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April 25, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-25

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FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930

...d.. ..,..

fSiTr Thomas Lipton's ShamockV Launched
10 CON YENEHIRE in England; to Compete for American C

.U fr e r rm rn eIhl l_ ________________Bai


E. V. jotter Declares Subject'
Should be Placed in
Rural Curriula.
Gathering at Saginaw Forest Re-j
serve tomorrow, the Washtenaw;
County Rural Teachers will cele-
brate their second annual Forestry!
Day, sponsored by the School of
Forestry and Conservation, accord-
ing to an announcement made yes-
terday by Prof. E. V. Jotter, under
wehose chairmanship the program
-vill be given. The School is co-!
operating with State School Com-
missioner Cora L. Haas in expecta-
tion of a large delegation from
neighboring secondary schools.
Prof. Young Will Speak. #
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the for- I
estry school will open the day's pro-
gram at 9:45 o'clock tomorrow mor-
ning, deliveriig an address of wel-
come to the visitors. This will be
followed by an. announcement ofj
field study plans which are to be
used for experimentation during
the entire program, to be outlined
by Professor Jotter.
"How Forests Affect Our Life," by
Professor L. T. Young of the for-
estry school, will be the opening
discussion on the professional partS
of the conference program. Pro-
fessor Young, according to his;
statement, plans an illustrated lec-
ture demonstrating that "forests
afect living in many others ways
in addition to furnishing such pro-
ducts as lumber, fuel, and syrup."
He further declared that Saginaw
Forest would be ideal as a site for;
illustration of this topic, and added
that "the Forest is a splendid ex-
ample of the type of community'
which should be found throughout
To Discuss Transplanting.
Dr. Ned Dearborn, forestry ex-
pert, will lecture on "Forest Wild
Life";- he plans to draw many il-I
lustrations from the interesting an-
imal environments to be found in
Saginaw Forest which is a game
sanctuary. Other topics promisingj
to add color to the program are
"Forests Have Enemies," by Prof.
Shirley W. Allen, and "The Forest"
by Paul D. Dalke, a junior instruc-
tor in the forestry school. The lat-
ter speaker will demonstrate sev-
eral methods of tree transplanting.
Concerning the underlying aim;
hoped to be achieved at the meet-
ing, Professor Jotter stated, "The
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion hopes by these conferences to
arrive at a suitable method for the
teaching of forestry in second rural;
schools in the state. Thus far, we
believe thatsuch instruction should
be distributed through the whole#
gamut of rural school subjects al-
ready taught, rather than further
burden the heavy curriculum of
these schools by adding forestry a.s
a separate subj ect."

i l -~ 6[X Mfr .:
s _

Net Increases of 8,425 Reported; I
47 Centers Suffer Losses
of Minor Nature.
(1{y 'sssciated Pres)
DETROIT, April 24-A continued
iprising of the Michigan population
urve, coupled with a definite drifta
oward the manufacturing centers
f the lower peninsula, is shown by
the 1930 census reports of 119 towns,
ities; and townships assembled by
he Associated Press today.i
These reports represent the
ruits of the first three weeks of
he census. They show that al-
'hough certain centers have suff-


Ann Arbor has had her dry Conner attempted to introduce a
.leaning wars, in recent years, but new "French Dry Cleaning" process
;here never was a dry-cleaning war but had to charge the outrageous Professor Confers With Legal
ike the one staged in February, sum of 75 cents for each suit. Ad- i Association Delegates
'.911. According to the Daily of the vertising on the subject dwindled n Chicago
bruary 11 to 18, 1911. cut-throat, after the J-Hop flurry and by the
;ompetition thrived as it has done I end of the year, Goldman and his SEEK NEW PROCEDURE
n few other economic orders. Here rival companies were back to their Po
ire the facts: I normal stands. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the
Messrs. Fuller and O'Connrir, tail- - Not only in the dry-cleaning bus- Law school and director of the Le
)rs on E. William Street, announced imess was competiton at a cut- gal Research institute of the Uni-
during the J-Hop week end that throats stage, howe ver. In cigar- versity, has been in Chicago this
.hey would clean and press or, as ct* v, it11 the feinale co stmption week in conference with represen-
hey ad son and press" at a cdn, witite ieai cnum im- tatives of the Chicago and Illinois
,hey advertised, "sponge and press" qt a coyJative iJ n unium, _atim- Bar associations and of the Illinois
suits for 25 cents, or trousers for a as caie out with a specia1 offer I and Cook County Judicial councils,
dime, not to mention dress suits for during the course of the spring regarding a revised practice act for
50 cents and overcoats for a quar- wvhich ehabled -students to ex- the courts of Illinois.
er. cnProfessor Sunderland has been
Iei. coallge 25 pa-kage coupons for any acting as advisor for the Chicago
In the very next issae, Goldmzan ce c pennant, 23 by 10, which Bar association in drafting a corn-
Brothers, then located at 220 South they desired.- The advertisements prehensive plan for the reform of
1 preensie pla fort atemof

ered losses since the 1920 census, State street, advertised a special staed' thata e ~e " anyoe judic
100 r~of pnxints oul judial procedure in the S
.05 per cent of those reporting "one dollar contract" for which fif- 100 Iyp s:ofpM ant wold _ Illinois, and at the conferen
:0.05 per cet of hoseceportngsonw.re con-
ave registered an average gain of teen pairs of trousers or five suits ai e c ok erecon week the draft which he h
71.5 persons. The losses of thewudbe ne casdn packaggdfNoCi.tar- pared was the subject of a
emaining 47 centers average 83.46 would be pressed and sponged. Not sus. -discussion by a large group
>ersons. only that. but Mr. Goldman and his - yers representing the vari
By this compilation the state has brother also stated that a special ANNV ' Y DAY ganizations interested in i
hus far reported a total gain of second semester contract would be 4' ing the administration of j
3 2,348 persons, which, checked offered Michigan students whereby E ALd EDINI A further and more c
gainst a total loss of 3,923, gives they would be allowed to have all t+draft will be worked out on1
2 a net increase of 8,425. their clothes cleaned, pressed and . R LA sis of conclusions reached
The significant feature of the repaired throughout the entire last ° 1,etChicago meeting, and will 1
igures is found in the 47 centers half of the school year for the price mitted by him before the i
which reported losses. The reports of six dollars. All work was to be Aril2 ss- Go v r r sJune.
Assaciaed Press Photo show that 15 out of the 44 counties called for and delivered and no LANSING, April 24.-Gov. Fred
"Shamrock V" Sir Thomas Lipton's latest challenger for the from which incomplete returns matter if the student had one or a W. Green has issued the following arley Haynest
American cup, was launched amid a crowd of cheering spectators at have been received have thus far dozen suits, the price was all the May day proclamation.
Gosport, Hants,. England, Inset shows Sir Thomas with the Countess failed to reach the population, same. "Mydy eiae ytaiiniR tr ice Pres
of Shaftsbury at the launching ceremony. Thcredited to them in the 1920 census. That little gesture nearly floored to childhood's joyous celebration of____
_fhfbr at__ the launching___ ceremo-. -- Most of these 15 counties lie either all the competition. Fuller and 0'- that renewal of life which is the Dr. Harley A. Haynes, dir
in the northern part, of the lower ------- ---- ---- -- essence of spring has come to have University hospital, was el
Idan Nationalists oeninsula or the upper peninsula, for us a new significance. the vice presidency of An
RECE TLY L A Dd nNwhile the 29 counties which have ouse Will Consider "With our growing appreciation Rotary at the club's We
otest Violently registered increases are in the east- Conference Findings of the necessity for child health meeting. Dr. Haynes assu
ern, central and western portions. as a foundation for child happiness office formerly held by
Arrest of Agitatrsi of the state, containing such in-r|nn Tariff Procedure, May day has become a symbol of Haisley, superintendent of
ti[ NE'T uL.IJIfl I __.dustrial centers as Grand Rapids, our efforts toward that end. It has who was elected to serve
Muskegon, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek (sSJsk! lV!JosSV %) been set apart as-the day on whichr dent during the coming
SApril 24.-British au- nd Detroit. WASHINGTON, April 24 - Con we pause to consider how well we George Lewis will continue
Latest Addition to Solar System BOMBAY, Apr24.--Clare county, with six centers re- gressioial Republican leaders de- are paying our debt to childhood, retary. Paul Wagner was
Believed to Approximate thority in India was confronted ported, has thus far suffered a net cided at a breakfast conerence to answer the question, 'are we giv- treasurer.
Size of Earth. with an increasingly grave situation loss of 223 persons. Kalamazoo with President Hoover today to ing to our children in fullest meas-I--"
ztoday. With spread of the anti- county, which has yet to report a have the House first consider the ure the opportunities for whole- Participants in the sorori
(By Associated Press)ges center below the 1920 level, has conference report on the Tariff bill. some and happy growth and de- ing at the University of M
TUCSON, Arizona, April 24- A igand movement tregistered a gain of 6,188. The The report will be ready by next velopment that are the inaliena- expressed disgust at the
Tm g and fighting with troops was 'three centers thus far reported Tuesday, but will not be taken up ble right of every child?" I rushing rules by statin
description of planet "X" heralded reported in widely separated sec- from Houghton county have all in the House until Thursday. "This year our emphasis is plac- neither the rushees nor th
as the ninth planetary member of tions of the empire. shown decreases, the total popula- Te White House conference was ed upon team work for child health, ters were able to conduct
the Solar system, in which the re- At Peshawar, important -outpost tion loss being 1,088. Nine centers called at the request of House and upon the more complete utilization in an orderly fashion.
cently discovered astronomical body; city near the .entrance to Khyber reporting from Muskegon county Senate leaders. Its only purpose by parents of community resources -nordrlyfasion
was said to be about the size f Pass, a British soldier and abotf I give that region a net gain of 1,151. was to discuss the procedure on thehr
the eartd toreqabuirte 3,00ze o twelve native rioters were kiled '________- taiff. for the protection and promotion of PORTABLE I
the earth, and to. require 3,200 years "wlentv itr wr ild aif the health of children. TYPEWRITERS
to complete a circuit of its reportssaid, when a mob protested HARVARD UNIVERSITY-Of the It was announced orally at the "To furth ofthid far-reachinW
today was available to ths 'public arrest of several anti-government ! 703 men who took the General Final White House that there was no dis- f .- We have all makes.
for th e f t -hagitators. Examinations in 1928-29, 644, or 91.5 cussion of rates or administrative co-operative effort, May day is Remington, Royals.
Dr. E. C. Slipher, Lowell observ- A Lahore dispatch said the out- per cent, were successful, while 59 provisions of the bill. hereby designated as Child Health Corona, Underwood
try astrnomer, oe oboseri- brak was suppressed ol e or 8.5 per cent failed. Averaging Democrats have.insisted that the day i Michigan, and its earnest Cblored dro onishes. P
redtly connected with thehrecent Gurkha troops poured machine gun this result with those of previous House act first on the report, inas- observance is urged uponil those .DR
disovry f he ras-Nptnia ad ifl fre nt th mb, hih' years show that only 9.1 per cent of imatch as the senate already has{I who have the welfare of our hil- } . 'D MORRI]
body, explained the secrets of the had held up an armored cr, poure the candidates for degrees from gone on record on the sections in dren at heart." 314 South State -St.
planet in layman's language after kerosene on it and burned it. Both this institution fail to get them, dispute.
describing it to delegats of the occupants were burned to death. a Iw rr- -r :

tate of
ice this
ad pre-
of laW-
ous or-
the ba-
at the
be sub-
iddle of
ector of
ected to
n Arbor
mes the
Otto W.
s presi-
as Sec-
ty rush-
g that
e chap-

rice $60.
hone 6615

eleventh annual convention of the
southwestern section of the Ameri-
can Association for the Advance-
ment of Science.
LEGE-In order that non-fraterni-
ty freshmen may receive scholar-
ship cards, formerly available only
to fraternity men, the freshman ).
M. C. A. council plans to issue cards
to the non-fraternity men at the
"Y" hut. Individual cards will be
filled out by the student, so that he
might receive grades at the end of
the five, eight, and thirteen week
periods. _______________
I rsn . 1

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