THE- MIC-1HCAN DAI LY ''W-D flSDAY, -APRIL- 2, 1930- STUDENT ART Hghs Auto Route ThroughRock ies Will ShirtCEYJ TOCAC Fal River Fars at Altitude of Over 12,000 Fee NUTOCG IIIII Ar rYWIQTFO _ _____ ___ _ ____ ...._. News.,From OterColes Notre Dame Professor to' Talk Here April3 on; Acetylene Analysis HILL ULL LI TAUTIILU4 UNTIL APRIL TENTH H lu a , I 1i 111 IiWW!" Prof. J. A. ieuwland, head of Colgate Students Vote Wet Use of Mae-up." The attendance 'the chemistry deprment and in Pol~~~~l has grown greatly in the few weeks 'rfso fbtn tNteDm Anti-Prohibition Claims Will beAta usLqo the meetings have been held Unversity, wiilivr ubi Hel by Rpeetto COLGATE-Sixty-Six percent ofOhoWsyaSedTlgrm ecue n "te hmiry f Increase From Cities. thehColgateestudentdbodyldrink:acetylene" on Thursday, April 3, Yand 71 percent favor modification toLno;Dsraen aly; at 4:15 o'clock in room 303 Chemis- WETS CLAIM VICTORY or repeal of present liquor legisa- try building. Prof. Niuwand. 11p .2ition, according to the Prohibition? OHIO WStESLi'YAN ' TYIVERISIT1Y } comes to Ann Arbor under the jint Mr Assiavd ess>Pall taken inl chapel at this school - Following a recent mrass meeting auspices of the local section of the WSIGOArl-mp rt- lyetE of the Wesleyan student body, d- American Chemical soiety and the ant changes in the membership of plicate telegrams were dispatchedUnvriy 3tmtclyfolw T odMetn tiw to President Hoover and to the Prfof. Nieuwland is well known thehoue illauomaicalyfolow To old1Ve____ atow Aerical delegtY'ia;: 1,6Lodon Ifor his work in both the fields of the fifteenth decennial census, the1 conratuilating ,th~ el ' ton ois l~ clemistry and botany, particularly } taing of which begins Wednesday.1 fOWA-The national conventioni work and ishing i stacopls e C-. for his work in the synthesis of or- ,, ~A reapportionment of represen-: of Gam ma Epsilon Pi, national cess ink disarmh . the xna ions ot te ganie compound from acetylene, 'tation in conformity wt the honorary sorority, will be held herewol.TePein'ssrtry nadnbtnyfr okinax ,. s ;growth and shifting of the nation's on June 20 to June 22. About 50 a retp, arvsured the sttdnts t0,t onomy and nomenclature of high - :::::;><;;. "::x t ipopulation will be made for thel deegates arcexpected to be ptes- {everting. possbe is bet: dl e er plants. He is also editor of the tr << first time in 20 years and will be-' ent. for the stcces of: the conlfeernC American Midland Naturalist. come effective with the conigress -_____- The lecture will be illustrated - lce ii13kColumbia Scholars Included Detroit City Women Make wih slides and is open to all who Under the terms of .the reappor- a$0000eFlinterestedy._________ .-,tionment bill passed last year, the +i 200Flosips; 1merry on Pay D Pyogramar ntrstd -' census bureau estimates that 17 --PICTNUIEST ~. ~widely scattered states. will lose an; COLUMBIA-Many of the un- DETROIT - Detroit Qcity's . and More than 350 couples attended the aggregate of 23 members of t he: versity scholars were included in a 'Tece' oleec-d+ad e-Jno Pohlpas ih.S _;: '~~house and that 11 states will gain; group of 85 that received more than I uir rm ed atngt t-ry as a FlIay Dayprgram wvas C r-M dents were pritdteueo _ by the same number. $2000riheGgehi flo-:nd onutex' the auspies dfte automobiles for the event. It is expected that the represent- :sips. These fellowships are tena- womens athltic dparitxlnt. f- ______'___ - ,M",-- ation of the larger cities will be in- (ble abroad for research in ayfed1er r.iin i na grand tl',h a tani "~ creased and since these are usually' of knowledge and for creative work' comyyposed o"f eresnt~ale~ f bth regarded as opposed to prohibition1 in any of the fine arts. collees ahed int bastbll, vol ay in North America, a 28.2 mtile a careful watch is being kept for - - , ley bll rng tennis, a1dtal 'dat I Ithe effect of the reapportionment1 Purdue Women Instructed con est.j pass on the continental divide in upon the liquor issue. atYWCA hr col' I ,o be completed in the fall of 1931. I tetbttr cntst ha pr-,CharmChatesSushoddolr ea each an altitude of 12,120 feet and cededthe passer oftetthrap pr- PURDUE-Ae"Charm"vchool isa- X0,000. PRU- Cam coli _ tionment bill by the house, mem- held weekly by the Purdue Y. W. L E 111-G H - Two men caught b ers from metropolitan areas i C. A. to instruct the co-eds in theI cheating In a fial eaminfatio HEAPS WILL T LK chrged that representatives of ru- ;rt of being charming. Prominent here were suspended for a year and HE PSaLL T districts were attemting to de-wmnscal drs ahs& lcdo emnn icpie lON RUSSIAN NO VEL feat the measure in an effort to Iwmnscal drs ahss.pae npraetdsiln 'prevent an increase in the size of sion on such subjects as "The Eti- } probation by the committee on dis-. EA TE Lecturing on Tolstoy's novel, th1os wtbo.quette of Traveling" and "Proper' cipline. "Resurrection," Rev. Alison Ray I Although the constitution pr- _____ Hleas will. appear Thursday April Ides for reapportionment every ---.ten _..___I-._SPECIAL_;_._. " 3. at 4:15 o'clock in the Naturallyears, the last took place in 19111 Science auditorium, on the basis of the 1910 ceisus. They:1 APRIL 1 to 14 The lecture is to be for the mostI law passed last year provides that { part a summary of the contents of in the future a reapportionment be --AR the book, illustrated by lantern made by every fifth congress, with er ~ED A , slides. The story is one whose in-' congress retaining, to meet emer-EVERETT I terest has proved sufcient in. late gencies, the prerogative of changingI years to warrant the making of representation at any time. .-HORTON i two motion pictures on the plot. It . NOWCwatkefrmnicdntothAM was akenfroman icidet ofthe FJLUULL IS TO snoiw WnJ ,i s UL i J i Ct1~,ulle ''.- '"-,..wa.4." in creative work by intermediate and advanced students in the re-t The highest continuous highwa' presentative schools of the United stretek extending over Ptll River" Rocky MAufttIi naional park, is to States. "This annual exhibition is Thel project, when completed, wilre important," said Prof., Emil Lorch, wi' cost the government over $1;001 of the College of Architecture, "be- - - cause it is the only Waly we have ofI knoxwng what sort of work is lbe-IL inig done in the architectural MCY S1 Was President. -Prof ess1or Lorch is a past; presi- Schools- of Architecture, having ;___- been at the head of the organiza- Record-Beaking Gusher: Blows tion from 1023 to 1925.° He has served also for many years as a Of ap; Wn pred member of the executive commit-J Liquid Over State. tee of the Association.. The Association is concerned with all the various phases of .ediuca- FIRES DANGER GROWINGI tion in the field of architecture, 1X1.- cluding admission and graduation (13y Associated Press) requirements, .staff,. and equipment, OKLAHOMA CITY,.. April 1-De- and in general with maintaining 1fying man's puny efforts to restrict the high standards of architectural its towering strength, the Mary education in this country. ISudik No. I wild oil gusher of the! 26 Schools 1kepresented. Tweny-sx ofthemajo arhi-Oklahoma City field, today hurled tectural schools of the country a constant menace of thousands of I' make up the roll of the organiza- barrels of oil hundreds of feet into Lion, among them being Harvard, the air. Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Califbrnia, All suggested precautions were Syracuse, M asChusetts Institute of Technology, Minnesota, Illinois, being taken against the possibility Carnegie Institute of Technology, of an. outbreak of the grim terror Michigan and others. of the oil fields, fire. Swept on' The exhibition, which numbers . h wings of "a 30-mile gale, pe- mnore than 125 drawings, may be troleuin laden spray from what is seen daily through April 10 at the architectural 'building from9 to 5 termed the largest sweet, high gray-' o'clock. ; ity well in the world, Monday showe- authnors lie, and should prove uof unusual value to those who are interested in the novelist himself, it is stated. The novel "Resurrection" wo s written to- aid in the emigration of: a persecuted religious sect in which Tolstoy was interested and was paid for in advance in three coon- ? tries. -irr V . w -a W s w -wr. CASS THEA'TER The Sensational Feature of the "Victor Herbert Festival ELEANOR PAINTER In the' fascinating and M'e lodioiis Comic Opera "THE FORTUNE TFELLER" i 1 i i (tr F i i rl 'l "1 i. i ~J.I V V' J SHOWS 2:00- 3:30 vl~ 7:00-9:00 Here's, a slice of. small town life btdibli'~g with small town comedy In Which you knowy eerpty:character. PATSY RUTH MILLER I Ex MA I I Miraclea nedand Valeteria Reshaped IL, aU You'll Be T alki TO . t - . "' .' ing DAY About Them! ered over the country side to the~ north of the gusher. Situation Is Grave, Gravity of the situation was les- sened somewhat during the night when the wind lessened.; A sudden flash of flame, igniting the oil, would carry disaster and; tremendous loss to the citizens of Oklahoma City, who after years of effort finally have proved that an extensive pool of "liquid gold" lies at their door. (The Oklahoma City pool discov- ery well blew in Dec. 4, 1928, mark- ing, the opening of what is classed as the largest pool in the Oklahoma area. The huge natural reservoir l was tapped at a depth of 61400 feet, after numerous tests, drilled to us- ual and considerably lesser depths met with failure.f Fire Peril Grows in City I: As a result of Monday's high wind, housewives in south Oklahid ma City were warned to close' the windows of their homes. Fire-fighting equipment was dot- ted in strategic locations along the edge of the city and throughout thel oil fields. Appointments To add charm to your pleasure "THE, DOLL SHOP" HARRY LANGDON "~SKIRT SHY" "WALKING FISH'} 'harming NSinne rS ROTH CIIATT18TOR SCLIVE BROOK' WVILLIAM Pt WELL - MARV NOLANi And all star cast A PARAMOUNT PICTURE IT TAKES A SMART WOMAN to outplay a man at his own game--and that man her husband l You'll meet a clever wife in this brilliant W. Somerset Maughanm comedy- drama! And you'll laugh at the smart trick that gives her want she wants! A sparkling cast in an intimate, all-t~lking. entertainment! CORNWELL COAL- COKE Scrantoix, Pocahontais K entuck and West Virgiia Coal Solvay andGa: Coke This business h;as been growingevwat sine it was eiitablishetd. The secrt- "tgiving a ubsolute satisfaction toour. customers." We believe it Pays to do bUsimecn in a frie ndly way. If you think so too lee~s get together. I .m "Cash. and Carry BRTHER Cle es CORN WELL, COAL a.COKE. !" houts, offict :4014552 Yard Offce: 5152 I SAT. SAT. "HALF WAY TO HIEAVEN" i, I7 Airacean 214 S. State St. Ur~ MMMWUNW4 LneV e~lctors. _________________________________ bay PACKARD ST-. WEDNESDAY - 5:30 to 7:00 .. n. K.- IV.R AND BACONHARGRE AND r -, -- PORK CHOPS -A *MARYBRIAN... HAMBURG STrEAK "'C WITH _AND WI FRIED POTATOES T 4NI _ .. ANbD NL BUTTERED BEETS H-AMILTON ______ ____________ fE BLOKE WHO0 SASSES THE t'IOaRCOP 14I "4TH NSE MS 1(5 UlED V0 U PRSPM ;ITO AM. YO#R PET JOKES' RaA'e.Theatre "HEKBIZR TODAY ONLY ha all-laughing ht "SEVEN FACES" ____ .C with C MU PAL.-I BOB HOWLAND'S PS VOTE The many with seven faces = the organ novelty of the year!.-C ALL'TALKER LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY [:]P THE r' _______"____ GRASS SKIRTS" NEW NTOW PLAYING -=TURSDY.:I "ILOVE You ER MN AAD I 1115S5. Univ. Aveo I DRESSES 11 I to $110 Miracleaned and RefinishedI Called for and Delivered 4t 0 Z*. LongCoatsi. Fr. trim included) $1.00 11 Miracleaned and Refinishied FCalled' for and Delivered j 6I Jim i