' z , THE MICHIGAN DAILY [SHOP ROGERS CLA WITH ENGLAND WI1 Mtual friendship between the ople of the United States and gland will aid immensely in Am-' ica's turning from armed isola- )n to a willingness to participate international peace movements, shop Warrexn L. Rogers, '07, told audience of townspeople and udents at a convocation. Sunday ering in Hill auditorium. Bishop Rogers represented three nierican organizations last sum- er in a lecture tour of En~glan~d ~whch he' explained the differ- tes between English; and Ameri- ,n life as a part of the plan inau- rated 10 years ago to develop a nmon understanding between e people .of the two nations. In s address-here Sunday evening, dM5FREND HI'!of America concerning interna- LgI1I+S 'IE RIC HIPtional arbitration and conciliation. P sterious Solos O.ver 'LL ADVANCE PEACE!Th time for the country to choose IPhone Serenade Girls -- - betw een one of the two roads is at the, Blishop Xoid of the English lifet hand. Mysterious music has for the andi miatters to assist in producing, "England has already tenst'eps pasit few days greeted the ears of an understanding of the British by toward friendliness with the Unit- Universtity girls as they answerI the people of this country. ed States. When, at the Washing-1 their telephones.I "The United States is at the ton arms conference in 1921 Eng- The girls, many of thema living crossroads between remaining is-;li was willing to admit U ite at sororities, are called to the lated and more or less armed and States equality in naval armament, 'phone and requested to "wait a.' becoming allied througli friendship it was quite e vident that she was minute." When they are treated for international peace. Represen- nreaching out for friendship with o h vocal refrain of "My Fate tatives of this country signed theE this country,." si Your Hands" Kellogg peace pact, and the Senate ratified it, which was a splendid gesture toward peace, but the same session of Congress passed the 15,' cruisers bill, which would indicate that the United States ,was more interested~ in being better armed.! whnthe. Englisn people look at, Paris was too tatne for this pay young Itl'etwo conflicting steps" they Romeo! They brought; hims2'home but wonder what is the true attitudef they couldn't make him behave! He .Ty! _LAY, PEBPRUA Y 8, 1930 SCREEN REFLECTION4S :pCap- At the Revenge Is Ourn. Mendelssohn, generally rated as Not ;.not ah) asi 'abov1e films, Having been summarily and one of the year's best films,.u tilcuilray bv verage { heartlessly done with by the fac- Close behind is Maurice Cheva-' is T Himas Mcigh ar' detective ulty, the Screen Reflector will lien's "Love Parade," a witty amus- mystery, aitit),Maestc, The Ar-. henceforth turn professor himself ing musical comedy considerably gyle, Case::." YB-- for;Mr". -Meihn and mete out grades to passing better than his previous "Inno-( Looming on the horizon is Greta motion pictures. The quality of cents of Paris." Jeannette Mac- Garbo's first talkie, "Ann~aChite the current features thwarted Donald is both beautiful and tal-! from O'Neill's pla~y. It's goinzg big plans for instant revenge, but the ented opposite the French star. A- at the Michia in the Auto City semester is yet young. for this one. It's at the Michigan. and will be transferred to the 'Mad- Aforeign film . wins' the prize "The V.irginian," a talking adap-1ison Friday. Hien voice, to say the grade, a straight A for "The Pas- tation of Owen Wister's book, rates least, is reputed unusually good. sion of Joan of Arc" at the Lydia] a B . Gary Cooper is starred In[ -4H. J. A. SHOWINGwul SNOWS AT 2;0-3 c0 "THE VIRGIN AN' WITH WALTER HUSTON Immortalized in Owen 'Wister's bi tory.niaking book, the glamorous, 'swaggering, cattle-range 'days of the !?itncer 'West LIVE again for you. Youj HEAR,, as well as -SEE. the great human love story. Like "tThe Covered Wago" In .sound. T O --"1N""ITE mimes Tlheatre Week Feb. ,18m22J MATINEE,SATURDAY THE uIS..I DER" By Dorothy Brandon EXCELLENT CAST'A ND ,COMPLETE PRODUCTION Dprink ~Delicious and Refreshing1 Put the grin in grind r ,k a- 1~ ' t. '+ ;i A %. .. 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I T w I i IT EAD TO MRGOOD TO E JT' w -M 1 IIE .. _ -,-- I RICE: DONE' WITH HEAT, 'YOU CAN DO IT IJVTER WViT GAS IF IT'S Evenaiugs Matiniee *i ri ad 75c ,,.50c Phone 4151 . for Reserv'ations r ..:_ _ _ __-_ _ _ _ Interested studems to - olicit sub- scriptions for THE HOUND & HORN ," a quarterly devoted to the best i*n t~he literature, art and criticism ~of today; called by The Criterion ~of England "the best magazine from' the literary and philosophic- literary point of' view in 'Atner- ica." 'LIBERAL COMMIN1SSION. Addres Box A, Camibridge, Mass. 11, I From Freshman or Prexy**- no on ctali tell-if the letter is written on Old Hampshirestation- cry-for it gives an almost presi- dential dignity to the message it carries. Whether your letter is to the family at homne, to some of your" tradesmen or purveyors -or to your very hest girl, Old Hampshire atdds a distinct tonc, for it is rich, substantial, smar----it has the rich texture, the 'crisp cnrkl 'of 'the truly aristocratic paper. f here proper'' kteuttreatiitg counts .. LIE Tw PENS for the Price of One - a Pocket Pens for Classroom Ndotes, and a Desk Pen for Your Room -Guaranteed for Life! ,f Prtoper, thorough heatetreating IS a vital" necessity on the huge anvil block abu~ilt to Withstand the tremendous shocks of the forging hammer. Gas heat, with its accurate controllability and accurate temper. ature maintenance, is the ideal fuel for heatatreating, normalizing and annealing furnaces.- And 'those very factors make it the maost economical fuel for thiese pur" poses! Send for the free book, "Industrial Gas Heat." ATY'E'I.CA' G S T O-A T O *If you buy a Parker Pocket Dutofold you now can ,lavc a Desk set without buying a second pen. 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