PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY EflIAYEB1ZUARY 21, t9301 ___. Published every morning except Monday during the Tjniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. c Member of Western Conference Editorial 'Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or' not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoiffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor ress Building, May- hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.......Geor geC . Tilley City Editor..............Pierce Rosenbevg News Editor.......... ... Donald J. Kline Sports Editor........ Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor..........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama........ William J. Gorman Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. KleinI Assistant City EditorA .. . Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank I:. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Akskwith Lester May Helen Barc David M. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page M'ary L. B~ehymer Howard 11. Peckham Benjamin' H. Berentson'Hugh Pierce Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. :Bernstein John D. Reindel S Beach Conger Je~annie Roberts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell John H. Denler / oseph Ruwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl Kathearine Fefrmn Adsit Stewart Carl F. Forsvtlw S. Cadwell Swanson S heldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes M\argaret Thompson Cinevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine orris Crot erinan Harold 0. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White Miargaret Harris G. Lionel Willens David B. Hempstead John E. Willoughby .Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise JcanLevy Barbara Wright russ"ell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee STUDENT GOVERNMENT WITH GREATER rOWER A student governing body with greater power than the present Student Council has long been a need of the University. A council competent to formulate general policies concerning University and student relations with its worthi- ness recognized by the adnilnistra- tion would go a long way in .soW- ' ing many of the perplexities now encountered in the supervision of students. It is exceedingly unfortunate f that the council is limited in its work to the execution of routine matters, the maintaining of tradi- tions, and the remote supervision of the perennial class activities. It is even more unfortunate that the councilmen seem content to repmain with only this limited power. Before student government at the University can hope to attain a freer exercise of power, it must be centralized in a board composed of student leaders, more representa- tive, more alert to student admin- istration problems and more ca- pable of reaching sound decisions, than the students customarily elected to the council. Suggestion of the establishment here of a board of this nature has been made in the report of the University's representative to the recent congress of the Nationel Student Federation cf America. Tli board, resembling those in ex- istence in western colleges, would consist of the heads of the student publications and the presidents of the leading campus organizations, and faculty and alumni representa- tives, with a student majority. Composed of men with practical experience in dealing with students and administrative officers and boards, such a - group would be well fitted to reach, worth~y solutions agreeable to both faculty and un- dergraduates. The University could profit much by taking into serious consideration its opinions, not only on exclusively student matters, but also on athletic poli- cies and general University matters in which the student viewpointI would be of assistance Thoghmuch hias been said in tepast on the increase of student government little has been accom- plished due to an ignorance of the proper type of institution in which to rest the power and to a lack of initiative among students. With the appropriate body now suggested, the leaders of the vari- ous campus organizations should combine and take steps to obtainI }geter representation and partici-1 1 paionin the deciding of Utniver- sity policies relative to the stu- dents. OASTEROLLV LUCKY L I~A] it. TINKER 0 1 About Books 1 i Is - 6 As yout probably learned tharouagh reading yesterda.y's jlRolls coflutn., our regular edi- tor, Mli% Joe J.iiier, is recuiper- ating' fromi an opierationi for appendicitis, tbhus leaving thxe neecssity of writing the lousy Fthine, up to yrs. trly. The lucky Mar. J.inker (I had to get that in somewhere because its in the hbead) wvill he back with us Monday. Mr. Tm lkcr tell uts that it, is an awfulgip to lie in bed and have orange juice fed you by a very good looking nurse every half hour, and that he will be glad to be up again. I don't like to call Mr. Tinker a liar, but I have my own opinions. Even under the influence. of anaesthietic (I fooled you), Mr. Tinker has a ready Wit. When told that his mid-section would have to be removed he said "Aw, gut it out." lUnromantic Shy itt, by 1Ma;rio Praz f Alfred A. Knopf, New, Rork City,. Price $4.00. Long-haired and lnotiociod Theo Gautier, in the opiolon of author Praz, is responsible for the laivishly; romantic iimages weo pn,-,;tesqofj Spain. Mr. Pra7, Ithen procoed~s to explode our illusions by descibingI the Spanish fiestas ws they really{ take place, as inol tonou.,, ilca;t ridden, and boring oa ftcr the fIrst view. In fact he l:ioints out that. only the Spanish temperament can enjoy them and if anyone is alien to this the commnunication of. the long, dull religious propces,,o-nsis! nil. With remlark=;able "."I iht ion and foalniliarity with his subject matter Mr. Praz goes 0o1 to formu- late the customs and art and liter- ature of the country into a sym pa- thetic and well-established ethos. In the discussion he, covers all Spain--geography, psychology, art, science, and letters--not witht the outlined and studied aloofness of the typical tra~vel book but with a patient casualness, a steady and sustained humor, and a scholarly and , worldly-wise approach. He successfully enacts 1. paradox in that he whips the romantic veil from Spain with a highly romantic and quite delightful prose style. Particularly well done is his chapter entitled Dui Sang, De La Volupte, De La Mort, a discussion' of what might he called the ethics (ethics in a, more literal than con- notative sense) and social signifi- TYPEWRITERS J~IBBOCNS SUP-PLItS for all m;ies tit Typesn iters. R~apid I sirtiover, 4res1 stock, insures best qutality at a Moderate price. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State it. 'lxihe 6615 OPTICAL DEPARTMENT r Leaises and Frame,;NIMade to Order Optical Prescriptions Fihlcd j HALLER'S S-FTlL STR[ELT JLEVLLERS QUALITY SERVICE ECONOMY! should be your prerequisites for tasty lundcrs sd delicious candies. WE HAVE ALL OF THESE SiveellanD 212 South Main~ Street I "WNYE MUST SAVE" Said the Pharaoh1 W~ise anid wily were thew old Ugyotiav ;, Xlwsn the !h:ry cst i4* as tIentftd they stored aiway a i '~ast reserve st 'wk of ti orn : guaird ga&nst the G4:114 e infcrtw tim"s. '1lv'hls 1 IS good today. Stoire away you dollar% s ia Svn'sAccmw vali-iiss7 tlw possibility of days of toced. 3~IntcrMN ai Farers and Mechanics Bank 205 East Huron 3,30 South State Street Member Federal Reserv~e, System AT POPULAR PRICES FOR MEN-WOMEN- CHILDREN Spring Styles $49 Arriving Daily ''lhis year'we art.' .ina < positiona to fit the majority of feet, We,'- carry long anid short vamp styles. Widths from AA to ELI3. * * a 6 F. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER. A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers vertising..............T. Hollister Mabley vertising............. Kasper II. Halverson vertising .............Sherwood A. Upton yice ................... George A. Spater -clation.............. .J. Viernor Davis counts.... .........John R. Rose blications.......eorge R. Hamilton Business Secretary--Mary Chase. Assistants According to recent dispatches, the "Passion of Joan of Arc will be shown five more times this week at Lydia Mendelssohn." The poor girl will be a wreck before she gets out of Ann Arbor. Another dispatch from the honorable Associated ]Press states that the French cabinet is in a dilemma. I once heard a story about a dog biting a man which wasn't news, but when a man bit a dog that WAS news. What of it? can~ce 0ofubul igInting. wiVY ruti u- - - erary background of the literature_________________ on the mbatter that is astounding, _____ __ Mr. Praz protests against the pan.- taurism of writers who try to as- c} .:uc <"::3 sociate the sport with everything fronm sadism to pha llic symbolismt and worship. His humor here is Splendid and his allusions to doz- ens of writers on the subject are handled with an almost mock serf- ousness. ~Tae ak i The book is handsomecly bound 'u rd m r and contains photographic repro-j ductions of paintings by Goya, clis your assurance of Greco, Mton tanz, Leal, and others. badge perfection I..t. K. CRITIC WILSON . Fraternity and TURNS TO POETRY t Sor orit Bdages Poets, Farewell, by Elniai 1 Wilsoi Charles Scribner's -Sorts, New York BurPatro an City. Price $2.00.BurPat snad Mr,: Wilson's own confession of A l o his shortcomings as a poet arce contained in the title po,,m Poets, Frt'a tcrnrity *Fccrrx arrd Farewell. Therein he essays an Suotr elaborate contempt (half apologet- Sainr ically) for his efforts. 603 Church Street -We have rhymed under gray a c, H (M=>) $4.98 MEN'S B la c k Scotch Grain Lace Ox f or d> Storm Welt. Double Sole and Leather Heel. Same Style in Light Brown. WOMEFN'S Patent Step-in Pump with Bow and "Tongue. Watersnake triming, Spike Reel. Nam Syle eta rown ?:id. Men's Oxfords In Var;,ous Stylus. We have7 a 'big variety to e:ho s from.-OM Widths run in A,B1,C, D. Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker ;James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson T'homas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton J ames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper Norris J qhnson Robert lWilliamson Charles Olne William R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomngardncr Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Helen E.' Musselwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor WValkinshaw Hlortense Gooding Dorotheca Waterman Night Editor, CHIAS. R. KAUFMAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUAR~Y 21, 1930 Educator S hoes for the Family As today is neither Washington's birthday nor Lincoln's we shall print a picture of Columbus dis- covering America. I I'' I ' '' p. / ' I GRADUATION WITHOUT --- o--- - DI:SIONOR. THE FRESHMAN'S CHANCE Last night the literary faculty Distinction~ and honor come to I met in executive session to con- few people, but even more rare is sides: a vastly significant and long , the freshman who has distinguish- neglected matter: the aims of their ed himself through college activi- college. We hope that the session ties. His first oppruiyt ei produced something more than theprtcptoppin tseiy giveni ctoay boie bu h u at the beginning of his second se-I mnanities and appreciation of the mnester on the campus, when he l 'finer things in life, for a suspicion may answer any of the calls for has been growing in recent years tryouts issued by the var iou s stu- that whereas the professional col- dent publications. leges have their objectives fairly A broad field of even wider in- well in mind, the ilterary college terest is thrown open to hinm, and has been drifting, the choice he must make between It has been sincerely doubtedI the business= or editorial depart- that a four-year literary course; ments of The Daily, Gargoyle, or leads .to anything more valuable the Michiganensian is indeed a dif- than a certain social aptitude ficult one. All have much to offer, which could, perhaps, be acquired but the deciding factor is neces-, to better advantage in what thel sarily found in the individual, his college man looks forward to asj inclinations and peculiar abili- the wide, wide world. There is too ' ties. much time wasted in the literary} For the man interested in either college. 'The average student hops the business or editorial depart- hither and yon picking up desul- ments of the newspaper, The Daily tory crumbs of culture, but his furnishes him with an excellent chief quest is not for knowledge. medium to obtain practical expe- To graduate without dishonor-in rience in all phases of the work. other words, to acquire the pro- He is taught to write news stories, scribed . A.B.--he m ust am ass cred- i features, and possibly critical rtn t d p h n c o d n l e i w ; h e r st rt e di e-, most covets those shining little read proof, and to edit; and par- medals called passing marks that; ticularly, he becomes acquainted are distributed at the end of the with newspaper organization in ev- semester to all -but the least faith- ery detail. ful. Those interested in the business *At present the literary college is' side of the newspaper will be able keyed to the mental capacity of its to learn how accounts, circulation_ least competent students. These, advertising, publications, and sere- who cannot learn, are fooled along; ice is handled and how theo adver. for four years under the impres- tising section of the paper is made sion that they are doing what is up. most needful for a successful later The above mentioned benefits to { career, and meanwhile those who be derived from work on The Daily{ might be stimulated into real ef- arc, how ever, more or less Ptehi - fort are denied the sufficient stim- cal. The intrinsic, essential i-pj- ulation. The more competent tance of The Daily a an activity stagnate, but they cannot leavej is found in the associations formed' college for they too must have an1 through it and the contacts made A. B.--that overrated "open because of it. Friendships -are sesame" to financial success. miade with men whom the student Only the feeblest attempt is orl would probably never meet other canp be made under the present f wise, not only with the other staff I' 1 l'1 the Michigan-Michigan State swimming 'meet, a little fracas in which the lWolver- ines copped every event, the writer of the story added the touching paragraph "No man took more than one first for Michigan." Now if Michigan's Iswimming team cannot take more than one first per mani, and Ohio State's fencing team lost, to Purdue, how does that effect the old adage that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? Or maybe it was Cool- Sidge. i M M 'Ya Leading the field in yesterday's Daily was the article headed "LACK OF POTENCY IN LOCAL COUN- CILI CHARGED BY LOWRY." I have read and re-read the article three times, and I fail to find a single clear statement of just why Mr. Lowry says these awful things about our nice councilmen. May- be somebody can explain the situ- ation, * - :K Dean Bates has thrown a Ibomb-shell into the soup. He charges that aliens should not be barred as members of the University faculty. According to the Dean back in 1919 there was a law passed which stated th..t no unnaturalized citizen should be allowed to teach at. Michigani. 1 got mny little white cards back the other clay, which merely shows what utter diregard is shown by the Board of Regentis in the observance aof Mhe sftuttes. w M * . Now that we ha-,e tra ver~ed the skies in the stubble grass-- Sped plunging motorrides with drunken song- Had Wyatt with breakfast, Yeats ~with the final glass. Poets, farewell!----Q subtle and 0 strong!- i I I voices$, 1diareweim- 1nice saver ana the brass f leave that speech to you who0 have the tongue. The poet's indebtedness to Yeats, is obvious. But the very Yeatsian form is one of the undellying faults of Mr. Wilson's poetry. Whereas the grand mnanner of! Yeats was adaptable to subject! matter, with Mr. Wilson the formj stands out as an affectation. mi i - tation is a necessary accessory to the progression of poetry, but imi- tation to be successful must be more than studied and affected ac- quisition of form. The content, feeling, and tone of fhe model arej important accompaniments of the form. Mr. Wilson's content, garbed in the Yeats form, is too light forI its heavy garment. At times, however, his efforts are qiute successful indeed, In To A Painter Going Abroad hie attainsi remarkable beauty in skilliful use of color and images.; Tell her I know the cold of iiorthern hills But breeds inien'er heat; Tell her T know what de.sprrater pastime tills The summer':s slow defeat- Paint her 1in grecen asoncr' we saw x her pierc The frosted foggy roon fith beauty rcleair -as ic, ;.5 flre fierce- SAnd say te+r 1 re cm ,; i:S - f:: . _ FOSIIAY TOWER-MINNEAPOLIS, MIN N. Magney & Tu.51cr, Arcl'ir ls , UlLSUisuiiDes'in FeatPAre Of Tin City Skyscrapier clays 1n1e wIvemay retutrn to Mr. I Tiker, with the assurance tha t he Tn the' poem Prov nretow Y . tor-' will be back on the desk by Mkon- Mr.Wlo gains a. d~e~fralle effect day unless he is overcome that feeling which. hn the sprin-g, turns E Lone as; the voire tha t old the a young man's fancy fromt things NvordL- temporal to things eternal. Or G ray-green as cyr ; thj ,ate f,,, ? k ,. F' j ,y -r rt HE Fhay Tower, IMsit'neiapoilis, Ali-a , i-5 ,ksigned aloen;