I THE MlCHTa-AN DAILY T aURZDAY, APRIL, 10, -1930 TH MCIGN DAL-,_AY-_RL 0 ~3 - - - ._~ d,. ALL-FRESMAN TO URNAMENT I, i , KIPKE GIVES GRIDl TEAM LQNG DRILL Int~vrmural News t z r i ;F i I i }' l Blocki actice4Ws.Stresscd N W ITRAMUAL TE'OJYIY. [tournament in the first round. Juty F'racice I Stresed eeling that the student who 'Bouwman of Grand Rapids,hs t With Backs Working ; participates in a number of sports i beeni the outstanding performer forl on Passing. should, be awarded some sort of the team~, having been on' the' honor, the intramural Department ehampitonship team in basketb~, I, Ann Arbor's weather man smil- has.inaaugurated for the first time, bowling and relay teams and alsoI ! ed on Michigan's sprung gridiron= an all around championship trophy per rming on the swimming and' fortunes again yesterday afternoon in the form of a beautiful trophy track squads. Other mernbrs of as Coach Kipke sent his footbal cup. which goes to the winner of the class who have been ou.tstand- tI squad through a long; workout on3 the most number of points. Points ing ini their services to the athletic the southern confines of the Fer - are worked out for each All-Cam- teams are L. Bullard, Wi ford ,r ry Field enclosure. ''u sport and records are kept of Harth, Carl Tusch, Stewart David-!I b The usual setting~ up sessions the varicus individuals. I son, and William ROSS. ,pndthe long drill to be follow- 1 Horold Groehn, '30, of Detroit! Inter-class coptiin a een' ed by pass practice for the back- is~ leadinvg'the field 'so far with a IVery successful this -year, ?6 teams' field and end aspirants while the toa f2 oints. Twenty of these having taken part in ti in linemen were sent through inten~s- wereawareotof 25fr1 "neventsspnoesofrThTu-l iye blocking workouts under Coac ti'n;e cross country race and five for DentsudrteladraI fl SBlott. Podlewski, Neuamann, and =o lcn is nteml A. A. Collins are at the present ' Eastman were called upon to do- pointsfoplcnfitinhemetF of the indoor track meet. Williai~m e nt une-pposition the tossing services, alternatingPhls'3IoSaia anJo alegn teuirEgnes long and short heaves. fs 3L f aia n o heng gteeaiodEg.er Afte thee p~±y di Woodward.,'31. of Owo §so are tiedi Coach Kipke clefoarnwl;for second place each with 21 NEW -CIIIS of the play from scrimmage pro- Threeinew.sportpshaveobeen inken gram which ha~s occupied the main part in the most number of sports auhraedthi sporyabenijira- r portion of the work of the grid- gained his points' in horseshoes, agrtd tahis yeandbythe inall- . ders since last Saturday. Ability to squash, tennis, and handball,.eee dstn p eom vr I open up holes in the defensive line# Woodward annexed 20 poinsmfodpoplar. ineto b eco esfrst I was evidenced by the offensive for-! winning the lightweight boxingl tried several nioiths ago at which wards while the backs ploughed 1championship and one point for, time four teams were organized. through for consistent yardage. 1 taking part in the foul shooting] These teams completed a schedule 9 Kdbe playsodnfif contest. annic hnQl rciess INeumann, stocky freshman back- s 1 sions have been .held. From 18 to 25'., field candidate continued to show INTERCLASS C~OMPETITION. i men have been repotting daily for'a form in ball carrying while Tyler. The junior engineers, lead by indoor practice which has consist- f a junior, and Benjamin also dem- ?Captain Louis anoff of Washing- ed in the teacbing of fundamnen- onstrated consistent ground gain-1 ton, D. C.. have proved to be a realj talc. ing ways. Kirk Rolland, reserve; team~ in all sorts of competition. Code ball is the snd sport v quarterback, who is expected to ITheir organization has supported ( which wa~s started. It is a game inc show a good deal next' year re-- intramural inter-class competition;l which a ball is played with ther ported for the first' time for work Ito the utmost- and to tis dlate they, , feet in an enclosed c~urt. The ballc hsthis spring yesterday afternoon. !are leading the other class teamsl is put and kept in play by kickingr # FRESHMAN WRESTLING. -'in thre race for the all year chain- or "footing" it, all use of the handsG I All members of the Freshman pioliship honors. The junior enl- and arms being forbidden excepta Wrestling team' report at the gineers won the class champion- to prepare the ball for the serve. Spedding Studio, 619 E. Liberty ,ship in volley ball, bowling, basket-;- The third game on the list s Bad-I ball and relays Mihtooraigin St., at 4:30 this afternoon for relays.glntonargamen teampictre.Finishing third in the swimming Which has found cosie rablefa- Coah Rss ~ues. meet, fifth in the track meet this vor ' in the 'various athletic clubs . ________________ team was put out of the hiandball throughout this country, PRACI tIS slow P41114n~dspirants Play Listlss G;w.4; Squthern Trainiing Timp Approaches. rRUSKOWSIKI AT SHORT C etting theV feel of spring in their bones and slowed up by the rather fast worko~ut 4I the night before the Wolverine ball club went through .a rather listless practice gaze lait .rlght. Av~ontagVie and Tompkins 'bathi turned in fair showings in the box for the regu- lars, while McNeil, RAltzman and Presbry held the mound for the Yanigans. Truskowski was niot ;bhind4 the bat, but played the short-stop -po- sition while Duckman showed up rather well behind the plate. Hid- so after a togh wokou last night played a .good game at i1rst and -also -looked dangerous at the bat. Tompkins pul.,d a series of good plays, starting off by 14- .ring out a -two 1base bit, then steal- ing third and later going home on a. loaw pitch that -bgunced out of Morrison's ;glove. Garrison made a -play that is sel- dom seen' in any -park. Moody who Was at bat at the time -laid a nice clean hit'into right field and -then proceeded to -take his time going down -the line -while the rest of the runners loped around the corners. G~arrison was playing short field a.nd took the hit -on about the third bounce and -then threw it in to fir:st putt!ng Moody dklwn. Abut out on what should have been a clean~ hit .was marked down -to -Garrison's credit and Moody slipped down on his batting ave-rare. -- . III TA iLO RED AT FAS 'I ,aiOnt ,- r..,.. PARK I 1 -4 SMITH S^ MART SHOES SVL -- ___ FASHION~ Color in l ~tcs is important tor 'rf/f >cs.. ti+ .. - - r V.. , o4 i f l ' I 11 f 1 yt}}). t s { I lCaStc-r, 0Our tailors 'at Faditon Park have developed a str dng selection of new fabric shades in L O asrr is a d f e ti ey p p r o v ed sty le s,, fo r S p rin S ~ UITS and TOPCOATS I I I AND) MORE i4/ Customin crvice .., Rcad y-to-put-utn 'I i I If 1 II I I-I s :. I !1