DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL, 22; 1934 1 OUR MICHIGAN TEAMS STARTSPRINGSCHEDI >LES C ? SIll PITC H RS Drop Six Annual Wins of Seveni Set-s on Soutbehn Invasion; From Vanderbilt. Wolverine Foismen Win Place in State FendngCompetition Although only four fencers re- presented the University of Michi- gan in the First Annual State meet of the A. A. U. held at the Cadillac A. C. in Detroit on Aptril 12, yet they1 succeeded in winning a first place and a second place in two of the events. Bob GorGon, cap aim-elect of next year's Varsity fencing team., NET TEAM EFHEATSI DETROIITC-LUB,4 -i After Splitting Singles Matches, Wolverine Teami Wins All! Three Doubles.} SHOWERS HAMPER PLAY Usherinh in the 1030 court sea.! asebalL Wedesday--Ohio State, here. Friday-Syracuse, here. Saturday--Syracuse, here. Golf Saturday-Purdue, here. Tennis Saturday-Western State Teach- ers College, here. Track Friday -and Saturday-Penn and RISITV TDRPfC lI'Nineteen Freshmen vtirjiii~ RmEfliAwarded Numerals VICTORSAT RELAY by Wrestling Coach Coach Russ Sauer of the Fresh- man wrestling squad, has recom-1 Eight Men Make Vacation Trip mended that numerals be awardedt MICHIGAN GOLfERS DRHOP INITIAL MEET IMaize and Blue Golf ers Perforni I i DISPLAY BATTING POWER Badly battered and bruised after one of the most distasterous south- ern campaigns which the Wolver- ines have undertaken in many years, Michigan's 1930 Varsity nine will try to recapture some of its lostl prestige when the Buckeyes invade Ferry Field tomorrow Coach Fish- er's squad lost six of the seven games scheduled for the annual pIre-season training ,trip, and sev- eral glaring weaknesses developed in their play which will have to be corrected before the Wolves can hope to make a good showing in. Conference circles. Myron Injured. The loss of Mike Myron in th, second Vanderbilt game p'ro ed to be a serious blow to the ho'pes of a successful trip. Myron, one of the three veterans on the squaa, was. an Irnportanit factor in both the: defense and offense of the Wol- verines, and after his injury a shift in the line-up was.as ncessry. The star shortstop suffered a badly twisted ankle and will in all prob- ability be out of the game for at, least three weeks. Fielding is Weak. Although showing unexpectedlyr weak fielding and very mediocre hurling on the recent trip, the Wol- verines more than came up to pre- dictions in .the iatter of hitting. Only one home run was registered, Tompkins knocking -out a circuit clout against Cincinnati, but sev- eral triples were collected and the rest of the stick work was pleasing to the Michigan coach. errors in fielding and judgement were all too common anong they infielders throughout the pylay, and the pitchers showed a marked ten- dency to put the ball any plne but over the plate. Montague walked seven men in two innings against the U. S. Infantry School at Fort Benning+ as the individual Michigan star ,soh in successful fashion, Mich- _DrkRelays,ther of the meet by virtue of capturing igan's Varsity net team gained a first place in the epee event. How-; 7-4 decision over a veteran Detroit ever, in the junior foils event, Gor- 1Tennis Club team last Saturday aft- i don was eliminated on points. Ide c T A was the only other Wolverine to ernoon on the Detroit courts., The. take a place in the meet, winning play was inte'rrupted by intermit- I LidAgainst Gohers. second in the saber. Reichard tant showers and made slow by placed fifth in the epee. but Was damp courts (secial to The Du I) unsuccessful in breaking into a After dividing the eight singles BLO03MINGTON, Ind., April '21- scorming position. ncounters with the Detroiters thewo Big e baseball games are Morley, captain of the freshman Wolverines swung through the op- listed on the Indiana University team, was eliminated in the jun-n ior foils and saber events, but in positionr the threp doubles en- sc edule- this cweek, Minesta to the first event he did such splen- counters t amass a winning iar - face the Crimson team in contests! did work that only a very narrow gin The Michigan team consisted I magin of phony prvery him of Captain Hanunei, Beal, Clark here both Friday and Saturday. from qualifyin.BDre t the la Bxae, Clarke, John Reindel, Ryan, Indiana gained its first exper-, hour that some of the events were and Swanson, while the Detroit ience against a Conference foe scheduled to be run off, the Michi- lineup included Grawn, George here in the game With Chicago lastI gan entrants were praventda from Reindel, Smith, Spenccer, Maxwell, week and now has some idea of the competing in more events. Cauley, Kelley and Doeg. k The first amateur fencing meet Considering the lack of practice competition that will have to be ever to be held in the state of which both teams carried into ac- 1inet dtring the season. The Goph- Michigan has been pronounced a tion the calibre of play was impres- ers are expecting to have the best great success by competitors as well sive and speaks well for the poten- 'baseball club this season in years. as witnesses of the events. In all, tialities of the Wolverines in the Veterians in both the infield and there Were approximately fifty m'en Big Ten title chase Probably the outifeld are on hand to aid in giv- aspiting to win places in the meet. (Conftemd 6a .Page g) ing the team an -air of experience. Leroy Timm, football backfielder, has developed into a catcher and PU D E T DIT Carlbloom, Andrews and Mattson PURDUE. TADIUMA TO tBE ENLARGED are showing form in the pitcher's 1 T yT c box. TO HANDLE BOILERMAKER CROWDS I her-p, Peyton, Langenberg, and' Kasmarynski 'make up the Minne- sota heavy hitting outfield, all of (secia toeailr) is already known as one of the thes expsienced with some sea- LAFAYETTE, April 21. - An- most picturesqtie fdotball plants C soning i conference competition. nouncement that arrangements in the middle west. The horseshoe Earle Loose at first, Adatns at sec- have been made to complete the shape structure nestles in a natur- ond Ascher at shortstop and Ross-Ade stadium at Purdue Uii- I al hollow, leaving a background of I geavchaine at the hot corner make versity, increasing the seating ca- trees at the bend-and west sides.' up the infield. to Kansas Relays; Return to 19 members of the squad for Well in Practice Meet With Seven Trophies. their efforts during the past season But 24-21. ev__ rohe. Each of the following men is urged 880 RELAY TEAM WINS to see Harry Tillotson. as soon as! NEW MEN SHOW FORM possible for measurements: John By taking one first, a second and Ilalmo, Buffalo; Vernon Bisbey, Varsity golf competition was in- two thirds at the Kansas Relays last Summit, N. J.; Gabriel H. Cortes, augurated for the Wolverine links- Saturday Michigan's varsity track Columbia, S. A.; Rex Digby, Deck- men Saturday when they bowed to squad brought home trophies to erville; Gordon C. Gravelle , New- the Detroit Country Club team, 24- the etent o two cups, a wall pla- berry; Richard W Hawkins, Jr 21, in a closely contested match. The Varsity showed fine form and que and four watches. Eight nmien of Highland Park; Robert C. Helliwell, lead the Detroit team on their own the Maize and Bne squad nade the Royal Oak; William F. Horner, course for most of the meet only trip as a result of a period of train- Jackson: Earl B. Kay, Battle Creek; to lose out at the end when the ing over the week of vacation. H. Gordon MaleWitz, Trenton, N. last foursome was taken by the Seeodi in 440. a.; E. L. Neuman, Alpena; Ward H. opponents. The Wolverine first place came in Oehmann, Washington, D. C.; Rol- Each team was composed of 10 the 880 irelay. the quartet iede up and L. Otto, Ann Arbor; Dallas C. men, each one playing an indivi- of Muriay, Campbell, Tolan and Siguart, Flint; Henry M. Stephens, dual match as well as engaging in Dale Seymour taking first with the Michigan City, Ind; Robert A. the foursome competition. The fast time of 1:26 and 6-10. These Stalker, Prairie City, Ore.; Frank Country Club team won six of the four men received Wrist watches as J. Wilkuskki, Ajbany, N. Y.; W. Ed- 10 singles and three of the five trophies. The sam'e team almost re -Ward Wilson, Detroit; Harvey C. I foursomes. peated their win in the 880, by Bauss, Buffalo. I Hubbard and Blanchard saved taking second in the 440 relay. I(the match for the Country Club. Finally th'e Wolverine medley re- I Fishmen Thinclads (With the Michigan team leading, lay four made up of Russell running HT20-16, they swept the singles and the 440, McLaughlin the 880, Austin toHold TrialRung combined on the last foursome to the three quarters and Wafke the win two more points making their mile, placed third in that event. .Itotal eight for the day. The remaining Michigan place Charlie Hoyts freshmen thin~ The outstanding performers for came through Tolan, who placed clads start their outdoor festivi- the Wolverines were Lenfesty and third in the 100 yard dash. ties with time trials Saturday aft- Hicks. Both of these men are Trials for the Drake Relays are ernoon. In order to be in the best sophomores and were not expected to be held on Wednesday of this of condition for the telegraph to win as they were paired up week and Coach Steve Farrell stat- meets with other Big Ten fresh- against two of the best men on the ed that he would not take any men the yearling cinder treaders Country Club team. Lenfesty de- member of the squad unless he will practice every day until the feated Bredinall three ways, and showed sufficient promise to war- close of the season Hicks barely missed doing the same rant sending him to this carnival. Ohio State's first year team will thing to Standish who managed to furnish the opposittion in the get a half on the first nine. Finally, DETROIT-Johnny Sorrell, star Ithe Maize and Blue pair camie wingman of the London Green opener, a telegraph meet scheduled through to take the honors in the Stripes, is now a member of the for Saturday, May 3. Two weeks foursome. Detroit Cougars. Sorrell, who was later the Wolves meet the Illinois Lee and Muir of the club team second in scoring in the Canadian frosh. Coach Hoyt is counting on turned the tables in the next league, was purchased outright it Saturday's time trials to demon-; round by taking their matches in- was announced. strate the ability of his charges i (Continued ' o-'agc 71 l 7 , pacity in the concrete stands from 13,300 to 23,300, assures Boilermak- er gridiron followers of adequate facilities when Nobe Kizer's Big{ Ten champs take the field this fall in the season's opener against the Baylor eleven. Approximately $100,006 will be expended in con- creting the unfinished north bend Completion of the entire structure will add the final touch to the pic- ture. No time will be lost by Purdue officials in pushing the construc- tion work so that the completed plant, will be ready for the sea- sonTs opener on Oct. 4 when Bay- lor's Southwest Conference title cohtenders invade the local field. Bids for the construction work will be received within the next few weeks, and actual construction l work should be under way by June 1. It is estimated that the work can b'e completed within 60 days. * -~~ - 4. . - - ,, _,. With the first ganie of the trip of the horseshoe stadium, con-I against Cincinnati almost tucked structing an enlarged press box,; away, the Wolverines allowed their providing rest room facilities, and opponents to collect four runs in adding a number of details that the last inning and lost the game, will make Purdue's football plant 8-7. Montague started on the mound j entirely modern in every respect. (Continued on Page 9) ,- The stadium, first used in 1924, Happy Days Are Here ,, I !t ; Againf 75s The boys ar bk& And w}'re happy to be able to show them t rchandise of C StTdioI3b. Suits that r,& special I 1 )UR Mt'AVFNTAGE I)VA1H OH[AT suir it nay he a sad lrorld, all in all, but we don't hear many complaints from the young men who wear Thos. Heath made with two pair trousers Topcoats that have that I swagger look. Hats that are styled for the young men, in fact everything in Men's wear to ktep you "Light Tan"-"Light Grey" SUITS Some particularly sightly suits Clothes. Somehow the good things seem to gravitate looking your best. $35 - 40-*45 Two trousers -$50 We are happy to show you quality merchandise at prices that will meet your approval. Let us serve you. To The new model for Spring sniooth fitting two button i their way. As a Thos. Heath addict recently expressed it: "Life is just one kick in the pants after another, but not when the pants are Thos. Heath." Such is the result of so much hand work, personal supervision, and everlasting fussing with details. SUITS $45.00 AND $50.00 WITH EXTRA TROUSERS ~wiM E n is a coat .. 0 . . . .a At the present time our furnishings are very complete to match your Spring dn- semble in all colors. U