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April 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-11

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Publisktd every morning except Monday
dusring we Tnversity year by th Bord In .
Contil of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Xdtotl
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' -this paper and the local news published
entered ,at> the potoffie at Ann Arbor
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Cffices: Adn Arbor Press Building, May-
pard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2rar4.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........Genrge C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
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Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.'
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Night Fditors-Editorial Board Members
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Staff. .
Marian Atran Mary JaneXi enan
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Bernice Glaser Dorotha Waterman'
Ana GoldbergeraJoan Wiese
Hortense Gooding :-
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1930
How to intellectualize modern
college life, to avoid the insipid
passivity which has become char-
acteristic of the student attitude
toward education, is a problem up-
permost in the minds of those who
look with critical eye at modern
school systems.. The generalization
applies no less particularly to the
University than to many other in-
The fundamental reason for the
situation, probably, lies in the
Herculean attempt being made by
most schools to offer a liberal
arts course that will appeal' to the
interests of the entire undergrad-

uate body in the literary school
As a matter of fact, at least
three groups of students, with
fundamentally different aims and
interests, are found in the under-
graduate body of any liberal artsl
school of sufficient size These in-1
clude, first, those who intend to
stay in college only a year or two.
College training is a terminal
course for them. Second, there are
those pursuing liberal subjects
with a pre-professional purpose.
They wish to select out of the li-
beral arts and sciences such sub-
jects as represent the liberal learn-
ing most closely associated with
their future professions. . Third,
there are those who intend to go
on, through the graduate school,
to high degrees in the liberal arts
field. They express their desire for
greater mastery through more in-
tense specialization.
These different student groups
constitute three or four distinct
processions which are moving
through our colleges. Yet an at-j
tempt is still being made to agreeI
upon some compromise which willt
cover all the groups, each one of
which represents a different back-
ground. The results of such com-'
promise are predestined to be un-

which he is interested, and is given
credits according to the amount of
work he does, rather than to th
number of hours the professor
works before him in class.
Conceiving disarmament confer- !
ences on a long time basis, as a
series of parleys leading to an
ideally reduced and properly pro-
portioned lineup of naval strength
among the several nations, one
must acknowledge success in the
pending five power discussion at
London. The conference is falling
far short of its possibilities, and
it may not accomplish what even
the less optimistic expected, yet
it has made a positive effect on
the regulation of naval power.
If only a three power treaty (be-
tween Great Britain, Japan, and
the United States) is signed, the
conference will have achieved con-
siderable because it will have de-
cided highly contested points re-
maining unsettled from the Wash-
ington conference. At London
there is not the bitter conflict be-
tween the English and the Ameri-
cans that existed at Geneva. These
two nations have definitely agreed
on the ratio and the figures for
limitation. At least that much has
been gained in the past three
With the signing of a five power
treaty, France and Italy agreeing
on at least general principles still
fairly possible, the outcome of the
conference is even more enlighten-
ing. The fact that complete ac-
cord is not forthcoming at the
present time should not warrant
the public's frowning upon disarm-
ament conferences. The regulation
of sea power on an international
basis is a goal that cannot be at-
tained in a short period of time.
Like other great diplomatic ac-
complishments in the world's his-
tory, it must be attained by a
series of progressive steps.
Campus Opinion
Coitributors are asked to hebrief,
confining themselves to less than 300
worm's of possible. Anonymous om-
munmcations will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regaded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
According to the constitution of
the state of Michigan, the legisla-
ture is to be directed to "provide
by law for an equalization of as-
sessments by a state board on all
taxable property" during 1931. In as
much as this year is to open the
new legislative session, this consti-
totional item will doubtlessly be
taken care of first.
The fight for fraternity taxation-
exemption failed last year, due to
the fact that local members on the
finance committee allowed the bill1
to die without reaching the house.
If it is impossible to obtain a total
exemption from unfair taixation on
fraternity houses, the next best
step that students can take will be
to obtain at least a fairer assess-
ment upon their properties. At
present they pay higher taxes than
local merchants and banks do. And
what do they get for it?
Local taxes are collected for the
1 maintenance of law and order, jus-
tice, fire-prevention, education,
and a score of other purposes. The
streets, upon which the majority of
fraternity property lies, very sel-
dom"see a policeman on his beat,'

supposed to protect them from rob-
bery. In fact, petty thefts from
fraternities have increased during
the past months. What are frater-
nities getting for their money?
Taxes pay for education. Pre-
sumably parents of students are
paying taxes in their home town
for the support of educational in-
stitutions. Students obviously do
not avail themselves of local high
school educational privileges. Why
should they- pay taxes to support
local schools, since they already
pay tuition to the state, as well as
taxes indirectly through their
Taxes pay for fire prevention and,
sanitation. The local voters recent-
ly voted down a measure to provide
for better water mains. But the stu-
dents still pay for bad water. The
fire department has been noted on
the campus for its inefficient
methods. It is even dependent for
its water supply upon the univer-
sity testing tank in the engineering
building. And still fraternities pay
Clearly the situation needs re-
adjustment. If it is impossible to
obtain it through total exemption,
since Washtenaw representatives

A few hours from the time you
read this-if indeed you read it at
al1' most of you will be whooping
it toward home, loaded down with
books and notes which you willI
study during vacation.
(See last ten words of above pa-,
* * *

SMusicAnd Drama I
A Review by Helen Carrm.
If yesterday's demand for tickets
is to be any criterion for judgment
as to the acceptance of Play Pro-
duction's new policy of student-
chosen, student-directed, and stu-
dent-acted plays we must concede
that the policy will become fixed.
We have but one immediate glar-


Can use several
pieces of vacant
and improved
Detroit and sub-
urban real estate.
Give full particu-
lars. Address
Gold smith

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Mrs. Anna Kalmbach

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Picture taken yeserday showing''
first student toleedg
The old Ann Arbor railroad is
right on the job with a schedule
between Toledo and Frankfort, ad-
vertised in yesterday's Daily as the
SPRING 1930 schedule. They've
taken to advertising the year they
run trains, now.
According to yesterday's ad of
"Her Cardboard Lover," a "papu-
lar group will offer M. Duval's
smart French farce." After look-
ing up the definition of "papular"
I've been wondering more and
more what kind of advertising
psychology is involved, if any. I
Dear Editor of Rolls: I've got it!
No, not IT but it - the way we
could avoid these changes in
weather. Why doesn't some rich
alumnus lend or give the regents
enough money to build a dupli-
cate University in some souther,
state? We could all go south for
the winter and enjoy the balmy
air. Build it on a lake near a
boulevard so the students wouldn't
get homesick. i e n e
Did you say build a DUPLICATE?
Think! Thing of U hall, think of
the Law building, think of-but
anyway the basic idea is great. The
I only trouble is, I'm afraid you'll
have a hard time convincing the
regents that Ann Arbor weather is
not so good, now that spring has
come (knock wood) and spring
fever is beginning to get into its
insidious stride.
Dear Joe: I see by the paper that
we're going to have to continue
getting our metallic constituents
out of the faucet rather than the
more highly recommended raisin
box. I wonder if it occurred to the
Ann Arbor voters that the iron
might have entered their souls via
the spigot before they turned down
the improved water supply?
I dunno, Chink; the more I see
of Ann Arbor voters the more I'm
inclined to believe that nothing
ever occurs to them.
1.* * * '
The noble custom of collecting
class dues continues. Yesterday
the sophomores endeavored to col-
lect enough shekels to pay the de-
ficit on last year's Frosh Frolic
and clean up the debt of $150 for
Black Friday damages. I wonder if
the seniors have paid for their
Frosh Frolic yet? If it could be
arranged so that the J-Hop profits
could help defray the May Party
expenses, and the Gridiron ban-
quet coud help out the Slide Rule
dance, this inter-functional co-op-
eration would make things smooth-
er for everybody.

ing po rit to question--namely the
wisdom in choice of plays. ILt
strikes us that there must be some-
where a few one-act plays which
could claim at least the distinction
of ibeing interesting. Those which
were. presented last night were,
barring "The Pot Boiler," extreme-
ly boring, fiat, amateurish. They
offered little opportunity for char-
acterization of any sort, and from
the actor's point of view most of
the parts were fool-proof.
"The Rehearsal," Christopher
Morley's act within an act, was to
our minds probably the very worst
choice of the four. While it was,
for the moment, amusing, we felt
nevetheless that it would have
been more pleasing had it not been
done. Mary Ann Holmes as "Bar-
bara" who was endeavoring to re-
hearse the 'stricken ould man' did
ta rather nice bit, and Ruth Brooke
was quite a natural Freda. How-
ever, we still maintain-we did not
like that play.



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Travel the Safe




There is no better feeling in the world
than to get on the train leaving for home
and know that everything is safe and nothing
to worry about.
Avoid the risk of loss and purchase a
This facility is offered at this bank and
we will be glad to answer any questions con-

Ruth Comfort Mitchell's "The
Sweetmeat Game," a play depict-
ing for one brief moment some-
body's idea of the life of a Chinese
maiden, is given to us in a-if we'
may say so - dainty fashion by
Jean 'Cudlip, to whom we shall be
very kind since this is her first at-
tempt. She did very nicely, thank
you. Blossom Bacon, however, sur-
prised us. We didn't know she
could do that. By means of excel-
lent body-control, and a fixed
stare, she created a character forl
us, that of the blind half-wit boy.
Haig Iskiyan managed an indefi-
nite definiteness in most of his
movements that annoyed us at
The third one-act offered, Law-
I rence --Langner's "Another Way
Out," was,'since everything is rela- -
tive anyhow, an interesting side-'
ilight on life as it is lived this side
of Washington Square. Ho hum- I
we have spent half our lives in New
York and weren't aware of that fact.
Haide Supe, as Margaret Marshall, _
had a bad habit of dropping out
( of her character when she thought
we weren't looking. Theodore Ever-
ett, under the alias of Charles P. K. f
! Fenton, handled his fool-proof part I
very well. We wanted to give him,
a hand when he exited behind the
I drop. We might add-nicely di- I
rected - thereby extending the
hand to Mary Louise Brown.

cerning this safe and assured



Ann Arbor Savings Bank

Main at Huron

707 North University



We knew there was some point
to the announcement that "The
Pot Boiler" was transfered to the
final place on the program. There
was an excellent bit of psychology
to that. It left us with a nice taste
in our mouths. "Thle Pot Boier,"
a dessert by Alice Gerstenberg,
verged on the ludicrous, and was
burlesqued to the last inch. But
we laughed because it was such
good-clean-fun. Jones B. Shannon,
as Thomas Pinakle Suds, tore his
hair and gnashed his teeth in
typical director fashion. However,
we caught him watching us for
five minutes-which is considered
bad form in an actor. Uldean Hunt
was the fascinating adventuress


whose shrieks sent
What we really need around here respective spines,
is a Community Chest. Each or- Monroe discovered<
ganization on campus could con- and a curved e
tribute so much per year to the which he hid at ii
thing and when any organization ard Gillard as the r
wanted to throw a party it could was one of the fina
draw -out expense money from the culous burlesque.
common fund. The general fund If the illustrous
wouldn't last long but it would be siders us too kind,
swell while it lasted. tion that we enj
I wonder what those SUPER watching the neop
SHORTS are that I saw advertised is tham they enjo
in yesterday's Daily? If shorts get It h ut thaj
any more super than they are now it is, we shall say v
they might as well be scratched that since we kno
off the list. Ience that they

chills down our
and Charles
a charming leer
yebrow behind
itervals. Rich-
prostrate father,
al words in ridi-
dr. W. J. G. con-
shall we men-
oyed ourselves
hytes, and that
to their acting
yed themselves
life being what
very little about!
w from exper-;
will learn that
in the last year,
nendously, both!
hers and success;
We understand



Fitted and Flared are
the Coats for S-pring

Somebdy is advertising a Ford
roadster for $17. Well, I haven'ti
seen it but I think if I had a Ford
roadster that was worth only $17
I'd want to sell it too.

from other quarters
Play Production,i
has expanded trem
in number of memb
in the theatre. V

The three charming coat models sketched are
entirely typical of the selection we have assem-
bled to aid you in choosing a s-ring coat. Evi-
dences of newest style trends are noted in every
Graceful side flares that overlap and are
fastened securely by a tight little belt are chic

Fur trimmed or Mlain coats are equally smart.
When furs are used you will find sleek, shiny
Galyak in black or beige, finest American Broad-
tail, and beautiful squirrel.
Navy claims the honor of being the leading
coat color this Spring, followed by black, tans
and green. Woolrcrepes, coverts and broad-
rlothsirc the approved fabrics.
Our coat selection manifests all these details
in a, lricel ra 'nee from-




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