SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 THE MICHIGAN i T I ,--Y PAGE' TI-F M CITIC M f~i V AO~- - .~_.A____. _* _ ~ Two Physics jeachers NE Attend Columbia Meet Professors H. M. Randall, N. H. Williams, and D. M. Dennison of the Physics department are attend- A ing the meeting of the American Physics society being held today and tomorrow at Columbia unliver-: 'V o sity in New York City. A paper Engineering College, With 1200 prepared by Prof. R. A. Sawyer of the physics department and Prof. Students, Compared With J. F. Mack of the University of Large Industry. Minnesota on "The quantitive ap-! plication of the irregular doublet PERSONNEL CARDS USED law to an isoelectronic sequence" is being read at the meeting. Faculty Concerned With Aiding- in Placement of Recently Graduated Engineers. In an interview with Prof. A. D. W YORK ARCHITECTS SUBMIT WINNING DESIGN FOR MEMORIAL New, course l fferedj INTER'ELIGIOUSAl[PRIQ tor FutureLibrariansI SEMINAR BEGUNM LLL UlIV I U I I LIld Library science. 121 s, which be- gibs this summer is not to .take Undertakingastudy of.the com 1S the place of the regular year's' parative. problems of. Christianity_ course in preparing students for and Judaism, and seeking plans Conducted by the Buffalo society the ch-ange of high school libraries, that will make for intelligent co- of Natural Science, in cooperation There. is a considerable demandm for.. librarians in smali junior col-qperation,,an inter-religious semi- with the New York State Museum leges. andhigh schools. Thiscourse par has been formed under the and the University of Buffalo, the is organized with the intention of! joint leadership of Rabbi Adolph S. fourth season of the Allegheny meeting this. demand. It is to be Fink and Rev. T. L. Harris, it was School of Natural History will be- understood that this. course will announced yesterday. as gin July and extend through the I not fit students taking it for man- I The group,. which will meet reg- isummer to August 23. Registra- agement of high school libraries ularly once a week at the Hillel tion is now being made for enroll- larger than those found in second- Foundation, will approach: the sub- ment. ary schools of three or four teach- Jject, during .its, opening sessions, of Thi's school, located in the Alle- ers "Christianity and .Judaism;" from gheny State Park, New York, was Only seniors inth1e literarycol- an historical standpoint. The sub- established to meet the demand for lege or education school and grad- j iect is to be discussed as a pressing well-qualified teachers of natural uate student candidates for each- problem in the . contemporary his- history in public preserves, private er's certiflcates . may elect this tory of the national social order. camps and summer schools. course. No credit will be given to-1 It is thought that an historical ap-I, At the head of the teaching staff ward the, begree of Bachelor of proach to the two religions will fur- will be Dr. Robert E. Coker, profes- Arts in Library Science for work nish a suitable basis to. illustrate sor of zoology at the University of done in this course. their analogies and general similar- North Carolina. At various- times' As the course. is intended pri- 'ity. he has been special investigator for marily for teachers who expect to An opening seminar meeting will j marine birds and fishes in Peru devote. only part of their time to be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday eve- and chief of the division of scien- the school -libra-ry, students desir- ning at the ,illel Foundation..Sub- itific inquiry for the United States ing to register,,for the course must sequent meetings will, be arranged Bureau of Fisheries. show adequate reasons for elect- to. suit the convenience of the Assisting Dr. Coker in this work ing it. Cataloging and classifica- group. will be G. Arthur Cooper, research tion, reference work, book selec- associate at Yale University, and tion and the administration of ,'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Robert B. Gordon, instructor in school libraries will be the subjects -The, coeds at Northwestern Uni- Ohio State University. covered in this course. There will versity are nearly 100 per cent in be only. one section of this class favor:of+ short skirts, as was shown Each gallon of sea water con- and it will be limited in number. I in a recent checkup tchere. tains 0.2547 pounds of salt. Moore, of the electrical engineer- LI1iY U J11 LJI ing department, yesterday after- noon, the complexity of personnel Plan to Limit Time of Hearings, work, as typified in the College of Abandoned by Judiciary Engineering, was outlined. Group of Housc.. "An engineering college contain-o ing some 1,200 students and a pro- CONSIDER MAKING PROBE' portionate faculty," Professor I-?-- Moore stated, "amounts, in a man- WASHINGTON, Feb.21 - The power sense, to quite an industry. ;house judicia;y committee will re-; No reasonably enlightened business sume its he rings ox measures to" repeal the eighteenth amendmentIAssociated Press Photo outfit would think of trying to next Wednesday with the wets s The design pictured above has been chosen as a memorial to com- maintain such a force of fairly per- , n ghidfha memorate the first airplane flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty manent employees without pde- mentigu- Hawk, N. C. It was submitted by two New York architects, Robert P. niannt eployes ithot ad- met -Rogers anai Alfred E. Poor. quate personnel records of some The plan to limit the hearings to ' gs -nc Alfred E. Poor. kind. Yet that is just \vhat nearly four days for the wets, an equal all colleges .have tried to do until period for the drys and brief rebut- r n II.P'hT I A P III TV very recent times. tal testimony, has been abandoned, "To remedy a number of de- so that opponents of the dry laws fects, the College of Engineering may present witnesses who could adopted, some years ago a student not be heard in the four days that personnel system. A student per- the inquiry has already been in sonnel record card was designed. progress. It includes the name of the stu- However, Representative Linthi- dent, names and race of parents, cum, Democrat, Maryland, chair-I secondary school, experience be- man of the unofficial house wet fore entering college; a tabulated bloc, who is in charge of the anti- record of extra-curricular achieve- prohibition side of the case, ex- ment i'n college; interests as indi- pects his testimony to be completed cated by hobbies; preference as to in one more day of hearings. placement ultimately within the, 'Hundreds of prominent people, professional field; address and tele- he says, have asked for an oppor- phone number; height, weight, tunity to appear in support of re-, state of health; photograph. The peal measures. "However," he professional department of special- adds, "I am afraid we will have to ization adds the student's grade i end our argument next Wednes- average, and a rating on personal- day." ity. After graduation the place Before the house group returns and kind of employment so far as to its inquiry, the senate judiciary it can be followed, is recorded on committee again will consider the card. Chairman Norris' resolution for a "With regard to the. handling ofi general investigation of prohibition! recruiters from leading companies, ! enforcement. Norris said late finding space for them to hold in- Thursday that he favored terviews in, giving advance notice huday hat he adprelimn- of their ntended visits, talking jundering theainsilt. over with them the seniors they I of undertaking theinvestigation. become interested in, and later j The committee is scheduled to meet talking with the seniors who be-t Monday and Norris intends to pre- acomk intrste inteirprs ope- sent at that time some evidence on tions,-these functions bite into, the violations of the dry laws that has tios;-thee fmct'on bie ito hebeen seat to him, tinme of many faculty men in a b e K. igy pretty large way. However, when Walter K. Liggett's testimony be- we remember that our main pur- fore the house committee that, pose is to produce creditable grad- crime is rampant in Boston. was p4 tes, it directly follows that all of assailed late Thursday by Repre- the time, organization, and energy sentative. Luce, Republican, Mas- needed to help these men to get sachusetts, as a "foul and vicious properly placed is well spent. libel." He received unanimous con- "There is of course no exact sent to insert in the Congressional measurement possible in the field Recod the report of .a federal of mental and personal make-up, grand jury that he claimed proved and in human relationships. How- that none of Liggett's charges was ever, the college has naturally I "capable of being sustained." found some satisfaction in leain-j ing, from recruiters representing HARVARD, UIIVERSITY - A leading companies, that the kind of delegation of about twenty-five personnel work done at Michigan Harvard men will attend the model places her among the leaders in assembly, a copy of the League ofI engineering colleges, when judged Nations, which will be held at Yale. on the reasonableness and the ef- in the latter part of April. The as- fectiveness of our methods." sembly will be known as the Newi England College's League of Na- ROUMANIAN WILL tions' Model Assembly, and. is the successor of previous meetings held DISCUSS BALKANS at Amherst and Mt. Holyoke. Scheduling a stop at Ann Arbor as a. part of his tour of this coun -I try, Dr. Nicholas orga, president of speak upon "Peasant DemocraciesS in Southeastern Europe," at 4:15 o'clock Monday in Natural Science I "Hot for Paris." Auditorium. The lecture is spon- ' WlLL, ATTEN'D MEE[T Dean Edinonson, Davis, Schor- ling, Moehlman Will Deliver Talks at Assemblies. SIX LECTURES PLANNED Among the members of the School of Education faculty at- tending the meeting of the Nation- al Educational association at At- lantic City this week, Dean Ed- monson, Dr. C. 0. Davis, Prof. Ar- thur B. Moehlman, and Prof. R. Schorling, are to speak at the sepa- rate group assemblies. Professor Moehlman, in addition to presiding at the Saturday after- noon assembly, is to speak Monday afternoon before the Department of Superintendence on "The De- velopment of a Public Relations Program." He is also to address the Presidents of teachers colleges on the "Appraisal of Classroom In- struction." Doctor Davis is to give a talk before the association of Teachers of Education in State and Land- Grant Colleges. He will also ad- dress the association of Currizu- I lum Reform and the National So- ciety of Supervisors of Teachers Training Work. Professor Schorling will also ad- dress the group interested in the training of teachers. Dean Ed- monson is to speak before the en- tire assembly on Tuesday morning presenting a summary of the achievements in administration in education. PRINETON UNIVERSITY -a In an attempt to make the editorial matter in The Daily Princetonian nmore attractive and also in an at- tempt to change the appearance of the page, the editors have increas- ed the size of the editorial columns to three wide columns. leCtions '4 "The Isle of Lost Ships." "The Isle of Lost Ships," which sored by the history departm arnd will be opefn to the entire n lic Lent, ub- Dr. Iorga arrived in America in the early part of this month, com-! ing from Roumania at the invita-! tion of the Clubul Nicolae Iorga, of1 Indiana Harbor, a Roumanian fra- ternal society. The Roumanian professor is a well-known histori- an, both in Europe and the United States,. and is considered by many the greatest Roumanian figure of his generation. He is a prominent politician, scholar, and journalist, and has contributed more than any other person of his country to the furthering of Anglo-American rela- tions. The list of Dr. Iorga's literary and historical works constitutes an ex- tensive bibliography, written chief- ly in Roumanian, French, and Ger- man. Two which appear in English1 are "A History of Roumania," and "The Byzantine Empire." UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- Fourteen students here were held recently by the city police to face charges of disorderly conduct, due Cashing in on the phenomenal opened yesterday at the Wuerth, pqpularity of "The Cock-Eyed will help pass away the first dreary World," Fox immediately produced weekend of the semester very well. a sequel titled "Hot for Paris," With an excellent cast, marvelous unlike most sequels' and take-offs photograph and settings, it rates a kstrong B marred mainly by the 1 on hits, is genuinely entertaining lack of reason in the plot contin- throughout. It opens today at the uity. Majestic, probably for a week. The cast is headed by Noah Beery, Unlike its predecessor, "Hot for excellent as usual. Virginia Valli. Paris," has a fairly coherent plot who does, not register very well on rather than a series of rambling the Vitaphone this time, receives episodes in various lands. Like- her full share of glory along with wise, this talkie is nowhere near as, Jason Robards, who plays the part as--, as "The Cock-Eyed World." of the escaped convict. Robert O'- Fifi D'Orsay last seen in "They Had a wise-cracking detective to See Paris" lends considerable completes the cast, adding a touch whatchamaycallit to, the film, and of much needed 'humor to the pic- there's that naughty mariner Mc- ture. Laglen abetted by. the ever-comical The story concerns a mythical El Brendel. island of lost ships, which really is Raoul Walsh wrote the story and ifound. Once there, the problem of Idirected competently. Photography whether or not the escaped convict and sound were good when we saw should save his shipwrecked sweet- ! it, several songs registering well. heart and return home, or stay and Less filthy, but practically as hum- leave her in the hands of a band of orous as "The Cock-Eyed World", castaways, provides the theme of "Hot for Paris" rates a B-. the story. The scenery is unusually -B. J. A. realistic and striking. S. B. C., Jr. II;.- i r1 " 4 i 1 i } 1 1 )7} 4 I J 1 R . y j 1 . t L }}? . 4 t r to the campus waz, second raid made on district within the the last _ ii RESERVE A SEAT IN Ia ..,