T'HE MICHLGAN DAILY" THM SDAV;- AJOkIt A-'- * ~ , ** . ;, 1 2,u. r Published every morning except Monday during tae T'iersity year by thi Board in Conti of of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited todit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General.. Subscription by carrier, $4.o0; by mail, Odfilces:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-1 hard Street.j Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tiiley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg' News Editor.....:. ...Donald J.. Kline Sports Editor..... .Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor. ........Marjorie, Pollmer' Telegrah Eit>r........a Telegaph dito... ....Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman Literary Editor......... Lawrence R. Klein assistant City.Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors--Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kaiuffman WaltermW. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters >rris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley rtram Askwith Lester May len Barc Margaret Mix axwell Bauer David M. Nichol ry L. -Behymer William Page Jan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham thur f. Berristein IHugh Pierce Beach Cnger Victor Rabinowits coeachM Cooge John D. Reindel o'nas Cooley Jeannie Roberts alen Doineel Joseph A. Russel rgaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch therine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs irl F. Forsythe Cecelia. Shriver oldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl th Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart . th Geddes S. Cad well Swanuod hevra Ginn Jane Thayer k Goldsmith Margaret Thompson ily Grimes Richard L. Tobin rris Croverman Robert Townsend rgaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine Cull en Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr anl Levy G. Lionel Willeme ssell E. McCracken Barbara Wright rothy Magee Vivian Zimit r. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX .K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..........1'. .lolister Mabley Advertising............Kasper H. Ifalverson Service................George A. Spatr Circulation........... J. Vernoran vis Accounts...........Jolm R. Rose Publications .........eorge R. Hamilton Business Secretary---Mary Chase Assistants James E.'Cartwright Thoiums Muir Robert Crawford Ccorge R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Norris Johnson J oschh Van Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran Mary Jan.' Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully Ethel Constar Sylvia Miller Josephine Convisser Ann Verner Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman Anna Goldberger Joan N icsc iloitense Goodin; THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930, Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER of too-worldly contact. Ergo, he is- mentally alert, intelligent, and possessed of a practicable experi- "L ence." Why, then, did the ban come to WHAT Michigan? Why, in the view of INTELLECTUALS this "confidence," is the auto ta- TALK ABOUT. boo? Because, answers the father F of the auto ban, youth is a develop- Following is first report of con- ing organism, and just as the cat- versation and remarks overheard erpillar has the protection of the in Angell hall yesterday afternoon. chrysalis in the transition stage, What they indicate I shall leave to so must youth have its chrysalis in you; their publication here is sim- the form of the ban. The analogy ply to indicate the trend of thought of course overlooks the fact that of the average student. this transitional youth is pos- sessed of clear, cool intelligence "You know what Amos and Andy which, however naturalistic he get ? One hundred thousand bucks may be, is superior, and indeed each, a year!" . . . "Take my place anterior, to the butterfly's instinct, in lecture, will you; I want to get a But the butterfly analogy is a cup of coffee." . . . "Terrible day hoax. Dr. Little is too smart a man for a ball game." "Well, what do to expect any one so intelligent as you care; you'r not going." . . . youth to be so stupid as to believe "Never takes roll, so why go? We it. The real reason, as intimated, can get the notes from somebody., is more emotional. Dr. Little re- . "Hello, Joe; how's it going?" . calls with horror the dying words of "Oh, yeah?" students who have been killed in * * * automobile accidents while at col- Further enlightenment upon the lege. But this reason has sipped subject of student thought will be out several times in Dr. Little's presented in the near future. speeches (his farewell address to the students last spring, for ex-** ample) and in the book. And so Ex-President Little offers some the next step is to determine great ideas for the management whether or not the fact that some and control of fraternities. Read- students did die and that others ing between the lines it is patent were injured in automobiles is a that he places fraternities in the valid reason for the unkindly en- category of such well known things forcements of the present ban. as Bedlam, double-Mastoid opera- Dr. Little has heard the dying tions, prison fires, prison riots, and words of students and the bitter other choice disasters. His sugges- grief of bereaved parents, and deep- tions might as well read as follows: S1. Abolish fraternities. ly affected by this (and quite un- 1 derstandably so) he clamped down 2. Make it illegal to join a fra- ownternity. the ban. The point is, it was the re-, 3. Raze all fraternity houses. sult, in, the final analysis, of emo- 4. aishlfraternl ouses. tion and not reason. It is undesir- 4. Bansh fraternal organza- able to be brutal about these things, tioes.. but it does seem a pity that in the 5. Discourage Greek societies past three years some 20,000 per- sons ranging in age from 18 to 30 Iy should have been deprived of a Ibitter about the thing urless it's pleasure, a legal right, because in because he has been spending too much time in fraternity houses at the passage of a year or two a the University of Maine where dozen students were in automobile "The Stein Song" originated. accidents. Dr. Little's. emotion concerning If I hear that song more than the unfortunate students has cloud- 1,000,000 times more I shall go ber- ed his insight to the real values in serk-along with the rest of the the matter. If automobiles are badcsnrh for people between the ages of 18 country. and 30 (the ages of conscription Some gent is advertising for the during wartime; and incidentally, return of his notebook "so he can would Dr. Little attempt to ban pass a few courses." Say, old man, war if he heard the dying words if they're returned will you lend of an 18-year-old soldier?) theydare 'em to me for a few days? bad in themselves. But society doesI not think so, and in theicontin- * * * uance of the ban the University is LEAP WHERE? 'really working against society, or To the Editor: Your recent state- at least a phase of living society mnent accusing the poor B. & G. has accepted. boys of planting asparatulip plants Thus it is a question of values behind Angell hall is absolutely un- that should be involved, whereas it founded and uncalled for. ,The really grew out of an emotional re- plot of ground has been leased by action. And indeed, if the admin- some enterprising student with the istration counters that autos in sole intention of supplying the themselves are not bad, tlen the new dormitory with strawberries collegiate youth is, and the auto all year round. I'd advise you to ban is of no avail, for if we are de- look at the plants twice before you praved, we might just as well have leap. no universities. The Big Shot. And out of this emotional incep- * * * tion has grown the tradition on Yeah? Well, I've looked at the the campus. The ban has never plants more than a dozen times al- and all the while it ismor a moral issary ready. And,' besides, how long do you suppose a strawberry patch sue. Insead we have harsh reac- that size would last in a dormi- tionary enforcement. The student, tory of 450 girls? outraged because his moral and:* *j* manly, qualities are questioned, is i ALL RIGHT. out to beat the ban, and the en- Dear Joe: The University of To- forcement, with its armed man- ronto isn't to be outdone. I see by hunters, developing a disciplinary yesterday's Daily that, in accord- course as emotional as the incep- - tion _--__1ance with the contemporary col- lion of the ban itself, is out.to get legiate custom of holding all-cam- the student. And the whole matter pus liquor polls, the Canucks are would be resolved if the adminis- now polling their student body on tration would adduce evidence toe the nerve-racking question of prove that, aside from the fact that whether or not liquor should be some students have been in acci- sold within university grounds. dents caused by a morally accept- See you at Toronto, able instrument of social luxury Tobe. (as opposed to liquor, for instance),: the ban is morally necessary. Let's wait until we get a report o on the outcome of the poll, Tobe. T EXCLUSION ACTS. If they decide not to sell it on To the Editor: campus we're just as well off right On April 16, Senator Shortridge here. from California introduced a bill * in Congress proposing a complete BULLETIN!' restriction of Philippine immigra- The Beachcomber and The Chink have just completed an actual sur- tion to this country. vey of the seal situation at the If the American People really Library, and offer the following think that the Filipinos are as a recommendations: (1) That it be people undesirable in this country, hung from the ceiling; (2) That it why not grant them their SACRED be marked with red flags; and (3) INDEPENDENCE? For as long That i be made into a trap door. and the only way to get rid of Yesterday afternoon these zealous' them once and for all. For as long Rolls representatives questioned 68 as the Philippines are under the persons as they stepped on the seal, American Flag, the Filipinos will and obtained the following infor- always be a problem to America. mation concerning their reason The United States of America must for doing so: bear in mind that the Filipinos pay Didn't see it..... .......15 allegiance to the Stars and Stripes I'm a stranger here. ........2 and whether they are at home or No good reason .............6 abroad, they will always be Ameri- To get out the door........2 can subjects. Didn't notice it..........12 In justice to the Philippines, the Don't know why ............8 islanders appeal to the American In the way 6 f pol a nthe-wy......-.....-..-.6-- - About Books EASTERN THOUGHTi IN EASTERN IDIOM. Winds of Gobi, by Robert Hyde. Brewer and Warren, N. Y. C. Price $1.75. From the rocks and sand, the winds and cold of the Gobi desert, ! digging grond of Roy Chapman Andrews, comes this collection of prose etchings by Robert Hyde. The dirt and cruelty of primitive life, the stolid superstition of yellow- clad lilamas, are illustrated by flashes of beauty from the jewel in the heart of the lotus. Mr. Hyde has an outstanding heart for the phil- osophy of life of a people alien to Western standards. Quite the most craftsmanlike phase of the work lies in the idiom. It would be fatal to employ Western speech to the! expression of Eastern ideals and view-points, out of which spring manners and customs, somewhat like using a cleaver to dissect a humming bird. Eastern habit of thought is expressed in Eastern habit of speech. To fix this on the printed page that the unusual may be appropriately garbed is the craftsman's job. However, the note of the unusual' lies only in this, for fundamental human emo- tions are common to all life. J. S. 0 GRIM YOUTH, BY JOHN HELD, JR. The May selection of the Book League Monthly is John Held, Jr.'s new book called Grim Youth. The volume, which will be printed by the Vanguard Press, is collection o short stories. They will, of course, be properly embellished with- wood cuts drawn by the author. The stories themselves are reported to be sophisticated tales of modern youth. Quite probably ' they are good, too because the Book League Monthly, beginning with the publi- cation of Joe Pete, a novel by Florence McGlinchey, has success- fully maintained the difficult task of presenting important books to its subscibers each month. The present volume will contain an in- troduction by Gamaliel Bradford biographer and historian. o BETER YET FROM MODERN LIBRARY. The recent news that The Mod-_ ern Library has absorbed the Sun Dial Library of Doubleday, Doran & Ca., assures the thousands of contented' customers of the first- mentioned firm of even better op- portunities in the offing. The sale: was a straight cash transaction and which assures the purchasers the right to reissue the entire Sun Dial. set is the Modern Library edi- ition. At prisefit the Library lists 175 titles at ninety-five cents each. The firm was established 12 years ago with the publication of Oscar Wilde's "Dorian Gray." Within 7 years the list had grown to 100. In 1895 the establishment underwent a change of management and even more expensive volumes were ad- ded to the list and printed in the. Library format. The addition of the Sun Dial books will add such authors as Conrad, Maighm, Huxley, Bennett, Walpole, and McFee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF A NEW POETRY MAGAZINE. The Poetry Journal, a new pub- lication that will cater to the needs of unheralded poets, announces its arrival. The editorial office ;of this concern are in Chicago, 192 North Clark street. They are par- ticularly interested in the young l poet. They specialize in short verse, although monthly there will be one or two long poems used. Humorous verse of general appeal can be used. All contributions will be paid =for upon publication. Endeavors such as this should and must be encouraged. The youthful poet today has precious few vehicles for expression; that is, precious few that will accept anything except by recognized writers. RECENT 0 ARRIVALS. The Bulls of Rome, by Ludwig Huna Brewer and Warren, Inc., N.Y.C. Price $2.50. Young Heroes of the Bible, By Ann Stoddard. The Century Co., N. Y. C. Price $2.50. o-- "A GENTLEMAN REBEL" The Book League of America has chosen "A Gentleman Rebel" by John Hyde Preston (published by Farrar & Rinehart) as its April publication. Ours are the lowest dry cleaning prices in Michigan A ND, as far as quality or, workmanship goes, we challenge anyone, anywhere, to do better! That's a pretty broad state- ment, but we mean it. Men's Suits. Yes, Sir-- Cleaned and Pressed TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Al makes of ma- chines. Our equip- Hark To His Master's Voicel Sayig ment and person- nel are consideredU VTSS among th e best in the State. The To result of twenty years' careful For Everything Musical building. SD. ORRILLRadios:- 314 South State St. Phone 6615 Majestic, Victor, Crosley Lowest Prices: Pianos:- To Snit. Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell - OPTICAL'Play While Orchestral Instruments 7m baIs oum* DEPARTMENT You Pay. Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records Lenses and Frames Made to OrderA K H A Ortical Prescriptions Filled ASK THOMAS HINSHA WfMgy. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 STATE STREET JEWELERS READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS, . - - --. -d-i--l-l 4y0c Cash anid Carry Ladies' long coats, regardless of fur cleaned and pressed for 75c, called for and delivered. No one in town offers prices as low as these. WTLAUNDRY COMPANY Plant: Detroit and Catherine Streets Branch: Across from the Majestic-open to 8 P. M. In Ypsilanti: 111 N Washington Street , : - ---_- "II When Small Machines' MORAL NECESSITY? Were Big, 1, It is somewhat irritating, even exasperating, to read the attempt of former president Clarence Cook Little in his volume called The Awakening College to justify the enforcement of an automobile 'ban on a college campus. It is not only because the projected reasons are illogical but because they are en- tirely emotional; and because Dr. Little elsewhere in his book al- most virulently berates emotive causation they are doubly illogi- cal. And then too the theory ex- pounded in the book calls for fur- ther vigorous objection in view of the fact that the author is. the father of the ban on this campus and all the tradition that has sprung up because of the ban herel traces back to him. And really, when all the extra- neous quibbling is left out of the .discussion, the fundamental ob- jection to the ban isnot to the ban per se but to the tradition that attaches itself to it. This, of course, needs explanation. The question of the right to enforce) automobile regulations on a col-I lege campus is not a legal question; it should not be even a disciplinary question. First and always it is an ethical problem: a question of val- ues. And now we are back to the part Dr.=Little played in the prob- lem. The question here to ask is, when Dr. Little induced the ban at Michigan, what code, what the- ory of values motivated his action? Was it real necessity or was it mere expediency? The answer, natural- ly, is to be found in his comments on the ban in his writings and speeches. The real answer must be abstracted,- for he must have realized that to objectify his views would have been fatal, at least for1 permanent record, since the cool-I ing effect of time is so disastrous to ideas born of emotion. The answer is bound up incon- gruously enough with his theory of youth, which is a great part of the --r-f.ra r .n - 'Mof1~iora- - hrs e AMfORE than a quarter century ago, the Commonwealth Edison Com- pany, prophetically alive to the .. } I immense possibilities of the future, ooo-kilowatt turbine generator installed in 1903 at the Fisk Street station of the commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago ordered from General Electric a 5000- kilowatt steam turbine-in those days :;f a giant of electric power. turbine , To-day, a General Electric -i ' 9* i; a1 . j generator of 208,000-kilowatt capacity sends out its vast energy to the Chicago Metropolitan District. College-trained men played a respon-. sible part in the engineering and manufacture of both machines-just as they serve in important capacities in the engineering, production, and distribution of all General Electric equipment, large or small. . lJ i I T rl1 y t - l" 5'- 55 . .^" -I S 208,ooo-kilowatt turine- generator installed at the State Line generating station .,