ESTABLISHED 1890 'V Liti4a '4l MEMBER OCIATED PRE .... ... .. .. VOL XL. NO. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 EIGHT PAGES REGENTSANNOUNCE~ENGINEER CHOSEN FiNANCIER ADMITSse~iors Will Elect NITRATES PROJECTISURGEON TO TALK~ Q|KENGINEER CHOSEN 1Seniors Will Elect ;T}TEC[ EP SURGEON TO TA LK f IlL9M SISU TLGTO LEAD TANKMEN DA Officers for Class L AT GRID BANQUET DOAINO AD SUHFUNQ GIFTI DayWednesday VTE T NTINA TA~Election of Class Day ofcesby AhI~flll;members of the senior class of the BY EDWIN CEOREPT O 1IiJY !GROUP eary tree be held dRPORATIO ROd- I 6901nesday afternoon between 1 and 5; Detroiter Gives 1250 Acre Tract John J. Raskob Gives Testimony b locat i ne p all, the o Resolution is Approved Second1 to University for Outdoor Concerning Large Personal men's League building, and in front Time in Ten Years; First Museum Research. Donations Since 1925. of the Main library building at the Introduced by Norris. center of the diagonal. Harley B. APPROVE LARGE BUDGET QUIKline, chairman of the Class Day QUIZZED BY ROBINSON committee, said yesterday. HOOVER VIEW UNSURE Officers will be elected to five po- - Appropriations Show Increase Robinson to Call Daniels; Other sitions: class orator, class historian, Senator Vandenburg Attempts of $200,000 Over Expenses Witnesses May Include Both class prophetess, classtprophet, and Abrogation of Provision ofLs er.I SatnIn urn class poet. The orator is to be a Aboaino rvso of Last Year. {tayton and Curran. man, the poet a woman, the his- for State Payments. ______torian either a man or woman..One__ Gift of a 1,250-acre tract of land Irving Valentine, '31E. (Ty Associated Press) ;-man and one woman will be elected (By Associated Press) to the University by Edwin S. Of Erie, Penn., who was elected WASHINGTON, April 4.-To the to the prophet posts. WASHINGTON, April 4. Once George of Detroit was announced Nominations for the various po- I Wp tyetry'metg fteBrdcaptain of the Varsity swimming accompaniment of savage exchan- iin r sflos s r- more the Senate today voted to of Regents The land is located team for the 1930-31 season at a ges between members of the Senate tor: Howard Simon, Jas oA turn over the government's $150,- _ ofein Regets.hhellndtieloatedtor:HowadlSionJackson A 00,0 irt. ndpwrpoet about 20 miles west of Ann Arbor, meetig of the lettermen held last lobby committee, John J. Raskob, Wilcox, Jones B. Shannon, and 000,000 nirate and power projec Professor Hugh Cabot, nmnight. Valentine specializes in the chairman of the Democratic Na- Harley B. Kline; historian: Robert at Muscle Shoals, Ala., to a gov- anr Pinckney.he gift of a $200,000 back stroke. tional committee, calmly testified W. Holmes, Harry W. Wallace, and ernment controlled corporation fr department of surgery, endowment to be used by Univer In this, his first year of Varsity today that he had contributed $65,- Bessie V. Egeland; prophetess: expermimentation in fertilizer pro- who will appear as a chief speaker c sity research experts in a study of dompetition, Valentine was first 1000 during the last five years to the Margaret C. Babcock, Lorinda V. duction. at the gridiron banquet to be held native flora and fauna string back stroke man as well as Association Against the Prohibition I McAndrew, and Dora V. Vanden- I It was the second time in the 10 Wednesday night in the held first man on the medley relay Amendment and that he was a di- berg; phophet: Richard S. Cole, year controversy over disposition I The land reserve will serve as an team. He was on the medley team rector of 'the organization. Donald J. Kline, and Ormond J. Iof this gigantic wartime property, ballroom. Professor Cabot has hadr outdoor museum, under the direc- that placed third at the national In a low, even tone, the Demo- Drake; poet: Merle M. Elsworth that the resolution of Senator Nor- a prominent part in gridiron ban-1 tion of the University staff. The collegiate meet held at Harvard cratic chieftain smilingly replied Dorothy P. Goodridge, and Virginia ris, Republican, Nebraska, for gov- quets of the last two yars. University will provide a curator. last week. Valentine scored 24 to questions about his relations L. Houghton. ernment operation has been ap- Professor Cabot is to leave the Particularly rich in animal and points in conference dual meets with the Association. He said it at- Ballots for the election have al- proved. The vote was 45 to 23,.. vegetative growths, the plot i said!this season. tempted to obtain the election of ready been printed. Names of all with Republican regulars in oppo- University in June, and his speechc to offer conditions unrivaled in the Eight lettermen from this year's Congressmen favoring repel or voters are to be checked in student sition. Wednesday will be one of his last state for the study of particular m will return next season to modification of the prohibition act. directories, in the same manner as Two attempts to modify the res- public appearances before leaving. flora and fauna. A, house and out- team neason o they were during the Daily prohi- olution were rejected in the clos---- buildings, together with a 40-acre rm a nucleus for the aggregation He added that he was not very ac- bition poll. ing hours of the three day debate. 1 ptholadloaeonter-which Valentine will lead in corn- ive in the work ofthe Association.! BEFH SHM N 9NO E I patch hv ben, located on the re- petition. Seven veterans will be "I am largely in the position of!r The measure was sent to the House Nevhv be eevd ytrsII I infpacthecmaur e ametoe o sefrH ANitN E of th granor heuse yof Mr. dlost to next year's team through ! being a contributor and a direc- a edby Cness years George and his immediate heirs. gradutn t o e explaedIt IN hago. President Coolidge pocket ve- RakbaperdausdaLh versrity Budget. nucdb* frequent clashes between members Ot]UIIL U I osdtealedob ce' the Approval of a $9,258,399.39 Uni- 1'of the committee over questions Resolution in Doubt.v versity budget was announced by I OOO TO C M ropounded by 'Senator Robinson 171 O EJ U N Y Considerable doubt covers the G UUI ~ ~ popundd y Snaor obnso ILI 1 L future of the Norris reouto in Attendance at Annual Affair Is the Regents. The new figures show of Indiana, the only Republican teIs1 an increase of about $200,000 over IIpresent.Hope for Five-Power the House. Leaders there have giv- Limited to Freshmen;MoserI last year's budget. The appropri- IL U1U Other members who attended the GAF en no assurance for its consider:'~ Will be Main Speaker. ations thus granted provide for 520 1___hearing were Chairman Caraway Gradually Abandoned; Fast tion. Likewise, there is some un -_ salary increases for faculty mem- I of Arkansas and Senator Walsh of Parley Wind-up Seen. certainty at the Capitol over the CH bers. A total of 43 new positions IBoesche, Hesling, LoCicero, and Montana, both dry Democrats attitude of President Hoover to-T are provided for. Of these, 27 are Levy to Compete in Northern Senator Blaine, of Wisconsin, and DEADLOCK STILL HOLDS wards the proposal. It was oppos- Sale cf tickets to the Union's an_1 to be academical, and 16 clerical.CSenator Borah of Idaho, Republi- _ed by administration leaders in the Sual al ticesto en 's an-e 1Oratorical Contest. Senate. 'nual all freshman men's banquet list of 31 promotions for mem- __ cans, were present. -(ry Asstciated Iress) es e to be held in the Union Thursday, hers of the University faculty was A After the hearing, Robinson an- LONDON, April 14. eHavingnator Norris lead the drive for April 10, is progressing rapidly, ac-' appoved;butwill not be annunc DATEIiounced he would call Josephus his resolution i the Senate. He cording to Robert W. Ackerman '31,, aprvd u ilntb nonc LLI Y3~ vi~ nucdh ol alJ~~Ui ahied their major objective at successfully staved off everyat ed until tomorrow, when it will be Daniels, Democrat Secretary o te eLod c e rence, nbjec i tesspt. ly sriod oficetery chairran of the underclass depart-' ater =rididg ei the reison ekbsnel orthe Londora confetene in. n tenpt at serious modificatio. m", o fkhrg fh in= d in I he i 4y. hetrousfo1te1orhrnOr ~Navy ilhe Wilson cabinet for t1 meact, wois i chrge of the d n- To foreign teachers, Prof. Paul tratso the Northern Ora questioning on Tuesday concerningE American-British-Japanese naval Senator Van denburg Republican, ner '. Ehrenfest, of tho University of tyi theagu contest held yeste an editorial attacking Raskob, pub- agreement Col. Henry L. Stimson Michigan, sought t& strike out the As the only banquet and get-to- eiden nd Prof Eurico Fermi of urth floor of Angell h n Th lished recently in his North Caro- and the rest of the American dele- ision allowing payment to the fgether intended for freshmen men the University of Rome, have ac- local contest will be held un- lina newspaper, The Releigh News gation today reserved a cabin on from poceeds hama andlTeessee exclusively more than 100 aree th C esi nxsune to pt er e sringvacatio and ertesses expected next the Leviathan for the homeward plus power. That lost on a tie vote, dinner, intramural medals willbe vriynetsimmo play pro- when one student will be chosen t o thrwtese{xece et h eiahnb inent parts in the symposium of represent the University at the in- week are Henry H. Curran of New journey, April 22. 33 to 35, with Vice President Curtis presented to the members of the theoretical physics which has been tercollegiate finals at Evanston on York, president of the Association Hope for a five-power agreement absent. basketball team which won the Un-t planned as one of the great events May 2. The competition yesterday Against the Prohibition Amend- is being abandoned in the belief Walsh Changes Vote. ion's net tourney. Duane Baldwin, of the summer session. was judged by members of the ment and William H. Stayton, of that the conference cannot last Later Senator Walsh, Democrat, '32, leader of the winning group, Change Department Heads. speech department. Washington, chairman of the longer than that date. It is under- Montana, announced that he had will award the prizes.c The name of the Semitics depart- Those chosen were: Fenelon board directors. stood that the American-British- voted under a misapprehension Henry Moser, of the speech de! ment was changed to "department Boesche, '31, who spoke on "The The most heated argument' Jahanese agreement will cover a and changed his vote which made partment, will deliver the principal of Oriental literatures and lan- Deluge"; Eva L. Hesling, '31, whose .which produced an uproar in the five-year period. the record 34 to 32 against the address of the evening. Joseph A.t guages including Biblical litera-;topic was "To Be, Not To Seem"; packed committee room, came when veye n hAm Vandenburg proposal. Witter,'31, assistant chairman, will turs.", Nathan Levy, 31, whose -topic was Robinson asked Raskob if hem- . After assailing the general terms act as toastmaster. TeDtot io op f "At Least One Tradition Still Clings tended to resign his position as cans were preparing to buy their nd principle of the bill, th eri dsncmay o Mdr-Aeia" n hma eoraiIhira.Isteamer tickets cane during one of adpinil!o h blSenator .Montgomery Sak 1 ast hD-to Modern America," and Thomas Democratic Fess, Republican, Ohio, sought to captain-elect cheerleader, will be on fered to exchange with the Un- V. LoCicero, '31, who spoke on "The "I object to that," Walsh said. the tensest days of the conference eliminate a provision for construc- hand to lead the class in several versity for a consideration their I Italian-Misunderstood:" After a sharp exchange between and indications tonight were that tion of a $34,000,000 dam on the yells.- Huron river property holdings, Last year, the intercollegiate finals the two senators, the question went a crisis exists which may end the Clinch river in Tennessee at Cove Tickets are priced at $1.25. They with a reservation only of the righ were held in Ann Arbo', with Or- unanswered. many crises of the London confer- Creek. This was turned back with- may be obtained at the main desk mand J. Drake representing Mich- After the hearing, Raskob told ene.I out a record vote. in the Union lobby, from freshman igan. He won honorable mention, the newspapermen that he had no France and Italy are as tightly _Iclass officers, or from members ofy Theodore Gordon, of the University objection to answering the ques- ' dead-locked as ever over parity and the underclass committee of the of Minnesota taking'first place. tion and added that he did not in- prime minister McDonald of Grea W Street Exchange Union. Every fraternity on the ordinarily, two students are cho- tend to resign. Britain is making strenuous efforts Sees New Bull Trends campus will be canvassed in an at- sen from each of the senior and to save the situation. Also the An- tempt to have each house repre- junior classes. This year, however, ENGINEERS REVIVE glo-French security formula still (By Associated Press) sented at the banquet.- since most of the outstanding ora- SLIDERULE DANCE eludes Foreign Secretary Henderson NEW YORK, April 4.-The most ~ limitat in wasremoedand, four __ofGreat Britain and Foreign Min- fervid bull market since the ram- 'Roimeo and Juliet' to ! lmtto a emvd n orister Briand of France, who are page of the few weeks subsequent to . 1 Od Age and Bronchial Ailment; were chosen at large. (k Reviving the traditional Slide- ite Bkin of Fhe Hoter feweeks susent to End Local Run Tonight Idiligently seeking it. the Hoover election 16 months ago__ Given as Cause of Death --- Rule dance of the engineering col- of Queen Victoria. R ickert WVill Speak lege, 250 couples danced from 9 un- I The whole trend of events points was experienced on the stock ex- Final performance of Play Pro- til 2 o'clock last night in the ball- t a speedy wind-up of the Parley; change today.I ' kg hduction s presentation of "Romeo ' )on Campus Broadcast room of the Union to the music of with a three-power pact as its main The total sales ran close to 6, 'and Juliet" will be given at 8:30i (By AssociatedPress)1 Ray Dixon and his broadcasting or- achievement and a five-power 000,00 and were the largest since o' kh ROME, Italy, April 4-Queen Vic- Tonight's campus radio pro- chestra. agreement on such problems as I the panicy days of last November. rodelssohn theatre. - toria of Sweden, long an invalidgram which will be broadcast as The dance, sponsored by the humanization of submarine war- Although single day's sales were Tickets for the production may ,mom a bronchliai aiiment, calml--- froan arentlyalpailmesslymiy usual from 8 to 9 o'clock through tTechnic staff, was one of the most fare and a technical question olarger during some days of last be obtained at the box once of the and apparently painlessly, died WJR will include talks by Prof. brilliant of the season with the I naval standardization and conces- fall, such activity has not been theatre from 11 o'clock to 9 o'clock here today in the wter home that U. G. Rickert of the School of mammoth slide-rule and seal of I sions. seen in a formal bull market since today. All seats are priced at '5 athe rigorous climate of Sweden. She Dentistry, Prof. Charles Wagner of the college furnishing a novelmr . was i8years old.m dthe romance language department, touch to the decorations. I Hawks Lands in Ohio King Gustave, who returned from and Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk of Special entertainment was fur- on Lon Glider Flight NEGRO HAS MADE GREAT ADVANCES a trip to Naples yesterday, and the Architectural college. Music by nished during the evening by John Prince William were at her bed- , a string ensemble will complete the Wadell, "Silver-Masked Baritone," (By Asociaed Pes) SINCE CLOSE OF WAR, SAYS DANCY side. program. who sang popular song hits. CO)LUMBUS 0.A pril 4 - CaptC hd -Probably the greatest period of, I ______' PRICE FIVE CENTS CABT TO APPEA ON GID PROGRAM BEFORE DEPARTUR Former Dean of Medical School Cancels Previous Speaking Engagement on April 9. CARSO'S BAND TO PLAY Nature of Speech Is Mystery; Previous Record Promises Displays of Humor. Prof. Hugh Cabot, of the depart- ment of surgery, former dean of the Medicine school, will be one of the chief speakers at Sigma Delta Chi's annual gridiron banquet to be held Wednesday night in the Union ball room, it was announced yesterday by Edward L. Warner, Jr., '30, the chairman of the banquet commit- tee. Professor Cabot cancelled a previous speaking engagement in order to be able to appear at the razz-fest, it is reported. His speech Wednesday will be one of his last public appearances here before he leaves the University in June to accept a position with the Mayo clinic. The present is to be the third consecutive banquet at which Pro-. fessor Cabot has played a promi- nent part. Two years ago he was given the oil can, Sigma Delta Chi's annual award to the University's outstanding oil-spreader. Last year he officially relinquished possession of the oil can in favor of Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, who was awarded the oil can on the strength of his platform that he had never seen a drunken alum- nus. Subjject Mysterious. What will be the nature of Pro- fessor Cabot's speech this year re- mains a mystery. He has not yet announced his subject, but his pre- vious record is said by those who have heard him to attest to his ability to exchange witty gibes with all comers. Bob Carson's ten-piece orchestra has been engaged to furnish music for the occasion. The band will play popular dance numbers and University sogns while dinner is being served, and the entire group of banqueters will join in singing many of the songs. Carson's band has a long-established reputation in Ann Arbor, and was secured for the Grid baquet only after long negotiations. A plan of decorations whereby the main ball room of the Union will be transformed into the trad- ing room of a stock exchange has been completed. Actual work of erecting decorations will begin early next week. Oilcan on Display. On this trading mart, brokers will buy and sell stocks in several corporations which are boosting the campaigns of different candidates for this year's oil-can presentation. The oilcan is now in display in the window of Slater's book shop on State street, but the identity of the man to whom it is to be given re- mains veiled in absolute mystery. Persons who have not yet sent in remittances for tickets to the grid- iron banquet may still obtain them by mailing in 3 checks to the tem- porary offices of Sigma Delta Chi at 1524 Geddes. Club tables may be reserved for members of fraternities or other undergraduate organizations desir- ing to reserve seats for all their members at a single table. 3PLANE CRASH KILLS Detroit-Bound Tri-Motored Ship Carries Two to Fiery Death Near Roosevelt Field. Though the Queensc dea been foreseen for weeks, all present1MANY STOCKS ON SIGMA DELTA CHI wvere deeply affected. MA; T C SO SG A D LT H Queen Victoria had been gradu- TRADING MART REACH NEW 'HIGHS' ally sinking in vitality for a long ; time from a pulmonary complica- New highs in Brumm Oil and1 Pardon B. & G. tion. Yesterday her condition was Warthin Refining featured yester- 1 disquieting and King Gustave, who day's trading on the Sigma Delta Angell Sugar ......... 13 13 had gone on an excursion to Na- Chi exchange. Smith, Inc., took a Brumm Oil ..........131 130 ples and the Island of Capri, was commanding position among the Bursley Booze ........109 106 sent for , inumbers, rising to a high level Donaldson pef.15 5 The Queen, sinking rapidly, died while the advance in Pollock Gas. as though she were falling asleep,'y Lorch Limited ........ Jinx 19 OnlyDr. und whohasattededindicated its possibility as recipient Only Dr. Munde. who has attended IfteOlCnt eaaddnx May "B" ....... .. .... 18 Brow her for more than 30 years, real- of the Oil Can to be awarded next ; a B.......8 Bo hedr r than was dea. e elt Wednesday at the annual Gridiron Kraus Steam ........ 99 66 ized that she was dead. He felt)bnutWieLf 11 22 her pulse and listened to her heart, i banquet. WatLit. ...12 22 and turning quietly said the Queen, Heavy Waite trading showed Pollock Gas ..... ...200 100 was dead. bullish tendencies in this stock, Sadler Soap .........113 106 ____s__dead__-while Wahr Air Reduction gained a Jack Exports .........120 109 Arank M.awks, devement tha hasVcomuality o the blacks mentality FrnkM Hwswo sateptdveometththa om o h ing thefirst trans-continental negro race in its entire history is which prevails in certain sections flight in a glider towed by an air- being witnessed in the present so- of our country, is a chief cause of (By Associated Press) plane, landed at Port Columbus at iprsnsoofurcntyI 6:55 o'clock after a flight from In- cial era dating from the World the debasing environments provid- ROOSEVELT FIELD, N, Y., Api dianapolis. He brought his motor- War", declared John C. Dancy, di- ed to the black. It is this environ- 4.-Plunging to a fiery landing be lesnapls . Haebrougt hningotor-rector of the Detroit Urban League, ment, and not any mythical "here- hind a hill near hear, a Bach tr Delayed by a towing cable .acci- who spoke upon "The Negro Since ditary feebleness." that causes the motored monoplane tonight carri Delayed Tbyr atwin cable acch- 1920", yesterday afternoon in Nat- low position of negroes in the to their death T. Worden Hunte third leg of his glide from St. Louis ural Science auditorium. The lec- southern states. president of the Bach aircra Captain Hawks reached Port Co- ture was under' the auspices of the The lecturer pointed out that company and R. W. McAllister, p lumbus more than two hours late. 'Negro-Caucasian club. the migration of the negro from lot, both of Los Angeles, Calif. T Prefacing his comments on mod- the south has increased his oppor- two were to fly to the Detroit Ai ern trends in negro life by a brief "tunities to enter pursuits where his craft show. O + o 1 ereview of the outstanding contri- latent talents may be developed. The craft had disappeared ov butions made by men of negroid He declared, "Such men as Roland the field at the end of a flight fro extraction to the literary world, Hayes, Robson, and Williams are pi- Bethany, Conn. Dancy discussed the works of, Alex- oneering for the race in the fields Field attendants who rushedt ! '- ander Dumas and Alexander Push- ,of song, dramatics, and architec- the rescue drew forth the tw ril ,- i- ed er, ft I- he ir- Ter m to wo .I'