__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _THE-MZICHIG AN- DA.IL- _ "°ri~DA ,.A PRIL 3, 1930-1 VISITORS TO IWAESV RWOANE OUTARYRII ANGE CUNTRY I UfllAI'B HHEALTHYAAT 90! ALEYVOTE OLgFCENSUS_ oret~ ar SURVsEY FEATURE !LINER News From Other Colleges EDT FEy1 F IB r on 'Tour of Texas CountryPaeEe ontutdePeIllyTON HStrctdPuCILmnCAr, 1pital as the accident was not deem- cr'c U~~A~.cae A tFlying Palace'. to be Largest ..PRINCETON UNIVERSITY-An leci serious. galifa E IS r. ;,atdPe= ln Ee osrce oseilycosrcelulmncr -WASHINGTON, April 2-A wo-: fittingly named "Princeton" will' DE PAUL PLANS PASSION PLAY. The Wa News Idea Tried During Present; man started taking the census to- fo nIdiiul be the headquarters of the summer{ DE PAUL UNIVERSITY - lans 1 signed It Dipa'nWetGley day out in Pecos county, Texas.- geology tour offered by the uni- for a university "Passion Play"; ficers, b' DslyiWetGleyCRAFT NOW BEING BUILT versit v Each locality that the have been completed and tryouts;ohr d of Memorial Hall. fteetre1000eumr-___ trip visits will be discussed by one will be held soon at DePaul univer-' toswoxicl nth 30,00000rB A5scad r s of the experts of that locality. sity. Chicago. Sc ag ei-O POLL AROUSES INTEREST families of the United States, hiers DETROIT, April 2--A "flying pal- los production as this has never; is termed the most herculean task, ace" will feature the third All- SMTHISDATMUT "IVL. been attemted before. Interest in; NEW 101 Qh~foSe Paintings From Annual: thus far definitely called to the at- 'American aircraft show here April . DARTMOUTH COL LEGE-Dart- the show is widespread over thej WILL Chicago Art Institutes' tentioii of census-takting headqur- 15~ to 13. 'mouth seniors elected Rudy Vallee# city, and many alumni have offered1 Declari Midf-Winter- Show. Geis here. It will be the largest, costliest! their favorite "actress," a course in their services. uette v andmot uxriusai lne eeretiquette their greatest need, rye' BAN GESudeYnUTFTS -W X. H. Case, El Paso; Texas, super - anot uuiusarlne:vrtheir favorite drink, and Smith col-.BN ESARYOTIS editorla Popular opinion in regard to the{ visor of the Twentieth Texas dis-, built for an individual. leg their greatest rival in a poll; DEPAUW UNIVERSITY-Polish- how st rltv.apaofpaintings in ani trict, reported to William H. Steu- The giant sip, a Fokker P-32, conducted heresswastdrecently.iiitshul arte bt i apelno solicited In the 1 art, bureau chief, that three enum- i follows the lines of the 32-passes- sebaswspltsWetPithod fort exhibiltsbing i oncin1orators took and quit this particu- ;ger ships built for' transcontinental i ".sylwit"ebgoes liedamua te, for o blltig i cnnctonMUSICIAN BLOWS OUT TONSIL. serge uniforms and garrison offi- caps with the exhibition chosen from thelaTesjowiin2hur. evc. George F. Baker, UIEST FILNI-o IIIII ana mi-itrho ofte But the fourth, a woman, he \Vas Wt t ihitr urihns Utl cie sa nleta i-lNERiS ITY a w IN jOeSwhN {tIllt proud to-iner repoftheptd o"would "oudstick." oweerhowever, wll oswhichS Stialatinea awillueticost- lo$30.- t awiny okewhe t Chicag o Institute of Arts, on dis- JOf the three who didn't, one got 00, it will represent an exendi-; ure in industrial and financial life! someone remarks that a trumpeter i a1=ea r play until the Easter recess in the i hi.a leg broken, Case reported: one ture of more than $150,000.i of the nation,, who has joined thej blew so hard that he blew his ton-SDAY ND FRIDA we4t gallery of Alumni Memorial wRent away without the formality of It ssiundr coutu.ionin ank o th noagearins HesilIou.Y all. .floatrhelllo utryad wast"o.aed anhe shratow i mkltheaire isrptdt ete ainstid'Howard Frick, a member of the "A U E tion wihehbt f i onc aweoutoe ad t wt ae a athe shor ailDetritheillinart eutdtIb h nto'stidUniversity of Illinois band, made l I A relatively new idea i onc off' h enumerators' list. I-Icde- tmne that a plane of its size has iwatis citizen. the phrase a true story when heiWt towihehbtofthis kind, the scribed, some of the dificuilties be- been exhibited under 'a roof in{ was rehearsing previous to It radio l GEO. O'BRIEN AND - pol has aroused considerable in-! fore her as follows: America.I NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY; broadcast.. BETTY COMPTON A terut among art patrons of the 'Lavong'Aline (in Brewster.; Eighty-two airplanes. will be -Northwestern co-eds are in favor rick blew hard on his trumpet.1 also U~tiierity as well as the conimuni- county) she will travel 80 mailes. be- housed in the ne W 1000,000 han- of establishing smoking rooms for Notes came out, but so did a ton-) NEWS CMD tyEachi person attending the ex- f le.eae Ifrt icet gar of the Detroit municipal airport members o1 their sex, a recent poll 1 sil, which lodged in the mouth-1 ALL COMKIDY =1Main F "hmuttkwihhratnwith premieres for a new 21-place knong women students revealed, piece. He did not gotothJos I_ rym~l~l Iiionwhcisbigsosrd..Patrician, smaller Ogden Osprey,I ---. -----"- -'-t by the"Ann Arbor Art association, strive and bed anid prepare to camp'deiged y he oud-te-orl _tIIII~titlillttIi ltliltlifIII tiHthIllpt11I IIIIII is requested to indicate on a ballot but as there is absolutely nowherei flier, H. H. Ogden, and a Consoli- Ifor a person to stay in those entire dtdsvnpae ihwn K~l EE his ,Parst, second, and third choice dae{ee-lchg-ig o-,O districts, on-3 iin ,the three pictures that most ap- "After she has enumerated the..Salopotplanesbin richly col-M re1 pealed to him. He also labels. the west part, it will be necessary for ored for spring and listed in the blalot. as to whether he is an ar- Ihrt oecla ak oApine pierneo ieatmbls tst or art student, or a laymani. ad ather road souh to get'$1,800 to $5000-also will be show : is 'Laymen Outntumier Artists' t the miiddle pat f, the district. Edward S. Evans, president of Records thus far tabulated showal moving her tenit and camp.". the Detroit Aircraft corporation, " Arm ~ , tha th ihtms pplr pait--heads the committee in charge of a dJL nS, taree "Sylant Quietude," by Town Fadingi Before C' the exposition, which is sponsored Carson, "Portrait of the Atis''i by the Detroit board of commerce; Sb," by Johanson, "My Sister; (By A~usiaf n soiatee ncesIand sanctioned by the Aeionautical j Alic;" by Lucioni, "North End;" by i(1vAscedPs) Chamber of Commerce L di e deiss e tr I r~~u ie"The Family," by Frazier, "The! STRATFORD, Conn., April 2. -i . as ~ a Storm," by Higgins, "A Landscape Named for Shakespeare's birth-! DANCYV VIL T L Mother of Mmne. M," by Selden.Icomplex-RO -" J~ Tucnb rcad"h lcStafr' nls N LF F N G OTONIGHTs TOMORROW rNIGHT, Since laymen far outnumber the ioencis fdn eoeRssa n __ artist group, it is the belief of Mrs nTeSikeskyaitincr'r, The Negro since 1920" will be SATURDAY NI H 3. : Saite, president of the Atd h SkrkIaito croa the subject of a lecture by JohnN GH sbcaontathymydfnt-tion, nubrig may ryaN. emigr esam ng i manyo emoy cls, itont a t e la eint .C. Dancydirector of the Detroit' lytrnso influence the total result. Hig- a rnred thekemlages;intog Urban league, on Friday, April 4,'rit gins' "The Storm," a great favorite ate 4:.15 in the Natural Science Au- A i ' with the laymen, has received few a counterpart of the oldcountry, Al.SeasrP one -jk A "five-foot shelf" of books ditoriur. Dancy, who is himself .30 l iw'~ artist votes. The last named, group ! tdi uga a en adddjaNgo has been in close touch 75 cen1ts60 a fave cast ther ballots for Robert ,piwt h ie adpolm fte- ;t 8pece's"Derelicts," "When Sum-,t the public library with repre- colored race in Detroit where the mner Comes," by Mura, and "Bur-' sentations of the works of Andriev, Ubnlau evsaclrdpp School Children Vote. andr othersras ulationon of 0, of 90,000.A IN -hol C ildr n V te.iea dactenso.l'ThdacedwldPrinPrnee oo A separate tabulation of, the ARusa chr, established i screen ehiclerA aydashifnsg votes cf a group of school children Ithis year under authority of the . 1 " laevisrdcion , ofthefne hA eeldta P ri ftr' archbishop of the Orthodox Rssi- aa~o~aauSA Play r d cto 'Esntto l vlove-toris that ha come to the '"'eeld ht"otai fte - - - screen, against a background. of Arutist's Son," by, Johanson (a boy ( an church, serves the new citizens I. hirigarNoarro.s godenwait tiyo anud dog picture) i the favorite I in their foster land. CASS THEATER I - mat oarous :elode ntei with the younger element, with. The telephone directory, long ThSeatolFetrofhe .--- --iihiiriIllllll 11111111iIIlIlIItII "°TheStorm." and "My, Sister Alice" Iflavored with Enlish namesaloneioalHetre fthe--- ltivalflllltitlri1111flifiifttffft running second and third. respec- marks the influx with strangei ELEANOR PAINTER .-;.. tively. na nes-Gluhareff, Sinitzin, Petroff, ;in the fascinating and Melodious..y Ini regard to the many commentsI Sergievsky, Utgoff, Tolstoy, Tim- i Comic Opera written on the ballots, Mrs. Waite kovsky. Toochkoff, Koodroof, and! "THE FORTUNE TELLER" delared that "The Art association{ others. f greatly appreciates these comments; -____ ________ _ ._ ---------___ 71-and will attempt to give considera-_: tion to themr all." I WARNER Alumni Associations jt OS 1f Described in Letters t 1IT v n L I~' . tos wil constitute the re- fthe University band here. r department originally de- hese uniforms for army of-4 rut due to a change in style, were adopted, and the old *ued to the University band. 1ANN IRS 1BOOK NEEDED. ,AMETTE UNIVERSITY - ng the present books of eti- cry impractical for college s, The Collegion urges in an 1 that a book be Written on tudents attending college act at teas, dances, firesides, able, in the library, on the and in the classroom. TOW PLAYINGE 107 LOVE YOU - AND HOW" A Comedy Myrtl Rotss Ply~ers hitney Theatre Foor 75c Balcony 50c tinee Wed. and Sat. 500,; llllfi lt#I111IIltfIIE11#t1111111 111 S NEWS . Combining an educational and pleasure trip with the capacity, of E unofficial ambassadors to the out-J lying Alumni associations ofth world, Millard, Pryor,1'25, and Leroy Dahlberg, 125, have re-zently written! to describe the feelinig they found! among. the alumni at the places! they visited. 1 I 802 PACKARD. ST. 50 to 7:00 n.. mc. SPECIAL THURSD~fAY I LAST TIMES TODA Y SHOWS 2:00-3:30 7:009:00 Here's a slice of small town liflebutbbling. with small town co redy. in whikh you know taverv .character EDWARD E"VERETT HORTON PATSY RUTH MILLERj[ L. SALUSAGE AND EGGS WITH CORN BREAD OR. MEAT LOAF WITH CREAMED POTATOES AND HEAD LETTUCE SALAD. :F ki J~ak Ije t Oink V L 1 e 7 Ln ar~ , . .(.r r,........+. oi A- IL Four eli ghtful People 'Want to Meet You! TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY And their name RUTH CHATTERTON (of Madame X Fate) CLIVE BROOK (need. we say more) MARY NOLAN Ziegfel'd's devascing Blonde WILLIAMPOWELL The big lie man to all girls CLAUDE ALLISTER MONTA GUE LOVE, q W. SOMERSE'T MAUGHAM Bewitching hus- bands ? That's her business! And Mary Nolan, Ziegfeld's devast- ing blond, is love- ly enough to do it well ! Is she smart enough to outwit the clever wife of W. 'Som- erset Maugharm's brilliant comedy- drama? Ruth Chatterton h a s t h i s sparkling 1111 I Appointments " ; I