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April 08, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-08

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-SDAY, APRIL S, 193 7



Stagg of Chicago
Comes to Support
of Prep Tournies
No less a personage in the
realm of amateur sportdom than
Amos Stagg, "Grand Old Man"
of the University of Chicago has


I .


Washington Shat
Putters Shatter
Oympic Record
Competing for the Los Angeles
A. C. in a dual meet against the
University of Southern 6alifor-
nia last Saturday, Herman Brix,
ex-University of Washington

Pitching an4 Batting Is Stressed
as Batl Team Prepares
for Trip.

joined the ranks of those who a
s' a~thlete; brke the world's shot-i«" .
have thrown down the gauntletl^ put record with a heave of 52
to the National Federation of feet 4 inches. the oldmark was INFIELD WORKING WELL1
State High School Athletic As- held by Johnn.y Kuck at 52 feet
sociations in their recent ban of11-16 inches and was made at While the winter blasts hurled
interscholastic track and field Amsterdam during the 1928 the snow around outside the Wol
meets. Olympic games Iverine ball club tried to keep
warm in the field house with the
EOD [N C NTN E usual round of inside practice.
..TU RL I1IJI to be taken outside and given a
TIT taste of the real diamond and then.
j havve to workout in the cages
114again. Coach Fisher said that he-
Bitter Cold Greets Men as They FeA Bfrkgh ts sa that
r n Wee o Spring sand in Defea Junior ost of the session was devoted
Training Session.! Literary Combine, to pepper ball and pick up work
GE BSASITr for the infield. The -squa, was in
GEMBIS ASSISTS SQUAD The Senior Lits, composed of good spirits despite the chill that
a Friedman, Axinn, Berkowitz and invaded the field house and work-
Bitter cold and a driving windt Athens, Texas, high school repeated its performance of last year to win the Stagg Interscholastic bas- Lappincame rough the classmed isligently d to limber up the
kept Coach Kipke's Varsity grid- ketbail championship for the second consecutive time. The star brother combination of Ben and Fred handball finals in great style to de- Pitchers Montague, McNe , and
ders on the jump yesterday after- iTompkins was placed on the national cage team. Front row, left to right: Reynolds, Rowland, Capt. B. feat the Junior Dents last Monday Presbury took turns in the narrow
noon as the spring training squad Tompkins, F. Tompkins; Henderson, Coach Kitts; back row: Hedge, Owen, T. Tompkins, Adair, night. Eleven teams were entered nets facing the entire squad at the
swung into their second week pf Gregg in the tourney which covered a pe- plates. This combined hurling and
outside practice. riod of four weeks. Much interest hitting practice showed that ,the
Only one serious casualty wasYearlings Represent was shown by all participants and I boys are getting their eyes on the
reported after the scrimmage last , -s this marks the possibility of a big- ball.-
University £encers
week, Bill Hewitt suffering a brok- CBrie fs F ger and better inter-class tourna- Hurling is Metiored.
len nose which will probably keep iin First Stale Meet ment next year.~ Trophies will be None of the tossers turned in
him from any 5p1 ( awarded to the winners in the near exceptionally good exhibitions but
1 'l strenuous w or k .it ._.___.Coach Johnstone's entire tresh- future. they are learning to face batters
until at least af- I man fencing squad will seek their In the all-campus bowling tour- that intend to knock the ball ouit
-'ter Spring vaca- By Pat Patton. In ten years since the war, Mich- laurels at the First Annual State nament held Friday titles for the of the lot. Montague was tossing
tion. Coaches Mil- Whcn Indiana's long-legged mil- igan and Illnois have been in the meet of the A. A. U. to be held in singles and doubles events were de- them all tn .the outside until un-
ker and Gembis erg Leas, won his specialty at the track honors. When Illinois wins in the Cadillac A. C. in Detroit on Sat- cided. The singles championship der the instruction of Ray Fisher
;worked with the Big Ten indoor championship re- the mile, Michigan usually netal- urday afternoon. Captain-e I e t was won by Howard Mills with a he burned one across Captain
hopeful backfield ent. it marked the first time in he ,t- Gordon, entered in the sabres and score of 875, while Wascak finish- Straub's chest so close that he hit
men yesterday I history that a Hoosier had taken iates by capturing the dashes. Dur- fois events, is th'e only member of ed in the runner-up position with the dirt fiat on his back.
b1o c k in g and first place in that meet during wn the mile doad outdoor the Varsity team who is slated to a score of 859. Minsel and Hecker Fisher announced that he in-
wb a 11 - carrying, twenty years. Indiana's track won the mile indoor and outdoor mpete. Captain Morley of the won the doubles championship tends to take five pitchers, two
while Coach Cliff teams are becoming more formi- caionsh M n rn yearling team, is the most - out- with a score of 1082, while Mills catchers and one utility man in ad-
Keen drilled the dable. They defeated Ohio and Chi- occasions while Michigan has turn- ters standing man on the freshman and Murphy were runners-up with dition to the regular squad on the
prospective line- I cago in dual meets this winter and, d (Continued on ag ) sn squad. a 1041 scre Southern training trip
men on coming with more balance, Coach Hayes'-
Joe Gembis out of line and thinclads might easily be a con.Nw*..'
taking out an opposing back. tender in the outdoor classic.
Although the weather conditions
caused Coach Kipke to cut his An athletic jinx in perfect I
practice session short, the men operating condition is a real
were able to get in a little rough handicap. Nobody is more con-
work when the backs teamed up in scious of this fact than Buck
pairs and tried to take the ends Weaver, Chicago's shot put ar-
and tackles out of the play. Coach" tist. Based on averages, he has
Kipke plans to continue this policy always been superior to Sammy
of fundamental drill through this Behr of Wisconsin but sight of
week, and when the athletes return: Behr seems to abbreviate Weav-
from their vacation to send them ers 'puts' from the usual 4
"into a stiff scrimmage program. feet to 44 feet or less.


Where Are All the
Coming Froaa This Spring?


You Can 1uy

at 20% discount
You Have MVade A lBuy


Why,. from the R B Clothing
store, of course!
M o r e University men are
turning to 9 B Clothes, at
$25, because they see their
well-dressed friends wearing
them, than for any other
You may or may not care
that R B University Clothes
are tailored in our own plant,
and retailed through our own
stores, to save you all mid-
dleman's profit. But if you -
will make inquiry . .i. if
you will trouble to ask. .
you'll find your well-dressed 7
friends completely satisfied
with the Quality, Style, and
Fitt of R B University Clothes
. at$25.
Wear one of our fifty inch
T o p c oat s in tan or gray
tweed at $25, when you go
home for your Spring vaca-

Maybe it's because young
men like the freedom and

$4 5 0

now $3000
now $3600

ease of these topcoats.


be it's their instictive rec-
ognition of so much hand
work, personal supervision,
and fussing with details.
What ever it is, certain young

now $4000
now $5200

men pick

Tho's. Heath

clothes everytime-as inevit-
ably as they pick up the right


WXiU s g'tvi IX~

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