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April 02, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-02

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25 Years Experience Enables
Him to Discuss Problems
of Youth Today.
Has Written Several Books;
Many of His Sermons
Have Been Printed.
The Rev. Dr.'Alfred Wesley Wis-
hart, pastor of the Fountain Street
church of Grand Rapids, and 'a lec-
turer of considerable acquaintance
with college audiences, will address
the undergraduate body of the Un-
iversity, Sundayhmorning, in Hill
auditorium, at the second of the
spring series of convocations spon-
sored by the Student council, it was
announced yesterday by Stanton
W. Todd, '30, chairman of the con-
vocations committee.'
A clergyman of approximately 25s
years experience in several com-
munities of the country, Rev. Dr.
Wishart will bring to the student
body a wealth of knowledge on re-,
ligious problems especially those
concerning young men and women, I
according to the chairman. The
speaker is known to a large num-
ber of University students -whose
home is in Grand Rapids.
edited Trenton, (N. J.) Times.
The Rev. Dr. Wishart is a former
journalist, having edited the Tren-
ton (N. J.) Times in 1901-1903. He
has written several books and many
of his sermons have beenprinted.
The address he will give next Sun-
day morning will be taken down by
a stenographer and published. The
past summer when the Rev. Dr.
Wishart was returning from Europe
after one of his many trips abroad
he preached to the tourists on the
ship, and among them was R. C.
Forbes, editor of the Forbes maga-!
zine. Mr. Forbes was so pleased
with the sermon that he had it

New English Professor,
Appointed by Regents

Campus Life Will be Burlesqued
by Local and Foreign Talent
in Short Scenes.
Tickets Are to be Placed in
Mail Saturday According
to Ticket Chairman.
Vaudeville skits, acted and pre-
sented under the direction of mem-I
bers of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity,
aided by members of local drama-

'Garg's' Twenty-first
Anniversary Number
to be Sold on Campus
Now that Gargoyle has reac~hed
the ripe dld age of 21 years and is
thoroughly grown up in the eyes
of the law, its editors have prepar-



Shakespearian Drama " (AMUSSCULPTOR
Will be Given TonightU NT

ed a birthday cake for it in the
form of a "Coming of Age" number. Maryland 'Wet' Gives Reply
The campus has been let in on this to Brookhart's Warning of
treat and can celebrate the birth- Bruce's Retirement.
day today, for the April issue' williBuc'setremnt
be on sale today- at various points!EBT LA SANI1CU
on the campus and at the booth DEBATE LASTS AN HOUR
in University hall.
This birthday number contains i Visitors Warned by Presiding
many new features, following the Officer and Threatened
policy initiated last month. "Dan
Cupid's Dart-A Dream of Life and to be Removed.
Love," by David Scheyer, '30, and)
"The Port of Missing Quips," by (13y Associated Press)
Whitfield Hillyer, '31, are calculat- { WASHINGTON, D. C., April 1-
ed to draw chuckles from even the Warned of defeat for his attack on

Lorado Taft, World Renowned
as Designer and Artist, Will
Appear on Program.




tic organizations and by outside
talent, will be a unique feature of
Prof. Howard M. Jones the annual gridiron banquet to be,
Acting head of the English de- held Wednesday, April 9, in the ball'
partment at the University of North room of the Union, Edward L. War-
Carolina, who was appointed pro- ner, Jr., '30, general chairman, said
fessor of American literature at yesterday.
Michigan at the last regular meet- University life will be burlesqued
ing of the Board of Regents. in the skits. Some of them are to be
localized and others will be of a
more general humorous nature.
Presentation of the skits will lead
i q , the way to the stock-exchange ac-
tivities which will determine the
Iholder of the famous oil can for the
next 12 months.
Gurney Williams, '31, and Frank-
lin M. Reck, assistant managing3
North;Carolina Professor Given editor of the American Boy maga-
Place in Department; Is ztine, are to write and act a skit
Well Known Author, called "No Soup," dealing with the
fortunes of a diner who wanted
bean soup and got caviar.
WILL BEGIN NEXT FALL Radio Night Burlesqued.
Broadcasting of University Night
With the object in view of pro- programs will come in for razzing
curing the best man available, through a skit to be produced under
'Jthe direction of Robert L. Sloss, '31,
Prof. Howard M. Jones was ap- which will burlesque the alleged
pointed professor of American lit- profanity of a student-written play
erature at the last regular meeting put on the air some weeks ago.
of the Board of Regents of the Uni- Lawrence R. Klein, '30, literaryl
.editor of The Daily and regular I
versity. He will arrive in Ann Ar-'eio fTeDal n eua
ori. next fll r contributor to Inlander magazine,
bor next fall to take up his duties lwill descend to fields of humor by
inthpFa +sh donen r-m07i staisrfi?%1PeE1 CorRfeen-

ninister continued
the University of
school, where he
a fellow.

, T


i Tragedy to Begin
r Series at Lydia
Lsohn Theatre.
1 of the first of four'
of Shakespeare's'
"Romeo and Juliet,"'
t 8:30 o'clock tonight
Mendelssohn theatre
ction. Seats for the
onight,' as well as the
)w night, Friday and
its are on sale at the

A final dress rehearsal was held I
last <night in the theatre. Pictures
were taken of the cast of approxi-
mately 30 people fully attired in
fifteenth century costumes.
Scenery for the five acts has
been installed on the stage. Sets
for all of the action after the street
scene in Act I will be placed in
front of this unit set.
Lighting effects for the balcony,
scenes, the scene in the tomb, and
the friar's cell were given the fin-
ishing touches at the dress rehear-
sal last night.
Changes between several of the
scenes will be made in the dark
and the curtain will not be lowered.
Music for the production will be
furnished by Jack Conklin and his
group of musicians.
After the production is finished,
the audience will be invited to in-
spect the scenery, costumes, and
furniture, as work of the students
in the course. All property, cos-
tumes, and scenery, with the ex-
ception of the wigs worn by the
men, are products of the PlaY Pro-'
duction laboratory.
Canadiens Beat Boston
in First Title Match
(By Associated Pres 1
it Yf.em NMntAmn 1-The fast

According to Prof. Oscar J
Campbell, of the English depart-!
ment, Professor Jones "has the
greatest reputation in the study of
American literature of any man+
since the death of Professor Par-,
rington of the University of Wash-1
ington." His great study has been
the French influence in the writ-I
ings of the early American authors.
At different times, Professor
Jones has assumed the role of au-
thor, poet, critic and teacher. His
best known writing is the first vol-
ume of a series of the French in-
fluence in America. The second,
volume of this set is now in prep- I
He has written some excellent
poetry and has translated into
English "The North Sea" by Heina'
and many medieval Latin lyrics.
As a critic, he has written wide-
ly in the "New Republic," "Virgin-
ia Quarterly," and the "Forum"
where he debated with Will Du-'
For some time, he was professor
of comparative literature at the;
University of Texas. Later, he was
made professor of English at the
University of North Carolina where
he was acting head of the depart-
ment at the time of his appoint-
mnent to the Michigan faculty. E
Philosopher to Address Forum
Tomorrow at Alumni Hall-
Using as his subject, "Is Human-
ism a New Religion?", Prof. R. W.
' Sellars of the philosophy. depart-
ment will address the fifth of a
spring series of All-Campus Forums
at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Professor Sellars, who has edited
a series of books dealing with phil-
osophical thought, is the author of
one entitled "Religion Coming of
Age." He has made an extensive
survey of this subject which at
present is enjoying more than or-
dinary interest over the country as
well as in the University itself.
In his discussion Professor Sel-
lars will explain humanism, the use
of the term, and the two types, lit-
erary and philosophical religious
humanism. He will follow these
definitions with his own interpre-
tation of the question. He is ex-
nected to comment on the funda-

position, the title of which has not1
been announced. Certain well-;
known phases of Ypsilanti activity.!
will furnish the subject for the skit,
Klein said yesterday.
All the scratchiness of the pro-
fessional product will be reproduc-
ed in a vitaphone skit which is to
be produced by Paul Showers, '31,,
one of the Gargoyle editors, it is;
promised. In addition to the talk-i
ie movies which are thus presented,,
two reels of silent motion pictures,
taken especially for presentation at{
the grid banquet will be run off,,
it is announced.
Tobin Writes Skit.
Richard L. Tobin, '32, is author of{
a skit which deals with many man-
ly sports, including boxing and ping
pong. A melodramatic atmosphere1
will be added by the introduction1
of an incidental pistol duel.
After the skits, a speech by Roger
M. Andrews, editor of the Detroit
Times, will open the market for the
Sigma Delta Chi exchange. It is
promised by the committee in
charge that the usual stock ex-
change clamor will be supplanted
by the sharp clash of wits of the
University's best humorists.
All Speakers Not Chosen.
Other speeches have not beens
definitely announced as yet, but
they will be short and few, Warner
said. An attempt is to be made to
avoid the monotony which some-
times results from a lengthy list of
Applications for tickets are be-
ing received rapidly at the tempor-
ary business office of Sigma Delta
Chi, 1524 Gededs avenue, Lawrence
R. Klein, chairman of the ticket
committee announced yesterday.
All tickets are to be placed in the
mails Saturday. After that time,
a desk will be maintained in the
Union lobby.
Beginning today and continuing
through Thursday, the Michigan-
ensian will hold its final subscrip-
tion sale on the campus in order
to guarantee that all who wish to
purchase the year book may do so,
it was announced yesterday by
Sam H. Atkins, '30, business man-
ager. Few extra copies will be
ordered and will be sold only after
all subscribers have been supplied.
The extra books will be sold for the
same price that subscriptions are
being sold for now, $5.50.
All the copy for the 1930 'Ensian
i in the hands of the printers. At-

student who has just flunked a
A center spread of "Odd Shots"
snapped by the staff photographer
renames a few of the better known
campus edifices in what the editors
of Gargoyle believe an appropriate
manner, and you will probably getI
an entirely new angle on Angell
hall after deciphering the futur-
istic pictures of this building. f
The "Campus Talk" columns this.
month, include some particularly
terse and spicy comments on the
amusing incidents that take place
here under our noses, while the
Music and Theatre reviews present
the latest dope on what is new in
those fields.
The cover design drawn by ,ee,
Blaser, '31, shows graphically how
Gargoyle sees the University. All
of the art work for this number is
good and there are many other
contributiors including Paul Show-
ers, '31, and Alan Handley, '32A.
Three Faculty Men to Speak
Over WJR Broadcast ,
Saturday Nght.
Three faculty men and an un-1
usual musical program will fea-
ture Saturday's campus radio pro-
gram, to be broadcast from 8 to 9
o'clock through WJR, Detroit.
Prof. Charles P. Wagner, of the
romance languages department, will
discuss the "Teaching of Lan-
guages." Professor Wagner has
conducted a number of student
tours in Europe and is familiar with
the difficulties encountered by
students in conversing with for-
The use of concrete from an
architectural standpoint will be
the subject of Dr. Francis S. Onder-
donk, director of technical science
and instructor in architecture.
Prof. Garfield Rickert, of the
School of Dentistry, has not an-
nounced the subject of his talk
but he has appeared on previous
Michigan Night programs and will
probably discuss some phase of
The advanced class of chamber
music which has been conducted
by Professor Hanns Pick of the
School of Music will present three
selections, the first to be rendered
by piano, violin, viola, cello and
bass; the second by a trio compos-
ed of piano, violin ana ello; and
the third an ensemble consisting
of piano, three first violins, three
second violins, two violas and three
cellos. The works of Schubert, Hay-
den, and Dvorak will be featured.
Sculptural Technique
to be Shown by Film
Students of art will have an op-
portunity to see the complete pro-
cess of sculpturing in two movies
to be shown at 7:30 tomorrow night
in the auditorium of the architec-
tural building. The presentation
is shown under the auspices of the
Architectural society.
"Sculpture in Stone," a four reel
picture, is the title of the first lec-
ture, while the second, a one reel
1 film, is called "From Clay to

the dry law, Senator Tydings, dem-
ocrat, Maryland, was accorded en-
thusiastically from the gallery in
the Senate today as he shouted he
would continue to fight a "cause
which is dragging the United States
and all its traditions down to the

mire of crime and corruption of first time this year that a Uni-
hyprocrisy." versity group has produced a
The, Maryland wet was replying Shakespearean play.
to Senator Brookhart, republican,
Iowa, a dry, who had warned Tyd-i
ings and his colleagues. Senator
Bruce, democrat, Maryland, that
the last election after making "wet"
speeches. W ON BY JONES
"If I can pay that price to render
some slight service," Tydings de-
clared, "at least I will not be run- Atlanta Amateur Takes Feature
ning with the crowd just to be re -
elected." Golf Meet of Season by
First Debate in Week. Shooting 284.
The Maryland wet and the Iowa S
dry had been exchanging pointed HORTON SMITH SECOND
remarks for more than an hour in
the first prohibition debate in the
Senate in weeks, after Tydings un AUGUSTA Ga., April 1.-With a
dertook, with displays of a series A'-
of threats bearing tables of statis- gallery of more than 3,000 stam-
tics, to drive what he termed peding in his path, Robert Tyre
"bunk" out of prohibition. Jones, national open champion
The demonstration frgm the gal- from Atlanta, today shot two bril-
lery startled the meager member-
ship on the floor; ended the heck- liant rounds of par shattering golf
ling by Brookhart and brought a and won the Southeastern golf
warning from the presiding -officer tournament with al. aggregate of,
that any other such outbreaks 284 strokes.
would result in a clearing of the The nation's leading amateur,
galleries. who leaves late this month for Eng-
Tydings' Figures Challenged. land with the Walker Cup team,
Challenging the Tydings' figures led the field of more than three
on the effect of the prohibition law, i score players by 13 strokes.
Senator Brookhart contended that In second place came Horton
statistics showing increases in Smith, Cragston, New York, profes-
drunkenness were faulty because Smith, ragston, New York, profes-
they included figures for cities sional, with 297.
which were dry before national Smith's score enabled him to col-
prohibition went into effect. He lect the $1,000 prize money offered
said that the miany tables of data to the professional who could
merely indicated "failure to en- match par figures most consistently.
force the dry law. Th young Cragston money maker
Setting up an esel to hold his bested the Atlanta golfing barris-
various charts in the Senatorial1 ter by one stroke in their battle at
IhSavannah in February. But in the
chamber, Tydings was surrounded resumption of their duel here to-
by a cluster of drys as he spoke. day and yesterday, Jones gave his
Two of them were on their feet younger rival a lesson in the finer
often at the same time to question points of the game. Bobby was four
him. strokes ahead of Horton at the end
The galleries were filled. Am- of 36 holes, and strengthened his
bassador and Mrs. Wilhelm Pritt- lead to 13 today as he turned in
witz of Germany were in the dip- brilliant rounds of 69 and 71.
lomatic gallery during much of the ! Jones combined scores of 72, 72,
debate.69, 71., to produce his low total.
The first two rounds were played
Senior Announcements i over the hill course of the Country
Will Continue on Sale' Club yesterday, while today's final
136 holes were shot over the For-'
Sale of Commencement invita- est-Richer course.
tions and announcements for sen- A stroke behind Smith, in third
I iors in the literary college will con- place cane Ed Dudley, with 298,
tinue until Friday at a booth to be while Joe Turnesa, Elmsford, New
maintained in Angell hall lobby, York, and Whiffy Ccx, Brooklyn,
Jennings McBride, chairman of the both professionals had cardsOf
class invitations committee, an- 299. Johnny Farrell, former na-
nounced yesterday. tional open champion from Mamor-
Leather covered invitations are eneck, N. Y., and Tom Kerrigan, of
to be sold at 54 cents each. The Siwanoy, N. Y., were in the fore-
price of parchment sheets for an- front with their 300.
nouncements and invitations has
been set at 13 cents. All invita- JAPANESE ACCEPT
tions are being sold at cost.NAC
Salesmen will be at the booth NEW NAVAL
during all the hours that most sen-
iors are on the campus for classes, Success of London Disarmament
McBride said yesterday. Those un- I Conference Is Assured.
able to purchase bids at such times
may arrange to get them by tele- _
phoning McBride. S iatedPress)
T 1i' J±N, 1' T.T vViI 1 T o rum"j 'hI1 n e

Mildred Todd and Norman Brown
Playing the title rolls in the stu-
dent presentation of Shakespeare's
"Romeo and Juliet" to be given here
by Play Production. This is the{


Spring Concert Listed
Hill Auditorium at
Eight O'clock.

Several speciality numbers as
well as the traditional opening and
closing pieces will be included in
the annual Spring concert of the
Glee Club to be given at 8 o'clock
tonight in Hill Auditorium.
Sidney Straight, spec., who has
sung the leading role in the last
two Union Operas, will appear as
soloist tonight and again as a mem-
ber of the Midnight Sons Quartette.
Blair Swartz, grad., will present a
musical reading. A trio, composed
of Lawrence Goodspeed, '31, man-
ager of the organization, Romine
Hamilton, '32SM, and Kenneth Os-
borne, '31, will play a. group of clas-
sical trios.
The concert tonight will be open-
ed with the traditional "Laudes At-
que Carmina," and will be followed
by "The Victors," and "Varsity."
The club will sing "The Yellow and
Blue" as the closing number.
Tickets for the concert may be
obtained from any of the book
stores, the desk of the Union, the
desk of the Women's League build-
ing, the School of Music, or Lane
Hall. All seats are priced at 50
This afternoon the ticket sale will
be removed to the box office in Hill
Jean B. Cloppet, of the romance
languages department, will speak
on the subject of "Clemenceau" at
4:15 this afternoon in room 103 of
the Romance Languages building,
in the fifth lecture of the Cercle
Francais series.

Address on Dream Museum' to
Feature Oratorical Series
Spring Assembly.'
Lorado Taft, internationally
known sculptor, will appear in Hill
auditorium at 8 o'clock Thursday
night to talk on the subject, "My
Dream Museum."
Mr. Taft, as the last speaker on
the current Oratorical association
lecture series, will bring to Ann
Arbor one of the most interesting
and . educational lectures of the
entire 1929-30 series and, according
to Henry Moser of the speech de-
partment, one that will combine
all the beauty of the sculptor's art
and the wit and spontaneity of a
fascinating speaker.
Is Graduate of Illinois.
A graduate of the University of
Illinois, Mr. Taft has since 1886
been an instructor and lecturer in
modeling at the Art Institute of
Chicago, and holds the title of Pro-
fessorial Lecturer on the History
of Art at the University of Illinois.
Among his best known professional
works are ""The Solitude of the
Soul," at the Art Institute of Chi-
cago; "The Blind," an ideal group
inspired by Maeterlink's drama of
the same name; and the sculpture
of the Columbus Memorial foun-
tain at Washington, D. C.
Chicago Tribune Lauds Taft.
Of Mr. Taft the Chicago Tribune
has said, "After all, it is his wit
that charms his audience. From
the moment the eminent sculptor
begins, to talk, in his composed,
genial way the first picture is
flashed on the screen, the running
)Are of cont issparkling wit~
wit. Mr. Taft is a great success as
a lecturer."
His lecture Thursday night will
be fully illustrated with slides and
is considered to be the best of the
nine talks in his repertoir. Tickets
for this last Oratorical offering
may be purchased at Slater's, or
from Betty Bachelor in 3211 An-
gell hall, at one dollar each.


Games in the semi-final round
of the Interfraternity bridge tour-
nament will be played at 7:30
o'clock Thursday night in the Un-
ion lobby, according to plans an-
nounced yesterday by James E.
Thayer, '30, chairman of the tour-
nament committee of th Interfra-
ternity council.
In this round, Beta Theta Pi will
play against Tau Delta Phi and Phi
Kappa Psi will play Theta Kappa

LONDON, April 1. -- japan nas
joined the British-American con-
sortium for naval disarmament
thereby assuring the basic success
of the London conference with a
three power treaty.
A five power agreement, includ-
ing France and Italy, still hangs in
the balance. Both Foreign Minis-
te Briand of France and Prime
Minister MacDonald of Great Brit-
ain said tonight that gulf was rap-
idly narrowing on the security is-
sue. But even with that chasm
bridged, an old terror, Franco-It-
alian parity, threatened difficulty.
rrho a Tmnnn flrtc'nvV.q _

SOttr Wea ber ajt

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