. tti
Poet Has Been Teacher, Editor
of Weekly Newspaper
and Shoe-Maker.{
Frost Holds Idle Professorship'
at Michigan; Taught
at Amherst.
Robert Frost, nationally-known
poet and winner of the Pulitzer
prize in 1923, will read selections
from his poems at 4:15 o'clock next
Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater and at 4:15 o'clock Wed-
nesday in the Mimes theater
Frost has, at different times,
been a poet, a teacher, a shoe-
maker and an editor of a .weekly
newspaper. He was born in San
Francisco in 1875 and was a grad
uate in 1892 of the high school at
Lawrence, Mass. After a few months
at Dartmouth, he withdrew and;
was married.
Attended Harvard.
In 1897, he moved with his fam-
ily to Cambridge where he attend-
ed Harvard University for two
years and then began teaching
school in Derry, Vermont. For
three years he taught, made shoes
and edited a weekly paper.
His poetic work was unappre-
ciated in this country and, on the
advice of friends, he went to Eng-
land in 1902 where he published
his first poetry. Since that time,
he has published many volumes of
poems. These include "North of
Boston," "A Boy's Will," "West-j
Running Brook," "Mountain Inter-
val," and "New Hampshire," for
y'rhich he was awarded the Pulitzer
prize in 1923 for the best book of.
poetry written during the year.
Taught at Amherst.
On. his return to America in
1915, he became an instructor at
Amherst college where he remained
until 1925 except for an interval?
of four years which he spent in1
Ann Arbor.
In 1925, he again returned to the
University of Michigan where he
was offered' an "idle professor-
ship" for life. At the present time,
he spends part of the year in edu-
cational circles and a small por-
tion in poetic lecturing. The rest of
the year he spends with his fam-
ily at his farm in Vermont.
Final Sales Campaign of Year
Will be Concluded Today
Says Atkins.
May 14 has been set for the gen-
eral campus distribution of the
1930 Michiganensian, it was an-
nounced by Sam Atkins, '30, busi-
ness manager, and the final com-
pus sales campaign of the year will
be concluded today. The final cam-
paign was so successful that it was
decided to continue it today, At-
kins said.
This year's 'Ensian is the largest
one ever published at Michigan
and will contain 584 pages, 3,000
pictures, and eight original etch-
ings of University buildings which
have not previously appeared in
the yearbook.
All of the copy is now in the
hands of the printer and will be
ready for printing by May 1. The
printing work alone has cost $12,-
000 and the photographs and curs
have cost $6,000. The 'Ensian is
being set up by the Cargill Co. of
Grand Rapids.
The cover, which has already
been finished, is of blue leather
with gold embossing. It will have
a green border around it as will all
of the inside pages.
Although the sales campaign on
the campus today will be the last,
checks may be sent into the 'En-
sian office at the Press building up
until time for distribution, when
all extra books will be sold over the
counter, Atkins said.
. 1
Wishart Travelled Extensively, gate university. Before matricu-
rAddressed Large Number o f I lating there, however, he was em-
ployed by a life insurance company
College Groups. and by a law firm in New York.
After receiving an A.B. in 1889 he
"Religious Experience" will be studied at the University of Chi-
the subject of the address the Rev. cago Divinity School. He later held
Dr. Alfred Wesley Wishart, pastor pastorates at Troy, N.Y., Maywood,
,of the Fountain street Baptist Ill., and Trenton, N. J. Since 1906
church of Grand Rapids, will de- he has been pastor at Grand Rap-
liver Sunday morning in Hill audi- ids, with the exception of six
torium. The occasion will be the months in 1917 when he was en-
second of the spring series of con- gaged in Y. M. C. A. work in
vocations sponsored by the Stu- France.
dent council. He is now a trustee of Kalamazoo
The Rev. Dr. Wishart's theologi- college, a member of the Social
cal experience has been of an ex- service commission of the Northern
ceptional nature. He has been pas- Baptist convention, and secretary
tor of several churches in various of the Michigan peace commission.
!sections of the country. In addi- Two books, "A Short History of'
tion, he has traveled extensively, Monks and Monasteries," and "Pri-
and has frequently addressed spe- mary Facts in Religious Thought,"
cial audiences, including a large were published by the Grand Rap-
number of college groups. ids minister in 1900 and 1905, re-
Arrangements for the appear- spectively.
ance of the University glee club at Arrangements for the third con-t
1 the service were completed yester- vocation of the spring series to bej
day, Stanton W. Todd, '30, chair- held April 27, are now being com-1
man of the committee in charge of pleted, Todd announced yesterday.
the affair announced. The glee A nationally known theologian has.
club will sing one selection fol- been obtained as lecturer. The,
lowing the offertory. service is the. same day as Cane
The Rev. Dr. Wishart's under- Day and it is planned to have the1
graduate days were spent at Col- senior class attend in a body.
DCP01111 Dlii irllDC CCA
Sigma Delta Chi Members Star
in Campus Movie; Pre-view
to be Shown at Banquet.
Scenario Will Show Experiences{
of Freshmen Entering
Fraternities and other under-
graduate organizations desiring
club tables at Sigma Delta Chi's'
gridiron banquet, to be held Wed-I
nesday, April 9, in the Union ball-
room, may secure reservations by
communicating with Lawrence R.
Klein, '30, at 1524 Geddes avenue,
the temporary offices of Sigma
Delta Chi.
It has been the custom in past'
years for various student groups to
reserve sections of 1 to 25 seats at
the annual Razz fest. This seating
arrangement .ensures that intimate
friends will be able to obtain seats
together, and thus makes for great-
er spontaneity in the mirth and wit
which marks the annual banquet,
Klein pointed out yesterday.
Ticket applications from the
members of groups asking for club
tables need not be sent in together,
High Low Close
umn iurl ap ...... 0 0 o
Cabot Cadavers ... 4 3 (opened)
(no close)
Forsythe Fusilades ,.. 173 o 7
Pillsbury 1Potion 0 0 0
Rea R u ibleseats...... iog , 9,",
Ruthven Radio .... 6o 50 54
Students Will Submit Schemes
for Architects' Annual
May Party.
Philosophy Professor Describes;
Position of Christianity
as Untenable.
Fireworks Display Company Is
Virtually Wiped Out After
Devon Disaster.
Roofs Caved in, Porches Wrecked'
and Windows Blown Out in
Nearby Residences.
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 3 -
Ten persons lost their lives and
more than 30 were injured when
a series of explosions virfually wip-
ed out the plant of the Philadelphia
Fireworks Display company at De-
von, 16 miles west of Philadelphia.
Most of the dead were employees
of the plant which was comprised
of ten small buildings on a seven
acre tract of land near the main
I line of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Although the hospitals reported
treating only about 20 injured per-
sons, many more were treated on
1 the scene by emergency ambulances
with staffs of physicians. Many
others in the two hundred homes
in the surrounding territory which
the police reported were damaged,
were treated by family physicians
or administered first aid them-
selves. .
Police Investigating
j Police tonight were investigating
reports that several employees
were unaccounted for. But it is
believed that if they are missing
they are represented among the
unidentified dead.
The explosions were terrfic adC
caused great excitement and much
anxiety among the countryside. The
blasts were felt over a wide area,
Ireports having been received that
the heavier explosions were felt 30
miles away. Heavy damage was
I done to houses nearby tenanted by
Roofs were caved in, porches
wrecked and windows blown out.
There was extensive-mnor d-amage
done over a large area, some places
more than a mile away being af-~
fected. There were three heavy ex-
plosions which caused most of the
damage, followed by smaller explo-]
sions. At times, the exploding fire-
works sounded like machine guns
while rescuers were forced to re-
main at a distance.
Wreckage Burns.I
The debris caught fire and was
burning briskly when firemen and
other rescuers tackled the debris of
the small buildings, most of them
of frame construction.
Eight of those who lost their lives
were killed outright and their bod-,
ies were badly charred before they
were dragged from the burning
ruins. Another died shortly after-
I ward. And the tenth, a girl, died
in the Bryn Mawr hospital this aft-
ernoon four hours after the explo-
sion. She had been terribly burn-
There was little left of the build-
Final opportunity for seniors in
the literary college to purchase
Commencement a n n o uncements
and invitations is now being of-
fered, Jennings McBride, chairman
of the committee in charge, said
yesterday. Sale will proceed at a
booth in Angell hall lobby daily un-
til Friday, April 11. Attendants
will be in charge of the boothnevery
day during thehhours that most
seniors are on the campus. Any
Ssenior who is unable todpurchase
his bids at the booth during the
hours that are to be open may ar-
range to get them by telephoning
The leather-covered invitations,
which are in the form of a small
booklet, have been on display in
State street shops for several days.
Manufactured by a firm which has
designed nearly 1,000 Commence-
ment invitations for various col-
leges and universities this yea'r,
those made for the University are
said by competent judges to be
among the most beautiful and dis
tinctive of the entire 1,000 lot. The
cover is of blue leather and gilt,
and shows the Union tower etched
against a golden background.
Both leather and paper invita-
tions are being sold at cost. Price
of leather invitations has been set
at 54 cents; of paper announce-
ments or invitations, 13 cents.
Virtual Ticket Sell-Out Assures
Success of Engineers' Dance
at Union Tonight.
Proper Lighting of Objects
Most Important Feature
for Art Appreciation.
Competition for the design of a "Christianity is untenable," said Summary.
decorative scheme for the Archi- 'hitint . ntnbesi
decoative scyhem fnor teAh- Prof. Roy W. Sellars, of the phi- t Rush toward Rea Rumbleseats
tects' May Party, announced tenta-
tively for May 9 in the main ball- losophy department, in his discus- is believed by traders to be due
room of the Women's League build- sion, "Is Humanism a New Reli- to the warm weather. After be-
ing, will begin at 1 o'clock this aft- gion?" before the fifth of a series ing tied 'up by the recent snow
r nir s-oeri storm for several days, the trade
ernoon, when architectural stn- of All-Campus Forums held at 4' was able to get out of the back
dents will begin the work on de-
signs. The completed designs are o'clock yesterday in room D of yards on Thursday. The market
due. in the hands of the jury by 1 Alumni Memorial hall. is inflated, but with the employ-
o'clock Monday-afternoon. - "Man," he . continued, "is up ment of augmented enforce-
A $25 award and one ticket to the against life and must interpret it ment officers, a sudden collapse
May Party will be given to the stu- to know how to act. Humanism is .of trading is anticipated.
dent who in the opinion of the jury 'an intelligent and co-operative j
submits the best design, while the I Klein said. All the members of the
runnerup will receive one .ticket to quest for the good or satisfactory group may send in separate remit-
the affair. life in the light of modern know- tances, and after the group has de-
Selection of the Winning designs ledge." termined how- many people will be
will be made some time next week Professor Sellars went on to show sitting together, reservations for
by a jury composed of three mem- that humanism is "not a cult but the club table may be mailed to
bers of the architectural faculty Klein at the Geddes avenue address
and the entire executive committee an outlook. Atheism is negative or telephoned to him at The Daily
of the Party. while humanism is a more positive office during the afternoon. Re-
The executive committee, which conception." mittances for members of groups
will direct the activities of the sev-I Throughout the discussion, he desiring club tables may, however,
eral minor committees, is compos- stressed the fact that there is no be sent in together, with a single
ed of Mortimer Hawkins, '31, Wil- revealed religion but that the creed, check to cover the cost of all tick-
liam Reid, '30, Percy Knudsen, '30, of the past have grown out of hu- ets, or with individual checks being
James Auer,.'30, Wayne Mead, '30, man needs and a limited know- included.
Frederick Schweitzer, '31, Robert ledge of the world. "Man," he con- Filming of the campus movie
McCormick, '30, and Marjorie Mc- tinued, "is to become the creator which will be given a special pro-
Guire, '31. not the supplicant." view showing at the gridiron ban-
Regulations of the competition, Humanism, Professor Sellars quet is now completed. Star parts
as well as suggestions as to the1 concluded, "will dig new channels in the cast were filled by prominent
nature of the designs have been Ito drain off the energy that hasb members of Sigma Delta Chi. Pres-
posted on the various bulletin been kept back in the church." ident Ruthven, Coach Yost, and
boards in the architectural build- Coach Farrell also play title parts.
ing. "It is to be noted," the an- ARREST CAUSES Although the name of the produc-
nouncement reads, "that t h i s STUDENTS tion has been held secret, it has
scheme permits of a more refined RIOT #been announced that the scenario
and concentrated treatment of the is concerned with the Freshman
room than has been considered in (By Associated 1ress Week experiences of Joe Zilch, '33,
previous May Party decorations, LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 3.- of Oshkosh, Wis.
and the most should be made of Police riot squads were used today Special appeal is added to the
this opportunity." to quell a student riot at the Uni- production through the enlisting of
versity of Southern California here members of the women's staff of
DEBATING TEAM which broke out when a traffic pa- The Daily to play the part of co-
trolman attempted to arrest a co- eds, who give Joe a new slant on
TO E D SE SONcollege life.
TO END SEASON ed motorist on a charge of reck- I _g___._
Debating activities of the year less driving. ' j, .
willaclose wit two more deaes rThedisturbance in which several Les Canadilens Beat
by the varsity squad on Tuesday hundred students participated in Bruins to Win Title
and Wednesday of next week. On the streets about the university
Tuesday, the two alternates of the was ended quickly after the police (By Associatcd Press)
men's varsity team will debate emergency squads arrived. No ar-. MONTREAL, April 3-Les Cana-
against Wiley college, of Marshall, rests were made and the only diens of Montreal beat back a third
Texas, in a no-decision debate in violence was the rough handling of period drive here tonight to defeat1
Chicago on the Ontario system of the traffic officer by the resentful the Boston Bruins by a 4 to 3 score
liquor control, and on Wednesday, students. and attain the Stanley Cup, pro-
the women's varsity will meet a____________ fessional hockey's most prized tro-
traveling Northwestern teamehere [phy, and emblematic of the World's
on the topic, "Resolved: that the Belknap Reviews Book championship. The Flying French-
present extent of installment buy- by Jeffreys for Club men outplayed the Boston sextet
ing of goods for private consump- u by a wide margin in the first two
tion is detrimental to the best in- Dr. R. L. Belknap last night re- periods, when they piled up a 4 to
teres of the Am rican pub n Ar- viewed from a geological standpoint Tead. ruins, with their backs to
thur Goulson, '31, will make up the Harold Jexfreys' book, "The Earth" the wall, put up a great stand in
men's team that will make the trip before the Geological Journal club. the final period, scoring two goals,
to Chicago. The women's varsity In speaking of the book Dr. Belk- but the bell caught them before
will be composed of Mabel Morris,,nap said, "Jeffreys has taken up a they could get the tying score.
That 225 students of the engi-
neering college and their guests
will da-ce to the music of Ray
Dixon and his broadcasting or-
chestra from 9 until 2 o'clock to-
night in the ballroom of the Union,
was assured yesterday by a virtual
sell-out of tickets, 'according to L.
Verne Anselrgeneral, chairman.
John Wadell, well-known bari-
tone entertainer, will sing popular
song hits during the' evening.
Wadell is a well known radio en-
tertainer and has made a number
of Brunswick records. According to
the decoration committee their
work has been completed with the'
mammoth slide-rule as the centerI
of attraction.
Patrons of the party will be:
President and Mrs. Alexander 0.
Ruthven, Dean Emeritus and Mrs.
Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean and Mrs.
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs.
Herbert C. Sadler, Secretary and
Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins, Col. and
Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Prof. and
Mrs. E. M. Bragg, Prof. and Mrs.
J. Edward Emswiler, Prof. and Mrs.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Prof. and Mrs.
Jose Albaladejo, Prof. and Mrs.
Ferdinand N. Menefee, Prof. and
Taft's Lecture Ends Series of
Oratorical Association
"People who listen to the music
of the great masters played on a
hand organ are quite likely to say
they do not care for music," said
Lorado Taft, internationally fa-
mous sculptor, in his talk on art
in Hill auditorium last night, "and
they are not to be blamed for dis-
liking even great music in this
form. The proper lighting of art
subjects is just as necessary for the
appreciation of art as a symphony
orchestra is for the proper appre-
ciation of good music.
"I've learned a good deal about
art during the many years I have
taught it," Mr. Taft continued. "I
have heard myself talk about it for
more than 40 years and I couldn't
help learning something. But per-
haps the most important thing I've
learned is that are museums
throughout the world are sadly
lacking in proper arrangement of
subjects and adequate lighting."
Deplores Treatment of Treasures
Mr. Taft said that some of the
world's greatest art treasures lie in
the basements of museums and
that many which could be a source
of inspiration to laymen as well as
artists are put in obscure or poorly
lighted corners and left to stand
with smudgy noses and "eczema"
expressions due to lack of care.
"Instead of studying ways and
means of most effectively display-
ing works of art," Mr. Taft assert-
ed, "most museum oIcials spend
their time wondering whether
they ought t~o leave, s Michael-
angelo's 'Moses' in a corner of the
exhibition hall, or saw him in two
and store him in the basement."
To illustrate his point Mr. Taft
showed two slides of a bust of Lin-
coln; one poorly lighted, the other
intelligently lighted, and the con-
trast was startling in its effect. Mr.
Taft stated that interest in art
would attain its proper place in
modern life if some effort were ex-
pended in presenting plaster casts
so that their vivid characteristics
would be brought to light. .
Discusses Ideal Museum.
He explained the subject of his
talk, "My Dream Museum," as be-
ing the conception of an ideal mu-
seum which took form in his mind
immediately after he returned from
France where he unsuccessfully en-
deavored to instill a love of art in
the doughboys. He made extensive
plans on a museum which he hopes
will some day be built near the
campus of the University of Chi-
cago where he is a lecturer in the
history of art. It will be so divided
that all the great works of art will
be presented in historical sequence
to facilitate art study and encour-
age a knowledge of history.
Mr. Taft's lecture was the last
of the series of eight presented this
season by the Oratorical associa-
ings when the last of the explosives Mrs. Albert B. White, Prof. and Mrs.
on the leveled track let go and the Alfred H. White, Prof. and Mrs.
fire was easily extinguished. Louis Gram, Prof and Mrs. Benj-
amin F. Bailey, Prof. and Mrs.
GANDHI SUGGESTS Felix W. Pawlowski, Prof. and Mrs.
L A W VIOLATIONS Hugh Keeler, Prof. and Mrs. Donal
1Hamilton Haines, and Prof. and
(By Associated i'ress) Mrs. Robert D. Brackett.
BOMBAY, India, April 3-Mahat-
ma Gandhi, through his newspaper, Case of Mae Wst Is
"Young India," today authorized C efM e etl
starting of mass disobedience of the) Presented to Jurors
salt laws on Sunday.
(VHy Associated Press)
AHMADABAD. India. April 3 - NEW YORK, April 3.--The case
Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nation-I of Mae West and others, charged
alist leader, today was only 10 miles with having brought to Broadway
from Dandi, where he intends to an indecent production when they
break the salt laws in inauguration presented "Pleasure Men" in Octo-
I of his civil disobedience campaign ber, 1928, went to the jury at noon
I to secure Indian independence. today.
Trading on the Sigma Delta ChiI Angell Sugar and Kraus Steam
exchange was sporadic yesterday, found the market thin with few
some stocks rising to higher levels, I purchasers, while Brumm Oil and
as the time zor awarding Vne Oil Wahr Air Reduction dropped sev-
can narrowed to six days. Warm oral points.
weather buying sent Bursley Booze Bid Asked
soaring a few points, while trading Angell Sugar........14 15
in Jack Exports was also heavy in Brumm Oil--..........13 15
anticipation of week-end business. Bursley Booze.......111 109
Rumors of an impending merger Donaldson, Pref. ...,..54 56
caused increased buying in Windt, Lorch, Limited ....... 17 17
Wireless and Shuter Union. Mar- May "B"-.........3-4 1
ket analysts anticipate a dramatic Kraus Steam ..... . 9 6
combination along these lines with- Pollock Gas .......... 10 10
in a short time. Bulls were buying 1 Sadler Soap .......... X 22
into O'Brien Copper in expectation 1 Jack Exports .... . ...116 115
"Selling yourself is the first re-
quisite to any success" declared
Prof. C. L. Jamison at the regular
weekly meeting o'f the Business Ad-
ministration club last night at the
"One must secure a position, na-
turally, before he can work at it,"
he continued, and explained that,
to secure the position, there is
someone to whom the applicant
necessarily must sell himself. He
discussed the various methods by
which this may be accomplished,
such as a tidy appearance, attrac-
tive mannerisms, and self-assur-
"Of course." Professor Jamison
continued, "one must have some-
thing back of his front"-but em-
phasized that no one will peer be-
hind this front unless it is attrac-
tive in itself.
His peroration, which thoroughly
epitomized his talk, was the advice:
"Early to bed and early to rise,
Work like thunder, and advertise."
'31Ed., Dorothy Blumgarden, '31,'
and Eva Hesling, '31.
May Festival Tickets
to be Sold Tomorrow
Over-the-counter sale of seats
for the May Festival concerts will
broad subject, one which will not
help men in the individual fields.
It is a general correlation of their
work, including astronomy, minera-
logy and geology.t
Student Will Present
Mee" R',,,d;-. a ,, ,I
Ouraher ~ '
I - .-