THE MICHIGAN ,AIL I TT'MA!7 ADDYT A 1MfA .. .. ....- .._.. .1 : -x a .u c N.,L L. .l.lfi.Y H.t VItI4 4. IWO rfl Dry Crusader Jailed or Exhibiting Liquor CONFERENCE OPENS TO COND"UCT 910 DY Three Day Program at Columbus to Stress Need of Reaching the Individual, PROMINENT MEN SPEAK University Sends Wilfred Shaw, Dr. Moehlman and Dr. Berry to Take Part. Opening its tenth annual sessiont yesterday, the Ohio State Educa-t tional conference began a three ' days' program at Columbus stres- L sing the keynote of reaching the j ..h ..,: 4 individual. The 35 sections into rI I" rn' which the conference is divided Bealah Allred will meet separately to discuss th1 Elderly lady from Pampa, Texas, problems in their respective fields who was arrested for violation of and to be addressed by nationally the prohibition laws after publicly prominent -educators. ! exhibiting liquor which she bought Among the noted speakers are! to prove that the laws were not be- Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of the ing enforced. Interior, Dr. George W. Rightmire, president of Ohio State university, PRICE TO STUDY Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, president' of the University of Chicago, Karl STUDENT LABOR A. Bickel,, president of the Unitedt Press association, Dr. William F. C. W. Price, president of the sen- Russell of Columbia university, ior class of the University of Ii - Dr. Arthur J. Klein of the United nois in 1923, will arrive in Ann Ar- Dat bure eu obor todayto conduct an.investiga- StatlesrMateau ofeuctionniDean tion of student employment condi- Shityer Mhiateo the H niver-1 tions here. Mr. Price has devoted, tsity oelChiagoiArthr i h icm-hs, time since graduation to stu- ton, Nobel prize winner in physics, dent employment, and has recently' and Terry Ramsaye, editor-in- written a book entitled, "Helping of Pathe Exchanges, Inc. Besides the Man Who Wants to Help 'Him- these, a score of university profes- self." sors, state educational directors, At the present time, Mr. Price is. school superintendents, and teach- preparing to publish the results of a. ers from 10 states will address the nation-wide survey of student em- sectional meetings.-# ployment conditions, and while in The University furnishes three I Ann Arbor wil interview Prof. Er- speakers. Wilfred Shaw, I director I nest W. Fisher, of the Business Ad- of alumni relations, will address I ministration school, who is inter- the section of adult education on ested in student employment here. "Present Programs of Alumni Edu-! Mr. Price is compiling statistics cation," Saturday morning. Dr. on the comparative earning power Arthur B. Moehlman, professor of r three years after graduation of men school administration and super- who supported themselves while in, vision, will speak before the sec- college, and those who were sup- tions of city superintendents and ported by their parents. These fig- that if school business officials on ures will be used in making plans the topic: "Recent Research in for a student placement bureau Educational Business Administra- }''which will place graduates in all tion." Dr. Charles S. Berry, profes- fields of endeavor. Mr. Price's new sor of educational psychology, will book will give statistical informa- tasIo Friday before the section ng tion on men employed on part time specal Fid brs the io obasis at three hundred universities. specal eduation. bythe__Ohio Musca nubes b te Oio UNIVERSITY OF IO AWA-Co-eds State university band, orchestra, from Iowa, Ohio State, Illinois and and glee lubs, and a presentation Indiana will participate in a tele- by E. H. Sothern, Shakespearean graphic swimming meet Friday; impersonator, featured the opening April 11. This is the only inter- meeting held last night. Numerous, collegiate competition in which luncheons. and dinners will be ten- women are allotted to participate. dered the various sections today'- - and tomorrow. r% Extra campus buildings are being j used this year to accomodate thel' increased attendance. Arrange- ments have been made with WEA41 to broadcast tonight's address by, Dr. W. F. Russell and certain ofi the sectional speeches for which time is available. !k HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE TO DEBATE Faculty to Take Part WHITE AND BADGER WILL ATTEND ABOLISHMENT OF CHAIN STORES in Monthly Discussion ENGINEERS' CELEBRATION IN EAST "Patronize Home-Owned Stores." "Intelligence work on the West- Densmore Announces Scho~ols to' Professor Densmore also an- ern Front," and "The Adjustment Prof. Walter L. Badger and Prof.-society will meet with delegates Take Part in Current nounced the four schools which of the College Student," will be the Alfred H. White, both of the chemi- from the world's leading scientific Semi-Finals will take part in the semi-finals of subjects to be described by two cal engineering department, left and engineering societies and edu- --.thechampionshipebyganf1929-pyesterday for the East to attend cational institutions. "Should Chain Stores be Abol- 30 on April 11 Cheboygan High promient faculty meibers, Prof. the fiftieth anniversary celebra- A series of sixteen paers will be ished?" will be the subject for de- School, defending champions. will John W. Eaton, of the German de- tion of the American Society of presented before the delegates, bate of the Michigan High School debate Detroit Northwestern on partment, and Prof. Robert C. An- Mechanical Engineers which will each summarizing and evaluating Debating League for 1930-31, ac- this year's subject "That a Judge gell, assistant professor of soci- be held April 5 to 9. in New York, the contributions of engineering to cording to an announcement made or Board of Judges be substituted Hoboken, and Washington. culture, social, economic, and po- by Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the for Juries in trials in the State of ology, at the monthly meeting of He an Wington lture, sia , and po- Michgan" Cawsn hgh chol te Unverityclu tobe eldat'The celebration will open in NewE litical life, and also visualizing the speech department, head of the i debate PaC Pa ih schooli the University club to be held at York, headquarters of the society, future of the engineer's place in eague:ill15 oclock tonight in the club and will move to Hoboken, N. J., its the promotion of the common wel- "The tremendous interest in this The otheirteenth annualroun hrooms located in the basement of birthplace, and then to Washing- fare in one of sixteen selected ge- timely subject demonstrated daily Angell hall. ton, D. C., where members of the ographical divisions of the world. throughoudtbthe State indicates iosi rdebate wil be h eld iHll Reminiscences of three years': ;---'---llllililllIillll~lliliillfi IIllI~ upon the Chairtween the winners of the twol service with the Canadian army on Store question will receive the en- above debates. Tthe La Bassee, Passicin Dal, and W NOW thusiastic support of the public," -Lense fronts will be the basis for stated Professor Densmore. IProfessor Eaton's talk. Professor= Opposition to chain stores has Dean Bates Attends Angell will speak on the results he been led. by William K. Henderson, Meeting in New York obtained from a series of socilogi- ; who voices his arguments daily ---1cal tests given to students last year from his radio station in Shreve- Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law -- --T - port, La. A large meeting was re- school, left Ann Arbor yesterday cently held in Ann Arbor to com- afternoon to attend a meeting of plain against chain storc:, and their the National Social Research coun- ' Thi 2at;..: methods; and as a result many cil which will be held in New York LSTT°:"T:A local stores bear the slogan: city today and tomorrow. LAST TIMES TODAY - -' ~.. ~"SALUT E" with STARTS SHOWS AT GEO. O'BRIEN AND E GE. OeR'00-ND9 \}+k r TODAY 2:00-3:30 BETTY COMPTON E C COMEDY BRANDED AS A COWARD NIWS ALL TALKING ° Yet he battled a Zeppelin for surenacy of the air. UE I E,.: ""' - "Thw- Sky -" FIVII- -- -- with 802 PACKARD ST. A -VA,'/- - JOHN GARRICK-HELEN CHANDLER ALSO 30 to 7:00 P. M.SPECIAL STANALAURELSndOLIVER HARDFRIDAY 1 m.ehs e ydri'"ns STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY FILLET OF SOLE a Thenacknowledged Prince of OR SALMON SALAD screen vehicle. A gay, dashing OR ROAST BEEF lavish production. one of the finestREVIE "A PERFECT DAY love-stories that ha cone to the "''''"" WIH=screen, against a background' of « ER SCALLOPED POTATOES =stirring drama. And wait till you T BUTTERED PBAS hear Novarro's golden voice in NEWS 1I#= marvelous melodies' a { i { "j ! ( t Jf I i f- r.arurrva... _._'- rr'.hw ,w M rYlerir r" .. .a r-.. ____ .. __. .-_ TODAY ONLY Smart As a Whip- All Ann Arbor Is Talking About Feast your Eyes on these -tars then PLAN TO COME EARLY SEATS WILL BE LIMITEDp a F"en iv Them! RUTH CHATTERTO4 SCLIVE BRIOOW+ WILLIAM POWELL, ++MARY N0LAN++ Ruth Chatterton, the lovely wife of "The Doctor's Secret." long famous on the stage. Grave, handsome, whim- sically witty Clive Brook. Ponular William Powell. Gay, frothy Mary INolan, Ziegfeld's devastating blond in. W. Somerset Maugham's delightful, drama, "The Inside Details of an In- timate Marital Mix-un." ' Appointments All-Technicolor 'THE. DOLL SHOP" HARRY LANGDON "GQ.L SHY" SATURDAY-"HALF WAY TO H Policy 2:00 3:50 3 5c 10c x:00 9:00 50c 25c. OVER THE COUNTER Sale of Trickets Begins Sat., April 5th-8:30 A.M. at School of Music Building and will cohitinue so long as the tickets last. PRICES: $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. If coupon is returned from Choral Uniont tickets deduct $3.00 from above prices. MAILORDERS-Received not later than Friday noon, April 4, will be filled in advance in sequence. Fifteen Men Pledged by Military Society; Fifteen men were pledged by the local chapter of Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military, society, at a rushing smoker held l at the Union Wednesday, night. The men pledged were from the ordnance, infantry and signal; corps divisions of the University military unit. Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the i geology department spoke to the meeting on his pre-war experiences on the campus. Detroit Theatres CASS THEATER The Sensational Feature of the Victor Herbert Festival ELEANOR PAINTER In the fascinating and Melodious Comic Opera ,, "THE FORTUNE TELLER" "- ill 1111E11 1 11El 11t1N111I tt1 H NOW PLAYING "I LOVE YOU I AND HOW" ' A Comedy Myrtyl Ross Playersf Whitney Theatre - :Main Floor 75c Balcony 50c= Matinee Wed. and Sat. Sc 4 F - V ILL you be able to say that X//you 'have had the necessary business training? Or will you have to admita lack'of practical knowledge and enter the "school of hard knocks"? Every college maii has two roads open to him: the. trial and error mnethod of attaining business leadership involving years perhaps of delay; or the business education method which provides in much less time that training the busi- ness world demands. Which road do you choose? Babson Institute offers you the direct route. Ini a thorough and intensive nine. months' course, you can learn the prin- ciples of Finance, Management, Produc- tion, and Distribution. More than that, you can learn how to use this knowledge; so that when you apply for your first position you can say. "Yes, I have had the necessary Send for Boolet We invite you to send for our booklet "Training for Business Leadership". ft tells how many other young men, like- yourself, have been prepared fr business may be equipped to fill eventually. an executiye position. The booklet is free- When you have read the booklet, pass it on to your father and ask him wvhat he thinks of this practical instruction in business fundamentals. New terms open March 29, June 28 and September 2-i. Mail Coupon NOW ! 1 I HEAVEN" WITH, BUD ROGERS . HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX T'wo Trouser Suits $35 Style leaders at Yale and Prince- ton dictated the style detail of our university models. Colorful, novel- ty t w e e d s and cheviots, s e r g es, worsteds, guaran- teed all-wool fab- rics. The two trouser suits at these two prices set the value pace for spring 1930. The- young man in business w h o wants plenty of style will find his spring suit here. $40 Hart Schaffner & Marx vast re- sources alone make these spring suits values possi- ble. The man who thinks he is! hard to fit will find models especially designed for his type of figure. The new spring colors are Tama- rack brown, Vel- lum, tan, Dickens blue and Grena. dier blue. When you see these suits you'll realize their un- usual value-even more when you wear them. I rj <1 I I 1 £Siee ianD 212 South Main Street For Easter Novelties, Decorated Cream r BABSON Institute H319 abson Park,3ia s. Send me, without obligation, STrainin. ! 5 for Business -Leadership" a;nd comnplete U $30, I Extra trousers $6.50 i I III