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April 08, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-08

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.. _ __ _
.- v. ... ^ __.. _ r _ _ _.

traditions. Neither the council nor
i thle women seem able to find any-
Published every morning except Monday, thing more important to do than
during il; University year by the Board inreuaecso -wihae sal
Conti lof Student Publications. regulate customs-which are usual-
Member of Western Conference Editorial ly formed by natural forces that
Association. need no artificial impetus. It is
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled commendable in the women that,
to the use for republication of all news dis- they want to do something on the
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published campus, but they' might better find
herein. something more worthwhile. Start-I
Entered at the postofficaat Ann ,Arbor, ing - propaganda in favor of an
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- honor system in their administra-'
aseripen>r by carrier, $4.00; by aal, tion would do away with the spy;
644.O system now in vogue. There are a
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- numer of othe tere too
bard Street. number of other enterprises, too
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2ta4. numerous to mention, with which
EDITORIAL STAFF they could occupy their attention
Telephone 4925 to better advantage. More difficult
L MANAGING EDITOR ones might not meet with success,
ELLIS B. MERRY but at least the way would be part-
Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilley ly cleared for the future success in
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg the same field.

Music And Drama AWN-
TONIGHT: In the auditorium of7 TAKE
the Music school, Philip Stern, pu- KA
pil of Albert Lockwood, to appear Sunday i was raving about how
in piano recital beginning at 8:15. nice it was outside and groaning
because I had to sit indoors and fill
TIE WILD DUCK. this space, which is lily white before
you see it. Yesterday as I wander-
To offer the Schoolmasters, who ed around the office gathering odds
are to be here in convention that and ends for today's column I got

week, a view of some of its acti-
vity, as well as to satisfy those nu-
merous persons who were turned
away at previous performances, Mr.k
Windt is planning a two day re-
vival of The Wild Duck during the
first week after vacation. The
probable evenings will be Thursday

to wondering if I'd ever get
through the icy blasts on the way'
home to dinner.

and affiliated carriers
Crack student expresses,
the last word in safety,
speed, and comfort, leave
Friday as follows from the
Union Side Desk 12 -It 4-7 p. m.
Chubb House 12-8 p. m.
10:45 a. m.-To Toledo, Cleveland
and connecting points.
11:25 a. m.-To Chicago.
12:15 noon-First sections of the
deluxe NEW YORK and MO-
via Canada to Buffalo, New York,
Boston, and intermediate points.
12:20 noon-The PITT LIMITED
t Akron Yunestown. Pitts-

For Rent
I to 5 room Apts.
or unfurnished
Exclusive Agents
for the
Forest Plaza and
The Brookton apts.
Eve. 22927

For Sale
1319 Granger. Fine 8 room
English type home on large
lot. Priced very, low.
Call Mr. Runner
Eve. 5197
Beautiful 6 room home of
brick construction on large
lot. Owner leaving town.
Priced low. Ann Arbor
Call Mr. Cushing
4631 Eve.
2008 Day St., 6 room
Colonial home. Nearly new.
Large lot. Priced excep-
tionally low.
Call Mr. Johnson
Eve. 22927


News Editor.........,.....Donald J. Kline'
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor..........Marjori6 Follmer
Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama....... William J. Gorman
Literary Editor .......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-EditorialBoard Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J.. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. dloss
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce . Manley
Bsertram Askwith, Lester May
Helen Bare Margaret Mix
MaxweLl Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary w ellBuer. Davdlim. Nicho
nH. Berkman Howard H.Peckham
A~llaur .Brsen Hugh Pierce
Arthur . Bernstein Vctor Rabinowitz
S. Bech Coiger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberta
Helen Domine -.' Josep i A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs~
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansod
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
ack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
Emily G rimies Richard L. Tobin
MorrisG Covc-maa Robert Townsend
Margaretnarris Elizabeth Valentine
YCullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
ean Levy G .Lionel Willens
Russell E. Me racken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zinrii
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising....... ......T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising.............Kasper IL " Halverson
Advertising...........Sherwood A. Upton
Service....................George A. Seater
Circulation.... ....... J. Vernor Davis
Accounts............. .....lohn R Rose
Publications...........George . Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
James E. Cartwright George R. Patterson
obert Crawford Charles Sanford
Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton
Norman Eliezer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline Wiiliam R. Worboy
Marvin Kobacker
Thomas Muir
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Eleanor : Walkinshaw
Bernice Glaser Dorgthea Waterman
Hortense Gooding
Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY

For the remark that "Old Man
Winter has breathed his last" I
heartily apologize.
It's all Don Haines' fault again
too. He just came up and admit-
ted that he played tennis on Sun-
day for, the second time in the
past two weeks.


WET RASKOB. and Saturday of that week.t
Many p.ople may wonder if the Last year during the Schoolmas-,
I ters' Convention, Play Production,
Republicans are worrying much offered a special performance of
about the predicament that their "The Joiners" by Arthur Hinkley,I
national chairman, Claudius Hu- the prize-winning one-act play,]
ston has forced upon them. The which was well attended and re-
ceived. The presentation of "The
answer became obvious recently, Wild Duck," quite generally deemed
when Republican Santors, seeking by audiences last week one -of the
to hide their own embarrassment, most important and completely

* * *
The Photograph Pherret
him as he left the office.






daringly and vainly attempted to adequaten-j-mourgh,
place the National Democratic the campus, w represent a more
n substantial exhibition of student 12:40 noon-The limited GOLD-
head in a similar untoward posi- activity in the drama. EN ARROW, arriving Chicago
tion. 7:5 P. m.
tion. ~~The revival also comes as the re- 7:5p.m
John J. Raskob, the Democratic suit of a eneral demand for its 12:45 noon-To Toledo, Lima,
chairman, was called before the slDayton, Cincinnati.
eate nvestatrepetition by people unable to se- Private letter to Lark who filled
which soughtito now c i e ' dcure tickets, during its first three the last two inches of Sunday's 2:25 p. m.-To Chicago.
which sought to know if he ha night showing. column by making a wisecrack 2:30 p. m.-To Flint, Bay City,
supported he ha ih frnko about the. Slide Rule dance: Saginaw, Lansing, Grand Rapids.
admitted he had, with frankness HDear Lark: Back in the good old 3:1b p. m.-The BUCKEYE
and calmness that left the Repub- HER CARDBOARD LOVER. days when you "banged out a col- LIMITED to Toledo, Cleveland,
licans stunned. Then he was ab- 's Columbus, and Ft. Wayne.
ruptly asked by Senator Robinson, Opening Monday of the week umn in 32 minutes" you may no 4:05 p. m.-*Second section of the
.of Indiana, the colleague of floor- after vacation, Robert Henderson have left a space for somebody to special NEW YORK LIMITED
leader Watson if he intended to is producing M. Duval's "Her Card- I fill at 1:30 in the morning, but m via Canada to Buffalo and New
resign his position. While the gal- board Lover." The cast, variously these days, even though it may York City.
lery guffawed at the Indianian elicited, is to include Robert Hen- take me 'two hours to write a col- 4:10 p. m.-*Second section of the
Ry wasprevented from ans- derson, Amy Loomis, Minna Miller, umn I atleast don't fill it with ad- GOLDEN ARROW arriving Chi-
Raskob was pe te rm a lfrelsfmla-igrsi anepbiity forsmthingthat j cago 10:55 p. m.
wering because some of the less all fornmerly familiar figures in vance publicity for somethingft 4:20 p. .-To Toledo, Cleveland,
political-minded Senators insisted campus dramatics, and Lewis Me- happened a couple of days before.
Sa Michael, who is being brought on I suppose I oughta thank you for Youngstown, Pittsburgh.
it was immaterial to the investiga- a° sen og o -Subect to change
t from New York to do one of the fillirigthe column but you well night ge.
tion. ledm l of keeping up to And a number of others in the late
He did not have to answer. No- leading roles. ruined n policy afternoon and evening.
body thinks that Raskob, the man Her Cardboard Lover is the
who has brought the Demacrotic French farce in the just-so-light-and Yours truly All reservations now at the two
party out, of its huge campaign gay tradition which afforded theJoe. CAMPUS TRAVEL BUREAU
debt and who has organized the late Jeanne Eagles relief from her
best publicity bureau any party long and exacting sinuosity as the Miss Lloyd Adviser of Womcn offices: Union Side Desk
ever had, will resign. Robinson's sullen San Francisco strumpet in 1 maintains that "there is a ten- 4-7 p. m.; Chubb House 12-8
question was merely an attempt to Somerset Maugham's "Rain." The dency (among women) to over- ±p.in.
shift criticism from the Republi- completely charming way in which dress and to appear on the campus I Phone 9142 (2-2266 after 8 p. n.)
can to the Democratic chairman. Miss Eagles managed the transi- and in classes in dresses and coats__
It was so ill-conceived that it tion from the brooding Sadie to the that suggest an afternoon tea." I
showed the country just how very pleasantly pathological Si- a
strong the Raskob position really mone of the new play, together I'm indeed surprised to hear
is,, and how concerned the Repub- with the delightfulness of Leslie somebody say the Michigan wo-
licans are with the condition of Howard's performance as the pa- men over-dress; as to suggesting
their national head. j pier mache hero, gave the play a afternoon tea, perhaps if the gals
The frankness with which the long and successful run, stopped try brushing the strawberry jamSpecialie
Democratic leader admitted he has by Equity's Puritanic disapproval and toast crumbs off their coats
contributed some $50,000 to the As- of Miss Eagle's alcoholic aspira- people wouldn't get the tea sug- PAINTING
sociation Against the Prohibition tions. gestion.
Amendment clearly indicates his The whimsical P. G. Wodehouse,lAND
position on the liquor question. It playboy of many a one's library,' OPr EN CLETTLEtNR.D CO ATN
likewise strengt.hens the possibility did the play into English, produc- I Dear Student Council: Last No-I DECORATING
that the Democrats will adopt a ing a few Americanly subtle dis- vember, December or January- CONTRACTING
wet platform and for the Republi- tinctions by changing a mistress when was it?-you talked about
cans to fight directly on the prohi- here and there to a wife. A soph- moving the Library seal so stu-
bition issue in the 1932 campaign. isticated Parisienne, quite too com- dents and other people wouldn't Best Quality Workmanship
In view of the straw vote majority pletely in love with her egotistical step on it. That was last Novem--BR
that is being handed the "wets," and frequently adulterous husband ber, December or January. This is 207 E. LIBERTY
such a step would be distinctly and recognizing the fallacy of pas- April. The seal hasn't moved an
smart for the Democrats. Further- sion in the love duel, tries to forti- inch. Have you anything to say?
more, it would be doing the coun- fy herself by accepting and ex- Yours truly,
try a great service in bringing ploiting in his face a counterfeit;* Joe.
about a presidential race fought lover in the person of a young_---z---
on well-defined issues of the na- jackass. Andre, the hired doormat, r (I shall now give myself credit

: I1t1 111111111111111!!li~1111!!11 lllll li l IIIIIIII'Il I lii I 111 1111 111 itl~ll lillti llll111111I,
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Beige Claire kid one strap with The very first Deauville sandals
genuine snake skin applique of the season are here in white
- makes a slipper indefinably smart and tan, tan and brown or blonde
and practical because they're wear- 'kid for sports wear in AAA's to -
able with so many costumes. 's.-
$10.50 $7.50 to $9.50
!N -. A
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Main Floor



While the student 'council de-
votes its energies to "enforcing"
the traditions of the University
(such as keeping the . University
seal free from the contamination of
the student foot), the Women's
Athletic Association, with the co-
operation of the Women's League,
Panhellenic Association, and wom-
en's honor societies including Wy-
vern, Mortarboard, Senior Society,
Portia, and Athena, are launching
a campaign among the women to
sanction the wearing of sports
clothes on campus, to dispense
with formal notes of apparel such'
as hats and gloves.
The one distinguishing mark of
this campus, as far as women are
concerned, i's the formality in
dress that has prevailed since
women were first admitted. On
other campuses in the Middle West
it is customary for women to go
bareheaded and in other matters
of dress to follow the example set
by movie versions of the typical
co-ed. The Michigan campus is
known as a relatively sophisticated
one compared to those of Eastern
co-educational colleges. It seems,
almost a reflection on the Mich-
igan woman that she wishes to

B 1

tion's most disputed problem.
Now that France has definitely
accepted the Young plan and made!
it part of its law, Great Britain,
Italy, Japan and Belgium should
follow in the near future. The keyI
to the situation has now been turn-'
ed, and the skids have been greas-
ed for action by the other powers
whose financial experts aided inI
drafting the plan.
France's action has been delayed'
chiefly because of fear that Ger-
many would not carry out its part!
of the agreement and because

lose her last mark of individuality IFrance did not want to evacuate the

and "go collegiate" with her sisters
of other middle western univer-
This proposed campaign shows,
among other things, a lack of inde-
pendence among the women. If any
wish to wear sports clothes, and a
majority of the women on the cam-
pus do, or to appear hatless, heel-
less, and gloveless, why do they not
do so without waiting for legisla-
tion by the Women's Athletic As-
sociation on the matter? After all,
the wearing of one or another
kind of clothes is a personal matter
and should be left to individual
discretion. Women of today- who
boast of their freedom and inde-1
pendence should feel no qualmsf
about, wearing'the clothes their

Rhineland and thusgive up its
control over German military ac-
tivities. These objections were met
by Premier Tardieu, who said that
it is to Germany's advantage
economically to fulfill her obliga-
tions; besides France still retains aI
prioritty of 81.7 in unconditional
payments. As France has lately oc-
cupied but one-third of the Rhine-
land, this zone was practically
valueless from a military point of
view. Any controversies which may
arise can be referred to the per-
manent court of international jus-
I tice or to the League of Nations.
As a practical measure which
1 provides a satisfactory solution to
the complex problems of recon-
struction faced by France, Ger-I

makes himself thoroughly discon-'
certing to both the husband and
the wife, his employer, by the fer-
vour of his spying duties. Eventu-
ally the boy's frantic devotion gets
her husband out of Simone's blood!
and impresses her favorably, re-
sulting in an unconventionally
convenient curtain.I
M. Duval, writing in the very
substantial tradition of good
French farce, realizes all possibili-
ties in the situations to produce a
very gay play. For the Schoolmas-
ters, assuming their attendance, it
might prove a dangerous, but more
probably a delightful, draught of
- -- -
"Bitter Sweet", operetta by Noel
Coward author-composer-lyricist-
actor-director etc, opened last night
at the Shubert Detroit for a week's
run. During its hectic, though quite
successful, New York run, Bitters
Sweet was called everything from
the best to the worst musical com-
-edy in town. George Jean Nathan
with characteristic acerbity insist-
ed on the adjective "insipid" as de-;
scriptive of all its aspects. Just
about everyone else thought Noel
Coward as a romanticist tasting a
bygone period quite attractive and
certainly ingenious. Owing to his
experience as a playwright, the
book must certainly be more sub-
stantial than the average. And the

for two contributions).
The Sigma Delta Chi fresh air
taxicab is scheduled to operate to-
day. All holders of Gridiron ban-
quet tickets will be entitled to a
f free ride upon presentationMof a
j ticket. Watch for the decorated#
j car, gents!
The 1930 J-Hop was a great suc-
cess, it was asserted yesterday by
guests who have been too busy get-,
ting ready for Spring vacation to
assert before this.
By the way, how would a news-
paper get along without words like
assert, allege, and it was pointed
out? I
Who has ticket No. 351?
Speaking of informal dress, etc.
(as indeed I was, up a spell), what
could have been more so than this?
' The other night two gents walked
into a popular local sandwich em-
I porium dressed only in pajamas
dressing gowns and slippers, sat
down at a table and ordered things
to eat. Were they served? They
were. Were they thrown out? No.
Wonderful place, college. I think
I'll learn to teach and, stay here
the rest of my life.
* *
Voice of my favorite instructor:
"You'll probably stay here the rest
of your life without learning ANY-

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