SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1 530 'T44"E VIC-HIGAN 'D) A T L 7 PAGE -SEVEN ...e.. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1~3O THE MTC11TQAtL1D~ AlLY Poo ~e iiThA f'CRWEWeSfa s OL Big Ten Grid Sessions TRY NEW MEN tornsignals, only eleven as pir-ATTRK U ants reporting for the Crimson I 'a drill. (B3y Associated Press) Perfect Wcather Aids Cinder- As far as turn-dtuts go Mno NEW YORK, April 4.-Ten of th~e path S~~gzinit Drill Session ;st holds the edge over the other j country's 112 college crews areI paFryFed.IcneeceshosWth Squadnz- grooming new men for the varsity' on FrryFied. onfeenz scool wit 14 cadi-stroke oar assignment this sea'son, dates reporting daily for the Goph- I ENTER KANSAS RELAYS ler practices. Wnith Gcnly a few;ex-Ia checkup today revealed. Withtheweaherthemos ceptions most of the available let- Johnny Clingerman of Princeton Withthe ,veathr thi styer- termen have reported. All the men. and Bill Otis of Massachusetts In- fet that it has been yet ti or are new to Fritz Crisler and. Tagi stitute of Technology are virtLually -°Coach Steve Farrell's Varsity track Wicman consequently everyorne the only holdovers from 1929. 1 squad continuled its workouts yes- must show his ability before th~e At Yale, Woodruff Tappen, var- ~r~ly pintng dwad te Knsa new coaches. Crisler is working er6,y oitin twar th Knsa tI with the backfield, and Wiema sity stroke in 1928, has staged a';ar Relays to be "held "April '19. Thle has charge of the forward wail. ; comeback to win at least 'a tempor- 1 cinder 'paths have been put 'in At Chicago Amos Alonso Stagg ary decision over Art Palmer, a Y 'much better shape enabling fn i lnnn nthrcmain'o bigger and more powerful oarsman'I Wolverine' 440 "men to turn in- some his Maroon gridders to- star with whorlgtdhntotejiriH fattxisi etra' rciethe spring practices which wil be- reeaeehlt hejno runs. Dale 'and Dalton Seymou" ISphmre soon.ngth al °Mtiller, Russell, Mosser and Glad- PURDUE UNIVERSITYf-A young 'op hoeae getting o t.Healrv- m.galra th ditneRuel Adonis who swims with the swim- ar d, California, Pennsylvania. and ; to ~ 14 4.~~ ,~ming team here received 'a letter Syra~cuse. Wisconsin 'also is experi- Iir) (Continued From Page 6) IOWACOACHFII INVENTOR OF NE lNL A S S I F I E SWIMMING SUIT MADE OF RUBBER AVRiSN call trip yesterday to Vanderbilt 'by, (Sp'I~e6A to The Dail\) NO1iCE' 1as the swimmer 'churns through ___ . C5-4 score. i IOWA CITY, -April 4.--Offering the pool, the water will..glde easily! Lessi than t hi e conts ,day for no more resistance to the water from his body. The suit. will dry World Wide All, ? istk Fur insur- Tennis fans will be interest- than the athlete's own skin, a rub- quickly, thereby 'overcom'ing the an ce and Storage. ed to know that Cochet and 1 ber -suit' for competitive swimmers I disadvantage of cloth gainrenrt * ZWErZD)LINC'S Pur SHOP Rorotra of the French Davis I has been invented -by Coach Davidi So far as known, no similar .: ;.e Complete Ftcr 'eice hnr,.ce 1904 Cup Geani arc slated to appear 1A. Armbruster of the Universityr ofi ever has been inventc>u. 56 in Detroit late next summer 't in Iowva,. TYPING--Theses a spe~cialty. Fair Application for a United Statcsj STATE COLLEGE-Ata meeting rates. M. V. THartsufl. Dial 9087. exhibition mxaotciDes. They pil1atent has been made, and if final ofwtln Iah frm4Gcl be accompanied by Jack Davis1 trials show that the suit is as prat- Ileges and universities held lastNOIEDing to ew Yr and Bob Moon 'of the Australian ; tical as its inventor believes, it will week, an association was formed, OCy fr spring atoNwcorek teamn.'be manufactured by the A. G. that will correspond to the Foot- 'Crroo for hreegvaaofourps-d You sggetinsplase ~r :al..Spalding sporting goods house. ball Coaches Association.,egist ht iiiy esn You sugetios.plese 'rr'all ,The suit, exactly the same size asI egrtohavintyRas- Lround college athlete of all time, the present silk variety, is made able, round trip. Write C. F. M., rrantland Rice is 'asking for them. 'otf ~uegm ubri igeDtotetes "® Box No. 122. '45 'esterday the claims -of Richar'd apiece style with reinforced seams.1 - --- HONEY---Choice Clover in ten lb. [arte of Harvard were presefnted. I Since the rubber is very "live" - clans delivered for $1.25. "Paul His claims include All-Amierican; it hugs the body closely, allowing! CA SS THEATER ! Wuerfel. Phone 6187. nd, Harvard baseball captain,f no space for water to penetrate be-j The Sensational ol the- -___ point winner on the track to m, a tween the suit and the skin to the Victor Herbert Festival WANT SUMM.' ER W( )RK-Seasonal member of thec Davis cup tennis3 slight deterrence of the swimmer'si ELEANOR PAINTER increase in our business makes Squad and intercollegiate dou.bles progress. Coach Armbruster pointsj In the' fascinating and MelodiousI it possible for us to place a num- lennis champion-a consistent star~ out that it will offer an absolutely Comic OperaI ber of college stu dents in our in ll ourmaor pors. moth urfce o he ate, ad THE FORTUNE TELLER" offices throughout the country - --- - - ------- ---- _- - this summer. See Mr. Noll at the - ...... "..._., . ..:.,." "s. _...I Michigan Union, Friday 1:00- C x M fi a urginULL the LU L1 UsU iime Vor.AJu an 7-10 scdnds for the single lap. 6fl ding 'covered the 440 in 52 and 3-10, followed by Mueller, several yards behind. The 'hammer and javelin throw- ers. spent considerable time under Coach hetz, with rudimentary practice for their third day ' out The discus throwers also heaved the plates up and down Ferry Field, showing good 'form. Pottle ap- peared for his' frst outdoor work- out in t'he poise vault and seemed in 'good shape for the coming open air im'eets. The Wolverie track mentor sent his charges through -a long drill to see' if he could find 'speedy mile, 440 anid "880 'relay combinations to perform at the Kansas Relays. Spring vacation workouts are to determine the make up of the team that will make the trip but 'Coch Farr~l 'has already sent 'in the entry bMlnk, indicating his 'ex- pectations of finding suitable ma- terial for his relay squads. RENT A RADIO CROSLEY-AMRAD SHOP 615 E. William Dial 22812 q liii i111iii 111111111t11111111111111111111 IIi TYPE WRITER R1EPAIRING All "makes 'of ma- chinkes. Our equip- rn.snt and person- nel are considered amng the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. 0. D. MORRILIL 314 "South State St. Phone 6615 i I irecenitly from one, who signed hier- self "'Indiana University Co-ed." She said s'he had witnessed the In- diana-Purdue tank meet and ad- mired his "manly physique." IThinking that the letter was a hoax of f raternity brothers, he "decided . to carry the joke salong. So he wroteI a passionate letter 'to the myster- ious mer maid. 'Fromn friends he has! learned that the girl really attends' 'menting with 'a youngster of great; promise but little experience, Joe Just 'how well California's soph- l'omorv hope, Duncan Gregg, will hold uip under fire will be learned, E on April 11l'when he and his mates go into action against Washington at Seattle 'in the rowing classic of EtePacific toast., Condensed Statement Showing Condition ,of the Indiana Univer ity and is cdntem- 'ine-. olden Btears of Caif~ornia, I plating a week-en d visit to Lafay-~ I swamped the 1-luskies by 5 1-2I ette soon. It is rumorecd that the- a glengths in the three mile race a, yon dnsi aiga hurired trip to the X"orth 1Pole.fQ with thei4ri valssin the north.s reI SNoon Lunch 50c Evening Dinners (fal ourse) -'60c -I o9 SaturdayINite - 12 P.M. SWe will announce the' Winners' names for - Sour place. =r - Judges- I ECoachKipke ' _ ;Earl 'FoWler EOpen all 'Nits Night ''Wetern Union Service c 4 i{1{{_{__{{I!{11{{{II{111{_l{_____{{___{[_____l____________{_{{1!{ ___{I{I!___{I{_______________ 3 Ann. Arbor Savings Bank of Ann Arbor, Michigan, At the chose of business, March 27th, 1930. RESOURCES Loans land Discounts ...... ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . Bonds 'and Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . O~erdrafts .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banking Hows . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . Furniture and Fixtures .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Reap Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Items in Transit .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . U . S. Bonds .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Resources: U. S. Bonds ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... ..$. 330,000.00 Cash & Due from 'banks.. . . .. ... . .. . . . . 20,564.23 Total Cash* on hand. in 'Baniks and U. S. 'Bonus $3,593,354.66 2,327,020.84 449.15 136,500.00 19,532.50 96,533.52 1,510.24 127,200.00 1,050,564.23 $7,352,685.14 15:00 and 8:00-1l1:00, Saturday I 9:00-5:00 and 7:00-10:00. 45C, 1SPECIAL Steak \Supper Sunday. Forest Inn, 538 Forest 5C SAND-Washed and screened sand and gravel; all sizes. Immediate delivery. KILLEN'S GRAVEL CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 2 1014. C I FOR RENT RENTAL-1118 Hill St.-Splendid 6 room apartment, excellent con- dition, garage. Phone 3713 or 5792. Owner. 45 WAI*fED WANTED-Girl companion to drive to New York foil Spring Vaca- ion. Phone 2131 evenings. 56 WNTED-Girl to clean and an- swer the 'phone two hours' each day. Phone 7561. 45 LOST LOST-Thetha Xi fraternity pin. Reward. Don Alfiln, 708 S. State. 21990. 45 LOST-Small brown two compart- ment chain° purse. Very anxious to recover the key and set of Studds, (borrowed' for- Junior Girls' Play). Reward. Phone 22591. 56 'I~ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . LIABILITIES Capital Stock: Paid in . .....' ' .. . . . . . Earned . ..... Surplus Fund (Earned) ,. .... Undivided P ois ... . . .. .. . . . . . . Dividends Unpaid o ........ R~eserved for Taxes,,....... Commercial Deposits .......' , ....' Bank Deposits . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Savings Deposits .... Total Deposits . . . . ..... . . . . . . Bills Payable _.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . $50,000.00 450,000.00 ,$2,536,205.43 :.. 101,776.19 3,556,171.39 $500;000;00 300,000:00 188,941.78 1,455.90 3,134.45 6,194,153.01 165,000.00 $7,352,685.14 Total I Try The Daily Classifieds Special Rates by Contract Phone 2-1214 t Shirts Shorts Built to maintlain a standard .'.and not to meet a pric... Coopers give the wearer a max- imum of service at a minimum of cost. In patterns of the latest vogue .materials of the newest weave... Coopers combine perfect; style with dependable quality. 0 P I isi fIt 4 I 1 1 i EE G r i i G (t ( j$% (4 { I jj{ i f. 7 Fs.( urypastry ho FRESH CUP CAKES FOR LUNCHES 707 Packard Street Phone 9605 :.; ' Y i F ( .: 4 . - -. FOR THE Careful Buyer I h FOOD STUFFS ,. IDAWNII . .. . F , i?1 , FRESH MEA'TS FRUITS AND 11 11 h b. VEGETABLES. SHAW GROCERY Coopers for Class Whether you w~ear thte two-piece t ype ..*. or t he knit athletic . . ,or thie woven athletic . . re- member there is class in Coopers ... and the cre is '-Ibe satisfaction of being Arasd withiclass. Come in and let: is show you the, differen~t styles in Coopers. Choose whalit yout may, yott'll find Coopers values unbeatable. .Coopers Shirts and :shorts 50c to $2.50 the garment coopers Hosiery, 50c to $2.50 C;oopers Pajamao, $1.50 to $10 Vanilla Pineapple Ice Carmel- three layer special ice cream brick for the week-end 'a DONUTS ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER. FRESH DAILY P1-ONE21640 216 East Washingtbn St. s® I "Co. 709 Packard 3940 PHONE GORNWELL GOAL - COKE II I I . It- Sts ''I Scranton, Pocahontas K entuucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke 3712 I' 1- One layer of rich, creamyj vanilla ice cfean, 'another bf 'tasty pineapple ice' and a third layer of caramel. All three layers blended into one of the usw ld elicious 1bricks that folks expect the Ann Arbor Dairy to offer each week. r- __, , I .. .w :. . _- i Freshly Dressed Chickenis 40 and 45c per l Pork Roast 23c per LL SPECIAL Fresh Chickens This b sineis has 'leen growin~g ever sine it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. I 111 1111U ®i 1