THE-_MTCHI °IN1 DM--Y' s v REV, GRAN GIES CONVOCAjTION TAK ON HlR A FATR Pennsylvania Pastor Maintains: That Christianity Means Life and Growth. ANALYZES NEW VIEWSi Religious Experience Is Gained by Personal Influence, Says Minister.' AMERICAN, CANADIAN SUPPORT DRY LAWAT HOUSE JUDICIARY HEARING PLANES AS|SEMBLE \O AIRPRACICELL 160 Ships Expected for Western Maneuvers of Army Air Corps This Mth. MICHIGAN SENDS GROUP! (Ty Associated Press ) SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 31 -More than 60 Ameriepn fight-1 ing planes were "on the line" here' today and nearly 100 others were heading toward Sacramento from! distant points for the annual ma-j neuvers of the armv air corps 1 . Christianity is growth, and one is 1 ¢'> ,{'" which will seek to repulse an imag- living to the degree that he is pro- j n r~rcvqT ! . aryenmyfore dvncigapo John J. Lentz (left) of Columbus, Ohio, president of the American mary enemy force advancing upon gressing and he is dead to the de- ninsurance Union, and E. C. Druy, former prenier of Ontario, Canada, gree that he is retrogressing, an testified for the drys at the house judiciary cmmittee ,hearings in The stimulated warfare will be- audience of undergraduates and Washington on resoitions to repeal the eighteenth amendment. gin Tuesday when about 160 ships townspeople were told by the Rev. -------_will have reached here. The ma- Dr. Henry H. Crane, Scranton, neuvers will continue until April P ollock Be eves New German Nationaist 24 pastor, Sunday morning in Hill aud- Adverse weather delayed the itorium at the first of the spring Coalition Will Keep International Pledges westward movement of the Third series of convocations sponsored by Attack group of 27 planes from the Student CounciliFort Crockett, Texas, and the 22 With the fall of the coalition gov- concerned, the cabinet members ships of the First Pursuit group The Rev. Dr. Crane summarized erriment of Germany under for- cannot draw the majority support. from Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, the various opinions of Christianity mer-Chancellor Hermann Mueller as he saw them, and then pre- and with the construction of a suc- However, the Breuning ministry Mich. seated his belief. "Many people ceeding government under Dr. may get enough Nationalist support The Third Attack group reached have ideas; about what is essential Heinrich Breuning, much discus- and enough Socialist abstention to Riverside, Calif., Sunday and was to the Christian faith, but they do sion has arisen as to the future of survive for a period expected to arrive at Sacramento not realize the vital factor," he said. the new Nationalist regime. today. The First Pursuit group "Chistaniy i lie,' th Pen- In isc~dig te fremst s- The cabinet is most likely to de- started out from Cheyenne but "Christianity is life," the Penn- In discussing the foremost as- voe sylvania minister pointed out em- pects of pr. Breuning's cabinet, vote itself now to, domestic policies turned back to that city because phatically. "Ie depends not so Prof. James K. Pollock, Jr., of the rather than foreign policies. It of bad weather. These flyers prob.- much what one does, thinks, or political science department, stat- seems to me," stated Professor Pol- ably will reach here Tuesday. says, but what one is at the core. ed that, "One of the most striking lock, "to be a very able cabinet. While these planes and others! It is the issuing organism rather aspects of, the new Breuning cabi-composed of some of the most able were winging their way here, Brig. than the expression, not the side net is that it has been formled men 1n Gemn.The new Prime Gen. William E. Gillmore, comn- issues, but that which exerts itself without much regard to parties. In Genery. manding general of th' provis- directly. Germany, the new government is Ministers 45 years old and iscon-i ional wing in charge of the maneu- diretly ahe Hindenburo s ~~~~sidered one of the best trained men G°lladIsctfewr a*- "Jesus in preaching Christianity called the Hindenburg cabinet be- in the Reichstag in the fald of ec- , tJehe nRrea hi ghb ttcusgPr si ent Hihde buriwllldc 5,ond is staf-ere co plet - did not talk about religion, but cause President Hirdenburg will be onomics and business. Dr. Breun- ing plans for the aerial activities. about life, and he pleaded for man the directing force behind it ing is a member of the Catholic Radio will play an important! to live more abundantly. "That means," continued Profes- party with three other members of part in the demonstrations. Orders "The matters of life and death sor Pollock, "that even though 'this his own party in the cabinet. The will be transmitted from the ground are not abstract," the Rev. Dr. cabinet does lean more to the right I new miembers come from the mod- to flying planes, and from plane to Crane stated. "They are, on the! than the previous one, Hindenburg erate wing of the Nationalist par- plane. other hand, relative. people who will keep the present standing in- ty. The opposition to the govern- Previously announcement was do not respond to the appeal of hu- ternational agreements from being +ment wvill come from the Socialists made of a contemplated nation- inanity, in its entirity are dead, and1 changed." Iwho have dropped out completely wide hookup of a re-broadcast of in that aspect they are not Christ- Concerning the members of the from the formation of the new cab- flight orders and reports. ian. cabinet, Professor Pollock went on inet." Immediate schecule for the 200 "Life is growth, and growth is to state that, "Dr.., Curtius is being pilots and 250 enlisted men who life, and the degree to which one is continued as the foreign minister.! UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO - make up the personnel of the living, is the degree to which he is This gives further proof that theA survey among 1,400 students of "blue" army of defense calls for Christian. The most conspicuous fpresent international agreements this school showed that those who reconnoiters by small group patrols.! thing about life is the evidence of will be maintained. It is very in- knew war were less favorable to In theory an invading "Red" force growth. This quality of existence teresting to me to find a represen- pacificism than non-combatants. already has captured Los Angeles can be stimulated by personal con- tative of the Economic party in the I The survey, conducted by Prof. L. Harbor, Monterey bay and fixed tact. Vital religious experience is n btime that that party has had a L.Thurstone, showed Catholics and outposts in the San Joanuin valley. obtained by the personal influence firsttietathtpryhsadaersnaivinhecbe. Lutherans as the least pacifistic of living beings. nuereentative in the cabinetProfes- among the Christians. Jews were PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: The Analyzing the conceptslfChrithe sor Pollock this cabinet will have the most pacifistic. Students of university radio club promises to salyhe man terin which peo to exist on the sufferance of either foreign or mixed parentage were send messages of students, without adopt their religious aspects of life. the Socialists or the Nationalists more pacifistic than native born charge, to any part of the United "There are some people who think because so far as the parties are students. States and most foreign countries. religion is a matteryof liking or not. To them the taking up of Christ- ianity is incidental. Others believe niyCrit tiO es el eTW hen Smal Machines that Christianity is a 'distinct sup-c pression, and inhibition, and those who 'go in' for it are being stepped on and should be pitied. This is an g exceedingly prevalent attitude.I ' There is a third group,- a bit ; I J . more siriister, who believe this reli gion to e' a definite perversian, and evidence the related mind, and that ORE than a quarter centur ao, nie 'who accepts it must puat his 'ieck in the yoke' and stay there. - the Commonwealth Edison Com- These believe that religious revolu- papy rpeial alive to the tions like the Russian one is tow- p . , prophetically ard a good end and they feel di- vinely ordained to emniicipate' the wotd. Another groupare utterly AOO ,'lors411 tuiwegeuertor rd.andothegopaetdrattheFiskStreetQrdered from General Electric a 5000- p tfheti and possets O cogont di- he commonwealth rect f;rce. Eis GCompany, Chiago kilQwatt steam turbine-in those days w B kS ssona giant of electric power. w Bon al Soson Tp-day, a General Electric turbine- "These Recent Years," a history of Americasince114,byPsogeer4tor of 208,000-kilowatt capacity Preston W. Slosson, of the Depart- sends Out its vast energy to the Chicago ment of history, will appear on sale at the beginning of next month. The book, published by MacMillan's. pOltan District. is' one in a series entitled beHis- ! Colliee-trained men played a respol-. tory of American Times," being-p written jointly by Professor Slos- son Prof. $chlesinger of Harvard, ~sie part in the engineering and and Prof. Fox 'of Columbia. This til;iYlz! tt srniesloes not attempt'to cover the ;;°" rnanufacture of both machines- just political aspect of natural history, -' rysqi im ratcpaii but concerns itself with the social ';,V . '. as tey serveinmportant capacities and economic sides of the lives of :~