PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN D A 1 I. V 'Rxtrsr\t,.tr.+ct*\ A Tr' A V'%V*% 'T A A 1%^A ''., ' aTHPa.a~ . a s-IaCvAt l ya i..1WENVD LY, APRIL 9, 19: mwm )30J ..... . Published every morning except Monday during tae University year by the Board i Contxqo of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication' of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail, $4.50. Aces:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Bditorial,' 4925; Business, 212=4. f ' / EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY itorial Chairman........George C. Tilley y Editor................Pierce Rosenberg >wa Editor ...........Donald 3. Kline orts Editor........ Edward L. WarnerKJr. omen's Editor............Marjor Follmer legraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson isic and Drama......William J. Gorman erary Editor .........Lawrence R. Klein sistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night E;ditors-Editorial Board Members ank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry iliam C. Gentry Robert L. :doss arles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams manufacturer friends. Republican control of Pennsyl- vania is not, as has been inanely proposed, in danger. Rather the people are in danger of finding their government in the mercenary grip of a group of politicians who are in the game for the pelf. No mat- ter which man they chbose, they. will be electing an heir to the po- litical crown worn by Boies Pen- rose, Matthew Stanley Quay, and before him the two Camerons - with the dollar-mark as an addi- tional embellishment. 0 With the defeat of the proposedl alternation in the town water sup- ply, comes the realization that we will have to continue getting our mineral supply from a fawcet in-I stead of from the more highly rec- ommended raisin box. The iron will continue to enter our souls through the medium of the drink- ing glass. Campus Opinion Contributore are asked to be brief, . confining themselves to less than 300 worms of possible. Anonymous com- munications willbe disregarded. The names of communicants w~ill, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinio of The DAAiEy. WHY BE AN AMERICAN? t From what I hear tonight's Glid banquet will be something to re- member years after your diploma has collected attic dust. For the first time in the history of Sigma Delta Chi's Michigan chapter the entertainment will include a com- plete vaudeville show, to be intro- duced by a two-reel comedy filmed by chapter members and repre- senting a typical Freshman week program. Yesterday the free taxi to all ticket holders was put into opera- tion and was well patronized. Some of the passengers, weary of hoof- ing it around town, were a little vague as to their destinations butl in spite of this the driver was able to keep a pretty good taxi schedule. ** * A LETTER OF REGRET. To the chairman of the ticket com- mittee : Thanks for your gracious invita- tion, To the Michigan Union, on April nine At six-thirty in the evening; To watchrthe "ticker" and then to dine. gonnaf[alk L A3 , 1J,9111 fT TQNIGHT ITO IS THE NIGHT. Reporters Morris .Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein ]Hugh Pierce Beach onger Victor Rainowit Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts Helen omine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Perrin Ralph R. SachsE Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyert Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. CadwellrSwanson Ginevra Ginn lane Thayer Jack Goldsmith argaret Thompsoa Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Cove-man Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine SCulletiKennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. Jean Levy G. Lionel Willens ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERMR Department Managers Advertising...............1'. Hollister Mabley Advertising..........K asper It. Halverson Advertisings...........herwood A. Upton Service..................George A. Spater Circulation............... .J. Vernor Davis Accounts.. . . ....John R. Rose Publications.......George 1. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants James E. Cartwright George . Patterson Robrt Crawford Charles Sanford Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton Norman Eliezer Joseph Van Riper Norri"sJohnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy Marvin Kobackcer' Thomas Muir Dorothy Bloomgarder Alice McCully1 Laura, Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Eleanor Walkinshaw Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman Hortense Gooding WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 NIGHT EDITOR-HENRY MERRY The tightening of the auto ban at the local university, announced stricter enforcement of prohibition 1 and more disproportionate punish-) ment of violators, laws agains 'Tis my regret to thus inform you, teaching evolution in certainiTIs m rotuiforou.1 stats, nd eneal ossof ersnalThat I am not qualified a s taesand eeraldlossofpersonal As I cannot raise the three dollars liberties of the individual in the Although my damndest I have United States makes me at timesAt g y mI. glad that I was born elsewhere and dtied. b of ht ty can still think differently. ed iyou easey - My tuxedo, if you please, GRUNDY VS. VARE. We are prone to think, after sur- veying the political situation in that Republican stronghold, Penn- sylvania, that the day of machine- elected, ward-bossed politicians is not yet a thing of the past. When death brought to an end the color- ful despotism of Boies Penrose in 1921, there was no logical successor to grasp the scepter and Pennsyl- vania entered on a noteworthy pe- riod of independence in politics. Two of her ablest sons, George Wharton Pepper and David G. Reed, went to the Senate, and Gif- ford Pinchot in a whirlwind cam- paign won his way to the gover- norship against the, opposition of the leaderless state machine. Pinchot, however, finished his term and went off to shoot tigers, and Pepper proved to be too little of a politician to keep his seat in the hurly-burly of electioneering. This "Philadelphia seat," as it has always been known, became the chief prize in a squabble partly to see what faction would represent eastern Pennsylvania in the Sen- ate, but mostly to see what man Germany, under a fully mon- archistic regime, passed an admir- able system of social insurance England, weakened by a long wa. and subsequent industrial slump by an imperfect yet effective sys- tem carries all of her unemployed weak, andtslick through the pres- ent bad times. France recentl3 joined Germany in her social in- surance, measure. Japan is faring well. Even Russia, the great buga- boo of the world, my unfortunate native country, is developing the most thorough co-operative sys- tem of produce distribution, whicl saved her from going completely under during the last years of th war and the "Great Russian Revo- lution." Only China and the Unit- ed States, the nadir and zenith of modern industrial civilization, ex- hibit apathy and stagnation in the matter of developing social struc- ture, general co-operation of th people and, to put it bluntly, s clear-cut public opinion and publi action.. Does the United States ask its citizens what to do with the Philip- pines and Haiti? Why does a co- operative movement, obviously sponsored by the people and ob- viously better suited for the con- sumers' needs than a system of distribution owned by private and non-productive interests,. always have great difficulty in being even mentioned on the floor of state legislatures of many states? Does the University administration ever put any question pertaining to the governing of its students before those students themselves for at least an intelligent and thorough discussion from both sides? The public in this country was led to believe that American pros- perity was general and unlimited. No one knew of and no one gave any help or ear to the miners of Pennsylvania or Illinois, to the tex- tile workers of New Jersey and the South, or to the millions of unem- ployed throughout the country, un- til recently the staid citizenry was amazed by unemployment riots and "treasonable" speeches of hungry men. They found that in SII _I Lacks six inches at the waistbandj And fits too soon to be at ease. Then too I am weary of brokers and market All the stocks and bonds you quote:I Jacks, Windts, Hobbs Polar Bears, Bursely's Beans or Booze, are not of note. Music And Drama ! THURSDAY NIGHT: Elizabeth Davies Gould, a student in the pi- ano department of the School of Music, and for the past several years a Julliard Scholar, will op- pear in recital in the School of I Music hall. RECENT VICTOR RELEASES. ..SCHUMANN: Carnaval, Op. 9 played by Sergei Rachmaninoff: Musical Masterpieces Series Album 70. Cortot some years ago did the Carnaval for Victor. The New York Times hints that this publi- cation is done at the personal in- sistence of Rachmaninoff, who has made Schumann's set of pranks one of his most consistent and i popular offerings in recital all over the country. In his appearance in Hill Auditorium a year ago Febru- ary, the Carnaval was prominent on the program. There's nothing of madness in his choice. Schumann's evocative' miniatures, carefully and sharply cut and escaping no insipidity of: ( his later more expansive writing through their brevity and concise- ness, display to advantage the more notable aspects of Rachman- ( inoff's technique and intelligence. His technical facility making for lucid treatment of the musical out- line, proves Schumann's intricate pianistic writing admirably clear. His general approach, frequently; sacrificing flexibility of phrase and fluency of progression to an insis- tence on chiselled articulateness of individual notes, is successful and adaptable to the projection of min- iatures. Another habit of his-the lingering phrases or over-nuanc- ing-, often unrefined and grating in his Chopin playing, is delight- ful in short bits of program music. All in all, one can understand Rachmaninoff's insistence. The present reproduction, for that, too, is admirable. - 0- YEHUDI MENUHIN: Adagio from Mozart Concerto in G major and, Sarabande and Tambourine by Leclair-Sarasate: Record No. 7182. This is the third record that the youthful prodigy, just returned from European concert work, has done for Victor. There is no denying the immaturities - moments of coarseness in his tone, uncertainty in his phrasing. Frequently he in- dicates intention of noticeable ac- cent, then, falters back into mere mechanical correction. But these indications, occurring frequently in the Mozart Adagio and less so in the other two which are mere showpieces, give evidence of that feeling'towards a musical intel- ligence that is the important thing in a prodigy. At least one approves of Menuhin's choice of composi- tions for recording when compared, say, with Elman's. The present record is quite the best of the three so far issued by Menuhin. o WAGNER: Wald we ben music from Act II of Siegfried: played by the New York Philharmonic-Sym- phony Orchestra under Willem Mengelberg: Record No. 7192. TELEPHONE HOME LONG DISTANCE RATES ARE SURPRISINGLY LOW From Am; Arbor. To: ALPENA , A Day Slation-to-Station Rates .9'1_15 .... .i ALMA- B The representative rates listed below are for day Station-to-Station calls and are effective between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. A Station-to-Station call is one made to a telephone number, as on a local call, rather than to a particular person. .65 From Day Ati Arbor I Station-to-St ation To: Rates IRON MOUNTAIN-----------$1.70 J JACKSON......... .......... .30 LNT LONDON, ONT.......-......... 4.70 BATTLE CREEK. .. .. ............ ..... So you will kindly pardon me, And feel the same as though went; As my clothes are out of order And my millions are all spent. Yours, Charles E. Gallup. * * * I( CALUMET_...:............................. COLDWATER.....-............................. CINCINNATI, 0........................ CLEVELAND, 0............ D DEXTER-............................................ G GRAND HAVEN.............................. H HASTINGS-....................................... HILLSDALE....................................... .60 2.10 .60 1.10 .70 .10 .90 .65 .45 MARQUETTE..................................... MIAMI, FLA. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.----- P 1.80 4.25 2.15 * J PONTIAC, - - --- - ----P- S ST. CLAIR.......... - ...........................55 . T e Sorry, Mr. Gallup. We're taking - up a collection to enlarge your - waistband. f * * * THE LOWDOWN. Sh-h-h-h! Somebody has pre- - sented me with a mimeographed e copy of the meeting of the literary a faculty which took place March 3, c and just to show you the bad effect that late students have on the fac- s ulty I'd like to reproduce verbatim - the first two paragraphs of the - minutes. y "(Usual form of paragraph one): Dean Effinger presided. Seventy- eight members of the faculty were f present. "(Truthful paragraph one): The meeting, announced for 4:10, was called to order at 4:15 by Dean Ef- finger, with forty members of the faculty present. During the next three-quarters of an hour thirty- eight more faculty members strag- gled in, so that by five o'clock sev- enty-eight members were present." * * .* This is what Walter Winchell says of "Her Cardboard Lover," which is coming here April 21: "For 15 years I have never seen or heard an ovation such as was ac- corded to the second act of M. Du- val's gay prank. In that case they ought to do act two a couple of times and leave the rest out. Anyway, I think I'll see the show. I've never yet seen a hard-boiled dramatic critic get up and cheer and it ought to be interesting. ** * Every form of transportation ex- cept roller skates seems to be slat- ed for the great exodus Friday. Just to make the transportation program complete I am offering some very fine ball-bearing, dou- ble-barreled, guaranteed roller skates at $9.57 the pair. My guar- antee states that you can skate to New York in plenty of time to catch the last plane for Ann Arbor Sunday. LARK AGAIN. I thought I had squelched Lark for good with my scathing com- ment yesterday on his Sunday con- tribution, but I guess I underesti- mated his ability. The following) note was shoved under my nose a few minutes ago by one of Lark's henchmen: TECUMSEH........... ............... .20 .45 .20 Your calls will be speeded if you give the operator the number of the dis- tant telephone. If you do not know the number, ask "Information". MICIIGA NBIELL TELEPH 01'EC 111 You may reverse the charges to your home telephone if you wish. It Q - The pause that gives poise would succeed state boss. The organization of t] delphia triumphe discovered some the election exp( Pennsylvania did unrepresented w William S. Vare r Last fall the fight, with all it protectionist Pent action on the eml ernor Fisher, 'hio bravado than am pointed Senator J Grundy, sudden clan, started out a super-politician of Boies Penrose. Atterbury to give the Republicanr tee. At almost th Boies Penrose as many cases the rioters were under politics-for-profit an influence of dangerous dema- he Vares in Phila-' gogues. The administration of thisf 'd, but the Senate university will find itself in the irregularities in same situation. Mere hushed-up ense -account and explosion of a few students now Idled along half- and then will not stop the crystal- hile Senator-elect lization of student opinion. maneuvered to get After reading Jack London's works I found that the U. S. Na- impending tariff, tional Guard in action, whatever meant to high- the motives may be, differs little nsylvania, brought from the famed gendarmerie of the pty seat and Gov- old Russian government. After, re as a piece of reading H. G. Wells I discovered nything else, ap- ' upon investigation that labor in oseph R.'Grindy. the South is just as underpaid and ly made a politi- overworked as it was years ago, to make himself and that an appalling number of i on the pattern minors are still employed. I found lIe asked W. W. that many American writers are him his seat on forced to live abroad because of national commit- narrow-minded public condemna- .e same time Wil- tion. I found that U. S. internal It was something of a tour de force for Wagner to evoke with sonorities a picture of the Cim-' merian forest depths to which Siegfried comes in search of the dragon. It is rather more of a tour de force to play it successful- ly. The Wagner Orchestra is not the familiar, terrorless classical or- chestra but a compact, serried mass in this case kept murky for purposes of description. In Meng- leberg's rendition, with his tight command over a well-trained or- chestra, this bit from Siegfried be- comes a very estimable piece of program-music. 0 MISCHA ELMAN: Tango by El- man and Album Leaf Romance by Wagner; Record No. 7195. Elman again indulges his habit of genial unbending and gives his signature to two chansons d'amour of light, plebeian calibre. His fa- mous velvet tone, almost unique in, its sweetness, gives dignity, almost! breadth, to these two items. El- man has that lack of critical self-' consciousness which enables him to participate in such naive exper-s f. t .Drink Delicious and Refreshin y n '! 1 4r a r ,. r- T j} A the Pause that refreshes Comes a time (as they say) every day when it's good to drop things-relax-and, calm, collected, cool, seek the hidden meaning of life. Sign off for just a minute, now and then, and refresh vourself with an ie.enld nnCola. ---s- 11.11STIRM IV