
* Hill, if.........2 0 0 0 0 0 brought a Pennsylvania Relay car-
nival to a smashing climax with a
Totals ........37 6 9 27 12 0 world's record performance in the
Score by innings i100 yard dash.
Syracuse ...........000 000 001-11 Last spring the famous Buckeye
Michigan ..........020 003 10x-6I Bullet shot from a new and much
Summaries: Three base hit - disputed starting block to race the;
Bringing to a conclusion the con-
vention which has been in progress
the latter part of this week, the
Michigan Schoolmasters club con-
ducted the last of its business here
yesterday morning.
Speakers before the final assem-
bly of the delegates included Miss
Ruth A. Brown, Bureau of Univer-
sity Research, Prof. Clifford Woody,
of the Education School, Registrar
Ira M. Smith, and Prof. C. P.
Steimie of the Michigan State Nor-
mal College.
Ruthven Will Address
Guild About Morality
President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen will be the speaker at the an-
nual Inter-Guild meeting sponsor-
ed by the Wesleyan Guild at 5
o'clock this afternoon in the audi-
torium of Wesley Hall, State and
Huron streets. He will'speak on the
subject "Essentials of Morality."