WEDNESDA, APRIL 2,1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIURN [ECLIPSEOF SUN TO BE VISIBLE IN FAR WESTERN LITI ER| S| \ O S ERVATORIES ON APRIL 2, SCIENTISTS DECLA / i~ ~ITOTALI FESTIYAL BEIVED1'/7 I4 L l IY M II IP I C'. NCu t- '.tI ( A BEE EXPERIMENTSG German Biologist Say s Insects Students to Atte Aeronautical E at V 4roit Student members of nautical Society will go next Wednesday afterno nd ''USEUM EXP[)T xhibit 19V NL TRLP 4iror LEAVE ON TIiP *. td Detroit on by bus Y I IVIUU JUIWUL,- Congratulatory Messages Come Following Announcement j of Spring Series. DYKEMA LAUDS PROGRAM Columbia Professor Terms May' Event 'Seat of Muscal Education'. Congratulatory letters, flocking into the office of the President of the Universtiy School of Music from all over the country immedi- ately after the announcement of the May Festival programs in the national musical magazines, afford evidence to the added esteem given the University by this musical, event. Letters from unikversities all over the country, tinged with what one might call quite respectable envy,I express supreme satisfaction that; "a seat of musical education can so beneficientlyand influentially ex- press itself in such a significant musical series" (from the letter of, Professor Dykema of Columbia University). Ernest Hutchinson,t dean of the Julliard Graduate School of Musici n New York, 1 } .1 V:. "^ / " uy N. ' -.. \ 0 /PATH hk OF \ - OW7TIP of MOON HADOQW JUST, ;ACHES EARTH TO MAI " SHORTEST TOTAL ECLIPSE- A round black shadow, half a 28, according- to scientists. The dia dircetion across North America. A the University of Ialifornia plans1 nomena. Are Able to Communicate to attend glider flying demonstra- r.:" ,ti::.- -ith Each Other. tions at the Detroit City Airport. h + 'W' lThe flights will be spnso red by the MMOVIES USED iN' TALK aeronautical section of the Society DAKOTA S of Automotive Engineers during its f F } ' Proof that bees possess not only meeting in Detroit, April 4 to 10. In; *N*NESR AOWai- the senses of color, scent, and taste the evening the students will at- .,KANSAS but also are able to communicate tend the All-American Aircraft \,N C-Nwith each other was offered by Dr. Show which opens Saturday after- MONTHLY EVENING SKY MAP Karl von Frisch, eminent German noon and continues until April 131 biologist, in his lecture yesterday in at the new Exposition Hangar at, .;Natural Science auditorium before Gratiot and Connors avenues. a large audience. Moving pictures During the week there will beI of his experiments in Munich ac- four glider exhibits at the show in' companied the speech. addition to 82 airplane and 115 ac- SHADO By placing food on a blue card- cessory exhibits. The complete board and then later on a red one,i program for the week has been an- r \ Professor von Frisch demonstrated niounced with the various days that since the bees would not touch arng the w the food on the red card, they must 5, Dedication Day; April 6, Famous _be able to distinguish the colors. Pilots' Day; April 7, Ladies Day; To prove they possessed a color April 9, Engineers and Glider Day; sense and were not influenced by April 10, Diplomatic Day; April 11, the chance odor of the cards, glass Governor's Day; April 12, Family was placed over the colored pap- Day; April 13, CloQing Day. ers. Still the bees persisted to _ hover around the blue card. How- A ever, bees are not aware of as many UT P Y P O E color shades as are human beings, MAN KILLMED SELF mile across, will sweep at 1,600 miles an hour over the far west on April itwas pointed out. gram shows the path of the total eclipse which passes in a southwesterly In similar experiments shown by T s Reveals Albertson Was nin Arbor will see the partial shadow at 2:12 p. m. Lick observatory at movin pictures, the speaker show- sy to have planes at 10,000 feet in order to get photographs of the phe- ed that scents of flowers made them $hot by OwnRevo-lver- distinguishable to bees if their col-- _____-- __- __------- ors were similar. Bees also rec- The, bullet that ended the life of ognize qualities of taste, but not to Frank Albertson, 5J, of Marlette, Statistics Show Value GREE N LAUNCHES a high degree. Mich., who Saturday niglt at- I ofForetMaage ent EW R DIO RIV Concerning bee communication, of Forest Mamagement NEW RADIO DRIVE se ehcnpancdtan tempted to shoat hid divorced wife ______ I ______ ~~~~~Professor von Frisch explained thatteitetosoth.dipccwe scout bees discover food and that and subsequently kept three Ann $ ecent statistics from the School Governor Attacks Commission soon after other bees from the Arbor police officers at bay with an of Forestry and Conservation dem- as New Statement Is Issued. same hive appear at the spot. By army rifle and a .38 calibre revol- onstrate that scientific manage- marking the bees with paint so they ment of forests increases the (By Associated Press) could be seen in the hive, it was ver, was self-inflicted and did not amnt of stsding es tim r oLANSING. April 1.-Michigan's noticed by the experimenters that come from a policeman's gun, it giventract, athodugh timber n proposed police radio broadcast- ! the scout bee executed a dance aft- was revealed yesterday morning at ing station continued to hold the er homing. This procedure an- University hospital where an at the same time may be subjected center of the state here today as nounced the discovery of food, but autopsy vtas performed six hours 'to active' cutting. Governor Fred W. Green addressed how the other bees found the honey after Albertson died. The experiment tract from which another statement to the Federal spot independent of their guide has The wculd-be slayer passed away the particular figures were obtain- Radio commission. not been determined. at 5:10 yesterday morning without t ed is the Eber White Woods, a 43- In the statement given out to- Other clues to this mode of com- having . regained cnsciousness. day, the Governor accused the munication which were observed The bulleu was recovered from his o acre tract, University-owned, loca- adio commission of jeopardizing were the fact that the scout bee brain by Dr. Carl . Wle, assist, ed immediately outside of Ann Ar- the state's case, attacked the con- tells which flowers the food is to be ant directqr of th p othlgical bor. Over a ten-year period, "basal ception of radio as interstate com- found in, how sweet it is, and how laboratories Qf the Un4yer4ity, in area" of the tract, an index to its merce and suggested that members much is available. His dancing var- the pres.~ce of police ofcers and wood volume, has increased from Rof commissions listen in fo a few ies to this end, and the number of Coroner Fred HeuseL hich ights if they doubted his ass bees which congregate is in pro- It was previously thought that amounts to a nine per cent increase 1tons that jazz and advertising portion to the quantity and sweet-. Albertson ae h au in capital. This increase is shown monopolize the air ness of the food supply, Professor the police officers to a fusIlade of in snite'of the fact that the wood ;.von Frisch concluded. I Ad from the army rie-. had been k i Cre TO STUDY TROPIC FISH Plans are practically complete for the two months' trip through Mex- ico which Edwin P. Creaser, gradu- ate student in the zoology depart- ment and a member of the muse- urm staff, and Dr. Myron Gordon, of Cornell, will begin tomorrow morning. A two months' excursion through the region of the Gulf of Mexico in search of tropical fish and a study of sea life in these re- gions comprises the program which is hoped to be accomplished by the field, trip. The trip will be made with an auto. Although several parties have, in the past, gone through this area which the latest expedition from Ann Arbor will cover, a limited quantity of information is at pres- ent available concerning fish life. Forty days of the trip will be spent along the Gulf of Mexico seaboard during the excursion and many hundreds of specimens will be sent back to Michigan's Museum as well as eastern institutions. Dr. Gor- aser and Gordon to Stare Two Months' Excursion in Mexico Tomorrow. writes:p "shave just read withI PLANS COMPLETED much pleasure the list of artists) and organizations to take part in FOR HONOR CHOICE your annual May Festival. It is a splendid array and I wish to conr-gc gratlat youmos corialy o Michigan high School Principals gratulate you most cordially on Send Pupil-s to u civmn. alJ ev Wl Compete. your' achievement." Paul J. We av- WlSedPpstoCm t. er writes from Cornell: "The Ann, Arbor" May Festival is a high light- Plans for the selection of the in the American music season. Michigan representative to compete From your announcement this year for the Edison Scholarship this I feel that you are outdoing your- year were the topics for discussion self." at a meeting held in the office of Music Magazines Write. Dean J. B. Edmonson of the edu- The usial mgaznes f t cation school Monday night. Themrusical bagazines of th It was decided that ,following country, erre Key' Musical uiPub- closely the system of selection used lications, the Musical Courier, Mu- last year, the candidate. would be sical America, etc., all sent their. las y the gt w oo apprectiation of the worth of the chosen by asking the high schoo: event. W alter Kramer of Musical principals to recommend a mem- America writes: "Without any ber of the senior class of each in- doubt' it is the biggest musical s titution for the state competition event in the country and I am The member so selected will be happy to read about it." sent to the nearest state Teachers Rubin Goldmark, president of college to take a standardized ex- ter~n 7_ Golcimark1. .... pesident7 f ainaio,.te r - - f wichwi { . .1 l t J d tl r 4F U T 1 1 i , don plans to attempt to preserve live tropical fish and ship them north in order to cpntinue a study of their habits following the re- turn to the east and middle west. Dr. Gordon, Creaser's partner on the expedition, was in Ann Arbor for about a month during December on a research fellowship from Cor- nell. He worked at the University Museums building in the fish divi- sion under Dr. Carl Hubbs for some weeks on the same subject which; he will soon cover in the field. Creaser, a graduate student in zoo- logy, has been studying tropical fish extensively during the past winter as a member of the museum staff. Beginning just south of the Texas border line and carrying farther south to Vera Cruz and Mexico City, the motoring scientists will have ariple opportunity for tropical sea- life study. Special containers are being shipped ahead to the various points which the Museum expeci- tion will touch in order to insure safe conveyance for the many spec- imens which will be caught for fur-- ther observation. Creaser's equipment for the trip includes everything from hunting knives to tents, the excursion bein entirely a "field trip," in the lit- eral sense. Dr. Gordon arrived some time ago in order to prepare for the expedition. E a eene tooAemiansn Aew Ysrbor for correctionGovernor Green reiterated is cans' club, comments: "You are n tn b et has been constantly cut; the cord- claim that the issue is whether ceinlubdomm gents:workcluare and grading. The ten best papers claim obtainedehsipaid forwthehup certainly doing great work cultur- will be picked from among those keep of the tract. Logs harvested Ijazz and advertising or the protec- ally, both in the works presented p corrected hire, and the students from the tract are being used as'tion of Michigan life and property and in the artists presenting to whom they belong will be tesm spe cte aboratoeas from criminals shall take preced-j hem " ibought tothe Unie.t o ae test specimens In the laboratories j them." I brought to the University to take of the School of Forestry and Con- ence in the air.{ Weber Sends Incisive Letter. the final State examination. servation. The statement today was- irect-) J. M. Weber, president of the The winner of the state competi- ed at Earold A. LaFont, member of American Federation of Musicians tions in each state is to be sent to the radio commission who ques- sent the briefest, but perhaps the Edison's laboratory in New Jersey Mexican Students to Seek Idei E dforonen aaointeNtewinnersofWihyexnstioned Governor Green's statement most incisive letter: - "I desire to for one final contest, the winner of Friendship With Texans that jazz and advertising are in compliment you for the excellence which is given four years' study at the majority in the broadcasting of your selection and the value of any college or university he may jTEXA-So that friendly rela- wave channels. your intensive activity in the inter- - choose. Last year all the competi- tionships between the National Un- The Governor had previously an- est of musical art." tors in the examination given in iversity of Mexico and the Univer- nounced that the state will direct Spontaneous appreciation of this ! New Jersey were given Radios by I sity of Texas might be furthered, I and operate a broadcasting sta- sort, coming in some forty-five let- Thomas Edison. . Senor Ignacio Garcia Tellez, Rector tion without waiting for the fed-1 ters from all over the country of the Mexican University, has sent Ieral body to assign it a wave should be gratifying not only to PENNSYLVANIA STATE COL- four Mexican student leadefs to length.# those directly responsible for the LEGE-Hope for an informal Greek I meet with the Texan students. Se- Festival but to the University and letter dance following the first an- (nor Tellez, who accompanied the! DEPAUW UNIVERSITY-The De- town that by generous and quite as nual Interfraternity Ball was de- delegation, stated at his return to Pauw chapter of Phi Beta Kappa spontaneous support makes this, stroyed when the dance committee Mexico, "I am very grateful for the recently elected 25 seniors to mem- widely respected event possible. dropped the project because of pos- i pleasant treatment given me at the bcrship-15 men and 10 women. 4sa b j actions., Univerity of Texas."-- - --i Worley Outlines New I - z -IUowlfTa Transportation Field ' Speaking before students of the Bay City Junior College yesterday afternoon on "From Oxcart to Air- Forsythe Campus to Address Forestry Club Dr. W. D. Forsythe, of the Uni- versity Health Service, will speakt on "First Aid As Men in the Field Should Know It," tomorrow eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock at the third spring meeting of the University Forestry Club. Dr. Forsythe will outline simple health measures to be used by foresters when engage. in timber projects which necessi- tate outdoor work. To Observe 62nd Birthday CALIFORNIA - The University was 62 years old March 23. The birthday was celebrated both at the Los Angeles branch and at school in Berkeley. shot down by a bullet from one of the policemen's revolvers. Povwdcr brins and the ange at which the 4dlet entered the head, howeyer, g-vc sufficient evidence that Albertson, cornered by the police, had turned his own revolver upon himself. A note found on 'his clothing partially indicated that he had in- tended to kiss Mrs. Ella V. Albert- son, 508 North fifth avenue, from whom he was divorced several years ago, and then takte his own life. Albertson foTMperly operated a theater in North Pranch and then one in Marlette. He was arrsteId one week a to by Sailer County officers for Detroit oficers on the charge of raising a check from $21 to $210. His hearing was to have been held in Detroit Monday. plane," Prof. John S. Worley, of the engineering transportation depart- ment, outlined the advancement that has been made in his field. Professor Worley is one of the fore- most authorities in the country on the history and development of transportation. He has the only transportation libraryinsthe United States under his direction. You'll Want Them All! The music you want, when you want it, in VICTOR RECORDS NEW HITS DRUG 207 South Ma'in STORES 723 N. University 217 North Main alllllllill!feSlilallelill Batanr of W ek Sale 60L'.avoris.. $1.15 Dare's Mentha-Pepsin .45 Kotex . . . . . . 0 0 y43c r the C}... l ~ ,ff~,rpwi~r~'fs~ 1 Whistle W" r 4 ey , . 0 N HOW . . . 4 Bars Kirk's Hard Water Castile . 73c . 39c * 29c - 79c rd TouRIsT3 TOE Soap . . 1.00 Ovaltine . .30 Packers Tar Soap 1 Pint Rubbing Alcohol . -* 0 I. r-'i--------11? 7'S IDrink Deliious and4 R frshi f 0 - . . . . . 21C -'Z :. v, everyody's going to Itope nou alays -'amany are having the tine ol heir lives going Toirist Third Cabin. Think o! one way fo v only 5105 up- round trips as little as X51$5. Think ofeossing on such liners as the Majestic, the world's r- est ship; Olym pic, Bef-erland, Adriatir, Pell niand, Western- land, Minnekahda, etc. Here is a real travel buy-a wowderful low-costway to Europe! Go this suunmer. 49C ~1F, 11.!81ii iea.....'Id "i . . 22331 Lucky Little Devil Everybody Tap "5c 1.50 Petrolagar . . . 22322 Sing You Sinners from "Honey" In My Little Hope Chest 75c 22339 When It's Springtime In the Rockies Down The River of Golden Dreams 75baj Schaebelrle and Scan j 1.00 Nujol . * 1.00 isterine , , * . a .. " a i i0..*" *" 98c 89c 79c 79c 43c 9,7 for theue that refreshes When you suffer from large and undiluted doses of your fellows. When the milk of human kindness seens to sour. Blow the whistle for a minute's "time out" on your own account, to pause and refresh yourself. In other words, go into a huddle with a AI , 30 Principal offices in the United StatLes rind Caudu. IMain offi-p, So. I Breadw. New York City. Authorized agsr~ents every chere. 1.00 New Style Gillette Blades . . .50 Kolynos Tooth Paste WHITS STAR Ll REgDpS TAR L 1f 4 ATLANTIC TRANISPORT LINE International Mercantile Marine Company a s " -w LISTEN IN --1- !- I