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April 06, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-06

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Lw ivan



........... . .

VOL. XL. NO. 136





Dean of Students Issues Permit
to Operate Cab Tomorrow
All Ticket Holders May Ride
Free in Cruising Vehicle I
Advertising Banquet.
Free taxicab service will be offer-
ed tomorrow afternoon to all who
have purchased tickets to the Grid-
iron banquet. By special arrange-
ments with the office of the dean
of students, members of Sigm
Delta Chi have obtained permis-
sion to operate an open-air taxi-
cab in Ann Arbor streets and all
who hold tickets to the razz fest
scheduled for Wednesday night in
the ballroom of the Union may ob-
tain a free ride upon showing their
ticket to the cab driver.
Persons who have not yet mailed
in their remittance to the business
offices of Sigma Delta Chi at 1524
Geddes avenue will be able to pur-
chase tickets today or tomorrow.
from any member of the journal-
istic fraternity. This arrangement
will enable persons who do not
hold tickets now to obtain them in
time to qualify for free taxi-cab
service tomorrow.
Taxi to Tour About Campus.1
It will be easy to identify the
cab. Decked in large banners ad-
vertising the gridiron banquet, it)
will cruise about streets bordering
campus, and through the Wash-
tenaw and State street student
resident centers. Arrangements are
now pending whereby it is pos-
sible that music will be played in
the cab as it tours local thorough-
fares, thus permitting the entour-
age to be a treat to the ears as'
~wela.t to the .eyes. .
Service will be offered during
the hours when most students are
on the campus, probably between
the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock.
The free taxi, it is promised by
Edward L. Warner, Jr., will be only
the first of a series of attractions
that will rpay amply the $3 invest-
ment required of all Gridiron
A second inducement is the elite
group of campus notables and out-
siders who will attend the banquet.
Those who attend the banquet may
become personally acquainted with
such men as Franklin M. Reck, as-
sistant managing editor of the
American Boy magazine; Edgar A..
Guest, staff poet of the Detroitl
Free Press; Roger M. Andrews, edi- i
for and publisher of the Detroit
Times; and Prof. Hugh Cabot, of
the department of surgery. All the
campus 'big shots" will be at the
Dinner is Third Feature.
The dinner itself is a third at-
traction, says Pierce Rosenberg, '30,
treasurer of Sigma Delta Chi, who
is in charge of the cuisine which
has been worked by the Union
chef. The menu will be one of the
best offered by any University ban-
quet, it is promised.
The program of skits ana
speeches, culminated by the pre-
sentation of the oil-can to the pro-
fessor who in the judgment of Sig-
ma Delta Chi best merits the title,
for this year of "loquacious lubri-
cator," and the reading of the fa-
vorable epitaph, a sincere tribute,
of the fraternity to another facultyI

member, is shaping up to be one of
the best ever presented at a grid-{
iron banquet, those in charge say.
Literary Sehiors Asked.
to Order Class Insignia
Seniors in the literary college
may order canes and caps and
gowns this week from the State
street stores advertising them in
The Daily, it is announced by sen-
for class officers.
Those who have not already or-
dered these class accoutrements
are advised by officials to do so
before the spring holiday, to in-
sure delivery before the days when
the seniors will first exhibit their
manifestations of dignity, on Cane
Day, Sunday, April 2, and Swing-
out, Tuesday, May 13.
St. Mary's Church


New Architectural St le Result
of Invention of Concrete,
Architect Says.

to Lecture I
Removal of French Troops From<
German Territory Is
Now Assured.


Theologian Is Author of Books
as Well as Widely Known



P'hotogjraph !~v C all ins---Fletcher IDruc, Co.
Starring President Alexander G. Ruthven, Fielding H. Yost, director
of athletics, and Coach Steve Farrell, of the track team, a motion picturej
produced under the direction of Gurney Williams, '31, and Harold O.
Warren, '31, will be shown, at the Gridiron banquet, to be held at 6
o'clock Wednesday night in the ballroom of the Union. Student leads
in the production pictured above, include Lawrence R. Klein, '30, who
is shcwn in the baby carriage, and George C. Tilley, '30, standing im-
mediately behind Klein.-----


Michigan Students Win Complete Cast Engaged for Gay
First Championship French Farce Directed by
Preliminaries. Robert Henderson.




(By Associated Press) Complete cast for "Her Cardboard
DETROIT, Mich., April 5.-With Lover," which is being produced
more than three score matmen by Robert Henderson, has been en-
tompeting, .ma hec beganav his. af- .aged, and partial Kohgral,

ternoon at the Cadillac athletic
club in the tournament which will
determine the Michigan A. A. U.
Most of the entrants are from!
the University of Michigan, Mich-f
igan State, Western State, Ypsi-
lanti Normal, and Grand Rapids.
Y. M. C. A.
Afternoon results were as fol-
118 pound class--Tall, Michigan,
defegted Alpin, Michigan, 10 points
to 3.
126 pound class-Cortez, Michi-{
gan, defeated Digby, Michigan, 15I
to 8; Otto, Michigan, defeated Di-
annola, Western State, 5-0.
135 pound class-Watson, Michi-'
gan, defeated Bishop, 15-10; Nich-
ons, Ann Arbor high school, de-
feated Haddock L M. A.,. 5-0; Lar-
son, Michigan, defeated Nutter, I.
M. -A., 5-0; Haliday, Michigan, de-
feated Rutt of I. M. A., 15-11; Hel-
lewell, Michigan, defeated Kasa-
bash, Ann Arbor, 5-0. Woodard,
Michigan, defeated Kent, Ypsi
Normal, 5-0.
147 pound class-Benz, Michigan,
defeated Schupp, I. M. A., 13-8;,
Strob, M. S. C., defeated Roman,I
Ypsi Normal, 5-0.
160 pound class - Wyokuski,
Michigan, defeated Kerwin, Grand
Rapids Y. M. C. A., 5-0; Collins, M.
S. C., defeated Lajewski, I. M. A.,
175 pound class-Kawa, Grand
Rapids Y. M. C. A., defeated Kurrle,
Northville, 8-5; Matakie, Michigan,
defeated Enyard, I. M. A., fall.
J. A. Bursley; dean of students,
has left Ann Arbor to attend the

now in progress for the production
to be presented the week of April
21 in the Lydia Mendelssohn the-°
Large blocks of seats have been
reserved by organizations holding
conventions in Ann Arbor during
this week immediately following
sspring vacation. The production
will be given every night of the
week with the exception of Friday
April 25, when the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre will present the an-
nual Orchesis dance program. A
I matinee of the production is plan-
ned for Saturday, April 26.
The complete ,company rehear-
sals will start April 13. Amy Loomis.
director of activities of the Lydiv
Mendelssohn theater, will appear
as Simone LaGorce, Lewis Mc-
Michael, of New York, as Tony, the
ex-husband; Robert Henderson w~
I Andre, the gigolo; and Minna Mil-
ler, former director of the Junior's
Girls' play, will play Simone's
French maid, Albine.
Other members of the cast will
include Wallace Wallace, in the
role of Paul Guisard; and John
Connolly, who recently closed on
Broadway ind House Party''
11Donald Vedder, '30, will be stage
manager for the production, and
the stage settings have been de-
signed and will be executed by
Alan Handley, '32A.
Prices for the night performances
of the production are $1.00 on the
main floor and 75 cents for the
balcony. For the Saturday matinee
I the main floor will be priced at 75
cents and the balcony at 50 cents.
I Mail orders are now being receiV-
ed at the box office of the Lydia.
Mendelssohn theatre.

j Decline in Teaching of Modern Eloquent Appeal From Premier jIUniversity Glee Club Will Offer
Languages Laid to Belief Overcomes Objections * Several Selections on This
That They Are Valueless. to American Plan. Morning's Program.
"Few people realize that the (By Associated Press) ; The Rev. Dr. Alfred Wesley,
birth of a new style of architecture PARIS, April 5-The Young Plan, Grand Rapids pastor, and a ire-
will be attributed to our age in the drawn up at Paris last spring by quent lecturer before undergrad-
t year 3000," said Dr. Francis S. On- the financial experts of the United uate audiences, will address the
derdonk in his radio speech, "Con- States and other powers involved students of the University at 11
crete in Architecture," on the in the Great War and approved by T. o'clock this morning in Hil audi-
Mihgn ai ngtprga two conferences at the 'Hague, to- The Rev. Dr. A. W. Wish art o'lc hsmriginHlaui
Michigan Radio night program tw nGrand Rapids pastor who will torium at the second of the spring
broadcast last night. "Airplanes, day became a law as far as France kn series of convocations sponsoredb
talkies and radios will be credited is concerned. the Student council I s subject
to us but just as important as those With only eight dissenting votes, in Hill auditorium this morning. has been announced as "Religious
is the invention f 'liquid stone" he the French senate this evening Dr. Wisehart is well known as a Experience."
id, hadopted a resolution ratifying the lecturer and, according to those Well Acquaainted With Students,
said. plan which was approved a week; who have heard him, delivers in- A theolog. n of extensive ex-
Romans Used Huge Stones. ago in the Chamber of Deputies by spiring messages to his aduiences. perience, to Rev. Dr. Wishart will
Eighteen hundred years ago the a vote of 530-55. The vote today springmssagesi . speak to the undergraduates from
Romans used stones the size of was 284-8. There were eight ab- a wealth of knowledge an religious
' ullman cars for their building op- sentees. problems, especially as concerns
grations, Dr. Onderdonk stated, Germany and France Approved. IUyoung men and women He is a
yet we today outdo them, for we The legislative assemblies of Ger- Krbrilliant lecturer a'nd delivers a
create a stone which is as large as many and France now have ap- highly inspiring message, accord-
an entire building; a ferro-concrete 'proved the Young plan, bitterly at- ITU01ing to those who have heard hint.
structure is one huge block with tacked by nationalistic elements inNa Glee Club Will Sing.
:any large voids which we call both countries. Great Britain, Italy,' -A selection by the University glee
rooms, and it has no seams. Japan, and Belgium will probably Many Res Attack Hungarians club has been included in the pro
"Our modern concrete structures follow rapidly. ay AR ttac Hunarian bram for today's service. Theodore
do not rival the ancient Greek tem- With the approval of the plan, at Airport on Arrival of Harrison will direct the group.
ples and Gothic cathedrals," Dr. the last fear that French troops Budapest Pilot. The Rev. Dr. Wishart's address
Onderdonk said, "because of the would not evacuate the Rhineland this morning will deal in partic-
high cost of labor .which makes by June 30, disappeared. Senators NINE SEIZED BY POLICE ular with the conflict between
traditional ornament and sculpture of the moderate group, including --- science and religion, he stated yes-
too great a luxury, but when care- former president Millerand, objec- (By Associated Press) terday afternoon on arriving in
fully analyzed the modern ferro- ed to French evacuation from the ITEWARK, N. J., April 5.-A riot IAnn Arbor. It is his belief that
Concrete building is one of the mar- Reich have shown a disposition to brok? out late today at Newark air- there is a place for both science
vels of this age." execute the plan faithfully. port as 500 communists tore into and religion in the modern li'fe.
Language Decline Discussed. I But they finally gave way before The speaker has been associated
Prof. Charles Wagner of the ro- an eloquent appeal from Premier a group of several thousand Hun- with the Fountain street Baptist
:nance languages department, as Andre Tardieu who asked them to garians who welcomed Sandor Mag- church in Grand Rapids since
the secondspeaker on last night's adopt the plan as the only ,means yar on Wis landing there in a plane 1906. Previous to that time he held
igs "the decline of for arriving at a satisfactory un- Ilabelled "Justice for Hungary." astorates at Troy, N J., Maywood,
Modern languages as taught in derstahding with Germany and gd Ill., and Trenton, N. J. Hestudied
schools. He attributed the increas- the other reparations countries. Magyar is hailed by hs country- at Colgate university, receiving an
ing loss of interest to four factors: 1 Military Rule No Longer Popular.|men as a prospective New York A. B. degree in 1889, and then took
the increase in the number of sub-; Replying to objections that the to Budapest non-stop flyer. post graduate work at the univer.
jects now taught in the modern IIplan failed to give France the rightI Magyar flew nere this afternoon sity of Chicago Divinity school. He
igh school, the preference given to exercise effective measures in from Toledo, Ohio with Sereno Trap- was later a fellow at this school,
to Latin by some educators, the ! case Germany should default in pinger, a passenger. Stones were The Rev. Dr. Wishart frequently
virtual disappearance of German her reparations payments, the pre- thrown freely and cudgels were has his sermons published and the
from the curricula, and the feeling mier told the senate that military wielded as soon as he had landed. address this morning will be taken
>n the part of the public that I sanctions were no longer popular Airport officials said the trouble' down by a stenographer to be
modern languages are of no prac- or effective. was unexpected; they were aware printed with several of his other
tical value to students. He declared that recourse to the that opposing factions were at lectures in the near future. One of
"The first three reasons I shall permanent court of international j hand to welcome the flyer. but no his sermons, delivered aboard a
not discuss here," said Professor justice and to the' League of Na- taunts were heard until the mo- I ship, when he was returning from
Wagner, "but the fourth offers a tions offered all France can hope ment before the landing. Europe, has been printed in the
Thallenge to every teacher of mod- for in the way of bringing pressure Nine persons were arrested and Forbes magazine and later i the
3rn language. If it seems to some to bear on Germany to refute her several were cut and bruised when Readers Digest.
that the indirect values of lan- ( engagements.police reserves got to the flying He has also been the author of
uage study may not justify the He emphasized the fact that the field. two books, one dealing with the
time and expense involved, I can plan, including the banks for in- Included in the crowd of wel- history of monks and monasteries
only reply that, whatever station ternational settlements, definitely comers was' Monsignor Elemer and the other with "primary facts
a youth is to occupy in future life settled the reparations problem, Eordoth, papal prelate who recently in religious thought.
the time and money are well spent and insures France priority in the flew from Cleveland to New York.
which will help him to clarify his manner of sanction if the Hague Magyar is an entrant in the com- Vandals Steal Photos
mental processes, to think straight court determines that Germany petition for a $10,000 prize offered of Myrtle Ross Stars
and express himself clearly." has defaulted. for a transatlantic flight by Lord_
Last on the speaker's list was Dr. Concluding his appeal, he cried: ;Rothmere, publisher. That the feminine players of the
U. G. Rickert of the School of "It is the plan of the future,: Myrtyl Ross troupe, now appeari ,g
Dentistry, who talked about the France has had enough to do with Feet Are Not Counted I at the Whitney Theateraare ap-
advertising of dental products and the past." ..e u Enumeration preciated was forcibly demonstra-
cosmetics. He said that in answer ___En mted Friday night whenevandals
to a common . question, "What Students to Use Plane (By Asociated Pres) smashed the frames of the outdoor
tootl choose the kaI d they lke o to Make Eight O'clocks WATERLOO, Ia., April 5. -- It's display case in front of the show
best, since practically all brands~ h edta onsi iuighueadrmvdtep~o
a perfectlypsaftou Nord Ainouncement of plans for a the census; the feet are imma- graphs of the Misses Billie Gaynor,
trifices are "scientific" as many special Stout plane which will: terial. A census enumerator, visit- Myrtyl Ross, and Bernice Howison.
manufacturers claim, he said; oth- leave Cleveland early Monday ing a farm which straddles the Two pictures of Miss Ross, one an
erwise there would be no use for morning, April 21, following spring Blackhawk and Benton county il painting, were taken. Similar
dentists, vacation to reach Ann Arbor for lines, found that the farmer's bed photographs could have been pro-
- 8 o'clock classes, was made yester- was so placed that he slept in both cured from the box office upon re-
dayby the Campus Travel Bureau. counties. His head rested on a quest, Miss Howison, one of the
MillerWiAl Discuss ddvance reservations indicate a pilow in Blackhawk, but his feet cast, said yesterday.
Educational Feature + great vacation exodus by plane and projected into Benton county. The .
motor coach, it was stated by the enumerator, p u z z 1 e d, f o u n d Choir of St. Andrew's
,nt....,, .-.,,,....r t- th T Uion Air sn eials through his rule book that heads 1 Alf IVY


fiftieth anniversary convention of.nLt
the 4merican Society of Mechan- r. arson to LeCture
ical Engineers, being held thi's on Socialist Program

week in Washington, D C. He winl
return the latter part of the week.{
Highlights of the convention.
program includes a White House3
reception Wednesday; a visit to1
Great Falls, where engineering
works installed by George Wash-
ington are still in operation; and
the awarding of several medals. {
University Student Is
Elected to Noted Club!

Dr. Martin A. Larson, well-known
Socialist writer and lecturer, will
speak on "The Socialist-Labor Par-
ty-It's Program" at a meeting
I sponsored by the Round Table Club
to be held at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday
evening at the Michigan League
building. The meeting, which is
open to the public, will be followed
by a general informal discussion.
Dr. Larson attended the Univer-
sity of Michigan where he obtained
his degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

zSectioning tudents on basis of
ability" will be discussed by Col.
Henry W. Miller, of the engineer-,
ing drawing department, June 13 atj
a special session on drawing and
descriptive geometry at the Car-I
negie Institute of Technology,
The session is part of a special
course given by the Sodiety for
Promotion of Engineering Educa-
tion. Professors throughout the
country enroll in the course which
consists of a series of lectures and
discussions by prominent men in
the various fields of engineering.
A similar course will also be given,
at Yale this summer.

Burusu aeln to
Buea a Ln uimun-.ijua~ jwutri li iu~ lVr1Ulaulc" Y4to Sing Maunder Work
going to several points, and spe- are always counted in their usuala e
cial buses to Chicago, and via the place of abode. . Maunder's "Olivet to Calvary,"
Canadian Ambassador and Peace The farmer was listed officially will be sung by the men and boy's
bridges to Buffalo and New York. as a Blackhawk county resident, choir of St. Andrew's church this
_~-~--~-~~~ - - - ~ ~ *evening at 7:45 o'clock.
PROFESSOR AITON OUTLINES NEW IThe cantata is being directed by
PMr. N. S. Ferris, who is the organ-
BI-CONTINENTAL HISTORY THEORY ist and choir leader at the church.
-- -~I Rehearsals have been in progress
Explaining the most significant appreciation of our own history as for six weeks.
of the recent movements toward part of the larger whole. The dif- The St. Andrew's choir gives a
a new view of American history, ferences that do exist in the con- cantata annually. The date for the
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the De- tinental histories are due to the presentation is usually Palm Sun
partment of History, yesterday de- fact that the republics in Spanish day, but it is being given early this
clared, "The new outlook gaining America began their national life year so that no students will be
headway in American historical with no political experience, and forced to miss it because of the
writing, which I personally believe thus underwent a later critical per- spring recess.
in and sponsor, is that which is re- iod than their northern brethren." The cantata will begin at 7:45
garding American history not as a Regarding trends in historical o'clock and the public is invited.
narrow entity but as the larger writing now contemporary with


Our Weather Manr

story of the two Americas." that sponsored by himself, Profes-

D Fnrcvtl 0 R f ,i


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