ESTABLISHED 1 1890 Jr lw i '7a113j MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SE T"COMM I-TTE APPROVES CHANGES I CI I Membership Reapportionments in Student, Interfraternity Councils Ratified. SETS DATE FOR PAGEANT Recognition of Hellenic Society and Arab Students Union Officially Made. Proposals f o r constitutional amendments that would alter the composition of the membership ofE the Student Council and of the In- terfraternity council were approv- ed at yesterday's meeting of the Senate committee on student af- fairs. The proposed amendments have already received favorable votes from the two organizations. Other business transacted by the committee included approval of May 23 as the date for the Senior: reception, approval of May 27 as the date of the Freshman Pageant, and recognition of two new so- cieties, The Hellenic society and the Arab Students union. To Add Four Members. The. constitutional amendment for the Student Council will in- crease by four the membership of that organization. Two additional' junior members, each to serve* twor FRESHMAN, SOPHOM TO PADDLE CANO Student Council Appoints Tilley to Arrange Swingout. Canoe races between freshmen and sophomore crews will be inno- vated at the traditional underclass spring games, May 2 and 3, ac- cording to plans being considered for the event by the Student coun- cil, the sponsors of the affair. Two races, with each class represented by crews of two men, have been incorporated into the tentative ar- rangements in addition to the other customary events, with the aim of developing a more complete water sports program on the first day of the underclass competition. The races would start at the bridge west of the site of the regu- lar events, continue upstream. for about 100 yards, and then return, to the scene of the tugs-of-war. The other events for the afternoon would be the two tugs-of-war be- tween the picked teams of 50 men representing each class, and a third between the entire classes. Preliminary plans for Swing-Out, the event inaugurating the series of senior activities, were also made by the council last night. George C. Tilley, '30, will be in charge of the affair. Precautions for the staging of a well-desciplined Swing-Out, with a minimum amount of the CF H~ RFRMIHl jj i C I , ORE CLASS CREWS ES IN SPRING GAMES misbehavior sometimes occuring at AIAN Ifih T TICKETS FOR SIGMA DELTA CHI GRID CANA11 SENAT ICBNE WILL BE MAILED SATURDAY orairtair RTTRPV* flh' . ~ .- t!fr nr iiwi iiui I dPuI Vaudevile JProgram C.ompleted; .I the occasions, will be made by the I IILIVLVU nii n ul1 Uri ; Movies to be Feature. council, it was decided last night.! "M" men and honor society mem-'1 i ers not in the procession will be Tickets for the eighth annual obtained to preserve order, the 0Xgriidironl banquet, which will be council plans. ' given under the auspices of Sigma Arrangements for the payment of Senate Committee to Investigate Delta Chi next Wednesday, April the $154 bill for repairing damages o9, in the ballroom of the Union, to property, resulting from the ac- E will be placed in the mails on Sat- tivities of the sophomore and fresh- International Relation. urday, according to Lawrence R. man class on the nights preceding - -Klein, '30, chairman of the ticket the class games last fall, have been TANNER OPPOSES B I L L committee. Applicationst are now made by the council auditing com- ____ being received at the temporary mittee. The senior class has con- Pa g B A i business office of the fraternity at sented to loan the amount to the Declares Passage o B A 1524 Geddes Avenue. lower classes on promise that it will 'Guilt' for Smuggling Liquor Although the program of vaude- be paid back within the next two Into United States. ville skits which have been added or three years. The major amount to this ' fst ly of the damage bill has been assess- }i- year's razz fet is nearly d o gf ns the agebias bee asses- (By Associated Press) completed, the list of speakers for 'ed against the sophomore class, in- OTAA ntro prl2-the banquet is not yet certain. asmuch as their activities were OTTAWA, Ontario, April more extensive than those of theFurther opposition to government Roger M. Andrews, editor of the first year class. h bill prohibiting importing of liquor Detroit Times, will open the mar- year ________.Iinto the United States was voiced ket for the Sigma Delta Chi stock in the Senate today accompanied exchange, another of the features by proposals that would delay its on the program. An attempt is be- passage. ing made by those in charge to Senator Tanner joined Senator limit the number of speakers as Willoughbyin moving that the bill well as cutting the time of their AAe submitted for preliminary con- talks to a minimum. The substi- sideration to a special committee tution of vaudeville skits during selected by the Senate to obtain the remaining time will give am- Philosophy Professor to Discuss information as to the probable ef- ple variation to the scheduled feet of the bill on Canada's na- events, in the opinion of Edward Humanism at Fifth Meeting tional and economic life and inter- L. Warner, general chairman. of Series Today. national relations Among the vaudeville sketches Robinson Causes Delay. which are being prepared for the TO ASK FOR QUESTIONS In this motion, they were sup- razz fest, one of the features is to ported by Senator Robinson who In the fifth of a series of All- caused adjournment of the debate Campus Forums, Prof. Roy W. Sel- until the next sitting of the body amsorumsePof. r entafter saying that progress on the of the philosophy department, revision of the present smuggling will speak on the subject "Is Hu- treaty between United States and manism a New Religion?" at 4 Canada might be obtained moreT o'clock this afternoon in Room D, ,quickly if there were nothing "in IL S H T D Alumni Memorial Hall. the way of the government's nego- Professor Sellars, who has made!tinting a treaty beneficial to Ann Arbor Minister Will Give an extensive study of this subject Canada.' through the editing of a series of Senator Tanner said the United Story of Famous Novel, books on philosophy, is the author States could stop the liquor traffic Resurrection". w of one entitled "Religion Coming across the border in a week if it of Age," in which he presents a really wanted to do so, adding that SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN survey of all religions, showing there is growing sentiment against I that each has striven to point out! the Volstead Act in the United Presenting the story of Tolstoy's the need of a good life for man. States. He asserted that there was novel, "Resurrection" by means of Following an introductory pres- evidence that a majority of the a lecture illustrated by scenes taken entation of the subject, in which people there were opposed to it from a motion f th years, are to be elected annually at the all campus spring elections, thus augmenting the council mem- Motor Launch Brings American' berships from the present, 13 to 15 Monoplane Safely Into next year, and to 17 thereafter. Hamilton Harbor. The change was approved by theI _mt:b Council at its last meeting, and' will be formally incorporated into MAKES FORCED LANDING its constitution to take effect atA.d the spring elections next month. (By Associated Press) The mode of fraternity repre- HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 2- sentation in the Interfraternity The American monoplane "Pilot,"1 Council will be changed by the con- carrying Capt. Lewis A. Yancey and! stitutional amendment tentatively two companions, arrived safely at adopted by that body at its last Hamilton toda The lane came meeting, and app-oved yesterda;.!. by the committee on student af- into Hamilton harbor under tow fairs. A second favorable vote by after spending the night on a calm the Counll is necessary before the sea. amendment can be formally enroll- The monoplane, which was equip- ed in the constitution. The propos-s ed change provides that every ped with pontoons, was forced to house shall have two representa- descend on the sea when but 60 tives on the Council, one a senior miles from the tiny Bermudas and one a junior, "the senior rep- group because of darkness Tuesday resentative to be either the head night. She had been in the air for of the house or the junior repre- sentative on the Council the pre- eight hours. This morning the ceding year; the junior representa- sturdy craft appeared off Northi tive to be the only one eligible rock, about five mires from St.f from his house to hold office in the George's, and anchored there., Council in his senior year, provid- She remained there an hour or ing that said representative has not more preparing for the final stage been absent from the Council of her 750-mile flight from New meetings more than twice during York and then was seen flying to- his term as representative." ward Hamilton harbor. She was at Recognize New Societies. a low height, about 100 feet above, The Council officers will be elec- I the surface of the sea. Finally ob- ted from those senior members servers on the shore reported thatf who were representatives during she descended and was taken in tow! their junior year and who during by the Gregory. that period did not miss more than Yancey and his two companions, two meetings, the proposed amend- W. H. Alexander, pilot, and Zeh ment provides. If adopted, the Bouck, wireless operator, had spent; plan will result in the junior rep- 'the night at sea rather than riskI resentatives on the 1930-31 council overflying their tiny goal in the1 becoming the senior representa- Atlantic. tives on the 1931-32 council. The Hellenic society, which was PILOT ARRESTED granted official recognition at yes-i terday's meeting of the committee FOR SMUGGLING on student affairs, is a social or- ganization for University students (y Associated Press) of Hellenic descent. The Arab Stu- MEXICALI Lower Cal., April 2.- dents union has already achieved * some prominence on the campus Loren W. Mendell, former co-hold- through tl'e vaudeville act they er of the world's record for endur- presented at the last Internatimnal ance flight, was arrested by Mexi- Night programs and through a for- can customs officials and placed in' mal dinner, attended by several jail here today on charges of con- University officials, sponsored by spiring to smuggle two alien Jap- the organization a few weeks ago. anese into California. Mendell was taken into custody Liberal Religious Creed near Black Butte, 27 miles below Pthis city. He had landed an air- - Papers to be Received plane near Black Butte and it was All entries in the prize contest confiscated. The ship was given for a liberal religious creed, now i to him and Pete Reinhart by an being conducted by the Liberal Stu- airplane manufacturing company, dents' union of the Unitarian I after the pair had set an endur- church, must be on file by April 16, ance refueling record of nearly 240, it was announced yesterday. hours. Any student of the University The Mexican officials were ac-I graduate or undergraduate, may companied by three officers of the compete for the prizes which ag- United States border patrol who gregate $30. The winning creeds had learned of the alleged plot. will be published as an index of the The officers said an automobile in religious thinking of the liberal which two Japanese were hiding students, although their names will was found near the spot where be withheld if desired. Mendell landed. The Japanese toldl be the all-campus movie, a produc- tion taken and directed entirely by Sigma Delta Chi actors. Although the theme of the remarkable pro- duction is still a mystery, even to a majority of the fraternity mem- bers, it is rumored that Lawrence Klein has the leading role. The scenario concerns Michigan camp- us life. Other vaudeville skits were writ- ten by Paul Shower, '31, one of the editors of the Gargoyle, Gurney Williams, '31, night editor of T[he Daily, Franklin M. Reck, assistant managing editor of the American Boy, Robert L. Sloss, '31, a night editor of The Daily, Lawrence Klein, book critic of The Daily, and Rich- ard L. Tobin, '32, of The Daily staff. The motif of the 1930 production will be a stock exchange, and cer- tain members of the faculty will be listed on the call board. The fac- ulty member whose stock rises highest will receive the oil can, traditional razz fest emblem. PLANSFR ANNUAL' Moser to be Principal Speaker' at Freshman Banquet Next Thursday. WILL BE HELD IN UNION Completed plans for the Union's third annual all-freshman mens banquet were announced yesterday by Robert W. Ackerman, '31, chair- man of the underclass department which is sponsoring the affair. The dinner and get-together will be held at 6:15 o'clock, Thursday, April 10, in the Union. Henry Moser, of the speech de- partment, has been obtained as the principal speaker. At that time, Intramural medals will be awarded to the members of the team which won the Union all-freshman class basketball tour- nament which was completed about two weeks ago. Duane Baldwin, '32, leader of the winning group, will present the medals to the men who played on his team. This is the only affair of its kind given during the year which is ex- clusively for freshmen men. Montgomery Shick, '31,. captain- elect of the Varsity cheerleaders, will be on hand to lead the class in a few yells. Joseph A. Witter, '31, assistant chairman of the un- derclass department of the Union, will act as toastmaster. Tickets, priced at $1.25 will be placed on sale at the main desk in the Union lobby this morning. They may also be obtained from commit- tee members of the underclass de- partment and freshman class offi- cers. Fraternity houses will be can- vassed. Early interest in the banquet in- dicates that ther will be more than 100 men present at this tradi- tional event. Dean Sadler to Attend Anniversary of Society Noted on Artist Has Been Lecturer History of Art for 3,5 Years at Illinois. he will explain humanism, the use now. of the term, and the two types, lit- Passage of the bill by Commons, erary and philosophical reiggious he said, was a "political move" ! humanism, he will call for response Tanner Blames Politicians.- in the form of questions from the Politicians in the United States audience. During the course of the i are in a dilemma, Senator Tanner discussion, Professor Sellars will i said. They are afraid to oppose the give his own interpretation of hu- prohibition law and political in- manism, commenting on its funda-|fluences prevent them for enforcing mental basis-that there is no re- it and so "as a last resort they are vealed religion. He is also expect- tossing the buck to Canada," he as- ed to discuss the humanistic be- serted. lief that "nature helps those who! Senator Tanner declared that the helps themselves." government bill was a tacit admis- Since the subject of humanism sion of "guilt" by Canada for the is one of the most vital of current smuggling of liquor into the United discussion topics over the country, States. as well as on the campus, consid- "The present Dominion govern- erable discussion is expected by Iment of Canada is assisting the the Forum committee at the meet- politicians of the United States in ing today. their attempts to libel Canada by . Because of the limited seating admitting guilt," he said. capacity of Room D, the Forum He denounced the Premier for will be transferred to West Gallery saying that the bill should be if necessary. passed because "some great im- pending peril" would threaten Japanese Ferry Sinks; Canada if some action along the line of the measure were not 100 Believed Drowned taken. Says Washington Dictated Bill. (By Associated Prc t)"It was only a figure of speech," TOKIO, Japan, April 2. - The said Senator Tanner, adding he be- capsizing of an overloaded ferry lieved the bill was legislation dic-j boat off the Island of Kyushu, tated by Washington. southern Japan, today was believ-f ed to have cost the lives of more _ than 100 persons. Forty-eight bodies have been recovered. NOTICE. After leaving Wakamatsu, a coal The Board in Control of Stu- exporting port, for the nearby dent Publications will hold its town of Tobata, the ferry boat, meeting for the appointment of Wakatamoru, was lashed by a gale the Managing Editor and Bus- which swept waves aboard. She Iiness Manager of The Michigan was carrying at least two hundred Daily, the Michiganensian, and passengers, twice her normal capa- the Gargoyle on May 3, 1930. city, and they rushed to one side of Each applicant for a position the laboring ferryboat to avoid is requested to file seven copies of drenching. Their weight caused his letter of application at the the ittle boat to turn over. Board office in the Press building I hWithtexepbattoun over, Sr not later than April 7 for the With the exception of two 5cr- p s fth ebr o th bian girl dancers who are missing, use of the members of the biangir danerswhoare issngBoard. Carbon copies, if legible, all the dead are believed to be Jap- will be satisfactory. Each letter anese. i 'hnlrh ld ta+ the. facts. as tothe TAFT WILL APPEAR TONIGHT AS FINAL SPEAKER ON SERIES' Internationally Famed Sculptor, Author Will Discuss My Dream Museum'. TALK TO BE ILLUSTRATED 'name and made into slides, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will appear this afternoon at 4:15.o'clock in the Natural Science auditoriui. The story of "Resurrection," it is said, is taken from incidents in the life of the author himself in his I younger days, and is filled with I sketches of the life of fie young aristocracy in Russia. Tolstoy wrote the book after he had announced hiss intention of; giving up writing for life. He did it in order to give the proceeds to a persecuted religious sect to aid their emigration to Canada. So great was his reputation as an au- thor, it proved, that immediately upon the announcement that he intended writing another book, he was forwarded sums from three countries for advance rights upon its appearance. Rev. Heaps will give the plot and general trend of the story in his lecture which is one of several of this sort that have proved highly popular on campus in the past few months. END OF PARITY DEADLOCK SEEN -, ,., 4 S i i . Lorado Taft, a sculptor of inter- national fame, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium on the subject "My Dream Muse- um," as the last speaker on the current Oratorical series bf eight lectures. 4 Mr. Taft is one of the great sculptors of the day and is also known as an author. He is an artist and a delightful lecturer and is said to captivate his audiences whether or not they know anything of art. Modest of his work as a teacher and lecturer, nevertheless it is true that he has done more to inspire a knowledge of art and love of the beautiful in sculpture and painting than any man of his age in America. Famous for Sculpture, Among Mr. Taft's best known professional works are "The Soli- tude of the Soul," at the Art Insti- tute of Chicago; "The Fountain of the Great Lakes," Grant Park, Chi- cago; the Washington Monument at Seattle, Wash.; "Black Hawk" and Ogle County Soldier's Memo- rial at Oregon, Ill.; "Lincoln," at Urbana; and "Alma Mater," dedi- cated at Urbana last June. After graduating from the Uni- versity of Illinois in 1880, Mr. Taft studied for some time in Paris and returned to take a position as in- structor and lecturer'in' modeling at the Art Institute of Chicago, which position he has held for the past 35 years. He holds the title of Professional Lecturer in the History of Art at the University of Illinois, as well as many others conferred upon him by universities and art societies throughout the country. Member of Many Societies. Mr. Taft is a member of the Na- tional Academy of Design; the American Academy of Arts and Letters; American Institute of Architects; and the National Com- mission of Fine Arts. He won a gold medal at the St. Louis exposition and possesses many other trophies won at national and international exhibits. This will be Mr. Taft's second ap- pearance in Ann Arbor under the auspices of the Oratorical associ- ation. Tonight's lecture which will be fully illustrated with slides, is considered to be the best of Mr. Taft's entire repertoire of talks on art subjects, and promises to be an unusually interesting and educa- tional talk. Tickets are on sale -at Slater's or at 3211 Angell hall to- day and will be available at the box office in Hill auditorium from 7 to 8 o'clock tonight, according to Henry Moser of the speech depart- ment, business manager of the Oratorical association. FORESTERS HEAR FIRST AID TALK (By Associated Press) I Nieuland Will Give Chemistry Lecture "The Chemistry of Acetylene"1 will be the topic of a lecture to be given this afternoon before thel local section of the American: Chemical society by Prof. J. A-. Nieuland, head of the chemistry department at Notre Dame Univer- sity. The lecture will be given at 4:15 o'clock in room 303 chemistry building, and will be illustrated with slides. Prof. Nieuland, prominent in both the fields of chemistry and botany, has been head of the rhpmict r opa rtmentq tf Notre applicant's experience upon the publication or elsewhere,'so far as they may have any bearing upon his qualifications for the position sought, and any other facts which the applicant may deem relevant. E. I. SUNDERLAND, Business Manager, Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. eOurWa' herAan I . --- -Og5J I o p., It\, LONDON, April 2-- A formula opening the way for Franco-British agreement on French demands for additional security and British hopes of reduced French naval ton- nage was under consideration to-' day by the five-power naval confer- ence. If agreement should eventuate' the second of the three principal barriers to a five-power limitation! treaty will have been removed,! leaving only one, the Italian de- mand for naval parity with France. Japanese acceptance of the Reed- Matsudaira compromisetschedule covering the Japanese - American relationship removed the first. Although apparently regarded favorably by the delegations them-' selves, there was question as to what viewpoint British opposition would take to the formula, which it was understood France accepts as making more definite British military commitments under the League of Nations covenant. Smoking Room Givenj to Women at Chicago (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, April 2.-A smoking room for women today was estab- lished at the University of Chicago tn which cods may retreat toi Dean Herbert C. Sadler, of the engineering college, will attend ! the celebration of the fiftieth anni-! versary of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to be held in Washington, D. C. and Hoboken, N. J., April 5 to 9, it was announced yesterday. Dean Sadler will represent the University; Glasgow university, Scotland; and two marine archi- tecture associations with which he is affiliated. He will go first to Washington to attend a reception and will attend a general meeting in Hoboken later. Architectural Movies Will1 be Shown Today Five reels of movies, depicting the complete process of sculpture, will be shown at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the auditorium of the architectural building, under the auspices of the Architectural so- ciety. 1 "Sculpture in Stone" is the title of the first presentation, a four-reel film, while the second is entitled "From Clay to Bronze." These films have been produced and are dis- tributed by the Boston Museum of of Fine Arts as nart of a series in- I Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, directgr of the University Health .Service, spoke yesterday evening before the April session of the Forestry Club, discussing "First Aid to Men in the Field." After discrediting several "superstitions" regarding first aid, such as "bucketing a person who has fainted with cold water," Dr. Forsythe outlined fundamental steps to be taken in case of shock, fainting, and other emergencies possible in the outdoors. In regard to the efficacy of var- ious antiseptics, Dr. Forsythe de- clared that "the vogue of mercuro- chrome as an antiseptic is passing away in medical circles, due to the fact that its color often olscures inflammation. The older favorite, iodine, is once more in favor as a first aid appliance." The lecture concluded with a summary of med- ical articles needed for assembling a model first aid kit. Preceding the lecture, members of th +nr etrv+- rnh rma+ in wmilnr SLIDE RULE TICKETS. About 50 additional tickets to the Engineers' Slide-Rule dance, which will take place tomorrow night in the ballroom of the TTUnin _ra to hp n1 eed on en- the authorities that they were waiting there for the airplane. Dr. Curtis Will Speak Before Medical Group Tl. fn r..-a AT ..,.rne. r f imin .q