FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY AXMTYKTV.Qn'AV' 'A:PltTT. -) -1(1-qn TNP" . a M ,..flTaITCuANJ L AT1! a 'W 4 W A=t~ I .21Ax L?'hW L'O i A V Aflfltt1 46,'1:1.3 Published every morning except Monday during the Tniversity year by th. Board in Contil of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of al news di- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Fntered at the postoffice at Anti Arbor, tMichigan assecond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mzater General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Lard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF f Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilley City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg News Editor...........Donald J. Kline Sports Editor....... Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor..........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman Literary Editor ........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank . Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert 'L. Glos Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May HelenBare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein ugh Pierce S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel mnas M.Cooley Jaie oes Helen Do iine J eh A R ssl Margaret Eckes Joseph Rustch Catherine Ferriw RalphRIt. Saehs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowi Ruth Gallmeyer 1 Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansod Ginevr Ginn, Jane Thayer Hack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson ,mily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Gove-ma Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth , Valentine Cullen Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. lean Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zin it BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER .Department Managers Advertising............. Hollister Mabley Advertising.......... .Kasper .1. Halverson Advertising...........aherwood A. Upton Service. ......... ...George A. Sater Circulation............... Vernor Davis Accounts ..... .........ohn R. Rose Publications........George .. > . Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants James E. Cartwright George R. Patterson Robert Crawford Charles Sanford Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton' Norman Eliezer Joseph Van Riper Norris JohnsonL Robert Williamson Charles Kline Wilian R. Worboy Marvin Kobacker Thomas Muir Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Eleanor valkinshaw Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman Hortense Gooding WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY THE FRATERNITY'S FUTURE. It is difficult for us to see how the fraternities on the local campus can view their present status with equanimity or their future with confidence. Wherever they turn outside their member- ship they are charged with snob- bery, extravagance, moral turpi- tude, sloth, selfishness, and bar- barism. Harvard junked the whole system in favor of dormitories back, in the 1880's. Princeton and Yale have followed suit, reducing fra- ternities to the status of ping-pong parlors; and now Michigan is ex- periencing a wave of dormitory propaganda which bids fair to go I hard with the fraternity system. The fraternities are not entirely guiltless. Founded with high ideals of Christian fellowship and mu- tual aid, they have for the most part been careless of this heritage.) Some of the bad influences that in- evitably arise in college life have C been tolerated instead of defeated in the chapters. A general mockery of serious academic work is per- haps te most serious of these bad' influences, though certainly its complementary tendency-the en- couragement of ,drinking, loafing, luxury, and ease--should receive mention. Fraternities have rather generally failed to show cause why they should continue to exist ex- cept as superior rooming and boarding houses, and even this' rafher hollow excuse will hardly hold water when the University can provide dormitories. Fraternities, of .course, will spring to their own defense on thet ground of their lasting loyalties; and friendships, and it cannot bet gainsaid that these sterling vir- tues are a product of the associa- tions they foster. But unless this1 University goes completely coun- try-club (the direction in which it has recently been headed), we fail1 to see how it can permit the con-t tinued existence of these distinctly1 anti-academic groups. The frater- nity might be permitted to leavenE the business of learning with com- I _ must reorganize as small colleges, preserving their standards of mem- bership and individuality, but adding a serious constructive pur- pose to their excuse for existence. It is encouraging to note that the alumni of at least two of the1 older and better established fra- ternities on the campus are al- ready thinking along these lines. NO HARMONY. Some six months ago, President' Hoover as "leader" of the Republi- can party named one Claudius Huston, its national committee chairman. Today Mr. Huston's dis- missal or resignation is being *prophesied with a great deal of certainty by the majority of the nation's political observers. The party chairman is distinctively un- step up within the next two days to prove that supposition false by nearly equalling her in the art of vituperation. And the only result has been the dissillusionment of any of us, men or women, who had been prone to think kindly of either sex! For no man -can have read "Just a Co-ed's" unwarranted burst of rancor without a rising, feeling df animosity toward her kind. And no women, regardless of how "Co-ed's" letter may have dis- pleased her, has followed the bitter responses of "Senior Lit" and "G. A. D." without a certain re- I sentment. For Michigan's sake I'm a littleI ashamed of the whole affair. I can find small provocation among "Co-ed's" imagined wrongs for this same sudden onslaught of hers. The two men merit some leniency, popular with both the national committeemen and the general perhaps, on the grounds of sel populace. In fact, he seems to have 33defense; still, I wish they might set a record among semi-public of- rather have magnanimously ignor- ficials for getting completely out of ed her attack-complete disregard harmony with his position in the would have been the most dignified shortest possible time. J answer possible. The most generally acknowledg- But as the matter stands, I am ed reasons for his unfitness to con- able to draw support from it for tinue are his activities while head a pet theory of mine-namely, that of a lobbying association, which prevailing opinion or' statistics" to were lately made public, follow- the contrary, there is less differ- ing Senatorial investigation. Much ence between the mental makeups I that was uncovered would serve as of the two sexes than we are pop- excellent campaign propaganda ularly led to suppose. for 'the Democrats in 1932 should Let's look at the evidence to be the present Republican chairman found'in this very controversy: remain in office.. "Co-ed" makes it clear that Mich- The real reason why Mr. Huston igan men are hopelessly egotistical; will not continue, however, is not "Senior Lit" does not mince his what he did as a lobbyist but what words in declaring the same of he has not done as a national women. The conclusion? We are chairman. It must be noted that forced to agree with both! "G. A. he was appointed to preserve unity D." cites an actual case of femin- and harmony in a party that had ine intellectual dishonesty; had I just received its greatest electoral space I could balance it, alas, with support in history. Underithe cir- several equally true and pertinent cumstances, the task should have examples of masculine impropriety. been comparatively easy. But now Add to this the evidence which this the party is being forced to alibi series of Campus Opinion letters and defend itself with one hand provides-that the sexes are equal- and calm insurgents with the! ly possessed of impulsiveness and other. The Republicans have in lacking in balance, and my case is the past six months received some complete: that character is a mat- hard blows: the stock crash, which ter of inherent disposition and shattered one of their best cam- training, factors of which vary paign issues-prosperity; and the greatly from person to person but Senate split, which caused Hoover little from sex to sex. J and the Old Guard to be bitterly . For I have yet to find a single assailed and the Republican partyi vice or virtue in the whole gamut machinery to be badly shaken. of human experience on which Me'anwhile Mr. Huston sat by either sex holds a monopoly! apparently doing nothing. The -A Michigan Student. party leaders became exasperated, N begging for action, or, at least, for ONE WONDERS. attention to the problems. Worst To the editor: of all, the party organization has "Oh, that men should put an provided no propaganda to coun- enemy in their mouths to steal teract the Raskob-Shouse publicity away their brains! that we should, campaign which has made much with joy, pleasure, revel, and ap- of Republican falterings, all of the plause, transport ourselves into embarrasment of Hoover and the beasts"--Taken from Shakespeare's Republican standing generally. Othello, Act II, Sc. 3, line 291.- Mr. Huston's career as national According to the Daily's figures party chairman will be exceeding- a large percentage of the young ly brief. And it will be lamentable men at Michigan has voted in favor as it is short, not for its reflection of laws that will make it easier for on Mr. Huston but as an indication them-and likewise for mortals of President Hoover's lack of po- with weaker characters than col- litical ability. Huston was Hoov- lege men are supposed to have- er's own choice, in fact few others to imbibe intoxicating liquors. One wanted him. In appointing him, can but wonder if these young men the president was supposedly ex- will be like-minded fifteen, twenty, J ercising a non-official but never- or thirty years hence when they thless vital duty of a national ex- themselves will have families, ecutive, namely, that of keeping homes, and businesses of their his party functioning with the own: will they then laud a farce greatest amount of coordination. that insidiously undermines their A political party to be effective wills, their characters and their must keep its wheels running chances for professional success? smoothly. The Republican party will they rejoice to see their own does not seem'to be accomplishing children transport themselves into this. It lacks unity in itself, and "beasts"? Will they be callously in- harmony with the president. And different to the economic wastes, it is the lack of this necessary abil- the social disorders, and the per- ity to coordinate his party that is sonal misery and wretchedness preventing President Hoover from that so commonly are the result- carrying out his campaign prom- ants of the drink habit? ises. This has been demonstrated One realizes, of course, that few too many times to be much dis- of the present generation of youths puted. It appears to be the sad have ever witnessed the inde- case of a man whose reach has too Iscribable effects of the open far exceeded his grasp. saloon and the corrupting power About Books THE CURRENT ISSUE OF THE INLANDER.{ A Review, by Prof. John L. Brumm. In passing judgment on the cur- rent issue of Inlander, one may not emulate the "ego-frisky" re- viewer and trample merrily over; the corpus of his victim. One be- comes immediately conscious of serious business ahead. One reads on with increasing uneasiness and, ultimately, possibly a headache. For here, truly, the editors have provided for their readers a liter-{ ary adventure that demands morei sheer endurance than they are) 'given imaginative stimulation for. And. yet the work is of sound merit. Phrased negatively, its claim to approval lies in the fact that it makes no effort to be surprisingly revolutionary. There are no strain- ings at wild eccentricities, no fever- ed strivings to be original. Indeed, the middle-aged innocents may read the magazine clear through without being made uncomfortably. aware that they are old fogies and therefore should be chloroformed. ! And that is saying much for youth- ful literary exploits these days! The pictorial offerings comprise two wood-cuts: Rockwell Kent's frontispiece, strikingly interesting for its modelled effect; and Jean Paul Slusser's "Launching a Boat,"' much more vigorously animated than his "The Circus," with its in- sistent angularity. "Mrs. Trent's Husband," by Eliz- abeth W. Smith, is a boarding house .romance, nipped satirically in the budding. It would be diffi- cult to maneuver Mrs. Schultz ad- roitly, but she deserves to be made 'more real and human than the re- produced photograph the reader{ is compelled to look at. She is copied from life, without attempt at imaginative recreation. Mrs.1 jSmith has written better stories. TYPEWRITERS RIBBONS SUPPLIES for all makes of Typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insuresj best quality at a moderate price. O. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 o1% COMMISSION ON EACH j MEMBER SECURED, paid to any student or teacher who has a party of s or more for any one of many PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS to England, France, etc. Over 4.000 members in 102. Only r1o gives you a free trip. Register now. Phone 6412. KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU . 6ox E. Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play While You Pay. Radios:-- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:-- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records r4, M a t Ia w I ~l HYSMlP }ASIA. THOMAS HINSHAW. Mgr. !. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 * * _ _ * *1~ ** * *q HER AA Gif t Go Grade A * * tourist third rcabin ... e R SLEVIATHAN 0 This season, brand new Touri*{_;e **Thdrshades. eme ng * enhlosdckmotpLEVAyaHro-*)~ * World's Largest Ship... the entire *second cabin assigned to"Tourist * * Third"... all its eautiful public * E ds L SALON bE costume * rooms and staterooms... its el e ant open uer deck social hal e f* et erorad~uhm-* * the sea... its charming cloistereo * smE balln.., its vast open and and shades.Somethngfor * okn * enclosed decks for play and prom* * enades ... luxuries and spacious. * the little lady-a dainty ;pair ness exceeding former standards * c *for this class. Second Class, as of ear-rings, a string of hand- *class, abolished ... new Tourist* . Third Cabin rated Grade A" and * AaD 6NcesAcd the LEVIATHAN the only liner*s * to offer this peerless ratingI AltkeV * -haste in booking this new, lulu- * - let. rous wagon the mightiestfiveday*fe. *flyer to('herbourg and Southampi ton:. Rates low. * ''" * Excellent Tourist Third Cabin * Accommrodationsi also on United * S"tates Cabin Liners . . . for as * 0itea 1.5ady * OFFICIAL FLEET OF 103 COLLEGE*f' * ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS FOR* *EUROPEAN TRAVEL*?o Consult your local steamship agent or * O I UNTE STATES *' J.M. B EAELE. Gnral Agent *ACD EE R' YY yr1514 Wash. Blvd., Detroit, Mich. 16 Nickels Arcade READ THE DAILY EAlT-U~ATVTAcCTE1c' kh Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical The four St. Helena Gullah Tales by Guy B. Johnson, of the faculty of the University of North Caro- lina, are negro folk stories, based, presumably upon African originals. Two sketches by John Becker, a Harvard graduate who intends to publish a novel, afford thin fare in the Hemingway manner. "Free- dom," an episodic sketch of a wom- an who is stifled by drab surround- ings, was written by Russell E. Mc- Cracken, a student. The piece shows a flash of imaginative in- sight into the human need of a va- riety of stimulation and the futil-' ity of seeking spiritual escape through change of mere circum- stances. .c5cd1Z-' .L 1 L. L./VI.J .Li I ,t1iL'jjlJ.: Want Ads x,32 URRU l MEM aM' .. .... ..._,. ter Have You Found Out the Distinction Bieween Laundry Work and Varsity Service? I I i I C o-------- _ of the liquor organizations as they - - once existed in the United States. Ca p sO iin 4One can be certain, too, that few, if any, of these youths have ever Contributois are asked to by brief, seen strong men wallowing in confining themselves to less than Soo ' , lk wor$s of possible Anonymous Coln- street gutters like swine, women mnunicationsinll be disregarded. The (oftentimes mothers) sitting bat- names of connuniants will, however, be regarded as confidential. upon re- tered, bruised, and bedraggled in guest. Letters published should not be hovlbruisedhm and edagle n construed as expressing the editorial hovels called homes and children opinion of The Daily. cowering with fear and slinking - - hastily out of sight of the man BATTLE OF SEXES, they called "father", all because of To the editor: the brutalizing effects of liquor. These last few days some 30 One realizes, too, that the presept inches of space have been occupied generation of youths knows little by 'Just a Co-ed" and her re- about the struggle which civiliza- spondents, apart from the general tion has made to rid itself of the campus comment, unprinted, which strangle hold of the appetite for their outbursts have aroused. And I rum. Every proposal that is at pres- just what has been accomplished? ent being suggested as a substitute. Nothing, I'm afraid, except the ex- for alcoholic prohibition has been citation of a lot of ill-feeling which tried by the United States for long need never have been brought to I periods of time. None proved ade-) light. "Co-ed" starts out, it seems, quate. The present regulations are) to get herself a seat at the senior I the results of a slow evolutionary banquet, but no one can imagine process in rum controi. They are she is succeeding. Before she finish- not working perfectly, let it be ed her complaint, she seemed to granted, but these achievements forget her mission in l inehmnonfl' tf !n inriv , fiA bl,.t-- i t-, ... ...ti,, j The "qiece de resistance" of the magazine embraces two critical articles concerned with Humanism. Fourteen pages of philosophic speculation on humanism, in a forty-six-page issue, is scarcely' a convincing exemplification of the doctrine. A good deal of mental effort, however, has been expended on these articles. Lawrence R. Klein's "Survey of American Hu- manism" is an excellent account of the traditional character of the philosophy of Humanism, its re- ligious and aesthetic status, andl finally its theory of values. Wil- liam J. Gorman has written an ef- I fective defense of Walter Lipp- mann as a humorist. Both of these should deserve well of the phil- osophy department. And if the public will conscientiously read them, some measure of intellectual advance will have been deservedly won. The twelve book-reviews, writtenj by students, are almost uniformly enlightening. Six contributions in verse, mostly by outsiders, are scattered through the magazine. The heresy that artistic creation can be indepen- dent of thought is not insisted up- on in these poetic offerings. It would seem that the editors agree that, even if the kind of emotions we are able to experience these days can best be expressed in other' than traditional metrical forms, the fault is with the emotions. Having pursued the current In-' lander, the reader will regret two things: the inclusion of contribu- tions of outside writers and the rather painful insistence on criti- Come in and see for yourself the care that we use with your clothes. Find out why they are returned to you in such per- fect condition. Or, to experience the speed of our Service, just call Phone 4214 q ell r/ It Is So Obvious . . 0. It