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April 22, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-22

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l5 ATE

'TtJl SDA?,APPtfL22,-193O

54 i Z g therefore, this present statement is1
rather a note of caution than an
Publishtd every morning except Monday indictment. It seeks merely to point
during itheTUniversity year by the BHoard i u ht h epniiiyo n
Conttols of Student Publications. out that the responsibility of any
Member of Western Conference Zditorial educational institution is to educate
'Association. the child at all costs to future
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled knowledge about theoretical or ex-'
to the use for republication of all news dis- perimental teaching . This object
patvhes credited to it or not otherwise creditedI
inthis pape and the local news published suffers the fate of ignominity whent
herein' the beacon of research and testingsl
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,. dazzles the eager educator whoI
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- would learn "more and more about,
master General, less and less."#
Su.cinio hrl.* lyVr .sJ Uc **.J. *by ,ai

t ,

OASTED ROLL .sic And Drama !
1 //
BACK TONIGHT: In Mendelssohn the-'
TO THE atre, . beginning at 8:15, productionI
GRIND of Duval's "Her Cardboard Lover."
You knov how it is. A taxi i
driver crowds you into the curb-
and four hours later you think of HER CARDBOARD LOVER.
a remark that would have made A Review by William J. Gorman.
him curl up his toes, you think. A French Farce - delightfully un-1
toastmaster calls upon you for a believable people veering volup-
few extemporaneous remarks-and tousl toward violence of
tosy twr ioe fpassion'
that night, as you toss restlessly, trifling gayly with their emotional
you compose a speech 'that would context in a cult of promiscuity;
have made them stand up and all sketched with Gallic precision'
cheer, you think. That's the way and iifectious high spirits. A de-
it is with me this morning, except gree (varying with age and exper-
that it works"the* opposite way. I ience) of entertainment it inevi-
meant, I spent the last ten days tably excites, pleasantly titillating
thinking up wisecracks to put into as it does both the rational and the
this column this morning, and t i . in I~c 11 n.i i nrnjlUUU


From Freshman

or Prexy-

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erators.. Moderate rates.


pscpuo y ca rer, ;4.0, ; ynil
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Bard Street
Phones:Editorial, 492; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tille'j
City Editor..............Piere. Roenberg
News ditor.............Donald J. Kline
$ports Editor.......Edward . Warner, Jr.
omen's Editor...........Marjorie ollnc
Telegraph Esdtor......... Cassam A. Wilson
Musc and Drama.......WilliaM J. Gorman
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
.Assistant City Editor;...Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper henry J. Merry
William C. Gecntry Robert 1. Slos
Charles R. Kaiffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley '
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol J
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein high Pierce
Victor Rabinwit
S. Beach Corger John D. Reindel ;
iThomas M. Cooly Jeannie Robert
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Mararet :Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferin Ralph R. Sach
Carl F. Forsthe Cecelia Shriver
' Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprow
uth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
R~uth Geddes 5.. Cad well Swanso
GinevraGin"n Jane Thayer
aack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
mtily Gries Richard L. Tobin
MdrisGrove-ma Robert Townsend
MrAgaret Harris- r.lizabeth Valentine
VCul en Kennedy. Harold . Warren, Jr.
"n Lev G. Lionel Willens
ussell E. Mc~racken Barbara Wrigt
foothy Magee Vivian -Zird
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ............T. Ilollister Mabley
Advertising........aser .4.-Halverson
Service...... ... eorge A. Spater
Circulation........ ... Ve\'rnor IDavis
rAccounts. ..John. Rose
Publications......... George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary--Mary Chase
eame;. ra-twright Thomas Muire
Robrt Crawford George It. Patterson
Thomas M..Davis C'"harles Sanord
NrormanEliezer L ee Slayton
Norris JJonson oseph Van Riper
Charles line Rbert Williamson
Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Business
Marian Atran :Mary Jane Kenan
Dorothy IBoomgarden VirginiaNMco m
Laura Codling Alice McCull
e Ethel Costas .SlinMille
osephine -onvisser Ann Lerner
ernice laser li)orthea V erian
Alnta odldbegCr Jun Wies,.. t
Hortense Goodin
Night Editor- WALTER WILDS
One foible current in educational
practice comes sharply to the fore
as the new elementary school nears
completion and advance announce-
ment concerning its proposed uses
gain circulation. This latest ad-
junct of the school of education
will be devoted, we are told, to en-
larging the opportunities of the
staff for research work in the ele-
mentary school curriculum and
pre-primary education. But the
apotheosis of clinical work in ped-
agogy has seldom shown such ear-
marks of subverting the primary
Interests of the children thus ex-
posed to experimentation as the
present undertaking.
Great pride is obviously evinced
in the facilities for training of
teachers and supervisors of special
subjects which are offered by the
new several nundred thousand dol-



In these days of huge modern I
baseball grandstands, even larger
football stadiums, and bleachers of .
every sort to accommodate the
throngs who wish to witness ath-
letic contests, an idea has become
prevalent that Americans are be-
coming a race of "fans" and merej
spectators. This notion has been
dissipated by Dr. Julius Klein, of
the Department of Commerce, in
a recent address.
Dr. Klein's figures are most en-
lightening. Although professional
sports overshadow amateur activi-
ties, just as college football ob-
scures other forms of similar ath-
letics, 75 per cent of the student
body engage in athletics. Football,
of course, foots the bill for the
others. The golf, tennis, baseball,
handball, basketball players, and
the swimmers, ifencers, hunters,I
and fishermen far outnumber the'
spectators who are severally count-
ed many times in the total attend-
ance for a season of professional i
Golf, predominately an amateur)
sport, numbers 500,000 devoteesj
who play on 5,000 courses with a
total area of 250,000 acres which
cost $750,000,000 and are maintain-
ed at an average annual expense of
$21,000. They give employment toI
15,000 people the year round, be-I
sides seasonal attendants.
Public parks and recreation cen-1
ters in 2,000 cities provide 7,000
groups of tennis courts, 4,000 base-
ball diamonds, and 1,000 swimming
pools. Municipal leagues embrace1
700,000 players.
On the business side, sports arej
not to be sneered at. The manu-
factured output runs to $175,000,-
000 with a payroll of 33,000 em-
ployees. The retail trade employs
10,000 people at salaries aggrega-
ting $20,000,000 a year, while theI
turnover is $250,000,000.
These statistics would seem to
indicate that there is still plenty
of red blood in the veins of the
American people and that they likej
to get out under the sun and do
'things themselves. Some may pre-
fer the peculiarly sedentary pur-
suits, but by far the largest major-
ity would rather perspire on the
athletic. fields than see someone;
else doing it. }

noone can tell-if the letter is
written on Old Hampshire station-
ery-for it gives an almost presi-
dential dignity to the message it
carries. Whether your letter is to
the family at home, to some ofyour
tradesmen or purveyors- or to
your very best girl, Old Hampshire
adds a distinct tone, for it is rich,
substantial, smart-it has the rich
texture, the crisp crackle of the
truly aristocratic paper.
1-tmpshire Paper Co. Fine Stationery Dtpartmen
South Uadley Falls, Mass.


314 South State St. Phone 6615


... U...





I i

-yemno onai n us. n goo proaue-
now that it's staring me in the face tion, this rubber stamp product of
I can't think of anything. the French mind can make a sub-
stantial, if unimportant, contribu-
(Note to linotyper:Insertky : ajoketion to the gayety of nations.
here, please). ,* .Badly produced, the effect is of a
nightmare recollected over bad!
(Note to editor: Insert your own coffee.
jokes. I'm busy). The present production at the
* Mendelssohn of Jacques Duval's
Let's see, what's doing? I could I Her Cardboard Lpver steers the
say a few things about the weather middle way. It is undenia'bly pleas-
but that's unspeakable and besides ant, but. for technical reasons far
they say that girls read this column from a perfect, or even eminent,
too. There's a possibility that you 1production. The problem of pro- .
might be interested in reading duction presented by farce of this
about what I did during vacation, type is that the people, catapulted
but I doubt it. Perhaps a contribu- into ludicrous situations are 'here
tion would arouse your attention. not clowns (as in American farce)
I'll try, anyway. but essentially of the comedy of
* manners type, difficult to manipu-i
Dear Joe: There's an excavation late into, the plane of farce.1
on State street with a sign in front Projection of character cannotl
that says "NEW STORE BEING be accomplished in terms of per-
BUILT." What do they mean sonality -that is, facile simulation'
new"? Do contractors make other of known types built up by refer-
kinds now? ence to the lines. Something other
Ibidem Junior. than humanity is being written!
about and the attempt, of actors to:
Sure; didn't you ever hear of a humanize is misinterpretation. As
second hand store? the characters are stylized in the
j a- . writing,.so must the actor possess




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That is the formula. Both pipe
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Well, Edgeworth, if you'll permit
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Tried Edgeworth yet? Now's your
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lo .

(Note to linotyper: Insert an- 'style to project.
other joke here, will you, like a And style is what Mr. Henderson
good egg?) and Miss Loomis, playing the title*
parts, pretty generally lack. In-
(Note to editor: You won't get me stead of raising actuality to thej
with that good egg stuff. I'm doing lively .invigorating plane of farce
more than my share by setting up by exploiting all the wit in their:
this junk.) technique, they make thefarce
ggod low comedy by exploiting the~
LATE NEWS FLASHES. humor in their personalities. I.
The frosh gym classes are all don't think these are over-subtle
over for the season. Photo shows a distinctions. It is a matter of.

- For-

frosh thanking Doc May for his
coaching. (Doc May on the right.)
I~ _
Why does the crowd (including;
myself) patronize the noisy, smoky,
crowded Sandwiche Shoppes in
preference to quieter, cleaner and
more airy food emporiums? . . . .
IWhat hv th B &r G' bv nlant

Americanizing a French farce.
The mistake is not a new one for'
Mr. Henderson. If one is permit-:
ted reference to a previous occa-
sion, the same thing occurred in'
his portrayal of the poet March-!
banks'in Shaw's Candida somej
years ago. He fitted gesture and!
manner of the wildness of the
poet's speech by an amazing trans-
f erence , of personality, with low
comedy -resulting. The point there,
as oconsionally in this production,
was thatMarchbank's lines are not
natural speech and the attempt to
conceive a natural personality by;
reference- to them is a gross mis-
interpretation. In this production,
Mr. Heiderson frequently attempts
the ame futie s tor + mavke n

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Edgeworth is a careful
blend of good tobaccos
selected especially for
pipe-smoking. Its quality
Buy Edgeworth any-
where in two forms-
"eReady Rubbed" and
"Plus lice"-- g.pock-
et package to pound hu-
miidor tin.



lar annex. As Dean Edmonson
points out in his part of the Pres-
ident's report, "In organizing the
Elementary School, it is the plan of
the School of Education to insure
its use as a research unit." Oppor-
tunities are manifold for ex-
perimenters to increase the litera-
ture of educational theory by writ-
ing monographs on the correlation
of precocial tendencies of the pre-
school child and similar subjects.I
Meanwhile the children them-
selves are becoming objects of re-9
search, exhibits and specimens in i
support of some incipient, highly
specialized and new-fangled theory.
They spend their time as labora-
tory subjects, and the motley, ill-
sorted preparation which results
leaves them purposeless and half- I
trained for either future life in the
world at large or for college en-!
trance. It is conservative to esti-;
mate that there are many present #
college students, especially those

The forthcoming senatorial elec-- wedbinatetrip of andee n uatural chaaer na ulbat-a
tion in Illinois, in which the Demo- ed in that strip of land between unnatural character natural by act-
Icratic candidate, James Hamilton Angell and Mason halls? It looks ing in terms of personality. At
'Lewis will attempt to make his like spinach but it may be tulips other times, he attempts interpre-
I for J. C. X. . . . Who is J. C. X.... tation through style; then he isj
wetness the predomnate issue, bids The crowd probably patronizes the more satisfactory, though imma-
stogo eatrig point in,
the recognition of Prohibition b noisy, crowded, smoky hash houses ture. Proper projection of the role
the ronitiona ofProibmby in order to be with the crowd. . . . would be accomplished by subtle;
the two national parties. Where there's a crowd there's ; distribution of technical wit-that
For the past ten years, the ques- ' smoke-and noise.. . . what time is is by giving familiar and natural
tion has not been met directly in it? gestures and tones a novel expres-1
'a national campaign. During the *. . .*. siveness (expriessiveness on the
I last presidential race, many of the 1 (Note to linotyper: Aw, come plane of farce) by slight change
Democrats sought to make it the on-just one more joke.) in timng and modulation, etc. An
leading issue but the Republicans * * * actor with a technique full of wit
submerged it by calling to the (Note to editor. Yeah-sez you.) (that is, a good comedian) can
front some of the less pertinent . * .flourish in the farce tradition be-
matters and by stalling off the Somebody wrote a swell burlesque cause by sheer force of his per-
Prohibition argument with the in- of The Inlander and left it on my I sonal art he can make a stock
clusion of the meaningless "pro- desk during vacation. It's a little play an important experience
enforcement" plank in their plat- too long for the remaining space from the technical standpoint. A
form. E today but it'll run tomorrow. And person, attempting to work his
At present, the Democrats under so will a nonpartisan, unbiased, problem out in terms of personality
the influence of John J. Raskob, unprejudiced and cold - blooded and obsessed with the idea of
are considering a purely wet plat- j review of "Her Cardboard Lov- making body match line( as I have
form for 1932 and they are at- er" which I saw last night. I long thought Henderson to be)
tempting to determine if such a tried to wrte the review last night I can only offer a flimsy character.
step will be politically wise. 1 but couldn't get organized, which These are all objections to method
It' is this question that Lewis may or may not give you an ideal and Mr. Henderson's performance
may decide for them. It is quite of the show. is not as bad as is implied.
possible that with his brilliant ora- I * Miss Loomis' failure is quite
tory he can push the liquor ques- Believe it or not, I'm learning a similar too. Any performance of Si-
tion to the extent that Republican tap dance routine from Roy Hoyer mone heavier than air would make
KRuth Hanna McCormick will have ( at the Mimes theatre. If he can the pathological Parisienne a little
to accept it as a major issue.- teach me he can teach anybody- nerve-racking. Miss Loomis hasn't
It is much hoped that Lewis- can and I'm learning. This is in ex- the delicacy of attack of movement
force the liquor question to a fore- planation of my peculiar St. Vitus or the tonal variety to manipulate
most position in the Illinois fight, behavior. Simone's emotional idiosyncrasies
and that the Democrats will then * a * into the airy realm of farce where
promote it nationally so the coun- NOTICE. implausibility is not bothersome
try may have opportunity to send What do young intellectuals talk but delightful. She attempts to
representatives to Washington who about? Rolls is going to find out! give depth and actuality( the same
reflect the true opinion of the na- Representatives will be stationed fallacy of "naturalness") by a
tion on Prohibition. For too long at different points on campus .straining after sincerity. That
the nation has elected men to Con- throughout the week to write down straining is misinterpretation; she
gress on strength of their beliefs verbatim any printable conversa- should have concentrated on ac-
on other problems to have the dry tions that may come to their ears. quiring .the rippling ease to catch
force take their Prohibition views, These snatches will be printed in the key of gayety.

r--- ------- r----------r- ----
22d St., Richmond, Va.
I'll try your Edgeworth. And I'll try j
it in a good pipe.
! Name
Town and State__
1 Now let the Edgeworth come! V



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