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April 09, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-09

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ur~n CnA VA PPTT ,E0l IRA ,



w r~WjiN L' oJAJt1 Y nrl.L ,IvnAa = s TA O ." A- a v -a - . aa -A-



I Trns~rtd onPro fessor Talks
BEA9TEN 6BY1VOTER1SI 0il 'Outsde Interests'. ANNAR4BOB MONDAYt


Elctrte Dfets RsevI Speaking on the topic "Outside Geneva
SI Tnd H0provement ofexWaterxInterests That Take Drudgery Out' Nati
areddeImRprvovWemenfot Polems. r {of Work ,Prof. John S. Worley of
ApiAsseoRKS rk HRD AT M Tar tent,addiessed sthe astudent Wli
PrsdM ARKSvtti f r}° Mnp members of the American Institute i nomst ;
About His Museum. w___t of Electrical Engineers Monday AbrI
____ Defeat of the bond issues for the ightrtbterUion
rTREE OF LIFE' PICTURED rosrcio fanwreevi n Professor Wor ey cted several poes
for the improvement of Ann r-
bor's water system and the election examples to show how specialized1 public fi
Carleton Ange, Noted Artist, ' f fivenew aldermen were the emain itrssi ujcsass 'dn~IUies
Draws Re"lationships of All' results of the local election, heldI in carrying on their xor'' in a bene- ( touring
. .: t , r .>," Monday. The aggregate vote cast ficialI manner. rThese interestsI deliverer
Live gAnimals. .. -x,*~ by the city electorate for the bondI must be created by the student" out the
Api'Jsu f"h rl"md.- ~ ~ .- issue was 3,008, of which 1762, fall-; he said. of time
Api' su f"h.Ak aes *s' ing short of the necessary major-; Every subject should have somel given hr
Its appearance yesterday at the . .ity were cast against the reservoir; special appeal to the stt dent utstan(
University M u s e u im s building. tsu. which will assist him~ in carrying of inter
Amog te f~i ure ofthenumer --*-**. .*.. 1,97 allts ereneeded for thie ; on research work, according to connect(
Amn tefuueso tenubr carrying of th second issue, thatr Professor Worley. "Such interests tios a
are a message from Dr. Ruthven on ~*-'-of providing fo a $205,000i loan for are a necessity" he said "for un- bOos o
his new resident's museum, and a, the improvements to the present less the student encounters in-J tional r
pitrpfte"re fLf" e water ystem 1,729 afflimrativeI divlduals and subjects that inter- Rappa
cet drawnu by Carleton An- Aa~domated'Pres., Poto votes were cast, thus falling short ethmdrn i er tteea o
cnrUp Conferecs from both houses of Congress have begun the task of coming to an agreement on the latest of the issue by a scant number of ;University, college becomes one of ''titute
gell Museum sculptor and artist. tariff bill. Seated from Weft to right are Senators Sh ortridge, Caifornia; Watson, Indiana; Smoot, ULIlp; !ballots, the most uniteresting placesl He is t
tist. Simmons, North Carolina; and Harrisoiu, M*ssissippi. Standing are Represeatatiyes Faehraxc(, 2 eW Jersey;! This- year marks the third time j imaginable."on hs
D~. uthen' mesag sttedGarerTek s; Iiawtey, Orcgoxt; 7ieaxay, M4as~ach usetts; and Coller, xissip. in the history of Ann Arbor ta ________ oi
that "once a museum man, alwaysthprossfo mrv enofoics-1Gae,
ITPn rtewtrpolmhvbend-G utto iVe Speech ofsdie
waT necesaryforhim-o strt n- V TOthe moe fora a v$50,00bondeissue'1911stode
a museum man", and therefore it ti I theiu EnE feated by 'w thpolmpole ebe popular vote. In 1927,1 Before flusi es lC b United
\...I~ltwas overruled by 300 voters. Again Prof. E. H. Gault of the School professo
othr usem ll isowninthe(r AN ii 192, the 'bond issue, this timei of Business Administration will ad-! Universi
for of a collection of former 1 jj~ ~ IUIt~ LII$325,000, ~was voted down. [ dress the Business Administation tureship
Michigan presidents' mnomentoes. DEAN R~pOGN~iZES IOIS. on campus and one independent ~I The personniel of the city council( club on ".Ad cain invertising and Retailing stitute 4c
Thit3ES'EZ -ol~iiii en ul nteThe chorus girl, lined up here to compete for was changed by this electionwihaVoton"nRom39Mc--
billtrd room of the executive resi- has been recognized by the dean of the title of most attractive campus . B ristow, Engineer and Qpl the u approval ofpblian ved new Dermentian Union, this evening Aril 9 COLD,
denae. The article closes 'with the women here as an excellent tempo- whoma o n. Ten of the comeliest were Magnate, Promised Release a :0.PoIal ilTnluehasoit
staemnttha "onribtinsarefo sagestuc cllee hoen n hefirt lg ,iatoThSree of the contestants gained! the many fields of advertising andI of inter
gansl olctd"radyuate.Tefircoe hsbe twIfth e-il ae b eete onby Mexicans. itheir council seats wi thutcontest. ;the positions offered in these fields' ion toj
grdae.Tefi oe a entoo h e illtrb eetd- -°- " The present roster of the council Ii i etral c
earnexstedlyyDanoForecetebnet'sas Washington's most beautiful by .lists Benjamin H. Graf, Democrat; i _____-lctreabl s
Tree. lTef ie statement that many girl inreadu-e a group of judges in Hollywood 300 PEO R N OM1ichard Roy Lowrey, Republican; Ig11JI1m1iIlIII1IgI~gI~jiIII111tIIII111pgI,;atIII11111
IiiAngell 's "Free of Life" draw- ates would considerably increase who will choose on the merits of a --WatrCFedmpDmoa;E.E'
ing which, is pictured in the the beaut, grate and dancing abil-! photograph. The "Tyee" staff is (By' Asocated Press)'Ewatr. caF eapDemocra;nk~
" A r lo " , th e r e la tio n s h ip s o f a ll th e ity o f s o e o f t e o t t n i g p o p n o i g t e c n e t t etth eS N A G L , T x A r l 8 * H r i, e o r tA n e w R
fessional choruss. The dean re-, women whose photographs will The San Angelo Times today said: Gfell, Republican; Benjamin Fi.
gi, groups of living animals is Iceived her inspiration from view- feature the beauty section of the that an emissary of Mexican ban- Bradley, ieocrat; William A. Pa- i ieaogwt hi ao rgaMscl oeyta a erok jt odn .E rsoSnA-tn eulcn enr .Fsh :"
stem~s, points of difference, and in- staged by North'western university; .. , d er, Republican; and Dean W. My-i' I
heetcnetos mecagssuet.- IT OTO OGT gelo oil and mining opera,or, had ers, Democratic president of the a yk
from, "Protazoons" and Jellyfish" ICNSN-iuensoth accepted 3,000 pesos gold ransom; body
uhelfs clearf delpicnteonthe ENDOWMENT FOR INDIANA. university here are carrying on an and that Bristow's release was be- ° -
fusseMa geeeaambasspiteorototSw ed tralr hofuhestdet ewpaer forumthe Te moeyrai t avebeen Mic i gqWi braroes
dr pig. Hialf way up the tree the INIANA-As a memorial to Ru- , dtra a hog h oun iydcran Suet ilT u
fihan ep~e rnce aeprm i 88 n ~iversity student inIditbuonfifrminrea- paid Monday at Ahucatlan, Naarit,
inenat, animtal life appearng n18Van o 01 IndlIna university has re- ing birth control. Although mn- wt h nesadn Students of library science will
have' been the step higher than S1 Mexico,wihteudranng,4
ha ofsakesan tute.ceived a 'gift of $100,000. Half of sters of Madison churches are op- thkntastud torIbaieonT ur ofay anFriday of
the proceedseand peofrltswet gitetpoceillf be giuswld eposingsin thestdstudents tudnandat student ws sthatctoye}araous nwasrsay ndaridyIf Syou ou
for, tomnosth pe it ndowing law studnts and the ie for knowledge, the editors to the remainder of the kidnapers,thimak a . study stour aofney11 i-
the monkey branchtis eeksWighBisopannuncd-
bac slgtyb-remaining half will afford oppor- of the paper are printing any dis- in retreat in the mountains south todpa. I . that will I
heath on the other side of the'fain- tunity for more creative work in cussion of'the question, pro or con.of huaan Buses will convey the students to - n x
iy tree. Copies of this stra nge ex- Ahucahatliln.
hi~ r vial tcs ttelegal scholarship. 3RFSS33~I~ ICIN Bristow, if plans are carried out, DeIroit Thursday where they will l tvI htwl
tUniversity Museum secretary's of- was expected to be taken to Jala, study the architecture and admn- oiyug
ce. The oriinal drawing has been p'QRIDS$ STUDYING. ! NEBRASA-Universty students and released. He was to leave Jala I istration of the Detroit public li-fyog
phtgahdand cards, reduced ROCHESTER-"All studying for-dontraasmclih ctn for Tepic by rail tonight. Iba~
inosigephaebe banda idnhee ilb h npa- as do professors, according to Paul{ ' Various ransom, demands have On Friday the party will split. benhr ilb h inpa-wl ew
res .t. ed over".the Browsing room in the. Alcorn, m-anager of a Lincoln bok been reported to havebmae One will journey to Cleveland by !=
- Apology is Feature. new library. In this section the store. When students buy boos, by the kidnapers from time -t ott td telbaso ht -z-.-cumfstanlce
S~l aohe etueoftisms fvral cniiosposbl they are usually those of the mod- tie ipthsfo eio city, Yand the other will visit the i
Stil aoter eatreof hismot fvoabl codiion posile heyY iFlintache fSaginawityPoniandFinHigh-nwandHou- o makk
moths Ak"iste pooy hihfor pleasure reading wpill be insti- iern classics, though there also, Monday said the bandits had ancae J
the ' m am m alr diis i e on ls offe wig h gated. T he richly upholstered I seems to be a fondness for poetry . jsought 40,000 pesos ($20,000). lm o d v s on i ff rlanot edii in u li o t e " i er eararlan a en o t w i h wiljlibraries. o ee , al b e r s ow o me O la o aA r a e ]
ooswihhv sauae thtbe found in the luxurious room will interested in modern detctive fi- University football star, and a son in11er, h nvrst stk-° ~ ' veyor of
section of late." The 'expl4natit his[ certainly tempt many students to iop, agetmn rfsosfn of the captured man, entered Mexi- ihig a omplete census of its nearly,
that thhe ato 8 ersub~ls do their workd here but they will tim~e to read all of the latest thiil-' co soon after his father's capturej 25,000 graduates. "The university is!. =-
fo whc sorethe sme ll soon discover in this sanctuary of les." ;three weeks ago in an effort to engaged in a great quest," Presidents
emanated, are at last disposed of pleasure that a text-book will be a ;- obtain the elder Bristow 's release, Rightmire told the alumni.
T"EOOI IRR.i --by staff members. The maiiinal ba }ge of shame. The only reading - COI Imb~aR Y b the payment of ransom. It was -_________
div~io has, n thepast, been material will bewhc five e thousand fi c-' - COLUMBIA - Columi univer- Ileivdhsngtain aem-NUAc a I e
warned several times on matters1 inboswihaet epae sity recently purchased what is suited in acceptance of the money. -ad IM
such as the one recently apologizedf in the room, probably the world's finest private! - _____-______i=
for, one instance in particular be-; economic library from Prof. E. R. UNIVERSITY NcesAc
in eitmmee yohrsaf1 HOLDS BEAUTY CONTEST Seligman, for $500,000. He had l NickHeESTERN a
m m es Thswas when a skunk , W ASHINGTON-Twenty-two co- previously been offered twice that (BYt e hoeol k ic ig n
found in some fraternity house ! crrs, one from each sorority house l sum by Haivard officials. ~~U~1U t High scholarship standards - Beautful
latwnewsrmoe oteR I WRlocation-MNoderate climate -Unusual -____________________
lswitrwsreoe tote------------ --YORKTOWN COAT opportunities for recreation-Organized
Museum and behaved very badly( trips and excursions. .. -
enroute to his third floor destina- ieal Ars -'
tion' Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying, xGraduateShool ue2.uut1
- Scholf Commoerce
EASTER P N F7 1 ( r NIV R IY U I H U ESclook ournalism}un 3Agti I
IzI USICO -vS Schoolospusch
BA L A N U C DFrteyt nlg Musical School of LAW June 23August 23g.
II I The $chool of Education

tprofessor, Iiecturinig irt
on Wicde Tour, $top
at University.
m E. Rappard, noted eco-~
and educator, visited Ann
Thonday. Rappard, who is
r of economic history and
inance and rector of the
ity of Geneva, is at present
the United States. He has
d many lectures through-
country, but due to a lack
no public speech was
ere. He is recognized as an
ding authority in the field
-national law, having been.
ed with the League of Na-
nd having written several
>n the subject of intern-
"elatlons.1 -1,
Lrd is a member of the gen-.
nmnittee of the Geneva n-
of International Relations.
.he author of many books
;orical, political and -eo-
ubjects. Born in New York
s parentage, Rappard has
extensively throghout the
States and Eufope. 1prm
1913, he held the chair 'of
>r of economics at Harvard
ty, and now holds a lee..
Sat the Wiliamstown In-.
of Politics.
fMBUS-The Ohio College
ion favored the restricion
,collegiate athletic conpeti-
juniors and seniors, refe&-
iiors only
if t hat asts
that sugests th t
~de r

Ann Arbor Women to sponsor
New Social Function.
Inaugurating a new type of social
activity here, the women of Ann I
Arbor are sponsoring an Easter
benefit ball to be given April 23 in
the ballroom of the Michigan Un- f
Proceeds of the function which
the committee hopes to make an
annual one will be placed in the
Student Discretionary Fund. Din-
ner is to be served at 7 o'clock, and
cabaret entertainment is to be pro-_
timer Shuiter,, director of the Unon
Opera. Musqic will also be arranged
for by a band as yet unchosen; and~
bridge tables are to be available for~
those who desire them.
Members of the committee forl
the ball this year are' Mrs. James
Winfield, chairman, Mrs. Jame''
VanBuren, Mrs. Harvey Emery, Mrs.
Robert Angell, Mrs, Henry "Lewis,!I
Mrs. Charles Olmstead, Miss Vir-
ginia Mack,- Miss Catherine Sellew,?
Miss Mary Christy, and M1iss Lois
Patronesses for the affair are to
be Mrs. Alexander G. Ruxthve4~ Mrs.,
Henry M. Bates, Mrs. .John R. Ef -
finger, Mrs. Hugh C. Cabot, Mrs.I
George W. Pattersoni, 1Mrs. Fielding
H. Yost, Mrs. Junius E. Beal, Mrs.,
Henry Douglas, Mrs. James Inglis,
Mrs. Chester Barnes, Mrs. R. Bish-
op Canfield, all of Ann Arbor, and s
Mrs. Daniel Quirk of Ypsilanti.
Tickets may be purchased at Har-
.... 7x,1 -nv .1 -4.,.. L i ...-. nnn-14 .ill r oF

Lowest Prices:
To Suit.
Play While
You Pay.

Majestic, Victor, Croaley
Baldwin, Kohler'& Campbell
Orchestral Instrumen4.
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Wide Range of Courses. Courses spe-
ciailldesigried for Superintendents, Prin-
cipals, Supervisors, Deans, Advisers, and
Teachers in IHighS chools, Elementary
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Faculty. Regular Staff supplemented by
members of Faculties of other Un'iver-
sities and distinguished Public School
I Teachers and Administrators.
Graduate Work. Special attention
E gven to'the needs of Graduate students
and experienced reachers,supervisors, and
admninistrators. _____
j For bulletin, address
The Ipirector of the Summer Session
133 University Hall, Evanston, 311.

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