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April 08, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-08

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F 1890







Nationalist Leader Remains Free
in Spite of Growing Threat
of Immediate Capture.
First Judicial Sentence Is Passed
on Violators of Monopoly;
. Proves Severe.
(By Associated Press)
BOMBAY, India, April 7.-Three
of Mahatma Ghandi's chief, lieu-
tenants in his civil disobedience
campaign against the Indian gov-
ernment and many local leaders
and volunteers in different Indian
districts were under arrest tonight
as the aftermath to the Mahatma's
overt violation of the salt monop-
oly on Dandi Beach yesterday.
The Nationalist leader remained
at liberty and in spite of the scuf-
fle that took place between his fol-
lowers and the police near Dandi'
today, announced that he would
come in person tomorrow to collect
salt with the volunteers.
Ghandi May be 'Arrested.
Rumors at Bombay gave the im-
pression that Ghandi's arrest was
iminent, and that he might be tak-I
en into custody -when he goes to
the beach tomorrow.
Several minor encounters occur-
red at widely scattered points be-
tween Ghandi's followers and the
police. The only situation that,
threatened danger was a clash be-
tween police and workmen in the
Mysore gold mine, near Bangalore,
which was not directly connected
with the civil disobedience cam-{
There were 50 casualties in the
clash. Striking workers, number-
ing 6,000, stoned officials and were
fired upon by police. A squadron;
of lancers and police reinforce-
ments were despatched to the
mines which are about 200 miles
west of Maaras.
Aides Get Prison Terms.
The first judicial sentence of any
severity that has been passed on
violators of the salt monopoly was1
meted out today at Madiad, one of
the towns where Ghandi stopped on
his march from Ahmadabad to
Dandi. The magistrate there im-
posed terms of two years impris-
onment and fines of 500 rupees,
(about $180.00) on Gokaldas,a
Dwarkabas, Darbar, Gopaldis, Me-
nichal, three of Ghandi's ablest
aides who gathered salt in the
Kaira district.y
Today was Ghandi's weekly period
for silence and meditation. He was
therefore not present when the
police made a descent upon volun-
teers collecting salt on the beach,I
but came down soon afterward
from Dandi, which is close by.
With only a few tickets remain-f
ing for the Union's third annual
all-freshman banquet, to be held at
6 o'clock Thursday night, sale of
bids will continue at the main desk
in the Union lobby today and to-
morrow, according to Robert W.
Ackerman, '31, chairman of the
underclass department of the Un-
ion which is sponsoring the func-
tion. Tickets may also be obtained
from officers of the freshman class
and from Union committee mem-

bers and tryouts.
On Thursday night, at the only
affair of this nature held during
the school year, Intramural medals
will presented to each of the mem-
bers of the team which won the,
Union's freshman basketball tour-
ney which was played off about a,
month ago. The medals will be
awarded by Duane Baldwin, '32,'
leader of the winning team.
Henry Moser, of the speech de-
partment, will give the principal
talk of the evening. Joseph A. Wit-
ter, '31, assistant chairman of the
underclass department, will act as
Interfraternity Bridge
Tourney Won by Phi Psi.
Phi Kappa Psi won the Interfra-
ternity bridge tournament last
night in the Union by defeating
Tau Delta Phi in the final round
^f.a. " Phi Psi tem tnnk

Robert Frost, Noted Author, Will Read
Poetry Selections Today and Tomorrowl


Bursley Booze Soars to New High During
Week-end Trading on Sigma Delta Chi Mart
I '2

Having finished his three months
work at Amherst, Robert Frost,
'well-known poet and Pulitzer, prize
winner in 1923, will read selections
from his poems at 4:15 o'clock to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn the-
atre and at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday
in the Mimes theatre.
"I never know beforehand," said
Frost, "what I will talk about. I
shall read poetry most of the time,
but I shall talk a little. This time,
I think I shall speak about 'What
Sound a Poem Makes.' "
Frost was, during 1921-23 and
again in 1925, poet-in-residence at
the University of Michigan. For-
mer President Burton advocated
the establishment of this type of
Manuscripts Must be Submitted
to English Department
After Vacation.



Announcement was made yes-
terday by the Division of English
that all plays being written in the
long play competition for 1929-1930
must be turned in to the Rhetoric
or English offices by 4 o'clock Mon-
day, April 21, the first day after
vacation. The judges for the con-,
test are Prof. O. J. Campbell of the
English department, Prof. Peter M.
Jack, head of the Rhetoric depart-
ment, and Valentine B. Windt, in-,
structor in the speech departmentl
and director of Play Production.
The following rules and announ-
cements have been compiled by the
The contest is open to all under-
graduate students in the University
of Michigan, and to any graduate
student not teaching in the Uni-
The plays must be full length
(may vary as to number of gcts
and scenes).
Any author may submit as many
plays as he desires.;
The plays must be available to'
the judges by 4 o'clock on' Monday,,
April 21. They may be left in the
English, rhetoric or speech offices.
The manuscript must be typed.
The name of the author must
not appear on the manuscript, but,
shall accompany the manuscript;
in a second sealed envelope bearing '
the title of the play on the outside.
One play will be selected for pre-
sentation by Play Production, theI
performance to come near the end
of this semester.

rellowship and planned to have at ''U L 1111iUI1V iIU
least one artist in connection with
'the University. In this capacity,
Frost served for three years. He,
was, as he termed himself, a no-T
time teacher."I
Before his advent to Michigan, he Dissatisfaction Over Trend of
had lived a varied career. Born in
San Francisco, he graduated fromI Anglo-French Security
high school in Lawrence, Mass. Aft- Opens Question.
er a few months at Dartmouth, he' pn usin
withdrew and was married. MAY HAVE OPEN DEBATE
In 1897, he moved his family to
Cambridge where he attended Har-
vard University for two years and Marks Parliament's First Move
then began teaching in Derry, Ver- to Check MacDonald's Free
mont. For three years, hertaught,
made shoes, and edited a weekly Hand in Negotiations.
On the advice of friends, he went (By Associated Press)
to England in 1902, where he pub- LONDON, April 7-Dissatisfaction
lished his first poetry. Since then, in scattered sections of the House
he has written many volumes of ; of Commons over the trend of An-
poems. These include "North of glo-French security discussions in
Boston," "West-Running Brook," connection with the naval confer-
and "New Hampshire," for which ence tonight resulted in a move to
he was awarded the'Pulitzer prize debate the whole question openly.
in 1923. Prime Minister MacDonald was able'
In 1916, he returned to America to check only by taking the floor
and was made an instructor at Aim- himself and pledging full informa-
herst College. At the present time, 1tion to party leaders any time they
Frost holds an "idle professorship" sought it.
at Michigan and at Amherst. He It was the first attempt of the!
spends three months of the year British Parliament to check Mr.
teaching. For about two weeks, he! MacDonald's free hand in the ne-
travels And lectures and the rest of gotiations.dOther conference activ-
the time he spends -on his farm in ities took a back seat as Godfrey1
Vermont. Locker-Lampson, under-secretary
of state for foreign affairs in the
last Baldwin government, forced
Vote of Censure Avoided.
iThe motion, if it had been voted
on and had resulted in the govern-
ment's defeat, would have consti-
tuted a vote of censure and called
for McDonald's resignation.
Will Endeavor to Obtain Best Locker-Lampson offered the mo-
Available Talent for I tion because he was dissatisfied
na. iwith the government's replies con-
cerning interpretation of Article 16
of the League of Nations Covenant,
FAVOR TWO ORCHESTRAS but withdrew it after the Prime
IMinister's intervention. Leadings
Negotiations for orchestras which I members of all the parties, mean-
will provide music for the 1930 while deprecated any attempt to
Senior Ball, to be held May 23, have embarrass the Prime Minister on
been under way for several weeks the eve of Ariistide Briand's return
and have constituted the chief work from- Paris.
of the committee in charge; it was - Another Critical Day Expected.I
announced last night. Communi- Tomorrow is expected to be the;
cations have been received from most critical of all the critical,
several Eastern and Chicago bands, G days of the conference as far as a
and while no specific choice has five power treaty is concerned. The
been made, it is known that two or- Anglo-French negotiations un-
chestras, one from Cleveland and doubtedly will come to a head, and
the other from Chicago, are re- was reported in London tonight
garded most favorably. that M. Briand was returning withI
'Sale of tickets for the affair will the French government's approval
begin immediately after the Spring of the security formula which. in-
holidays. Favors have not been oftascrt, oruawih n
decided upon as yet, but a number terprets article 16 to the satisfac-
of novelties not previously used on tion of the French without increas-
the campus have been considered ing Great Britain's risk of war in
by the committee. Europe.
"It is the aini of the committee
in. charge," stated Charles S. Mon- Sophomores to Collect
roe, '30, chairman of the sub-com-
mittee on music, "to provide the Class Dues This Week
blA tb haclaailable at the time of 1

Week-end trading sent Bursley
Booze soaring to a new high yester-
day on the Sigma Delta Chi ex-
change and established it as a like-
ly prospect for the Oil Can to be
awarded at the Annual Gridiron
banquet on Wednesday night.
Other stocks showing advances in
yesterday's activity were Sadler
Soap, Donaldson pref., and Lorch
Reactionary tendencies set in
early in Waite Lift and Kraus
Steam, causing precipitate drops in
these two former leaders. Jack Ex-
ports was unsteady, but Rea Auto
Band held firm, refusing to yield
to popular demand. Smith, Inc.
showed a bearish trend after yes-
terday's advance, while favorable
weather conditions kept Pardon
B. & G. idle. O'Brien Copper open-
ed strong but sagged as the day
wore on. Warm weather caused a
great drop in Hobbs Polar..
Open Close
Shuster Union .... House 17
Windt Wireless... 50 25
Hobbs Polar...... 168% 57%
Leading Artists Will Interpret
Literary Masterpieces
in Spring Seris.
Literary masterpieces interprcl,-'
ed by the leading readers of Ameri-
ca are to be presented at the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre beginning
April 29, according to an announ-
cement made yesterday by Henry
Moser of the speech department,
who is in charge of the series of
four dramatic readings.
"The King's Henchman" by Edna
St. Vincent Millay willbepresented
April 29 by Davis Edwards of the
University of Chicago, as the first
of the series, which will be followed
on May 6 by A. A. Milne's "The
Ivory Door," to be read by Ger-
trude Johnson of the University of
Edward Abner Thomson, of the
read "Cyrano de Bergerac" by
Rostand on May 20, and on May
27, William Shakespeare's "King
Lear" will be offered by Henry
Lawrence Southwick, of the Ener-
son College of Oratory.
This series will be of particular
interest to all students of interpre-
tation and to those who appreciate
fine reading. Three of the presen-
tations are to be rendered in blank
verse, according to Moser. Tickets
for the series of four readings will
be $1.50; single admissions 50 and
75 cents. Advance sales will be
held at 3211 Angell hall, speech de-
partment headquarters.!
Supreme Court Upholds
Regents' Condemnation
(0y Asociated Press)
LANSING, April 7.-Condemna-
tion of land near Ann Arbor by
the University of Michigan for a
golf course was upheld by the Su-
preme Court today. Ruling that
there is no legal bar to condemna-
tion by the Board of Regents since
it was claimed that tne land was
needed to round a "general pro-
gram of University athletics," the
court affirmed an award of $11,-
058 to Alvin H. Pommerening ad
his wife for 10 and a half acres of

Dr. Sutton Will Lectur
on Game Huntinr
Dr. Richard L. Sutton, '29M, wil
lecture on his big game hunting;
experiences in British East Africr
at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon
in Natural Sci'ence auditorium. The
1lecture, which is being held under
the auspices of Phi Sigma, honor-
ary biological society, will be illus-
trated with moving pictures taken
on the trip.
After raduan,tionn from the iMed-

Wahr Air Reduc..
Bursley Booze .....
Ward Bridge..
War thin Refining.
Rea Auto Band....
Lorch Limited....
O'Brien Copper...
Pardon B. & G....
Jack Exports,..
Sadler Soap.....
Pollock Gas.......
Kraus Steam ....
May "B"......,
Waite Lift........
Smith, Inc...,.... .
Brumm Oil...... .






Final opportunity for faculty
and student members of the Uni-
versity to purchase tickets for the
a"-Mul1,al iiuziri UU1 nvnL e .. J LU U 7'r

' LL LI U1 i!'t 1 ! 1U II1U 1 [ 9 LIannual Gxriiron Danquet to De iled
U1llUat 6:30 tomorrow night in the ball-
room of the Union will be given
Hawkins Wins First Prize With with the sale of tickets by Sigma
Design of Futuristic Delta Chi representatives at the
Mode and Color. side desk in the Union lobby this
MANY IDEAS SUBMITTED Final preparations for the
scheme whereby the ballroom will
"A Pandemonium Fantasy" will be transformed into a stock-ex-
be the motif of the decorations for change trading-mart, where brok-
Arctitects' May Party, now defi- ers and customers, dressed in tux-
nitely scheduled for May 9, at the edoes,, will buy and sell shares in
Women's League building. This an- oil can stock, are practically com-
nouncement comes as a result of a pleted, says Edward L. Warner, Jr.,
competition held over the weekend '30, general chairman of the ban-
at the architectural school for the quet committee. The wearing of
design of a background for the an- tuxedoes at this banquet, which is
nual affair, the only costume dance otherwise perhaps the most in-
given on the campus. formal of the year, has become a
The winning design is the work tradition of fixed standing, he said.
of Mortimer H. Hawkins, '31A, Taxicab to Cruise Streets Today.
whose scheme was chosen out of Sigma Delta Chi's fresh-air taxi-
over 140 plans submitted. He will cab, which will offer free rides. to
receive $25 in cash and a free all who have purchased gridiron
ticket to the affair. Second prize, banquet tickets, will cruise the
a free ticket, went to Lilburn L. streets of Ann Arbor today. It was
Woodsworth, '31A.
Hawkins' scheme calls for a Tickets for the Gridiron ban-
background for the orchestra of T
colored shadows on a three-sec- quet, to be held at 6:30 o'clock
tioned, futuristically..- pai nt- ---Wiyrrow -nght-in-the Union
screen. Jagged rays of light will be ballroom, will be on sale be-
cast by spotlights placed at the tween 2 and 5 o'clock this after-
base of a series of modernistic noon at the side desk in the
standards set at intervals along Union lobby.
j the side walls. I
The designs submitted included
an unusually wide choice of sub- unable to make its scheduled ap-
jects, including "Hell," "A South pearance yesterday because the
Sea Island Scene," "A Futuristic wet weather had an adverse effet
Conception of the Year 2562,""Anon th carburetor of the ancient ve-
Evening With the Classics," and hicle which had been secured, and
innumerable others. The last= its engine would not run.
named plan embodied the use of. But the cab will be on the streets
comic strip characters in the deco- today despite the inclement weath-
ration. , ed which is anticipated. A modern
a _____sedan has been secured which will
$325, 000 Water Bond substitute for the fresh-air cab in
case of rain or cold.
Issue Suffers Defeat The cap will tour streets border-
- ing the campus and through Wash-
Both ballots of the $325,000 water tenaw and State street resident
bond issue were defeated yesterday districts. Upon showing his grid-
as voters signified disfavor in the iron banquet ticket to the cab
raising by loan of $205,000 for the, driver, anyone may have a free
construction of trunk line water ride.
mains and the sum of $120,000 for A number of faculty members
the construction of a concrete 6,- have expressed varied opinions of
000,000-gallonvriereservoir. o
000,000-galon reservoir. the Gridiron banquet, some declar-
SUnscial reports were givenate ing the institution to be a good one,
last night to the effect that, the and others disagreeing. Character-
water main bond lost by 68 votes istic comments follow:
and the reservoir issue by 48 votes. Faculty Members Give Opinions.
Vtsfor the positions of alder- FclyMmesGv pnos
man, supervisor, and constable had Wilfred B. Shaw, director of
not been counted in all of the iialumni relations: "I have enjoyed
1 wards. In the first ward, G. Col- Gridiron banquets very much in
lins, Republican lost to E. J. Eibler, ( the past."
Democrat, 209 to 200, for the po- Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology
sition of supervisor and Aaron T. department: "I have never attend-
Gorton, Republican, was defeated ed a Gridiron banquet because I
235 to 168 by W. Feldkamp for the do not approve of the idea. They
position of alderman. Fred J. have been reported as so vulgar
Staeb, Democrat, unopposed, gar- during the last few years that I am
, nered 238 votes. - glad I haven't had anything to do
These returns are unofficial, and with them."
are subject to corrections. ( Prof: J. L. Brumm, of the jour-
- - I nalism department: "As I think
H re Th dback over Gridiron banquet pro-
. eIIagrams that have featured skits, I
Bri~tIih East Africa recall many enjoyable events.
g iJudging from the announcements
of tomorrow's program, I antici-
.vas also done with the battery of pate a delightful evening for all
tameras which the party carried. 1 who attend."
From Tanganyika the Suttons W. B. Rea, assistant to the dean
wailed for British East Africa, of students, in charge of automo-
anding at Mombassa and going in- bile legislation: "Having received
'and to Nairobi and to Victoria nothing but the full and hearty ap-
tTyanza, where three weeks at the proval of the student body on all
meadwaters of the Nile were de-- occasions, I shall welcome the
voted to motion picture and still the changed attitude if I am raz-
:amera shots of the game in that zed at the Gridiron banquet. I feel
region. I that the institution is a commend-

Final Opportunity for Students
and Faculty to Purchase
Bids This Afternoon.


Members Give Opinions
Sigma Delta Chi's
Annual Razzfest.

-awest Dana avanaoUe vLw ainew
Federal Reserve Bank the ball. We are certain to engage
an orchestra which has gained a
Governor Passes Away nation-wide reputation for its!
broadcasting and recording abili-
(By Associated Press) ties, as well as its skill in playing
BOSTON, April 7.-William P. G. for dances."
Harding, governor of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston since Jan- Annual Easter Concert
uary 1922, died today at the Algon- I
quin Club where he had made his IWill be Held Tomorrow
home. Death, due to heart trouble,'
followed a long illness. He formerly Annual Easter concert of the
served as president of the Federal Varsity band, the Varsity Glee
Reserve Board. club, and the Girls' Glee Club will{
Harding was appointed to the be presented at 8 o'clock tomorrow
Federal Reserve Board at its for- night in Hill auditorium The con-
mation in 1914 by President Wil- cert is under the auspices of Alpha
son In 1926, he became, governor of chapter of Alpha Epsilon Mu, hon-
the Board. He successfully fought orary musical fraternity.
to keep the Board out of politics. Of special interest on the pro-
In 1918 and 1919, he served as i gram is the Hallelujah Chorus toI
managing director of the War Fi- be given by the combined Glee
nance Corporation. Clubs and the Band.
CHer Cardboard Lover' to be Staged Here
After Long Runs in Chicago and New York

Beginning tomorrow, an inten-
sive, two-day campaign will be
conducted for the collection of
dues for the Sophomore class of the
Literary college, according to an
announcement by David M. Nichol,
'32, treasurer of the class.
Tables will be placed in Angell
hall and in University hall from 9
o'clock until 4 o'clock both tomor-2
rom and Thursday and will be in
the charge of members of the fi
nance committee of the class. -
The Electoral Board of the
Michigan Union will hold - its
meeting for the appointment of
the President and Recording Se- 1
cretary of the Michigan Union
on May 17.
Each applicant for a position isl
requested to file seven copies of
his letter of application at the
office of -the Michigan Union not
later than April 22 for the use of
the Members of the Board. Car-
bon copies on thin paper, if leg-
ible, will be satisfactory. Each
letter should state the facts as to
the applicant's experience inI
Union and other Campus activi-
ties, and any other facts which
the applicant may deem rele-
H. C. Anderson ,
Chairman, Elec-
toral Board of the
Michigan Union.

"Her Cardboard Lover," by Jac- !
ques Duval, which will be present-
ed the week of April 21 at the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn theatre was orig-
inally presented at the Empire
theatre in New York with Jeanne
Eagels and Leslie Howard as the
stars. It ran in that theatre for 162
Later the play was taken on
tour with a 10 weeks' run at the
Adelphi theatre in Chicago. It was
while the comedy was being pre-
sented in Milwaukee that Miss
Eagles failed to appear for the per-
formances, and as a consequence,
was banned from the stage by the
Actors Equity association. Beforel
the two year suspension was over,
Miss Eagles met her sudden and

as "cardboard" as she supposed.
Lewis McMichael, who will play
the part of the husband in the
local production, was especially se-I
lected to follow Rex Cherryman asI
Jimmy Dugan in the original pro- !
duction of "The Trial of Mary Du-
gan." Mr. McMichael also follow-
ed Otto Kruger as Tony Cavendish,
in the all-star production of "The
Royal Family." He also appeared
with Walter Hampden in "Cyrano
de Bergerac" and in the Neighbor-
hood Playhouse production of "The
Dybbuk." This summer he was the
leading juvenile with Stuart Wal-
ker in Cincinnati.
Seats for the performance of
"Her Cardboard Lover" the week
I of April 21 are being sold through

j ical School here last June, Dr. Sut- After a photographic tour of
ton and his father sailed for Tanga Sumatra, Singapore next was visit-
in Tanganyika territory, formerly ed by the hunters. From there they
German East Africa. There the first went to Angker and Saigon in
hunting trips started. French Indo-China.

able one, inasmuch as it encour-
ages the expression of honest opin-
Prof. J. E. Dunlap, of the Latin
department: "I can see no objec-


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