W f DA', p ? 3, 1930 ~V4FMTCHTCAM rDAt PAGE TIM M iY..YiR.W ....... ... ...... .. ,. ... ., ... ..., ...... .. ....... .. ........ ... . ..... _y._w.. a. a...a...:.w.- a i. a -.+w wt's .t:1_.. L/ m..... EFFINGER WILL BE PRINCIPAL SPEKER FIREMEN ATTEMPT TO REViNE YED'S VORTOS SASE \IJN v TALK Li l L| HLLU L| Ul L Hi\||AS DE AT H TOLL MOUNTS NYE AR'S WORSTDIA E \L | 21 t 9 3 J 1 t s c s S a C E d n 'C AT SIXTYFOURTHANNUAL CONFERENCE m a p5 F r e s . Ab r , f OF MICHIGAN SCHOQLASERS LU Noted Educators to Discuss Requirements and the College of College Requirements and engineering" High School Trainiig. rofessional Meetings Friday. n:> p The administrative teachers' con- WILL START TrMRkO, a erence, meeting under the chair-t4 manship of Forrest D. Averill, of Carrothers to Speak on Study Fordson High School, Dearborn, will Preparation Offered by tpea 'series of 24 professionxal con- y State Schools. feences on F riday, April 25. In or- Lus. y s ydyr tob secure a wider field of opin- Dean John C . ECfhnger of the lit- ion, Harry C. McKown, faculty secredme mber of the University of Pitts-" eraryrcollege has beenhsecuredcas lnr aro ll ha ee c as burgh, has been secured to addressyJ . - principal speaker to open thosix- tneassefbly on ,Extracuricular ty-fourth annual session of the Activities." T. Luther Purdodi- ."b s t Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, ac-! rector of the University bureau of i cordingntoravance rmantio appointments, wil ,urepreent local steachers; h l subject will be . x- sued yesterday in bulletin form by tracurricular Activities in Relation Louis P. Jocelyn, secretary-treasur- to Scholarship.";,tTehr' who cncurr tiy At the. gathering of the agricual- IIE ert.Club, tural aid rural school educations announced the full three-day con- ," 3 ' {ce conferiiceo led'by J. 'H. Kif- ference program to begin tomorrow paSter of AePipapers on "Unitrs afternoon. Dean Effinger will dis- Teaching"s allObLecetives of the BDlig iltk h omo eaturedn thA ricgtreainHighe hare bdes{f-h unres:f ie" cim. cuss Entrance Requirements from Depa>.mont ofA GIVENuPtFESSin.Hig. the Point of View of the Liberalr choo es will e re'd HeCr-, imea nd us, of esdern ate nTWeachers' Arts, College' rCollege, will nread an informalpa- Scenes of tragedy, comparable ony to those recalled in the Iroquois theatre fire at Chiago, were a Tl opening conierence of the peroi h 2"MyPhilosophy of Agricul- common occurrenc yesterday as firemen and rsciirs attenntedl to revive hundreds of stricken prisoners Club, to be held at 2:30 o'clock to- tural Education."!o o the Ohio State penitentiary in Coummus following theworst disaster in years. The picture shows efforts morrow afternoon in Roomn C, Law 'iShser Will Lectuire.I on the part of the rescue parties to keep alive whatever tiny spa k ofI life might have been left in the Building, will take the form of a Featured on the progra of the charred Bodies of the hundreds of fire victims. general discussion on college en- at conference isrJeangPullusserel eg-ntm.rr-w Registr atn ___ trance requirements; special en- . .wll.known.artist, and gprofessor ofeWOMmAN GIVEN PROFESSOnmSHdP. phasis will be placed on new views art in.thepSchool of ArchitctnreeaeFaRs iti yIendS.aion, adpd on his questioonby lead- i d i a e l itoOpen Soon in Ui WISCONSIN - Professorship in ing colleges throughout the corun- Teinbdencies in Modern Painting,"io Cn Ons AT 'American history wil be held by a try, and a special time period will at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in The1 I I1r11 ra lyp Registration for the annual ten- proper high school curricula in j will be the only speaking number I wib tei This is made possible by the su- be dievotedito cnserat ion, of lni Monriale Hall.. nce tii L Le hL at IU IHI mhisey swimnsoredhi byn tthe ooawthiE thetfwyas training the student sor a univer- kt the conference, arrangements e ne e hs wil begin tomorrow morning at sity course of study. With the aim ive been made for a large atten- c s o the desk in the natatorium, ac- preme court's . opinion ephoor yof gcin.ghthelaubjectoby hon-edAce. halThe in r f coingay an t aneuna nt madesthe willethesoate F sideration of the various degrees f. "Me Reporton the Educational, in nla lstigt by Leoard S dWilon , i n wo d h grgae t mhistory here. Her will provides study preparation provided in city Material from the Department of i at Evanston. 31, chairman of the house com- clock~~~~~~o aatudoymarnngsnposmtonfrtne$m6ectre0andinfrm- a d rural high schools in the state diConservation Which May beAvaila- f hittee. he re u . Cartther, Dircto r of s rer be fo rUs"e in iol otian P - ' ,Final local elim ination con tests mieing th Unpectin of2H-gh. resw beonofthe ots". for the Northern Oratorical compe- ng entering are asked to state the Rg Mt Schools, has been engaged to speak ing papers to be given at the bio- d Ja therQpeni g R general session, on logical conference b T. L. Han-; tition will be held at 5 o'clock thisBdy theyywillbeginio swna whe. PORTALE Cri -n "Hghconharykinson of Michigan State Normalnm afternoon in one of the speech so-theynsignfortTYPEWRITERS tr m fern s iFrhn enarhtL n- desk. Rules provide that not more We heap s. C Schools Accredited by the Universi- College. "Anaerobic Respiration in ciety rooms on the fourth floor of than one-half mile may be swum e have allrmakes tsy of Michigan." Higher Plants," is one of the inter- T'' Met Sturday ornig. etingu discuions to ben coced Angell hall. The winner of the l- day and that entrants must Corona, Underwood Cayng l thoghhey Popenin b F.rGnGustafson,rosscter nteca ccontest will compete in the in- swim at least a quarter mile dailyColored dco finishes. Price $60. C r W yi ho f t e l e eb y e u - F .s p rG r . dci n gn t e d s e - f r h a s e a a i n a d a I{without stopping.Th fiste :iscussion on entrance require- i botany department. tercollegiate finals to be ield at e te warted n d y (a D MOR tILL ments, the Michigan Association of Miss Mary E. Armstrong, of O- Evanston on May 2. als34Sot Collegiate Registrars, meeting at 10 vet College, will lead te classical The four who will compete in the I oclock S aturday morning in Room conference in lectures and informal r ty 2225,ngell w H alwl lsur arsh m-dresdiscussions omh".hdse Classics ands final here today are Nathan Levy, , he results of a survey made or-Ith Moderns" "Vfr et" giyniaPn Wan ''31, who will speak on "An Amein Christian Science he scholastic records of freshmen derings," and "ews "ulletins of can Tradition," Eva Hesling, '31, ntering the University in 1928-29. Recent Archaeological Discoveries". whose address is entitled, "To Be, CereSn Ruth A. Brown, of the Bureau of The latter paper, to be accompan- Jniversity Research, will read a re- Iled by slide illustrations, has been Not to Seem," Tomas V. LoCicero, port on "High School and First Se- preparedtby Prof. Benjamin D. Mer- '31, whose topic will be "The Ital- mester Records of Freshmen En- nzt of the department of Latin and lnMsdeto,"an Feeo A 72-page essay discussing the posiion of Christian ering Twenty Colleges and Univer- Greer. The c4assi- " 1 conference in 1oshs31ewi wl n aties in Michigan in the Autumn of accord with. its annual tradition' at i~escDelu'31, wheil speakonre Science in modecrn thought, with reference especially to 928". The outcome of the experi- ; Club conventions, has been allowed"TeIlge Thsparswe physical science; to the Fundamentalist-Modernist cotro- 1 mnt will be given by Prof. Clif- to bring a University lecturer for chosen in a preliminary contest be-# versy; to philosophy and psychlogy. ord Woody, of the college of eu-ins rogram. Acting on the dispen- fore the Easter vacation, and all Aeetwie nReaiiyhssi,"Tesuff ation, prepared for the pogadins-iothe conference has secured havebeenactievinfornsiccir- thdniTrse ssmudfstff. a. progress report on "The Plan of IProf: Marbury B. Ogle, of Ohio State jhv enatv nfrni i- . tt nvresiwnn tf. co-operative Treating of College University,, to , Oli*e two letures dles. Boesche and Levy have beenThtitepris unrlngCitanSec- Freshmen." on 'Virgil, the Prcophet of a 'Sa- m'embers of the varsity debating Among other University faculty iour," and "Cicero 'and Christiani- team for two years, while LoCicero, that Mind conceives and its concepts become visible (for nen who will appear on programs ty" was alternate on the team this se- 11 example, Mind conceives trees and trees are visibly p resent.)pekr luring the sessions on entrance re-OteSpaesLtd.etr.MsHsinhs been a iurements is Ira M. Smith, Unver- "ThherScience of Speech," by Prof. ime ember ofisthe womns debatingI' Is modern 'science moving towards Christian Science? ity registrar, who will deliver, be- J. H. Muyskeng, of the deartment team for~ the past year. The mem- rc 0cns otad ore the state Association of Regis- of general linguistics, "New Ph ases bers of the speech department will jand' _____rtonth__rteeig_________y__S.__o__tsugeote__tet________ddes__drsto___or 230Drb S.,Bekle, alf ;illed by that organization on per- Wesern R:erve Eiversity, adjrow...................................... onnel work. A view of the ques- "'The Theatre and the School," by - - ____---__ ___= -_ ONSPANISH THIP Professor Will escribe aJotney Abroad in Si'xth Lcture 'of Cercie Francals. Delivering his talk i the form of an illustrated travelogue, Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, of the romance languages department, will give the sixth lecture in the Cercle Francais series at 4:15 today in room 231 Angell hall. Professor Kenyon will mescribe a trip he made through Spain iring the second semester and the sum- mei of 1926. He will treat the sub- ject of his travels in a general manner, without emphasizing any particular point of view. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides, some of which w er-e made from pictures which Professori Kenyon took himself. Admission is by season ticket to the Cercle Francais series, or by single tickets procurable at the door. N.U.SUMMER UNIVERSITY "By the shore of Lake Michigan" High scholarship standards - Beautiful location - Moderate climate - Unusual opportinities for recreation-Oganized trips and excursions. Liberal Arts Graduate School Schoo lofEducation June 23August 1s School of Commuerce School of Journalism School of Music School of Speech June 23-August I. School ofLa A Junie 23August23 G Te School of Education Wide kRange of Courses. Courses. spe- ciallydesig ned for Superintendents, Prin- cipals, Supervisors, Deans,Advisers, and Teachers ri HighS chools, Elementary Schools and 'Teatchers of Special Subjects. Faculty. Regular Staff supplemented by members of faculties of other Univer- sities and distinguished Public School ITeaches and Adinistrators. Graduate work. Special attention given to the needs of Graduate students and experienced teachers, supervisors, and administratoris. For bulIletin, address T~he D1irector of the Summer Session 133 University Hal, Evanston, III AV t#1 g 1rfl 9a !m1a /f Get PRISONER? ESCAPES IN OHIODISAS TER (BfY lsctc r's COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 22.- IOnly one convict escaped at Ohio penitentiary followillg Monday night's appalling fire, ilt was report- ed today. Michael Born, 32, sent uip from. Wood ,county in 1929 to serve 1 to 15 years for burglary, was riecorded as missing from the hospital, where he was treated Monday night. After an inspection of the prison failed to disclose Born, officials ex- pressed the belief he disguised himself and escaped out the main door. It Happened In Monterey Song of the Dawn By Geo. Olsen and Music Special Victor Record No. 22370 S73 From Schaeberle & Son Music House Your dealer for 35 years 110 South Main Street 'ANYWAEE - TR~AVELERS CHEQWS. ETC. K. CG. KEBLER, Steamship Rgt Licensed & BoadeL 44t 4.j ,Hiir~ta. Ano Atbot iTOURIST i i { t 1 j f j 1 k i I 3 l f i 1 1 i tion as seen by the professional school will be given by Lewis M. Gram, of the College of Engineer- ing, who will speak on "Entrance 3 ssie Bonstelle of the Detroit Civic l tihcatre, will be among the interest- ing pop^rs to be heard at the :;)ecch conference, I r) SUDYVYA LLE I S "STEINSOMi of Ie 11niversIfy of /4itie" f*r up your hearts to this ... immortal words every college man will rceeber .. . a suficrb 1Vallee song with a thrill that's a solar Iplexus wallop! IThe best and the newest music is on Victor Records . .. performed by the cream of the uorld's orchestras and art Lsts ... IN EVERY FIELD. The I famous Victor dance arranements would rejuvenate a centenarian! Here are mosat recent releases--At your Victor dealer's NOW! I 223O7-W E RE T M E rat OL .. IN EVERYAFF IEDSf'e G 114#I Vco ance, aSraneeI t . --The High Hatters. 22331-LUCKY EITTLE I D E VIL a nd E VE RY BOI~ .,: trAP--erne Cummins and His S22307-W INI; OF THE ISLANDS-Wravne King and His Orch es era-and UAiGIN' ON THE GAODEN GATE-Ted Fiorio and ' 411)4% TiE MON SYMPATHETaIC -uTherHg. utes I~Orchestra. 4 22330--W HAT I4 T H'I S 22320-C1RY1N' FOR THE AROLINESand WHAT iS Third C c b in ':wh7' . rv' e . :.; ,;Lp ;btt , ' ° Q . !4" 4 :;....^fi#;. (+ ..,.: A ,.,: Y 10 up 15 up) ONE WAY ROUND TRiP Joie de vivre . . . avee low cost. It's a combination hard to beat. Take yonr irusty uke-or your lear ole ca' t- is-but go. Arcd goTourist Third Cabitx. Plan now to make your'get- away as soon a the last exam is over. Such litters as Majestic, world's largest ship: lyipic, Befgenlanl, Ba tie, Doeri . . . and the 'lottrist de l Ie ships. Penn- 1and,WJVesterndland and ln- nt ekahda. Go this summer-prolve to your satisfaction that lu- rope is lots more than a collection of llathdrals an museums. 30 Prin-ipal nflir'ee in the n ited States 'nd C onfrl Wm. Lancsweet, Mgr., 214 Majestic Bldg., cor. Woodward and Mich. Ave., Detroit, CadI- l': 7665-7666, or any authorized * ' steamship agent. WHITE STAR LiNE RED STAR LINE.