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VOL. XL. NO. 139
FOESHMEN TO H010Practical Demonstratio
MA ATTelevision App
Elaborate Improvements Allow
Users to See One Another.
( A-sociated Pr-e
INEW YORK, April 9--The cur-
tain veiling the telephone of the
Speakers on Evening's Program future was jerked aside for a mo-
to Discuss Traditions ment today in the first practical
demonstration of two-way televis-
and Class Position. ion by the American Telephone and
I Telegraph Company.
AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN Seated comfortably in an arm-
chair in a tiny room that bore lit-
Winning Basketball Team Will tle resemblance to the ordinary
telephone booth, users of the de-
Receive Intramural vice described on a tiny sign as the
Awards. "iconophone", looked each other
directly in the eye as they con-
Men of the class of 1933 will at- versed two and one half miles
tend the Union's third annual all- apart.
It was a demonstration of the
freshman banquet at 6:15 O'clock'[progress the Bell Telephone labor-
tonight in the Union at which time atories have made in approaching
the members of the -class will be the day when it is hoped to be able
afforded an opportunity to become to see the person at the other end
of the telephone line. It was made
acquainted at an informal dinner possible by a number of improve-
and get-together. ments in the elaborate .apparatus
Cooperating with the Union in required to send and receive clear
Cdepart-and easily recognizable pictures by
this project, the R. 0. T C. dtelevision.
ment has postponed an examina- Introduction to the television tel-
ttion which was to have been held ephone was as interesting as the
apparatus itself. The prospective
early tonght, until 8:15 o'clock in conversationalist entered the ante-
order to permit the 200 freshmen room where sat Miss Ruth Clough1
in that department to be present of Rutherford, New Jersey. She,
at the banquet. Robert W. Acker- was the television operator at one
'end of the line located in the Bell
man '31, chairman of the under- 1 laboratories, which through five)
- _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ d
of Two-Way
special wire circuits was connected
o the telephone companies build-
ng. Told to sit at ease in a chair
'acing a screen and talk in an or-
linary tone, the person conducting
ne half of the television conversa-
ion was thrilled to see on a screen
evel with the eyes, an image of the
>wner of the voice which was com-
ing into the booth. No telephone
xas visible for it consisted of a
microphone and speaker hidden
behind the screen which concealed
the television apparatus. One just
:alked, looked, listened and acted
At the other end of the line dur-
ing this particular discussion of
things not important enough to re-
cord, was Allen Smith, New York I
newspaper man. The speakers con-
;ratulated themselves for partici-
ating in what they told each other
was the first introduction by tele-
vision of persons who had never
Each left the booth feeling that
if he ran across the other on the !
street that they would have no
trouble in picking out the right per-)
son to renew the television ac-
Shannon Named Orator in Close
Race; Will Take Leading
Part in Exercises.
Event Scheduled to Take Place
on Saturday Before
Jones B. Shannon was elected
class orator of the senior class of
the literary college at elections
held yesterday afternoon, in a close
^ontest with Harley B. Kline. A re-
count was necessary to verify the
margin of Shannon's victory. He
will play the leading part in the
Class Day exercises which are
scheduled for the Saturday before
Other class day officers selected
yesterday include: Harry W. Wal-
lace, historian; Lorinda A. Mc-1
Andrew, prophetess; Richard S.
Cole, prophet; and Virginia L.
Houghton, poet.I
Bessie V. Egeland gave Wallace
stiff competition in the contest for
class historian. Early returns piled
ves Oily
Over 300 Persons at Sigma Delta Chi's Annt
Razz Fest Cheer as Outstanding
Men Receive Honors.
RX, 'Fraill- /*,'. Cooper.
Sro. Wado Al. Abbot, 11 thei iletoric dlepartment. director of
radio brad7astmig for the I. ni versitv. was awarded the oil can at the
eighth anual Gridiron banquet . held in the nion last night nder the
auspices of Sigma Delta Chi.
Prof. I enrvy C. Anderson, of the dep artment of mechanical engineer-
ing, was honored with the favorable epitaph, which this year for the
irst time took the form of a material token..\ pair of engraved
book-ends, hearing the 'ni vers itv seal, were resented to Professor
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot,
Professor in the rhetoric depart-
ment, and popular faculty member,
who was yesterday evening honor-
ed as the eighth Michigan teacher
to have been in receipt of the tra-
ditional can of oil.
nunil Dnir nhirTnv'
\nderson by L dwa-dI,. Warner. iJ.. '3>, general mnager chairman
of the banquet committee, as a sincere tribute of the fraternity to an
cutstanding faculty man.
P rofessor Abbot's oil spreading activities extend each week
to a east unseen radio audience. I [e demanded a microphone behind
- which to hide when addressing the
audience, as he is accustomed to do
1when conducting the University
Lnight radio programs, and behind
e p ~ n r n nUv r r this fortification enumerated manv
class department which is sponors- --Begin---Lp a ieau for ner wicnUwasLhard'
Begin Plans for Construction Ito overcome. Robert H. Holmes emany
ing the affair, announced that the .UM was third fed th
program would be over promptly TOflISCUSSof Elaborate Decorative a owa t . him
at 8 o'clock so as not to conflict Scheme for Party. garet C. Babcock placed second Poetry Begins as Mood, and Not Post-office Accused of Fraud entire
with the examination period. and third respectively in the elec- as Subject, Explains in Rental of Buildings and ch
;John Huss, '33, president of the WILL EXHIBIT DESIGN a tion of a prophetess; Drake and Famous Poet by Senator Blaine. fessor
freshman literatery class, will give liS li U li I IiKline were second choices for the ;mock 1
a short talk, discussing the posi- aPreferential ticket sale for the post of prophet, and Dorothy P.EMor
tio.and obligations of thest-year Forum to be Conducted Architects' May Party, to be held Goodridge and Merle W. Elsworth READS ON yEVOLUTION PS I ESthe ba
Hen. o . . May 9, in the ballroom of the Wo- trailed in the poet election. --- my Assia s point
Henry Maser, of the speech de- on Newspaper Policies men's League building, will open Stanton W. Todd, Jr. class presi- In the second of a series of tw WASHINGTON April 9-Defend- most
partment, as principal speaker, by journalist. today in the architectural building. I dent, was chosen most respected lectures, Robert Frost, renowned ' 9-De.n- years.
will recall some of the customs tra- At this time students of the College l senior in the mock election poll poet, and winner of the Pulitzer ing the present administration vaude
ditional with freshman classes. PLAN OPEN DISCUSSION of Architecture may purchase res- held in conjunction with the Class prize i 1923. spoke on "Pure Poet- againvt the charges of 'fraud and ienced
Prizes Offered. Pervation coupons for 50 cents, Day elections. Todd was also I ry," at 4:15 o'clock yesterday in corrupi.;n" in the government ness of
Each of the members of the "The Newspaper and Public Ma- which, when presented with $5, selected as the senior who. has the Mimes theatre. placed
team which was victorious in the sewillentitle them to bids to the an-i done the most for Michigan. Pure poetry,"csaidFrost,hdoeslpe
Union's annual freshman basket- rals" will be the subject discussed wll eji thet Aitsthran- d Shanos fist iandsomenotchooseitssubjectpandtthenr "onty, Add
ball tournament Which ras p by Prof. J. L. Brumm of the j u aitiety aJonesB. Shannon was elected v rite. Rather, it begins in a mood senator Fess, Republican, Ohios. a. ais
ed about a month ago, will be pre- nalism department at the sixth of best appearing man; Lorinda Mcand goes to the attic of the brain the Senate today asked for the in ta w
sented with regulation intramural the -spring series of All-Campus Andrews, most -attractive girl; Rob_ whre it rummages around for a vestigation proposed by Senator and a
medals by' Duane Baldwin, 32'Fhn will open immediately after the!ert C. Chapman, class athlete; subject. Maybe it tries on two or Blaine, Republican, Wisconsin the Geo
leader of the winning squad. Forums at 4o'clock this afternoon holidays, it is announced. George C. Tilley, senior 'who has three before it finally starts away. 'accuser. pmaster
own class during their first year on in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Plans are now under way for the done Michigan for the most; Wil- 'There is," he continued, "a com- The Ohioan also took Senator capaci
ow ls uigterfrtya nIIn his discussion Professor Brumm I
men with the personnel of the will explain the workings and pol- construction of the elaborate deco- Liam Lowry, smoothest politician; mon error in the meaning of this Blane to task for insinuations mg fr
Union's student orgai zation, all of icies of the average metropolitan rations scheme for the party, "A Alene Yeo, most ingenuous blonde; term. Pure' ha come to denote Gtook
the members of the Executive coun- inewspaper. he is expected to com- Pandemonium Fantasy," designed Betty Hemenger, most effective noetry that is scourged of all mean- against Postmaster General Brown rprogr
cii will be present at the banquet. ment on the important role played by Mortimer H. Hawkins, '31A., brunet: Edward L. Warner, Jr, ing. Actually, a poem might be ad the justice department under"Lee
This affair is the only one of its by the press in the everyday life of whose design won the first prize in most literary senior; Robert Holm- moral and still be pure poetry. It his "cloak of Senatorial immunity." of the
kind intended exclusively for natio aswllasontht the annual decorations competi- es, most artful senior; Richard might even be pure poetry. It might atand F:
the nation as well as the tre- tion. Cole, smoothest man; Ernest C 'even be immoral. It depends en-. there has been guilty knowledge of all-Am
freshmen mendous influence the press exerts,
Montgomery Shick, '31, captain- in moulding opinion insofar as elec- The original design from which Reif ost a grade-beggar tirely on its origin." day,-hrqre t iculpably neglien in
elect of the Varsity cheerleaders, (lions and major issues of the day the construction of the back- Jack Wilcox, co-ed's choice; Dora As n the previous day, he read,,mn i upal egiet i h drainc
will lead the group in several are concerned, ground for the May Party will be Vandenberg, most popular girl; and selections from some of his poetic performance of its duty. haver
yells, injecting a little class spirit Following this introductory pre- done, will be put on exhibition in aBud Poorman, most popular mal. works. Displayingsrageroa- oTeSeiteraon failed to reach occupi
into those pesent sentation of the subject, Professor) State Street store soon after vaca- Poorman, with a lead of more tility, his readings ranged from, a vote either an the proposed in- he de
e than 50 votes over George E. Sim- "Evolution." which he described as vestigation of post office leases or speech
Lloyd Makes Statement. Brumm will call for response in t e tion. os, who finished second, was elec- '"a little joke to the people on both upon the provision in the post of- he bel
"It is with the sincere intention form of questions fiom, the audi- Members of the music committee ted to office by the greatest ma- sides to whom evolution is still a fice department appropriation bill Ciga
of presenting freshmen men with ence. Considerable discussion is ex- are in communication with several jority recorded in the mock elec- fighting word," to poems like "The that no money shall be paid for favors
an opportunity of developing more pected since many of the views well-known orchestras, and defi- tions. Cole was honored by elec- Run Away" whose only charm is, he rental of the commercial station of wh
arjd closer friendships within their heretofore held by students will, in nite negotiations will be under way tion to two posts, prophet and claims, its "self-righteous noise." at St. Paul. the "la
In an effort to acquaint first-year all probability, be in direct con- ; in the near future. smoothest man, and Miss McAn- Included in his selections were: The government's lease at the Prof
campus that the Union has insti- flict with those cusse y Procedure of the all-campus: drews to the two posts of prophet- "Dust of Snow," "The Pasture," St. Paul station at $120,000 annual- mentc
tuted the all-freshman banquet," e5sor Brumm.
The next meeting in the series of ticket sale for the costume ball will ess and most attractive girl. "Acquainted With Night," and ly under a contract entered into in himsel
said Kenneth l. Lloyd, '32L, presi losed Forums will be held shortly be decided at a meeting of the Simons and Reif Place. "Birches." 1922 for 20 years is the immediate ters pe
dent of the Union. aft r the end of vacation, accord- ticket committee to be held to George E. Simons and Ernest C. point of controversy. The govern-servin
Joseph A. Witter, '31,cassista ing to an announcement made yes- night. Reif were respectively second and, Ticket Sale for Play ment stopped payment on this con- marke-
arment, ' t asdrts d-terday by Fenelon W. Boesche, '31, third in the election of most r tract in 1928 after a grand jury waY fo
partment, "I act as toastmaster. ichairman of the Forum committee Mrs. McCormick Wins spected senior. Other second and Will Start Tomorrow reported it was "tainted." Post- official
} of the Student Christian associa- . third place choices in the mock - master General Brown, who took Profes
tion. These meetings in addition in Republican Primary elections were: best appearing Box office sale of seats for the office a year ago under President g
FVS ILL STIofceayaaoudnIto supplementing the present ser- man: Robert Holmes and Charles production of "Her Cardboard Hoove, issued a statement today sin
es of Campus Open forums, will (ry Associated Press) J. Jose; most attractive girl, Jane Lover " which will be presented at relating the history of the St. Paulfor
aford students an opportunity to CHICAGO, April 9.-Ruth Hanna Webster and Dora Vandenberg; the Lydia Mendelssohn theater the fontract as "welcoming an investi- ir O
enter in a frank discussion of vital McCormick swept to the head of class athlete, Joseph Troskowski week of April 21, will start Friday gation of all leases executed by me >33eC
problems with members of the fac- the Republican party in Illinois and Joseph Gembis; senior who morning, April 18.s. C
(_ulty. . by an avalanche of ballots in yes- has done the most for Michigan. A. Mail order applications are be- Senator Fess read r.Brown's ty's p:
terday's primary election, dropped James Jordan Jr., and Kenneth ing received at the present time.e r B Bursle
Astronomer Awaits End of Year'PAYMENT OF DUES the campaigners role today to re-h Lloyd; senior who has done Mic-- Main floor seats are priced at $1.oiistory of theHSt.Paul contract to;laughs
Before Calculating Planet's PAYMENUT TY turn to Washington and her duties I igan for the most, Jennings Me.-- and the balcony seats are 75 cents teSenate. He said the contract h vi
M CONTINUES TODAY in Congress. Belated returns main- IBride and William R. Farrell; for the night productions. Seats for was "accepted" during the Demo- the hig
Orbit More. Correctly. Itained her indicated plurality of smoothest politician, Jones B. the matinee performance, sched- cratic administration of President ringa
y Campaign Is Necessitated by 200,000 over Senator Charles S Shannon and Frank Waters; most uled for Saturday afternoon, a WilsonHing1921 and "executed" in peared
First news of what the recently ag s Db Deneen, who ousted her husband ingenuous blonde, Virginia Trow- April 26, are priced at 75 cents for the Harding administration bybashfu
discovered trans-Nptnian plane from the Senate six years ago.- f bridge and Janet Cochrane; most the main floor and 50 cents for the Americ
may be expected to do in the fu- . Atotl f 600 precincts out of efciebuet PgBs adbaloy - m
yure reached the University obser- Collection of dues for the soph- e effective brunet, PegL Bush and alcony.
vatory by wire early this week.The!-omore class of the Literary college 7,117 in Illinois, gave Mrs.. MCor- I Katherine Fitzpatrick; most liter- (-------iAUTO REGULATION 'ing ca
substance of the telegram was the will continue today and tomorrow mick 613,200 and 426,073 for De- ary senior, David Hempstead and Play Production Will W ILL BE LIFTED
preliminary calculation of the new morning, it was announced yes- neen. WFred Widman; most artful senior''
planet's orbit performed by As- terday. As previously, the dues will Charles Bishop and Donald Ryali;!Revive'The Wild ,Duck Students Cannot Drive Cars La
tronomer Leuschner of the Lick and University hall from 9 o'clock NOTICE Robert Smith; most astute grade- Reviving the recent Play Pro- Before Friday Noon.
observatory on the Pacific coast, duntil 4 o'clock today and from beggar, Harry Wallace and James duction presentation of "The Wild The
anet as observed since its dis- o'clock until noon on Friday by! The Electoral Board of the Osborne; co-ed's choice, Bradlev Duck," three performances will be Students whose parents are driv- debate
pove anuary. -members of the finance committee !Michigan Union will hold its Fogarty and Richard Foster; most given April 24, 25, and 26 in Uni- ing to Ann Arbor before the be- Northx
Nothing of a final nature is as of the class. meeting for the appointment of poular girl, Dorothy Beck and Mar- versity Hall auditorium for the ginning of spring vacation must in the
ythng of W C. Rufus as This campaign was necessit the President and Recording Se- garet Babcock; most popular man delegates to the Schoolmasters' register the make, model, and l-'buildin
inyeadn n rof. he astr y dart- by the large class debt which in-I cretary of the Michigan Union George E. Simons and Jack Steke- convention which meets i Ann cense number of the automobile at marki
ment, explained due to the fact cludes the deficit from last year's op May 17. tee. Arbor that week-end. the office of the dean of students season
that the planet has as yet been t Frosh Frolic and a damage bill of Each applicant for a position is The cast and setting will be the if they expect to do any driving of tivities
tent tre throuh t saln more than $150 incurred on the requested to file seven copies of - same as in the production present- the family car before noon tomor-
seen to travel through too small an night of Black Friday. These ob- his letter of application at the aed as a free private laboratory per- row, when the ban will be official- GA
solutions have been worked out ligations are due and must be metI office of the Michigan Union not formance March 27, 18, and 29. ly relaxed, it is announced. Al-
whih give tsncmpl ed oit immediately. later than April 22 for the use of - - - Tickets for these three perform- though their parents are in the
which give tns completed orbit as the Members of the Board. Car- ances will not be available until car, students will not be permitted
varying awbwhere from a near cir- bon copies on thin paper, if leg- - the first Monday after the end of to drive before noon tomorrow "On
MT * .. Tf f hia W11 Hnnnr ..,. . -..1_ _ _ m. .--.-..4- -..- -- rObab
reasons which he felt justi-
e awarding of the oil can to
Before he was through, the
audience showed by applause
leers its conviction that Pro-
Abbot richly deserved the
e than 300 persons attended
nquet, which from the stand-
of most of the diners was the
enjoyable held in several
An elaborate program of
Ville skits, staged by exper-
actors with all the lavish-
professional productions, re-
a cut-and-dried program of
itional entertainment Wa
h. by. ob .arson's orches-
hich furnished dinner music
n overture to the program.
rge E. Simons, ex '30, acted as
of ceremonies and in this
ty kept the ball of fun roll-
om the time the banqueters
heir places until the entire
m was completed.
A. White, editorial executive
Detroit News, spoke briefly,
rank Culver, the University's
erican alumnus, spoke not
so briefly. Clayton Deake,
commissioner, who claimed to
received invitation 351, also
ed the spot-light briefly as
ivered a carefully prepared
in appreciation of the honor
ieved he had received.
rs were passed as special
to all of the banqueters, each
om had been honored with
mt ticket."
Hugh Cabot, of the depart-
of surgery, after establishing
f as an authority on all mat-
rtaining to canning and pre-
g, discussed the gridiron stock
t, and wittily prepared the
r Coach Fielding H. Yost to
ly surrender the oil can to
sor Abbot.
a Delta Chi's movie, starring
nce R. Klein, '30, who divides
ne between writing scandal
io newspapers and book re-
for The Daily, as Joe Zilch,
lose-up shots of a fraterni-
ledging room and of Dean
y's lawn party elicited many
from the audience.
taphone specialty was one of
gh spots of the evening, star-
awrence Klein again, who ap-
in this production as a
it co-ed. Franklin M. Reck,
nt managing editor of the
an Boy magazine, and Rob-
Sloss, '31, were the support-
nen Debaters Hold
st Event of Season
Michigan Women's varsity
rs met a team representing
western university last night
Alumni room of the League
g in a no-decision debate,
ng the culmination of this
's conference debating ac-
e's income as a retailer will
ly more nearly aproach his