THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7TTNDAY, APRIL 6, 1930 SUNDAY. APRIL 6. 1930 (Minister of the Fountain Street Baptist Chuch, Grand Rapids, will speak Mathematical Club: The April meeting will be held Tuesday at 8 p. IG D j U O 1C I A L rLI at the Convocation at 11 o'clock, on the subject, "Religious Experience." m. in room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor T. R. Running will present a JG ar4 paper on "A Graphical Method for Smoothing and Extrapolating Data." Att Oriental Women's Club: Important meeting and Tea at the Garden Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Room, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. OSSIN of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-Cs Alpha Nu: Present day conditions in India will be considered at streamc dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) Congregational Student Fellowship. Rev. Fred Cowlin of the the open meeting of Alpha Nu in room 4002 Angell Hall, Tuesday, at short th _ Church of Christ will give an illustrated talk on "The Robert Burns'7:30 p.m. Men wishing to become members of the Alpha Nu chapter Sing Sn VOL. XL. SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1930 No. 136 Country" at 6:30 p.m. ip the parlors of the Congregational Church. of Kappa Phi Sigma will be given their last opportunity by giving a scaled t 'Many of the pictures are taken by Mr. Cowlin during his travels in Scot- tryout speech between 7:00 and 7:30 the Hu NOTICESland. Social period 5:30 to 6:00 and student luncheon 6:00 to G:30. a 7:30. -___His body Promotions: The following academic promotions, into or within the ;Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting Tuesday, April 8, at 6:15 p.m. at the later wi professorial ranks, were made by the Regents at their meeting April 4: Lutheran Students: Annual Spring Vacation Send-off Party, St. Union. From Associate Professor to Professor: College of Literature, Science, Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty and Third. Supper served at 6:00 p.m. The and the Arts-Louis Ignatius Bredvold (English); Kenneth Charles Mc- Lutheran Student Club: Rev. Mentor, of Detroit, will speak on the Michigan Dames will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening, and the Murry (Geography); Irving Day Scott (Geology); Arthur Scott Aitonl ut"eSu etth ev. M"tof:i ls.m April 8, at 8 o'clock in the lounge room oft e Women's Athletic building. to be m (History); Carleton Bruns Joeckel (Library Science). Colleges of En- subject "Jesus Christ, the Savior," at 5:30 p.m. A style show will be given under the direction of Mrs. Collins. night w gineering and Architecture-Clair Upthegrove (Chemical Engineering); serving George Granger Brown (Chemical Engineering); Walter Edwin Lay Liberal Students' Union at the Unitarian Church viii dizuss "The The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednes- from th (Mechanical Engineering. School of Dentistry--Robert Kennard PBaground and Meaning of Liberal Feligion" at 7 c'cLi. Mr. Harold day, April 9. at 3 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Building. M'. Tom Pear- the yard Brown (Operative Dentistry; formerly As i.stant Professor). School of ey wil ad the discussion.son from Grosse Pointe Farms will give an informal talk on General As he Education-George Ezra Carr others Lducation). School of Business Gardening.s Bl Administration-Olin Winthrop Blacket (Business Statistics). The Sacred Cantata, Maunder's "Olivet to Calvary" will be held est Buisk From Assistant Professor to Associate Professr: College of Litera- at St. Andrew's Church, at 7:45 p.m. Sung by the men and boys' choir. t lok Shelf and Stage Section Faculty Women's Club meets Tues- leveled ture, Science, and the Arts-Henry Clinxon Hutchins (English); Davidi--- day, April 8, at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L. W. Keeler, 1135 Granger kept on Mathias Dennison (Physic:) ; Charles Ferdinand Meyer (Physics). Col ' Conference for Students on "The Daily Use of Our Unused Christ- Avenue. Mrs. A. D. Moore will be assistant hostess. guard o lege of Engineering and Architetre-Jesse Earl Thornton (Engineer- Ianity" led by Mr. Duff, in Harris Hall, at 3:30 p.m. ing English). Medical School-Raphael Isaacs (Internal Medicine); Class for Students in Harris Hall at 6:30 p.m. conducted by Mi Members of the Women's Re- James Mortimer Pierce (Obsttruics and Gynecology); Adam Arthur Ellen Gammack on "The Life of Christ." rearc, C-ub are to be the guests of Christmas (Physiological Chem..stry); John Alexander (Surgery). School Class for Students in Harris Hall at 6:30 p.m. conducted by Mr. ;irs. A. "G. Ruthven at the Presi- of Business Administration-Herbert Francis Taggart (Accounting). Thomas Harris on "The Practice of Religion." -nt's home on Monday, April 7. From Instructor to Assistant Professor: College of Literature, Sci-_ ~~~~~~ -~~n30, at 7:30 p.m. Miss Hide Sho-V I ence, and the Arts--Perry Maon (Economics); Ralph Leroy Belknap COMING EVE NTS. hara will talk on, "Physiological (Geology); Ruel Vance Churchill (Mathematics); Warner Forrest Pat- University Lectures: Tuesday, April 8, 4:15 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn nrinciples involved in sound 1110 S. University terson (French). College of Enginecrlng and Architecture--James Sher- Theatre, Mr. Robert Frost will read from his poems. Wednesday, April change." man Gault (Electrical Engineering); Lewis Nelson Holland (Electrical 9, 4:15 p.m., Mimes Theatre, Mr. Robert Frost will read from his poems.. Engineering); George Moyer Bleekman (Geodesy and Surveying). Medi-jtallan Capito ourns! CHICKEN DINNER SUND can School-John Blair Barnwell (Internal Medicine); Norman Leslie Geology 2: There will be a supplementary examination given fortaREnUCpitDIMurn Capener (Surgery); Eugene Breckenridge Potter (Surgery). School of those who missed the regular one of March 28 on Tuesday afternoon, Loss of Popular Queen REGULAR DINNER Education-Katherine Brodford Greene (Educational Psychology). I April 8, at 3 o'clock in Room 4054 N. S. These promotions in rank take effect with the beginning of the aca- I. f1. Scott. "" " SHORT ORDERS AL demic year 1930-1931. ROME, April 5.-Official Rome A. G. Ruthven. Prof. R. G. Walker of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Ad- was in deep mourning today for ministration will speak on "The Reserve Principle in Federal Taxation" Queen Victoria of Sweden, who University Lecture: Dr. Derwent S. Whittlesey, Assistar' "rofessor i in Room 206 Tappan Hall, at 4:00 o'clock Monday, April 7. This lecture died after a heart attack. She had CLARI of Geography at Harvard University, will lecture on "Land Occupance in is intended primarily for students in accounting but others interested been ill for more than 20 years. Northefn New England," Tuesday, May 13, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Sci- I are cordially invited to attend. This city knew the queen almost ence Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. ____better than her own capital, Stock- Serving time 11:30 a. m. to Frank E. Robbins. Geology 31: There will be a supplementary examination given for holm, since it was here that she _... b., .e.".7... -- _. , _ "n.__,._. ,i : pent a considerable Dart of her ds Kill Prisoner empting to Escape S Assoc iat Pe 'ING, N. L April 5. - A of machine gun bullets cut ie attempted escape of a ta convict after he had wo wais and plunged int) dson river Friday night. was recovered 15 minutes tth a billet wound in the ecreation period had ended prisoners were falling in arched to their cells for the hen Alphonse Tarrello, 24, a term for robbery, broke e line and dashed across i. ran toward the river, Ern- ad a guard stationed on , called to him to halt and a machine gun. Tarrello toward the water and the pnecd ark'si? (pstairs) )AY . . 60c S. . . 50c WAX S! 9:00 p. mn. University Lecture: Professor E. Allison Peers, of the University of Liverpool, England, will lecture on "The Appeal of Spanish Culture," 'uesday, May 13, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 103 Romance Languages Build- ing. The public is cordially invited. Frank E. Robbins. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the University Library are notified that such books are due Monday, April 7, before the impending Spring vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regulation: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week must first return all borrowed books." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the stu- dent liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 7 and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying to the Superintendent of Circulation on or before April 7. 4. Students who have urgent need for certain books-during the va- cation, will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in general demand, on application to-the Superintendent of Circu- lation after April 7. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. Faculty Colege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Midsemester1 report cards are -now being distributed through the Campus messenger service. Instructors are requested to report before Spring Vacation if possible, in any case not later than April 23, the names of all students whose standing is at this time D or E. These grades should not indi- cate merely the mark received on the midsemester examination, if such an examination Is given. More cards, if needed, can be had at my office. These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students en- rolled in this College. W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean. Students College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after April 11 will be re- corded with the grade of E. W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean. Detroit Civil Service Commission Examinations: This Commission) advises that on April 12 there will be held examinations for play leaders for the summer work in Detroit. Both men and women are eligible. Applications should be sent at once to the Commission, 735 Randolph Street, Detroit, Michigan. Non-resident applicants are required to be-C come residents of Detroit within thirty days of certification. A. E. Wood. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents: You are reminded that a list of members and pledges of your fraternity for the second semester must be filed in the office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall. Blank forms for such a list should be secured from that office. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Tau Beta Pi members from other chapters are requested to become active in the Michigan Gamma Chapter. They may do so by communi- cating with George Holbrook, 'phone number 8770. EVENTS TODAY. Student Sunday Morning Convocation: Dr. Alfred Wesley Wishart, tnose wno missed the regular one of March 31 on Tuesday afternoon,: " '"1 I SApril 8, at 3 o'clock in Room 4054 N. S. illness. The Swedish court physi- W. H. Hobbs. cian, Axel Munthe, attended her. ..___._The queen died with King Gustav Speech 31 and 32 Mid-Semester Examination will be held on Wed- and almost all the royal family, in- nesday, April 9, at 4:00 p.m. according to the following schedule: eluding Prince William,dat her bed-; Speech 31: Students from A to M inclusive will report at Roomj .KgGan 1025, Angell Hall. Students from M to Z will report at Room 25, Angell ! as life ebbed. She died calmly and Hall. without apparent pain.- Speech 32: All students report at Room 25, Angell Hall. I HAMILTON-Students from 251 . . . e~~~~~~~asternclgshaenerdn n Prospective Business Administration Students, College of Literature. in have entered in an Science, and the Arts: Students interested in training themselves fori boaterace to be held on kaneate a business career will be addressed by Dean Griffin of the School ofLa late in May Business Administration Monday, April 7, at 4L p. in., i Room 25, Angell - Hall. This will be the first of a number of talks to be given by Deans of Professional Schools to Literary students. j , I Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Entire Week, Opening Mon., April 21 Every Night except Fri., April 25-Sat. Mat. at 2:30 (Immediately after Easter Vacation) "An effervescent French Comedy by M. Duval-a gay and abundant entertainment"-Alexander Wollcott in The World. SEconomnics 153 and 230: Because of illness I shall be unable to meet my classes until after spring vacation. G. S. Peterson. Mech. Eng. 32 will not meet on Tuesday, April 8. Students in Shop 10, Aircraft Materias: This group will visit the plant of the Stinson Aircraft Company in Wayne on Tuesday Morning. In the afternoon we will visit the Aircraft Show. We will leave from the East Engineering Building in private cars at 8 o'clock. Please sign up for the trip in my office., O. W. Boston. s Senior Mechanical Engineers and Foresters: Mr. Rhodes of the Scott Paper Company of Chestei, Pa., will be in Room 221 West Engin- eering Building on Monday, April 7, for the purpose of interviewing any men interested in employment with this company. II. C. Anderson, R. Craig. Senior Civil and Highway Co-operative Students: Mr. C. M. Ziegler, Construction Engineer of the Michigan State Highway Department, will be at my office, 1224 East Engineering Building at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 8, to interview students regarding employment with the depart- inent. R. L. Morrison. Physics Colloquium: Mr. L. B. Headrick will talk on "Collisions of the second kind and their effect on the field of positive column of a glow discharge in mixtures of the rare gases and' mercury vapor," at 4:15 in room 1041, East Physics Building, on Tuesday, April 8. Portia Literary Society members will meet at 9:00 p.m. Monday, April 7, at Rentschler's Studio for a picture to be taken in formals. I BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. INVESTMENT SECURITIES I Orders executed on al ex- changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. 1st FLOOR £ t) - ( - o AMY LGDMI * +LEWIS Mc MICHAT L * ROYrT 1tNIDEPSON + M INNA M IL -.ER - ANO A PROFESSIoNAL CAT Nights-75 cents and $1.00: Sat. Mat. 50 and 75 cents. MAIL ORDERS NOW to the Mendelssohn Theatre. Ih _ SPECIAL VACATION SERVICE UNITED STAGES We will operate siecial coaches to Chicago and Cleveland. Leaving Buick Taxi Service. 202 East Ann'*Street MAKE'RESERVATIONS EARLY. Phone 213Z0 LOW FARES. I .1 <. . ---- , 0 !, , ' Q , *. " .. . Worry about the work or the weather, for where :' r f gr Good Time. The R & S Lunch That's where the "gang" meets. practice on these warm Spring days is enough to make anyone weak, and the Grid Banquet coming next Wednesday sounds as though it's going to be a Hot Good Fellows says" every Sunday affair, but shouldn't you really get together you bound to have a are { vrr^rrwravs A r Michigan Union Cafeteria .. 1t