PAGE TWO TTR MtM-tlr.AN r)At1 V &4ftf'% t X P1 tt Ai m A a af 1r 1V1. 1- 1 1 1 W /-1 IN L L"L 1 1J A SUN W TAYA, BAPRL 1930~6 =r TRIBiUTEi LISTS TO BCESTUDIED1 Prof. Alen B. West, of the clas- sics department. at the University of. Cincinnati, will be in* Ann Ar- bor until Monday to confer withl Pr~of. Benjamin' D. Wveritt, of the, Latin and Greek department, con-' cerning the 4'Athenian tribute lists;" 'a subject on which the men havebeen colaorating since 1925. One result of the combined ef- f ots of th~e p'ofesors 0 the estab- lishment, of a text~ of inscriptions.l ~'his .text, together with coinmen-? tiaries, wil appear in the "Suppli- ,nenttini;Epigraphicum Graecum,"s an international journ~2al sedition to be lpiblished in Eoliaifc this spring.' Of the twelve students who werel hon'ored with Phi Beta Kappa keys at the ljiiversity~ of Cincinnati, :hive were wrolen. SCREENWant1 REFfECTIN __ #Sq1~eczed into a few inches by! the idiosyncrasies of an overly-am- t ffous sa, brief comments on thej Mthree current films follow Michigan: "gappy Days," .god revue entiertainnent with George fL,!d&8 & Olsen, a fortner Michigan student, waving the bat~on. B3+. Majestic: "Half Way to Heaven,"' with Mr. Rogers and Miss Arthur. NW Half-wa eteta n~rKsaing a C. f well combinedl. ,Torn ;arik new tis one.. ~d ~ ~a~s t B. c t. __ t e !i r-! ! IM4 "-V iI Ii - Ads Pay RVATIONG NOW EUROPE, ORIENT OR ANYWHERE -) ANY g EAMSI-Ie TRAVELS CHIM:JS. LFT E. C.. KEBLER, Stezpip hit " Nurpn, ,is rbor i J 1 , { -i y } 1 . r 1 1 I t Rae. Theatre Now Showingi ALL TALKING United Artists All Star Drania. MCIQ / NEWS COMEDYI I EXCE1WRTS FRQM hTERS l ' i , S }{ " t S Now SHOWING x Contiwous t Shows 41, PRANDED AS 4 QW ,A Yet he battled a Zeppelin for su,)rcmacy of the air, JQHN %GARRICK-HELEN CHANDLER ALSO * _/ STAN LAUREIL and OLIVER HARDY in- "APE94 ,C T DAY" - St~ie2t Convocation - Tt~s ornipig 010 QO'clock in HILL A~TQ R jUM MrI- DrAfedW.Wshr of Grand Rapids SSubje~ct: =a Yo aragdal oe iild111t1111a 11i1l' 111111111f ualll lu t1ttu ~ l[~N l1 Appointments Conxinuon s Performa,.ces Polly Mloral), Marie DresslerTda1p.n.t11.n. 'jD N E.RZOUS FEMALES" Tdy11.1.to1 ..m Newxs $napsflpts Novelty Jll 1:00, 3:00, 4:50, 7:00, 9:00 WEDNESDAY-NANCY CARROLL-"DANGEROUS PARADISE" . . ... 0 Islipil Ilei MEEM A 44,88 "~ONE 4478 Special Rates on Trips "tLom'cst Mcjcr Raftes in City" Order~ your Cab early for Friday Our 'Service is mainutained by Buick Cars J. ALBERT . , A-}ixt 4en~fl &F£ Musical courier, N:l yc14R :S ihe s~ s £i * pd conductors cn.a ed, trhe aliz ,,s 'wzh icJ5WI ticipaIte, the w s whioh are C46 Agve~ n j~e e- nrot surpassed by auivy'of" artisic sries f cocg ihaeyp c p Ct ar4 tob t it:nis o ne ~ ras d Cie~ osr of a~tys thatnzats g~e o teate vei~ xe tf~ f "" C s ADA BkKI~k Sat'I I~ e vetR#us cu x~ Lansing: 'tIx s 9u y .1 1s .1fdyLsa~~. t aryray of meat posotxalztWe as pd ' r. is a ?q dell htfu1 one. Th e su ise as.Cht } y =?g which as a xesul r rrg ,t e atdie CCiii ~e jc of nation}l events." NRG! 1k, cl. Western ya rgr, u 1 AmnericaChicago: "og Is oj? bg in 'the country and I acut 'hipy to reedb' ut .rt. L. E. BEHYM~sR, Manager Thc Philharmonic Courses, Los Angeles, Calif: "I must congratulate you upon your quartet of director and conductors. It is a tremendous undertaking and the' tire ig msical nux- bers that you are presenting require ability, finesse and a super-knowledge' of music. LIEO C. MILLER, Director Miller Studios, St. Louise Missouri: "You have made' an excellent choice of soloists, and I am delighted to see the list of choral works you have chosen." ADOLF WEIDIG, American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, ,Illinois: "Such an array of participating artists-the best in the laud!. And such choral' orksf,,' RUTH HALLE~R OTTAWAY, President, The Na- tional 1Pederaton of Music Clubs, Port 'Hron: "Your roster of Atists is a brilliant onie. Many will atteid the Festival to hear the exquisite voice of Claire Dux. We are especially pleased to note the presence of Kathryn Meisle, who, some years ago, was the choice for the first place in the entire country in our Na. tional Federation of Music Clubs Young Artists' Con- tests.,' 0. M. SWARTHOUT, Dean, School of Fne Arts, Lawrence, KYanss: "I doubt whthr it can ,be e~cll d *anywhere in the country. Such a program deserves a sellout.' May it have the success it richly deserves." SELBY OPPENHEIMER, Concert Manager, San *Francisco: "I cannot refrain from cngrauating yu -oni the splendi4-setion you hve agrn.mde. ASI have expressed to you befare,*ith Ann Arbor FStivaL is undoubtedly the foremost of its kind in America." HERBERT .m. JOHiNSON, Maager Chic o Civic Opera Company: " This is certainly a very fide repre- sentative list, better than anthing that I have seen in a long time, and I ami sure th audiences will be entirely pleased with their wrk." PAUL, J. WEAVER, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York: "The Ann Arbor May festival is a high light in the American music season. I feel" tat' you 'are outdoing yourself in the "speidid program which you have under way" MRS. EDGAR STILLMAN KELLY, Fr.cideit National Federation of Music Cub, Oxford, O0hio: "My congratulations upon th :fact "that you have been able to secure so long a list of great artists for your forthcoming May Festival in Ann Arbor." OSCAR Cv CRESS, President, Grand Rapids Cn servatory of Music: "1 wish, to say that I thik i a splendid representation of talent with a spi-Miilhg of new-corners among many' of the old favorites." PETER W. DYK(EMVA, Profesor of Music Education, Columbia University: '"The list' of artists and organ- izations participating in the 19)Q May festival at Ann Arbor, together with the excellent choral wks'seleced are abundant evidence thiat 'the~ high stndards of pre- ceding years are' being adequately mnzintjind." LOUIS ECKSTEJN, President, The Ravinia Opera Company, Chicago: "It is gatifyirg to know that great educational institutions like the University of Michigan are making provision for cultual advancement. Your list of artists is admirable, and whei' thse are taken into accoun't, together with the fact that you ''are pr- senting the Chicago Symphony Orchstra, under' he baton of Dr. lFrderick Stock, which is one of the greatest symphonic bodies the world Jknows today, I fully believe .that your program will _be outstanding among the festivals of America." ROY DICKINISON WELCH, Chairman, Department of Music, Smith Colege, Norhampton, Massachusetts: "It is a most distinguished list' of artists tha~t you an- nounce for the Annual -May Festial." J. N. WEBER, President, Americani Federa%,i of Musicians, New York: "It is with great pleasure that I have reviewed the list of artists foi the May Festival. I desire to compliment you for the ecellence of yur selection and the value of your Intensivg aciity' in the interest of Musical Art." RUSSiELL V. MORGAN, Directing Supervisor, De- pirtrnent of Music, Cleveland, Ohio: "The May.Fes- tival' at Ann Arbor is one of the outstanding :musical events of America. It seems almost' im'po,#ible "that such a ' large group of outstanding music 'perform~ers can be gathc-ed together to participate in one week's offering of the .finest thiings in music." HOWARD H.AN$O)N, Director of Music, Eastnian1 School of Music, ,Rtochester, .Ncw 'York. "You are cer- tainly to be congratulated most heartily qn the program outlinied, both in regard to workds to'be' presented+ and inz choice' of soloists. The May Festival ';fully deserves its reputation as one of the mnost notable anid importanut 'festivals in thc country." I-1 1 488 4488 II ' flOWSKI, Chicago: "You have succeeded hi sheppig notably, brilliant array. I am impressed, tog, yth rate worth and interest of the gtreat choral W9{Cs iwxic' ou ropose to interpret with your fine e us pi4n h Chicago Symphony Orchestra. They wo rxing teat triumphs in, their train" 44 ~.AINE, Director, National Bureau for ¢ nc n of Music, New York: "We congratu le ygu u i~on your rogram for the Thirty-Seventh 4uil M~yfestival of the University of Michigan, lv is i'we are suire will be a helpful stimulus to fine t IRW }n 1rF community. Your list of artists is most C 2I ~Nj BOYD, Director Pittsburgh Musical }hsif tc, itsur gh: "It would be hard 'to gt a finer [x" t 9' raainsi The works chosen for 'Performance, ?F tiltyfr Choral Union, the Chicago Orchestr, . n4 tcd? 5list of soloists should be an irresistible cor- SKELLER, State Supervisor of Music, Colu US ohio: "The School of Music of the Uni- v it a 1 Nihigan is to be congratulated upon its 0 ots 1Jalf of good music. You are doing a most coe~ piece 'of work in bringing such an array to ypu F 'eox4 U ity." FRANCIS L YORK, Detroit Institute of Arts, De- troit: "The list of geat artists is positively stagering, -how you can get such a constellation of stars t- gether for one festival 1 can not understand The May Festivals have always been outstanding events in the musical history of Michigan but this one in my op~nion, bids fair to surpass all the others." HARPER C.- 41YBEE, Director of Music, "Western State Teachers College, Kalamazob, Michigan: "Kindly accept my most hearty cogratulations on again pre- senting to the muical public of Michigan and to the Middle West, oie of the broadest and most compre- hensive arrays of great contrasting choral works, in- comparable organiftions, virtuoso artists, and master musical directors."' JAMES T. QUAT- , Dean of th Student of Fine Arts, Columbia, ;Missouri: 'A performance of the Bach "Magnificat' is real choral tour-de-force. The solosts selected are all from the world's greatest, and when taken in connection with the Chicago Orchestra, should guarantee performances of outstanding artistic merit." PIERRE V. . KEY, Editor 'Musical Digest, New York: "I feel that I should extend my congratulations in the preparatipn of so interesting a program and the engagement of suchi a representative list of vocal and instrumental soloists as well as the Chicago Symphoy Orchestra." BENDETSON NETZORG, 'Detroit: "I am partcu- uarly pleased that, straight choral numbers are to bie given inistead of opera' adaptations for the concert stage. "Tte singers engaged are of fine standing and ace plishnients. Little Ruggiero Ricci will surely be an' a tractive addition." JAMES FRANCIS COOKE, Editor,. The Etude, Philadelphia': ,The artists of the Thirty.Seventh A- nutal"'May'Festival have quite obviously been selected, nytM~erely becal~se of their renown in the field of opera tind concert, but because of their present ability to contribute toward such "a noteworthy event in the way ti) enlighten and inspire'the public. With the list that the Festival has this year, its patrons maybe assured of a 'series of perform~ances of real delight." FLORENCE FINE1CH-, Editor, Musical -Leader, Chi- cago: "Such a Remarkable program should attract wide attention.' I expect'to 'make' my twenty-fifth annal visit to your lovely little city which is so big in achieve ment. I know 'of no place that'runs so~true to form in v cry particular' RUBIN GOLDMARK, President, "The Bohemians," New York: "My' congratulations on, your attractive program for this year's rmsic festival. You a-:re certainly etaihg wonlderful work culturally, both in the works and inx the artists you arp presnting. My sincere 'goo wis1hes for'yottr cntinued success."~ WILLIAM C. CARL, Director, Guilma nt Organ ~School, New York: ' Allow me also to- speak of the splendid list of soloists who are to appeat. I am sure this will be one of the most brilliant -and successful festivalls you 'have held." RO$,SILTER G. COLE, Chicago: Ni'note with ex- treriw pleasure ' that you to hear H-oneggr's 'IKing 'Da'vid: '"I heard tiis a couple of weeks, ago when Mr. Stock' put it oil here with the Cincinnati Festival 'Chorus' 'which hec Brought utp for the occasion. From the'' perf ormanc~e ' got the ,thrill of the season." F. B. STIVYEN, :Diretor of Music, University of Illinois, Urbg na. "The list is, as usual, composed of the finest artists . n the country." IpUDLEY BUCK, Columbia School of Mutsic, Ci- cage: "The works'"you have selected are magnificent, your soloists 'are som of the finest whe have in thi country and of course everybody knows what the Cii- cage Symphony Orchestra is." ,RNEST 1 UTCHESON, Dean of the Juilliar4 Graduate School, New York City: "have just read with much pleasure the list of artists and organizatins to take part in the annual May Festival. It' is a splendid array,' and I' congratulate you most cordiall~ on the promise it gives' of an uinusually fine series of concerts.'' MeARGARfT ii. 'TYI43R, President, Chicago Artists' Association:' "Yo'ur announcemeni for te May Fes- tival is most alluring. 'It is so gratifying to see the many splendid American artists on the list. The or- galiizatioins represe~nted,. the works to be produced surely should make for a most successful' season." RICHARD C ERWONJ( Y, Conductor, ;Bushi Coni. servatory Symphony Orchiestra, :Chicago. "Ib was very much intei-ested to read the splendcid Ilist of artists that you have secured for this occasion alpd it 'is a gr'eat credit to your iinstitution to present suchi a woniderful .festiv al." EDWIN J. $TRINGHJAN ,iFculty .Tchelrs C7ol- lege, Columtbia Universiiy, New York City: "Yout have. one of the . pit iniportat mnusicail cvents inl the entire owi'ttry--a distinict 'contribution to the' adv ancemn~t1 C .of muisic in Amcwri'ca. - TIaddition,' you offer the tickets atc a price much below those of other festivals. ;WM. W. NORTON, Executive Mvusic Organizer, Flint Music Association, Flint, Michigan: "Your array of :soloists for your May Festival this year is very out- standing. In ;some respects you have surpassed all 'I, MiA~ LET'Si GO-,-EVEL'R YBOD Y It . OLSEN CHA A RC, Stril es tip the band for a whioopee snaking festivity, including everybody worth- while from JANET GAYNOR ' WILL ROGERS ;off A4 ,There will be a hat time A4q in the old town tonight. HITE ,FhI I f 1 I i r I i i { I i . i i I'. ' , . I s i r r r r r I WILLIAM E. WALTER, =Manager, St. Louis Syin' phony Society, St. Louis: "°You 'certainly have a nos' formidable list of' artists, and the works that .you hv in prospect nmake certain that the Festival will i ea n1otable one. Honegger's, King Oavid' to, mind is ~the Choral work which is, destined' to hold a high place in I t ,q