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April 09, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-09

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VOL. XL. NO. 138





Students, Faculty, and Notables
Will Join in Annual Campus
Razzfest Tonight.

1Will Leave Southhampton April
22 on S. S. Leviathan. j
(Special to The Daily)
DURBAN, Union of South Africa,
April 8.--Prof. Thomas C. True-I
blood, professor-emeritus of pub-
lic speaking at the University of
Michigan, who left here on March
8 on the S. S. Llandovery Castle, isa

AS FRENCH ASSENTLiterary Class Will Attempt !AESNW RUIG
! ! to Pay Off Large Debt. 1
TOEGIHWith the express purpose 'of pay- TOE GIHT I ON PfLICE STATIO
TiMSng the large class debt, atwda
campaign for the collection of dues
Deleate to roced Wth ivefor the Sophomore Literary class I
Delegates to Proceed With F"ivewill be held today and tomorrow. Group to Restrict Licenses to
Power Naval Arbitration Tables will be placed in Angell Municipally-owned Radio
for Disarmament, hall and University hall from 9 Muncipased Rai


Hempstead, Widman,
Run for Position of
Literary Man.


NEARLY 300 EXPECTED due to arrive at Naples today on
his way home to Ann Arbor, Mich.
Oil Can and Favorable Epitaph Before sailing from Southamption
to be Given to Two Famous on the Leviathan April 22, he will
Faculty Members. visit Rome, Pisa, Genoa, Paris andl
London. He is expected to return
Casting inhibitions to the winds, home about May 1.
nearly 300 of the University's elite, Professor Trueblood, who was
joined with notables from other formerly head of the speech de-
cities, will assemble at 6:30 o'clock partment, has been studying the
tonight in the ballroom of the Un- speech dialects in South Africa.
ngh h ba netHe also gave several lectures be-
ion for the Gridiron banquet, Sig- fore universities in the Cape dis-
ma Delta Chi's annual razz-fest, trict. At present besides his pro-
when prominent students and fac- fessorship, he is coach of the Uni-
ulty members will be given an op- versity of Michigan golf team.
portunity to see themselves as -
others see them. The two. persons I
to thus be given the most intimate PLANS FOR FINAL
pictures of themselves are those
who will receive the oil can andk
the favorable epitaph. t
With the oil can goes the title!

Leaders of British and French"
Agree on Question of Naval
Security for Europe.:
(By Assoeiated Press)
LONDON, April 8.-Agreementj
between Great Britain and France !
upon questions of national security!
in Europe, as indicated tonight by
Foreign Minister Briand after his
conference with Prime Minister
McDonald, will permit the Londonj
naval negotiations to continue with'
a five power disarmament treaty
as the goal.
Whether a five power agreement
is really any nearer realization
cannot be determined tonight,
however, in view of the very brief{
k and restrained official announce-
ments made by the British and'
French delegations after the con-I
ference of their chiefs.!
Briand, returning to the Carlton
after the interview, declared to
the French journalists that there
now was an agreement between the
ItBih nd the French reardino;

o'clock to 4 o'clock on both days
and will be in charge of member'GEN SILH S OP
of the finance committee of th GREEN STILL HAS HOPE
+ The class debt includes a deficit Governor Says State Will Not
on last year's Frosh Frolic and a Give up Fight Until All
bill of more than $150 for damages Hope Is Gone.
on the night of Black Friday and__
must be paid immediately. (By Associated Press)
If necessary, the campaign will(BAsoitdPe)
be continued until noon on Friday. DETROIT, April 8.-Gov. Fred W.
'_Green, commenting on the Federal
radio commission's decision to
grant police broadcasting licenses
Tonlyto municipalities, said today
that Mi'chigan will "not even think
about giving up this fight until thef
courts, Congress, and every other
authority has been invoked."
TheGovernor was as emphatic
Director of State Psychopathic, in his attitude as he has been
Hospital Will Talk on throughout the controversy which
started when the commission re-
Treatment for Insane, fused a license to the State of
Michigan for a broadcasting station
ENGINEER WILL TALK for State police.
Green Maintains Position.,
In spite of the fact that Satur- "We still maintain," he said,
day night's campus radio program "that the human life is of the most
wily beghtoadcasoradhefirtg moment in this controversy with
will be broadcast on the first night the radio commission. While the
of Spring vacation an unusually commission may feel that it can

1:i :: :* 3 :;>>::>::::::: I


of "loquacious lubricator," a recog-s
nition annually accorded that fac-4
ulty member who during the pre-E
ceding 12 months has distinguished
himself by his ability to "spread the
banana oil." Men who havenheld
the oil can in. the past include+
.Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics; Prof. Hugh Cabot, of the
surgery department; ex-President
C. C. .Little; Prof. W. A. Frayer,
formerly of the history depart-
ment; Prof. O. J. Campbell, of the
English department; Prof. Thomas
Tickets for tonight's Gridiron
banquet will be sold between 91
and 12 thistmorning, and
from 2 to 5 this afternoon at
the side desk in the Union lob-
by. They are priced at $3.00. ~
H. Reed, of the political science'
department; and Wiliam D. Hen-
derson, director of the extension
Yost to Present Oil Can.
-Coach Yost will present the oil
can to the man who has been elect-
ed to be its custodian for the next
year. The identity of this new hot-,
air artist remains a deep mystery.
Stocks listed on the oil-can ex-
change have fluctuated so widely
during the last week of trading
that experts have been unwilling to
make any guesses as to what stock;
may swing its president into the
possession of the oil can.
The favorable epitaph will be
read by Edward L. Warner, Jr., '30,1
sports editor of The Daily and gen-
eral chairman of the banquet com-
mittee, as a sincere tribute of Sig-
ma Delta Chi to a faculty member
whose actions during the past year
are considered as having been emi-I
nently praiseworthy. The epitaph
is to be the one serious part of to-
night's program.
For the rest of the time, the in-
formal nature of the merry-making
will be distinctly in contrast with
the tuxedoes which will be worn
by all the banqueters.
Special Menu Prepared.
Because of the special menur
which is being prepared by the Un-
ion chef for the banquet, ticket sale
must be curtailed some time before
the banquet begins, in order that
the special dishes may be prepared
for the proper number of diners,
it has been announced. Although
tickets were sold at the door in for-I
mer years, the sale today will cease1
with the closing of the Union booth
at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
A comedy motion picture, taken
last week on the campus, produced
and played by students, starring'
Lawrence R. Klein, '30, with a cast
led by President Alexander G.
Ruthven, Athletic Director Fielding
H. Yost, and Track coach Steve
Farrell, will be a feature of the evo-
ning's program. A group of skits
and vaudeville numbers will be
produced, including a dialogue,
"No Soup," which will be presented
by Franklin M. Reck, assistant;
managing editor of the American
Boy magazine, and Gurney
Williams, '31, night editor of The

Board of Judges as Substitute
for Juries to be Topic of
This Year's Contest.
Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the
speech department, head of the
Michigan High School Debating
League, announced yesterday that
preliminary plans for the final
championship debate, to be held in
Hill Auditorium April 25, have been
Honorable Wilber M. Brucker, at-
torney general of the state of Mich-
igan, will be chairman of the de-
bate. "The state," said Mr. Brucker
in' accepting the invitation, "is ex-
ceedingly proud of the progress
made by debating under the lead-
ership of the Michigan High School
Debating League. Thousands of our1
people have become interested in
E the series of contests which will re-
sult in the final battle for the de-
bating championship of Michigan.
Nothing can arouse more interest
in government than an intelligent
discussion of its vital problems.",
The subject of the debate this year
is: Resolved that a judge or board
of judges be substituted for juries
in all trials in the state of Mich-
The members of the various
teams throughout the state which!
participated in the contest will be
guests of the University at a con--
ference Friday morning, at which
time registrar Ira M. Smith will de-
liver an address, and at the Syra-
cuse baseball game. The debate,,
which will take place at 8:15 o'clock1
Friday night, will be between the'
winners of the two elimination de-
bates this week-end. Cheboygan
against Detroit Northwestern, and
Paw Paw against Clawson. Cheboy-
gan won the championship last
Meeting at the only all-freshman
dinner and get-together held dur-
ing the year, men of the class of
1933 will attend the Union's third
annual freshman banquet at the
Union at 6 o'clock tomorrow night.
Tickets, priced at $1.25, are still
available at the main desk in the
Union lobby as well as from fresh-
man class officers and members of
the Union committees.
All student officers of the Union,;
Including the members of the Ex-
ecutive council, will be present to
meet the freshmen informally, ac-
cording to Kenneth M. Lloyd, '32L,
Henry Moser, of the speech de-
partment, will be the principal
speaker. Montgomery Shick, '31,
captain-elect of the Varsity cheer-
leaders will lead the group in sev-
eral yells. Robert W. Ackerman, '31,
and Joseph A. Witter, '31, are in
,charge of the banquet.
Ruth' McCormick Leads
in Chicago Primaries
(y Associated Press)
CHICAGO, April 8.-Nomination
of Ruth Hanna McCormick as Re-

i U~tAaa p t11c IC1a 1 IS~lLI~, interesting list of faculty speaers san in the way othadnc
the interpretation of Article 16 e av e
the League of Nations covenant. will be presented. Prof. Albert M. steps radio has made possible in
That is the article which deals Barrett, director of the State Psy- the apprehension ofcthe criminals,
with nreasures to be taken should chopathic hospital, will discuss the elastingly right thatawe will find
any member of the League resort treatment of the curable insane at some way to circumvent them.
to war in disregard of its covenant that institution. Professor Barrett I
under League articles, and its in- has been connected with the hos- Saltzman Issues Statement. t
terpretation has been a moot topic pital for a great many years and is! ( By Associated Press)
here. .ts Washington, April 8.-Major Gen-
Briand to Meet McDonald. i eral Charles Saltzman, chairman'
Further than that, Briand said thorities in the country. h of the radio commission, said to- i
little except that he and McDon- Prof. Hugh E. Keller of the mge- niht that an order issued by theI
ald considered arrangements for will discuss as the second speak- commission today restricting li-t
continuing discussions with a view er on the WJR program, the ek- censes for police radio service to
to the possible ultimate conclusion er1ts o th ror am th are municipally controlled stations"'
of a five power pact. They will dioxide refrigeration, arch in subject thatarbon did not bar the state operated sta-
meet again tomorrow. has been given considerable pub tions from obtaining licenses.
From the British viewpoint, the hsybengite nconsierpab-pub-d The word "municipally" Saltz-
agreement on security reached by licietf laeinesman said, was used by the com-
definn thescientific magazines.
defining the proper intepretation I "A Trip to India" will be the sub- mission in its old legal sense to
of Article 16 is only the first step ject to be presented by Carl L. embrace all types of governmental
in revised efforts for a five power Hubbs, curator of the Museum. Un- police agencies including cities,i
pact. The next question is howp der this head he will tell of an ex- counties, and states'
much tonnage France is wiLsing to pedition in which he was engaged T Municipally" is Defined.
slice from her "absolute needs" de- cently for the purpose of gather- he explanation was made by
mand for 724,000 tons. Saltzman after the word "muni-
Italian Question Difficult. ing specimens for the Museum.- cipally" had been interpreted gen-
Then comes the question of Italy, chanical engineering department erally under its common meaninga
still lying in wait on the road to cialus enginern dertet to of city or "town."
a five power agreement with her FrilYhouseholder."house Fires F om narrow interpretation,
demands for naval parity with and How to Prevent Them." would have had some bearing upon1
France. MBriandidicated to- The weekly one-hour program the application of the Michigan de-;
night that the settlement of the The weekly oneurm pr - partment of public safety for a
security question between England will be rounded out by music pre-f permit to construct a police radio
-and France would have no effect sented by some of the faculty of station at Lansing. Governor
whatever on Italy claims problem. the School of Music, according to Green has said that the station,
Foreign Minister Grandi also has Prof. Waldo Abbott of the rhetoric would be built with or without a
pointed this out often, so often that! derte dor and a - permit and the commission later
he is weary and anxious to get thof the Momsll suioal- requested department of justice to
back to Rome. gmhs ompas et beina instruct its agents to arrest any-
Acrigt ruoshr hegram has not as yet been an- on. h tepe
According to rumors here he Iounced. one who attempted to build a sta-
plans to leave London next weekI tion.
on account of urgent governmental.
duties at home, but the Italian NOTICE'WOMEN TO HOLD
delegation do not confirm this. IDEBATENTOGHLD
BRUMM TO TALK The Electoral Board of the
Michigan Union will hold its Conference debating activities
AT OPEN FORUM meeting for the appointment of will come to a close tonight when
the President and Recording Se- the Michigan women's varsity
Professor J. L. Brumm of the cretary of the Michigan Union meets a team representing North-
on May 17.wetrunvriyianodcs,
journalism department will be the! E a lcnfo. . western university in a no-decis-
ion contest on the question, "Re-
speaker at the sixth of the spring! requested to file seven copies of !solved: that the present extent of1
series of All-Campus Forums at 4 his letter of application at the i installment buying of retail goods
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in office of the Michigan Union not Ifor private consumption is detni-
Relater than April 22 for the use of 'mentato stineret f h
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. He the Members of the Board. Car-mnttd te pestinterestot
will discuss the subject "The News- bon copies on thin paper, if leg- I United States public" nThe debate
paper and Public Morals." ible, will be satisfactory. Each 1 will be held at 8 o'clock in the
letter should state the facts as to I Lydia Mendelssohn theatre in the
sFollowing an introductory pre- the applicant's experience in Women's League building.
sentation of the subject in which Union and other Campus activi- The Michigan team will be com-
will explai the workings and ties, and any other facts which posed of Mabel Morris, '30, Dorothy
polcies of the average metropoli- the applicant may deem rele- Blumgarden, '31, and Eva Hesling,
tan paper, he will call for response vant. '31, speaking in that order. Sue
in the form of questions from the 11. C. Anderson, Short, Isabelle Hitchings, and Con-
audience. He is expected to com- Chairman, Elec- stance Hopkins compose the North-
ment on the prominent part play- toral Board of the western group, which has been
ed by the newspaper in the cities Michigan Union. touring Michigan, Indian, and Ohio
of the country, as well as on the for the past week.
tremendous influence that the_ - -On the Michigan team, only Miss!
press has over the people insofar Bumgarden has not had any in-
as elections and major issues of Tryouts Will Meet I tercolegiate experience. Both of
the day are concerned.! for New Production I the other debators were on the
Because of his intimate connec-(l winning team last semester, when
tion with newspapers as well as his i Tryouts for individual vaudeville the same subject was debated with
wide knowledge of journalism, skits, one-acts, impersonations, or Pudue and Ohio State.
Professor Brumm will be in a posi- any other personal accomplish-'
I tion to answer any questions that ments that individuals may have .., I
may be addressed him on the sub- are to be held Thursday afternoon' Our Wea herj 4an I
ject of journalism. His discussion from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the
is expected to clarify to some ex- Mimes theatre, according to an an- /
tent different conflicting opinions nouncement made yesterday by E. } .. t
regarding the press held by many Mortimer Shuter, director of Mimes .. -

4ssociated Prss Photo1
Gov. Fred W. Green. I
Of Michigan, who has definitely
refused to give in to the Federal I
radio commission on their stand
against a state-owned police broad-
casting station.1
Robert Frost, Pulitzer Prize
Winner, Discusses What
Sound a Poem Makes'. l
"Richness of vowel and consonant
does not make poetry," said Robert
mrost, noted poet and winner ofl
the Pulitzer prize in 1923 in his
talk on "What Sound a Poem1
Makes" at 4:15 o'clock yesterday in'
the Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
"The ultimate thing," he contin-l
ued, "is the sound, not of vowel and4
consonant or of music, but the
sound of the meaning in relation.1
to a meter and the deeper the
meaning, the richer is the sound."'
Though his lecture consisted, pri-
marily, in the reading of selections
from his poems, he interspersed his1
reading with short and often hu-j
morous explanations of the mean-I
ing of his writings, "There is," he
said, "no meaning which anyone
can get out of my poems that I will
not accept or claim."
Displaying a remarkable versa-
tility in subject matter and style,
his reading ranged from metaphy-
sical poems such as "West-Running1
Brook" which he afterwards saidE
was "all nonsense" to the more ob-
vious ones like "Peck of Gold" and
"The Armful." In addition, he read
a series of short plays in poetry in-
eluding 'The Cow's in the Corn"
and "The Death of the Hired Man."
At the present time, Frost holds
a permanent "idle professorship" '
at Michigan and is, as he terms
himself, a "no-time teacher." For
three months during the year, he
serves in similar capacity at Am-
herst. Two weeks he spends in trav-
elling and lecturing and the rest
of the year he stays at his farm in
This was the first of a series of,
two lectures which he will give at
Ann Arbor under the auspices of
the University. The second will be
presented at 4:15 o'clock today in
the Mimes theater.
Present economic trends show
that the capitalistic order is in
imminent danger of overthrow was
the opinion of Dr. Marin A. Lar-
son, leader of the Socialist-Labor
party, in an informal talk before
the round table club in the Wo-
man's League building last night.
This observer of social and eco-
nomic trends says that a capital-
istic regime is dependent upon ex-
pansion of industry, and. that the
saturation point was reached in
1907. He then went on to propound
the theory that the World War,
brought on through the machina-
tions of the capitalists, was the
life-saving event that kept the
capitalists alive for 15 more years.

Auto Ban Will Lift I
for Vacation Friday

Tilley, McBride, Farrell Fight
for Who Has Done Michigan
for the Most' Post
Election to Class Day offices and
mock election posts will be held by
seniors of the literary college be-
tween 1 and 5 o'clock this afternoon
in three polling places, to be lo-
cated in the lobby of Angell hall,
in the Women's League building,
and in front of the main library
building at the center of the diag-
onal, Harley B. Kline, chairman of
the class day committee, announced
Officers will be elected to five po-
sitions: class orator, class prophet-
ess, class prophet, class historian,
and class poet. The orator is to be
a man, the poet a woman, the his-
torian either a man or woman.
Positions Are Nominated.
Nominations for the various po-.
sitions are as follows: Class orator:
Howard Simon, Jackson A. Wilcox,
Jones B. Shannon, and Harley B.
Kline; prophetess: Margaret C.
Babcock, Lorinda McAndrew, and
Dora Vandenberg; prophet: Ric:-
ard S. Cole, Donald J. Kline, and
Ormand J. Drake; historian: Rob-
ert W. Holmes, Harry W. Wallace,
and Bessie Egeland; poet: Merle
M. Elsworth, Dorothy P..Goodridge,
and Virginia L. Hoghton.
Nomination to mock election
posts are as follows:
Most respected senior: Ernest C.
Reif, Stanton W. Todd, and George
E. Simons. Best appearing man:
Charles J. Jose, Robert Holmes, and
Jones Shannon. .Most attractive
girl: .Lorinda McAndrews, Dora
t/andenberg, Jane Webster Class
athlete: Robert C. Chapman, Jos-
eph Gembis, and Joseph' Truskow-
ski. Senior who has done the most
for Michigan: Stanton W. Todd, Jr.,
Donald J. Kline, Kenneth Lloyd,
and A. James Jordan, Jr.
"Sponger' Fight Is Close.
Senior who has done Michigan
for the most: George C. Tilley,
Jennings McBride, and William R.
Farrell. Smoothest politician: Wil-
liam Lowry, Jones Shannon, and
Frank Watters. Most ingenuous
blonde: Ailene Yeo, Virginia Trow-
bridge, and Jenet Cochrane. Most
effective brunet: Peg Bush, Kather-
ine Fitzpatrick, and Betty Hemen-
ger. Most literary senior: Edward
L. Warner, Jr., Fred Widmann, and
David Hempstead.
Most artful senior: Robert Holm-
es, Donald Ryall, and Charles Bish-
op. Smoothest man: Robert Holm-
es, Richard Cole, and Robert Smith.
Most astute grade-beggar: Ernest
C. Reif, James Osborne, and Harry
Wallace. Co-ed's choice: Jack Wil-
cox, Bradley Fogarty, and Richard
Foster. Most popular girl: Dora
Vandenberg, Margaret Babcock,
and Dorothy Beck. Most popular
man: Bud Poorman, George E. Sim-
ons, and Jack Steketee.
Hindu Speaks on India
Freedom at Alpha Nu
Speaking before Alpha Nu, cam-
pus debating society, in an open.
meeting last night in the society
rooms, Sher M. Quraishi, '32, urged
I a better understanding of the
movement for independence of the
people of India.
"The greatest movement in the
social or political life of the world
in the past four or five thousand
years is the attempt to secure free-
dom and happiness by peaceful
means. This is represented in In-
dia's policy of 'civil disobedience,'
Mr. Quraishi declared.
Mahatma Ghandi, according to
his statement, is acting on behalf
of the vast majority in India, and
is the symbol of the whole move-
ment for mndependence through

peaceful methods. "The British in
India," he continued, "are entirely
dependent on the labor of the peo-
ple, and without it will be unable
to maintain themselves. The new
government will be republican, al-
though the princes may retain
some authority. A prince isn't bad
-but he should behave like a

Seniors Offered Last
Chance to Buy Gowns
Final opportunity for seniors
in the literary college to purch-
ase the various class accoutre-

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