PAGE roU1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' 1~ I I artificial stimuli such as the inter- fraternity scholastic competitions Published every morning except Monday ; suggested by former President Lit- otng rue ofUniversity year by t the Board in tie. These stimuli cannot operate Member of Western Conference ditorlal until the fraternities themselves Association. acquire a more serious academic The Associated Press is exclusively entitled attitude, and this latter can comel to the use for republication of all news dis- only from a general tightening up! patches credited to it or not otherwise credited, :n this paper and the localtnews published of the University's standards. Ifi herein, the fraternity men of today dawd-' Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, le away their time, surely part of Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. the blame rests on the University I weaster General hc anto ilnt fuk Subscription by carrier, $4.o0; by, which cannot or will not flunk' 'offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- them out. g card Street. But a day of reckoning is coming Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. for the fraternities. At present! EDITORIAL STAF the hands of the University arel Telephone 4925 tied by its low scholastic standardsI MANAQING EDITOR and the fact that fraternities pro-; ELLIS B. MERRY , vide the most nearly adequate ac-j Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tille comodations and, practically the City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg only social centers for men. Dor-] News Editor.............. Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......Edward 1. Warner, Jr. mitories will eventually resolve thei Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer latter obstacle, and it is incon- Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman ceivable that the future will not Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klen see a bracing of entrance require Night Editors-Editorial Board Members ments and academic standards. Vc Y*T - A OASTED ROLL NOTICE TO SENIORS. 5 f1_. l f I b 2 r -.. Music And Drama f a D--------- THE HUNTING QUARTET. I' Diploma fees are payable now!! This is positively the last time this week we will give final notice of same. All fees not paid by May 28, 1965, will not be received by thej Treasurer's office unless accom- panied by parents. I . MOZART: Quartet in B Flat (K 458): by the Lener String Quartet: Columbia Masterworks Set No. 134. Columbia continues their ex- tremely important work in cham- ber music. The Lener Quartet, un- nW t b l '. r th. tnc. i- tnrn t **quesionawy Lne mosi mporant What is this thing called pro- organization doing recordings (es- crastination? The only way the pecially since the Flonzaleys disin- University will ever cure seniors tegrated) are doing almost month- from holding out on the diploma ly issues. fee will be when they adopt the Ensian plan of jumping the price This month's choice is the Mo- every few days. Let the diploma zart Hunting Quartet in B flat fee start, say, at five cents in Sep- played here by the Lener Quartet tember and advance by geometri- in Hill Auditorium last fall. At the cal progression every few days time of the concert my fundamen- throughout the year. tal objection to their method-de- G . i L J 1 . I We specialize r r raux r;. Cooper Hery J. Alerry William C. Gentry Robert L. 5loss Charles R. Ka tnian Walter W. Wild Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. BrucesJ. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Rarc Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckhamn Arthur J. Bernstein Hugh Pierce 5. tech Cnger Victor Rabinowitz S. Beach Conger onD. Reindel Thom M. olD Cooley Jeannie Roberts Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Sb river Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansod Ginevr, ;un Jane Thayer Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompsol FinilyGrines Richard L. Tobin Morris Grove-mai RobertTownsend Mar aret Harris Elizabeth Valentine .i4 ullen Kennedy Harol o0. Warren, Jr. an Levy G. Lionel Willens ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian BUSINESS STAFF tTelephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER 'A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.. . .oT lister Mabley Advertising.............Kasper i. Halverson Service.................... George A. Spater Circulation.................3. Vernor Davis Accounts ..... .......John R. Rose Publications.............George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford aeorge R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles, Sanford Norman Eliezer Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph V'an Riper Charles Kline Rtolert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran Mlary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virgin ea, McComb Laura Codling Alice Mc( ully Ethel Constas Sylvia Miller Josephine Convisser Ann Veiner Bernice (laser Dorothea Waterman l Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hlortense Gooding Then if the very patent fraternity * scribed as a too aggressive bril- evils listed by Mr. Little, and also, A majority of the seniors would liance and a consistent preoccupa- be it said, by The Daily, have not of course take advantage of this tion with vigor and power fre- been corrected from within, the plan and get their sheepskins for quently coming at odds with the University may dispense with fra- a nickel, but 'the University loss quality of the music and hence a ternities without a finger being would be more than made up by case of misapplied virtuosity-was' raised in legitimate protest. the one or two whose fees would based on their performance of this This is an eventuality for which 'amount to about $4,567,920.05 by same quartet. There was a ten- the fraternities must provide if June. dency to enlarge and brilliantise they would perpetuate existence. '.*I * Mozart with an orchestral ap- They should start thinking now, as The simplest plan, I think, would proach more suitable to Beethoven. some of them already have, of dis- be to add ten dollars to the regis- There was an attempt to add color! covering some more serious pur- tration fee at the beginning of the and power to Mozart's tightly sculp- pose. Many of the artificial stimuli year. If the seniors protested, the tured melodies. It seemed at the I suggested by Mr. Little, are on University could simply say, time a distortion, a quite too Len- their face absurd, but the desired "When a man has been drowned, erized Mozart. end, a sincerer academic attitude, does he mind if someone throws a Perhaps the Lener Quartet was can only come after careful bucket of water on him?" That trying to fit its projection to the thought and reflection. would shut up the seniors all right, size of the local auditorium and --0 all right, and would save the Treas- overdid it. Or perhaps in record- According to Dr. Walter B. Jones, urer's office from running futile: ing they confine their approach to. geologist, women are the same now notices all year. limitations of the gramaphone. Or as they were 10,000 years ago. Of *** perhaps I was quite entirely mis- 600 ancient skeletons unearthed taken. At any rate the present re- fromO a burial mound in Alabama, 0H:H! cording has none of those difficul- all of the women had their mouths The examination schedule is out ties and is a wholly admirable in- open. The men's were closed, and it didn't take the superstitious terpretation of this fine composi- ortwet amembers of the Rolls staff five tion. th Someone at Northwestern ha seconds to discover to their horror Here they attain that passive figured out that the students will that the final for their Monday at! fineness and contentedT sensibility lost 3,500 hours of sleep on Sunday 10class will take place on Friday essential to projection of the aris- night, when daylight savings time the 13th. tocratic, Mozartean refinement. is put into effect. That happens Technically they are properly satis-' here every night without the trou- fled with a jovial (rather than ble of changing time. I dunno why Mr. Windt sent all powerful) presentation of the first -o the way to Savannah for an "ex- movement and a quiet, lucid expo- A Berlin man recently ate a 300- pert" to investigate the local dra- sition of the beautifully melodic pound hog in 10 days on a bet. matic situation and make recom- slow movement. The music's qual- What he ate was appropriate, any- mendations for better co-operation ity growing in quantity on repeat- way. among the various campus dra- ed hearings is quite completely = -o---- matic organizations. Nobody said realized. Since the reproduction is The city ball park is about ready I anything about it to me. If they flawless, the present set is fully for spring practice, according to an ireally want to correlate Play Pro- satisfying. annnouncement made yesterday. duction, Mimes, Comedy Club, and Now all we have to do is wait for the Hillel Players with the Lydia 0 spring. Mendelssohn, the answer to the BACH: Suite No. 3 in D major r- oproblem is this: Let Play Produc- for orchestra: played by Desire De- tion give morning shows, Mimes Fauw and the Brussels Royal Con- C-mpus Opinion matinees, Comedy Club evening servatory Orchestra: a Corelii Sar- Ca 9 performances, and the Hillel Play- abande on the extra side: Columbia Cotributors are asked to be brief, ers midnight shows. Or else divide Masterworks Set No. 135. confining themselves to less than 300 ti words Of possible. Anonymous co- the stage into two or more sections munications will be disregarded. The and names of communicants will, however, put on two plays at a time. he regarded as confidential, upon re- Double admission could be charged A recording of this suite, prob- quest. Letters published should not be adthe tul k construed as expressing the editorial and e customer could take his ably the most popular of the four: opinion of The D)aily choice, or (if he's used to circuses) containing as it does the famous he could take in both shows at Air for G string, was badly needed. ILL EFECTS OF PROCTORING. once. The only other rendition of it was To the Editor: . . . . . . made years ago by the Victor Con- Much of the recent discussion on My objection to importing a j cert orchestra. The frequency of the attitude of the student body southerner is that he will be much Bach's appearance on contempo- towards the University scholastic- too cold up here in Ann Arbor to rary symphony programs makes ally is, I believe quite apropos. It do any work at all. recordings desirable for reference. has always appeared to me that * * The present reading by Desire there is a lack of sincerity in the That ball game yesterday was DeFauw for Columbia is complete- pursuance of their education by one o'f the most incongruous affairs: ly authentic. It is niarked by rig- the students. There is but small I ever heard tell of. If we played idity. It is stately and stolid, per- opportunity for the student to by weather instead of by the cal- haps at the expense of fhe spirit realize the actual value of con- endar we'd be better off. and verve (contemporaneity) that scientous study. There is too much 1 Stock imparts to his reading of the that drives him to consider classes I don't own a fur coat, so I didn't second suite. DeFauw plays this as something to be tolerated in or- see the game. exceedingly formal secular music der that he may obtain a perfunc- I. formally. His manner is authentic: tory degree as a credential for en- REPORT. a sustained vivacity in the allegro' trance into the business world. No Rolls Honorary degrees report portions and perpetual elevation In the very classrooms, which has been made for some time and in the slow parts. Throughout the I after all are the real centers of it is gratifying to me to be able to entire suite he has a tight, unflag- college life, the proper spirit is de- report a large increase in the list ging hold on the texture. It is cidedly lacking. With all that has of contributors. The records now dutiful, reverent service to Bach been said about liberality in the I reveal rather than a virtuoso piece of in- selection of courses, and in human- Contributors ............... 41 terpretation. izing and modernizing methods I |Cubs ........................3 believe the fundamental cause for Reporters..................0 o this insincerity is in the manner Assistant Editors .............0..OTHER COLUMBIA RECORDS. of conductin vexams * Sea Foods Try Our Friday Fresh t' e n 7-Mile Road, West Near Grand River New Amusement devices, new rides: The most beautiful pleasure Resort in Detroit: Bring the family. FRET ADMISSION--FREE PARKING Meals A Introduce yourself to FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 Might Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS WHICH WAY FRATERNITIES? Former President Clarence C. Little, ever a foe of fraternities, devoted a chapter in his new book to ten suggestions for their im-j provement. We-are forced to con- clude that, like most University, administrators who do not belong to fraternities, the patron saint of Michigan paternalism either does not know fraternities or is not sin- cere in his desire to improve them. Mr. Little's chapter on fraternities leaves us with the feeling, not un- supported by some of his previous 'utterances, that no fraternities at all is his favorite solution of the fraternity problem. Be it admitted at the outset that' there is much to find fault with in the present condition of fraterni-I ties. As pointed out in these col- umns some weeks ago, fraternities have slipped into a general mock- ery of serious academic work and have encouraged drinking, loafing, luxury and ease. Mr. Little em- phasizes and embellishes this in- dictment. He deprecates "time wasting activities" and "their lack of initiative and creative abilityj as educational units." He berates them for breeding a "shallow group psychology,'a false sense of values, social distinctions contrary to the spirit of democracy, and a narrew! loyalty to the 'chapter' at the ex- pense of a broader loyalty to the college as a whole." Much of this is true-too true for comfort of any fraternal organiza- tion on this campus-but the situ- ation will not be improved by plac- ing a University policeman in every fraternity and providing severei penalties for infractions of a rigor- eus academic and moral code. That is the proctor system which failed so signally when Mr. Little tried to establish it here shortly after he came. It failed then as it alwaysj will because the idea of being watched in his rising, eating and . . r THE ST. REGIS $ THE EUCLID $ ~ gSIP :i E "No Csntsr Stain Discomfort'' sroktur M EETSuper-Shorts. Then try them out under any con- ditions when ordinary under- wear crawls up and binds . . . motoring, playing tennis, sitting through a long exam. A student, in the literary college, is forced to take an exam under the close observance of a proctor who possesses the presumption that there are people present who would rather cheat than honestly present the true results of diligent preparation.. Is it any wonder, then, that students will copy from their neighbors rather than make a sincere effort to acquire rudi- mentary knowledge, thereby de- feating the true purpose of educa- tion? It is well known that the best way to promote trouble is to look for it. The same applies to the cre- ation 'of a deragatory attitude to- ward education. As long as the PRIZE STORY. m Among their smaller sets this' An instructor in the zo depart- week Columbia has some interest-' ' ment handed out some plus and' ing imported recordings. The con-' . minus exams to his quiz section, siderably important pianistic art of j and a gent in the last row was Leopold Godowsky is quite brilli- somewhat surprised to find the f'antly exhibited in the diffuse ro-j questions on his sheet neatly plus-' manticism of the long Grieg Bal- sed and minussed. Bewildered, he! lade in G Minor which, as a com-r looked at the second page of the position, would serve as a cata.- exam and found the familiar blank logue of the romantic moods. God-! spaces filled in with what appear- owsky's art takes well to the gram- ed to be the correct answers to ophone since his tone in all regis- tne questions. The instructor had ters is uniformly clear. And he has1 given him the key exam, the one that unobtrusive care in the hand-: from which all corrections would ! ling of phrases necessary for per- be made. formance of romantic music. For a moment the student de-' Gabriel Pierne conducts the Co- bated the problem with himself. lonne Orchestra of Paris in a T enuld ernse the instruern's1' nirited. altoo'ther atisfatctrv I Whatever test you put them to, you will . .. the St. R egis, Euclid, D r know a new freedom in crotch and seat. A and the Canary Blend-St Wilson Brothers Style Committee orgina- yourselfto theirfashionable lion, a back panel, eliminates the harassing Ask also to see the new W center seam. Super-Shorts always feel like Super-Seat pajamas. WILSON BROTHERS J~ 6e rdaske cry C1HI CA GO . EW Y ORK . SAN FRANCI SCO PARIS G U A R A NT E -- 1. a : article bearing the Wilson i your haberdasher does not ,carrv Super-Shorts we shall gladlys u Brothers trade-mark 's u.sati, acto v of a r'any cason tcarest ,?alerpoo recE-ptn 'ojirwn ,trmeasurcmentcolorpre: you can, exchange i ; any X iRson Brotherst dealer. jc, ti. ien I , ).a ress:wt'ilson Xrothers, 3