PAM. r~oe THE MICHICAN IEY' SATURDAY, APRlIL 5, 1930 I an. ... u......o... . ... Published every morning except Monday during >tue Unbiversity year by the. Hoard in Conttol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial' Association. The Associated;.Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thin paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special Pate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- maaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0.; by mail, Afrces:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- "ard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, ziaI4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 rZ MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairmnan.......... Georgre C. Tilled City Editor.............Pierce Roenberg News Editor.............Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor..........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor...... ,. Cassano A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City'Editor.... Robert J Feldman Night Editort--ditorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. dloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J.Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May - elen Barc Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Pake Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz S. Beach Conger )ohn D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsi; aStewart Ruth Ceddes S. Cad well Swan"o Ginevri. Ginn Jane Thayer Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Grove-man Robert Townsend Margaret arris Elizabeth Valentine Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. r .... - Y -I .I.A first the Bremen, and lately the WHY BLAME THE PROFESSORS? Europa. With no naval conferences to worry her, no large navies to To the editor trouble her, she has taken deci- 0 Tempora, 0 Mores,-Ach, Don- sive steps toward re-establishing ner and Blitzen-Oh, Hell and Dam-SENSIBLE her lost prestige as a commercial nation.-What expletives can a SPRING man use? Five or six years ago ISGAMES power. . awas walking behind two students I and I could not help, at any rate The Student council has at last pow' over naval disarmament goes wearily on its way, bringing other by walking softly I could not help, prepared to introduce some new maritime accomplishments to a overhearing their conversation. It and worth while games into the standstill, a supposedly "ho,-tied" seemed to one of them that ever annual frosh-sophomore clash. The nainmbreaks its bonds, adsincehis high school days his latest suggestion is a canoe race. natin beak it bodsandwith a minimum ofpul dsrbne teachers had made his subjects as, Of course tugs~of -war are all launches a double bid for commer- hard as possible. The ideas were right, and flag rushes offer good cial supremacy on the sea. We won- not really difficult but tne teachers training for those who try to see der how long it will be before these tried systematically to obscure the second Sunday night show, but so-called powerful nations'will stop I them. This was evidently because- j(the canoe race will prove to be quibbling over regulations and look but here other people passed us,r even more of a boon. down from their place in the sun and I heard no more. and recognize the constructive Now however, appears C. S., 32 For instance, have you ever gone 1 policies of Germany. in appealay' Mr. Buteris an canoeing, paddled up as far as the thetic appeal to Mr. Butterfield, an dam and tried to get your girl echo after 2000 years of panem et back to her house before the doors circensis. Deliver him, gracious pur- were locked for the night? Campus Opinion veyor of the cinema, from the soli- Contributors are asked to be brief, tude of his room and from the confining tIemselves to less than 300 boredom of his textbooks "written That is the time when you have worts of possible. Anonymous con- oa munications will he disregarded. The in the most obscure manner just to paddle your own canoe, and names of communicants wll however, he regarded as confidential, upon re- to make the courses hard." These mean paddle! quest. Letters published should not be are his very words. I ask anybody construed as expressing the editorial Whcbrnstmidhewa- opinion of The Dailysa in the cock-eyed world, can you Which brings to mind the weath- beat that? er. It seems as though Old Man NEEDED: INTELLIGENT Were it not for the conversation Winter has finally breathed his INVESTIGATION. I should suspect the letter to be a last. Have you bought your new joke. But it sounds real enough, topcoatyet?Mine costcl nek To the Editor: and evidently the man believes that cat th MIne cosane Back in the archaic days of my teachers and authors try to pre- childhood, I remember hearing the vent him from learning. It seems yarn about the dragon, whose re- that with Mr. Butterfield's help markable vitality enabled him tojthey may succeed. But can anybody p , ' ai Feat, val L OVER THE COUNTER ;3 Sale of Trickets Begins TODAY -8:30 A.M. at School of Music Building and will continue so long as the tickets last. PRICES: $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. If coupon is returned from Choral Union tickets deduct $3.00 from above prices. MAIL ORDERS-Received not later than Friday noon, April 4, will be filled in advance in sequence. produce two heads in"place of tell me, how does he get that way? every one cut off. This habit gave # I wish I knew. the cave-men of the time consider- -W. W. Sleator. able worry. Until one day a genius a- a an Levy G.r.ionelC.VV "icus U° Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright abong the Pithecanthropae rose up Dorothy Magee Vivian Zi'ii and smote the dragon on the solar- IN DEFENSE OF AMERICAN BUSINESS STAFF plexus, thereby permitting civili- DEGREES. 3 y Telephone 21214 zation to go peacefully on. BUSINESS MANAGER The parable has a meaning. To the Editor: A. J. JORDAN, JR. We have read with more or less The widely spread idea that the 4 Assistant Manager interest the voluminous accounts American degree is inferior to the -' ALEX K. SCHERER of prohibition straw votes that English degree is not really in ac- That in spite of the fact that I Departent Maagerstunred out to be mostly rye. Bt A Department Managersa in d alt e mot tre. But ! cordance with the facts but woven received a folder the other day of- Advertising .........T. Hollister Mabey in all the mass of data, there is lit- - fering a 100 per cent wool, shower-; Advertising ........Kasper i. Halverson tle evidence of sound reasoning from sentiments and prejudice. Advertising........aherwood A. Upton proof, super ultra top coat for Service ..George A. Spater with constructive objectives in The fact the English .Iedua-$1.50, and guaranteed. What's_- Cfraclatzon...........Vernor Davs mind. t$16.50,yandmguaranteed.onWhat's jucount.............l R. iose ntional system is carved only for a more, they throw in a cap to match Publications..........(eorge R. Hamilton The 'Inhibition Poll' conducted few chosen and the method of in- and a pair of mittens, and deduct Business" Secretary-Mary Chase hon theinlocalacampus, indicatesnd thatc Son the local campus, indicates thatsruction and examination is dif-. 10 per cent for cash. I detest the R Assistants the lawyers are all wet and the Fie1facpigchrt oIiLA James E. Cartwright George R. Patterson faculty doesn't know. May it be ferent from the American, thus al- idea of accepting charity so I Robert Crawford Charles Sanford passed up the offer. Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton suggested, without spurning to lowing only a minority to receive e te ofer N r Jehnson Hobert Williamson action the pen of the critic, that degrees, is no basis for setting the Id Cor. S. Sta Chaes line Winam R. Worboy beyond a lame apology for the col- English degree upon a pedestal. E I the clfed un: "WA NT- eiter;tR Miarvin Kobacker a ED-Girl to clean and answer the ite;R Thomas Muir lege hip-flask parties, the poll The valuation set upon degrees hone two hours each day." I B.D., seems to have availed little, unless should not be judged from the ab- rRalph R Dlorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully fwouldnt mind answering the! rector; 1 Laura Codling Sylvia Miller perhaps, it serves to assure the solute sense, but from the utili- wouln't ind anring he vesor; o Agnes Davis Eleanor Walkinshaw maoiyoftdnsta hi tra tnpit~i o r phone ,if, I-. were a girl, but I should visor of Bernace Glaser Dorothea Waterman majority of students that their tarian standpoint. It is not Ire- think cleaning it would be pretty 10130 A. Hortense Gooding ' ,diagnosis of the ,situation is cor- 1 levant to say that the greatness of tiresome."THE rect. America lies in her educational Dr. Stal To those who can consider the system. The American universi- 1*k *12:00 M. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 prohibition question from an im- ties and colleges are sending out PRIZE STORY. Hall. E - AN-- - partial standpoint, the poll would competent men and women and A:eI P. Night -A COOPER appear to emphasize the growth of producing . geniuses who are re-.myy CRISTO a popular sentiment in the matter sponsible for making the country myself jammed into a booth at the 7:30 P. ESTETI ,APREIATON.Hutwith five other people. All of SONGi AESTHETIC APPRECIATION. of- liquor control. This attitude is one of the most progressive and iHwit contriving to keep our el-G by Rev. Ius werecntingtkepure- bRv. The appreciation of painting and [undoubtedly an outgrowth of mod- efficient in the world. 1 bows out of each others soup and RELIGI sculptury, is becoming moe and ern trends of thought in indivi- In commerce, .industry, science' gettin along' nicely until a waiter more recognized by the student duasm, but istead of encourag- vention, and even in arts Ame- pped up and endeavored to body generally as an essential fac- Ing individual analysis of the prob- ca deserves no less credit than any snitch the bottle of Chili sauce. tor! of education. Students who at I lem, it has resulted in a miss-ap- European country; in fact she ex- His aim was bad and instead of FIRST one time believed that only a plied radicalism, bordering on mob- cells without the least shadow of clutching the bottle he merely tip- On Ea "sissy" could view works of art mindedness. It merely indicates doubt. Whence has come this ad-ped it over so that the contents Rev. R. with any degree of sincerity, are another feature of the quite gen- vancement? Can a country with a pedt sprso that the Howard R now frequenters of the numerous eral laxity, which has been at- frail, easy going system of educa- n Students. now reqentrs o th, nmeros IIh laps and on the sleeves of two of exhibitions in the several Univer- tributed by various prophets toi tion train her citizens to be the the ladies. Gallantly I rushed to I sity galleries. jazz, automobiles, movies, sports, masters of the social, economic, and 95the rescue, so abruptly that I tip- MA. The increasing number of stu- the machine age, to the younger scientific phenomena of the world ped over two glasses of water, one dents, who realize that their edu- generation at large, and even to in which 'they live? It seems of which spilled into the lap of 9:45 A.I cation should include a broad prohibition, depending on the age strange that Europe, when in Harry Allen, the other intom meeting aesthetic viewpoint are fortunate- and health of the author. To these search of an athletic expert, sends: By this time waiters were rushing1 .N ly being afforded excellent opportu we might add schools and churches to America for an Olympic trainer, from all directions to extricate us y to make the list inclusive of all the or whenever she feels the need of!s Mr. Sa nities to attain this end in the fre- environmental factors contribut- a spanning bridge across her wat- from the soggy mess and the place GREATER quent exhibitions, steadily growig ing to the life of the average Am- ers she sends to America unhesi- was in an uproar. The orchestra, 5:30 P.1 in number and improving in cal- erican citizen. The present situa- tatingly for an engineer. however, was equal to the occa- Guild' H Ibre. tion is due not to any one of these It is absurd and contrary to good Psion. Calmly they stuck to their : The Ann Arbor Art association 'factors, but indirectl to the vi- common "horse" sense for a per- I second story perch and played Paster. sponsoractorsl butiindirectly, tointhegvi- Easterin" sponsors monthly - exhibits in I cious combination, which makes son of average intelligence to place "Singing in the Rai"! Alumni Memorial hall. There are adjustment to new standards dif- condemnation upon or hold in low * * at present five different displays in [ ficult, and which places conserva- estimation the American degrees.L the architectural building. In addi- tive judgment of life values at a The reason that the American de- A tion, the Studio club, the Fine Arts premium. - gree stands no show in India, is Eight pillars support the front section of the Michigan Academy, A recent observer has intimated, because the Indians do not get any entrance of Angell hall, it was esti- EVAN the Fine Arts reading room and the that the college's greatest need at chance to appreciate them due to mated late yesterday, but none of (Evang various classes in sculpture, draw- present is for an education. Not the present foreign rule. And fur-( them, it is alleged, are as soft as ing, and painting, all sponsor ex- of the academic sort but the rest- thermore to the American trained sofa pillars. Fourth A hibitions at sporadic intervals. ful variety, which will promote an Hindu students, no facilities of ex- The cause of the awakened stu- interest in carpet-slippers rather pression and utilization of tl/r People, by the way, have been I Rev. dent interest, and the correspond- than ballet-slippers, and increase merits was ever offered and will complaining about these late news ing, increase in the number of dis- the demand for farms in place of never be offered under the present flashes. A couple of readers wrote plays is difficult to determine, fraternities. ; government. No wonder that the in and said I was somewhat behind 9:00 A. Nevertheless, it is clearly evident Some have suggested a reversion American degrees stand no show: the times. I hasten to remind them 10:00 A. that a noticeable group of students to the laws of Darwin, under the in India. that the emphasis should be placed Sermon are endeavoring to cultivate their supposition that the over-indul-' S. A. Rahman, '30. 1 on the word late. After R appreciation of things artistic. It gent will be automatically elimin- 0 r 11:00 A. is quite consoling to note that per- ated from the ranks of the living, A LITTLE DIFFERENT The two-reel movie production' haps American education, with al and others are equally confident . taken on campus and slated for League. the materialism that critics as- that the Ontario Plan will work, To the Editor presentation at the Grid Iron ban- Trost. cribe to it, is producing a class of although they have not, as yet, let I am surprised to see in Mr. quet next Wednesday night has at' students who believe that an aes- us into the secret as to what the Brumm's review of the'latest issue last been completed and is expect- thetic appreciation is essential to Ontario Plan is and why it will of the Inlander what amounts to a ed to play to a capacity house at - even utilitarian education. 'work. We are confidently await- plea for an uncritical and less in- the Union. Lark, the famous ex- o I ing the next edition of Mr. Ein- telligent Inlander. The Inlander editor of Rolls, is the star; and asI DON'T OVERLOOK GERMANY. stein's equations, with the expecta- is published for students interested Joe Zilch, '33, in a screaming pa- ZION L tion that he has arrived at a solu- I in better writing. It is obviously rody of Freshman week will un- Washin With the five power naval con- tion, He, being the only authority I a publication for students if, as doubtedly demoralize the banquet.E ference at London continually. to withhold an opinion. Mr. Brumm indicates, its intellec- * * * forcing itself into the public eye, The situation may be summed up tual content gives the faculty a Ann Arbor is getting more mod- little or no attention has been by saying: There should be an in- headache. ern every day. Yesterday after- I 10:30 A. b given the other nations consider- telligent investigation of the prob- Mr. Brumm remembers, of noon a bum stopped me on North Mediato ed less dangerous in the competi- I lem by everyone capable of serious course, that there are such maga- U. and asked for a dime for a cup 12:00 N.- tionr for strength on the s .One I inrmirv r montl1 +at m , ,r1-. ac iYnacO 'cT"1 T~n 1 rs -a I ..f -r '1' *,,.fnaf i + 2 r tt PN0 'A fil or dommERY ST METHODIST CHURCH te and E. Washington Sts. ur W. Stalker, D.D., 'Mi- ev. Samuel J. Harrison, Associate Minister; Mr. R. Johnson, Student Di. Mrs. Ellura Winters, Ad. Women Students. M.-Morning Worship. VICTORY OF LENT," ker. --THREE DISCUSSION S for Studens at Wesley M.--EASTER . PLAY, "EL ," by the Wesley Players. M.-A SERVICE OF (Russian Music). 'Sermon Mr. Harrison, "LYRIC ON." BAPTIST CHURCH st Huron, below State Edward Sayles, Minister . Chapman, Minister for M.-The Church School. llace Watt, Superintendent. M.-The University Class, in Guild House. Mr. apman in charge. M.-The Church Worship. 'les will preach on "THE CHRIST." M--Friendship Hour at House. M.-Devotional Hour. lymns. BETHLEHEM GELICAL CHURCH elical Synod of N. A.) ve. between Packard and William Theodore R. Schmale M.-Bible School. M.-Morning Worship. topic: "Sin's Sympathy uin.' M.-German Service. M. - Young People's Leader: Mr. Theodore UTHERAN CHURCH gton St. at Fifth Ave. C. Stellihorn, Pastor M.-Sermon subject: "The r the New Testament." -Student Bible Class. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor for University Women. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Holy Communion and k-eception of New Members. Sermon: "The Greatest Poem." HILLEL FOUNDATION 615 El. University Dial 3779 12:00 Noon-StudenteClass, H. Y. McClusky, teacher. Prof.I 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet- ing. Leader: Walter Herndon. TUNE IN. Sunday Morning Service of the DETROIT UNITY CENTER br' sdcast from The Detroit Civic Themaea 11:30 AM. Eastern Sand Tits 1030 A.M. Central StanduiThe, WJR EVERY THURSDAY EV'G (Beginning Jan. 9, 1930) LECTURE ON PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL LIVING Seaine forth the Principles by which am may unfold wihn his life tbo Health, Peace and Prosperity whi&h. Gad has provided. 11.05 P.M. Eastern Stand. Time 10:05 P.M. Central Stand. Tzw BE CONSISTENT IN YOUR RELIGION ATTEND CHURCH REGUL ARI Y FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M.---Regular Morning Service. Sermon topic "REAL- ITY." 6:30 P. M.- Committee Banquet at Michigan League. 8:00 P. M.--Open House at the Foundation. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL State and William Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 6th 10:45 A. M.-Sermon topic: "Does it Pay to Pray." Student Fellow- ship. 5:30 to 6:00 P. M.-Social Half Hour. 6:00 to 6:30 P. M.-Fellowship Supper. 6:30 P. M.-Mr. Fred Cowan. "In the Land of Robert Burns." ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Sts. Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.---Holy -Communion. (Student chapel in Harris Hall.) 9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kindergarten at 11 o'clock.) 10:00 A. M.-Adult Class led by Miss Gammack. ' (In the church). 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion; sermon by Mr. Harris. 5:30 P. M.--Student Conference led by Mr. Duff in Harris Hall. 6:30 P. M.-Student Supper in Harris Hall, followed by two study groups 7:45 P. M.-Maunder's Cantata "From Olivet to Calvary." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty Sts. C. A. Brauer, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-German Service. ',.nn a A RI t" 1 -- ,I I 11