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March 29, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-29

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Hundreds Brave Rain to See Funeral Rites REVEREND PAGE
of Carl Ben Ejelson, Noted Arctic Flier UL TO CONFIRM 40
I el l T :aC-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m, (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
VOL. XL. SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 No. 1;.°


Public Lecture-Assembly, School of Education: Dr. Henry Neu-
man, leader of the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, will give a lee
ture before an assembly of students in education at 4:10 o'clock cn Mon-
day, March 31, in the Auditorium of the University High School.
Dr. Neuman's subject is: "Can Human Nature Be Change-I?"
The lecture, which is given under the auspices of the School o
Education, is open to the public. Instruc'acr please announce to class-
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Students, Colleges of 'tanveern; and Arc itec;ure: March 20 is th
final day for dropping a co r i ht re or°!. A course may be dropped
only with the permicsion of trn cl's1iier alter conference witn the
instructor in the course. On'y in special cases, for good and valid rea-
sons, will permission to drop a course be given after this time.
Louis A. Hopkins
University of Michigan Official PuWi-aion: The Editorial Office
announces the issue of the Bulletin in the I apartment of Landscape
Design, which is Np. 55 of Vol. XXXI of thc University Offctial Pub-
lication. Ira M. Smith



Scmnectady Doctor Shows How
Light May be Used in
Crime Detec. on.
Many new uses for black, or ult-

Childrens fund o b. Pare
in kcswei-b l'rOgrami
on CiJ tic-aIi.
X10 000,000 Children's Fund of Mich-
igan established by Senatnr Cmuz-


Student Christian Association Extension: Those students interested
speaking at luncheons, high school assemblies, and church groups get
touch with secretary at Lane H ll.
William Compton, Chairman of Extension

Senior Pharmics: Caps and Gowns may now be ordered from Geo.
Moe's sportshop. Victor Middleton will take orders for invitations, whichS
must be concluded by April 5. Canes may be ordered from Wagner's.
Engineers: One of our principal railways is inquiring about securing
the services of a young engineer in their mechanical department. Any-
one who is interested in this please communicate with me within the

next three or four days.

John S. Worley

Portia Literary Society: All members are expected to attend the
tea given,in honor of Mrs. Goode this afternoon at 4:00 in the Cave;
of the League. There will be a musical program and a reception.
The Ann Arbor Branch of the American Association of University
Women meets at 3 o'clock, in the Ball Room of the Michigan League
Prof essor Charles Scott Berry will speak on "The White House Edu-
cational Program." Professor Berry has been recently appointed by
President Hoover as chairman of the Federal Committee on the Educa-
tion and Training of Exceptional Children.
The meeting will be in - charge of Mrs. Rousseau and the Educa-
tional Committee.
English 212c: Shakespeare Seminary course will not meet on Mon-
say, March 31, but will meet as usual on Monday, April 7.
0. . Campbell
Senior Electricals: Mr. D. O. Whelan will recruit for RCA-Victor on
Monday, Room 153. A. D. Moore
The Astronomy Colloquium will be held Monday, March 31, at 4:30 p.
m,. in the Observatory classroom. Dr. H. M. Losh will present a paper
on "The Spectrum of B223 Cygni."
Seniors, School of Education: There will be an important meeting1
of all class officers, group and committee chairmen, Monday afternoon,
March 31, at four o'clock, in Room 4017 U. H. S.
The Women's Educational Club will meet on Monday, March 31, at
4:15 in the Women's Athletic Bldg. The program will be a prospective
teacher's interview with a superintendent from one of the Michigan
high schools. Everyone interested in cordially invited.
Scalp & Blade: Officers will be elected at the meeting in the Union,
Sunday, March 30, at 2:30 p. m.
The Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet Monday evening, March 31, at 7:45, in the Michigan League.
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
A representative of the Dictaphone Sales Corporation will be in the
office on Monday. Please make appointments today.
Jean Greenshields

f ,.. ,: .," a-iolet, rays were pointed out by ens. has led to the formation of
r. 1-erman Goodman of Schenec- a long-time pregram of research,
tadyN.Y.. in a lecture before the clinical treatment and relief for
o oluependants, William J. Norton, of
"Society of Medical Jurisprudence Ferndale, secretary of the fund.
. of that city. Speaking on Medi- told members of the Michigan Edu-
co-Legal Uses of Filtered Black cation Association.
Accoplishments related by Nor-
Light," Dr. Goodman demonstrat-Accoms
- .... ... ed the methods which science The Rt. Rev. Herman Page, D.D..,dentists for ch chilrenthe
prominent bishop of the Protestant identists for school children in the
might employ mnthe detection of Diocese of Michigan, who will be!rural districts of 18 Michigan cou-
crime. The basic principles of this, the preacher Sunday morning in ties, public health clinics in 19
discovery is that the ultra-violet St. Andrew's church. A class of t
40, any f whm ae stdent, 'counties in a campaign to lower the
Hundreds braved the pouring rain in Seattle to see the funeral rays render fluorescent materia s will be confirmed by the bishop atnantoraltyra stablihment
Srifes held for Carl Ben Eielson, noted arctic flier, who was killed when visible. this sevice. of two child health demonstrations,
his plane crashed in Siberia while he was on a rescue flight. After the Ao sand the formation of two consoli-
ceremonies in Seattle, the body was taken to Hatton, North Dakota, the According to Dr. Goodman, the Bshop Page is a graduate of Har- dated health units withheadquar-
flier's home, for burial. Eielson's body was discovered in a snow drift presence of these materials in in- yard, and received the degree o ted heal und wt Beadua.
'octor of divinity from the Uni- ters in Grayling and West Branch.
seversa° weeks after his plane had crashed. dustrial alcohol is sufficient to of- versity of Pittsburgh in 1906 He In the field of dependancy, the
---~ - --------fer a means whereby the diversion has been a frequent and successful fund has given assistance to the
CHEMIS TS STOP A T TEMP T (OF FUNGI of such alcohol for bootleg liquor preacher at Harvard and other un- Michigan Children's Aid Society for
1iesti.He hchildren of the Upper Peninsula
TO EART PANAMA MUR1AL PAIN TINGScan be detected. "By the judiciousveiesHehas aamissio a wide and the northern counties of the
C --- -- use of various colored dyes it would of the church. He has served as Lower Peninsula, Norton said.
(3y A ssocIated ress) Charles Thom, chief mycologist of be possible to determine the source bishop at Michigan for the past six Research appropriations h a v e
j BALBOA, Canal Zone-Tropical the bureau of chemisry Washing- of industrial alcohol employed in years, coming here in 1924. been made for dental work at the
fungi which started to eat five University of Michigan and for
great mural paintings here, sole ton, Dr. Alexander Scott of the the bootleg liquor trade," said the One of the most extensive wild juvenile delinquency studies to the
official records of epic scenes in British museum, Dr. O. B. Dodge of! lecturer. "Each individual district rose collections in the world is lo- Yale Institute of Human Relations.
building of the Panama Canal, have the New York botanical gardens! of the country could have its par- cated in the University's Botanical An investigation by the latter is
been balked by chemists. and other mold experts. ticular dye and fluorescing sign- Garden on Packard avenue just cntemplated n Detroit on the in-
The paintings show scenes now dm x ttar dn"e g g outside of the city limits. Here the fluence of home and community
50 feet under the canal waters, and Originally the paintings had beer, life to juvenile delinquency. Apro-
gigantic construction comparable covered with a protective varnish tion of the diff e t csfA- gram of child guidance is under
with pyramid building. the detection of crime were brougt Ie eren species of Am- way, Norton said, with a clinic al-
foErth. By the application of theseeicnaionlloe, rcnl ready established in Grand Rapids.
Colonel Goethals, the canal build-; with alternate turpentine and al- Irayscounterfeit bank notes and Iselected by popular vote in a na- Aid has been extended to the Uni
er, assisted i fixing the historical cohol baths. A wash of thymol was erasures in account books can be tional flower campaign, are being versity of Michigan in its distribu-
accuracy of the pictures and no!l
cras exist on a iilargra discovered to be effective in exter- discovered. Simifarly, invisible studied under the direction of Dr tion of children's books in villages
h ngtotheinks, made from milk, lime water, Eileen W. Erlanson. of less than 3,000 population.
Ss ale Th at is h pi ante d m m inatin .the fu n gi, teven t h r s u u , m te iliv i alno- ~ . - . . . --. -. - _ _ _
W. B. Van Ingen of the art school deep-seated spores. prisonri materials available to
of oopr Uion Ne Yok sperprisoners in jails, can be read withI
I of Cooper Union, New York, super- Then ammonia washed off the out altering the papers; thus the
vised the fungi campaign, and sonme
of the best chemical minds of dead fungi, and the pictures were plans of these men to escape are:
America and Europe collaborated safeguarded for the future with a allowed to go through in order to-
in the extermination. coating of paraffin mixed with, bring their accomplices to justice.
The latest outbreak of tropical thymo. Temperature records of 10 But the use of black light in the
plagues, which one after another years were examined to learn what detection of crime is not the only
have been mastered in making the mixture woud keep the paraffin + advantage ushered in by the dis-'
I canal, differed from anything: from meting or deteriorating. covery of new methods. Dr. Good-
which modern art heretofore has Thymo is a compound found in man stated that natural teeth may
faced. ois of thyme and horsemint, and be differentiated from false teeth
Fungi have attacked smaller used as an antiseptic. It has an by the application of black light,
paintings before, and have been aromatic odor. for the latter always seem choco-
killed by fumigation. But entirely An unexpected resut was disap- late colored whereas natural teeth
by yh smation. But engen pearance of worn spots. fluoresce with a brilliant white
new tod savied Mr Vheanage. This, said Mr. Van Ingen, "was light.
had t be devised for the canal'+iepcbebtsifaor.Te------ -
murals, which cover 400 square inexpicable but satisfactory. The
feet and have 800 pounds of white paintings appeared as though they
lead holding them to the walls of had been executed the day before,
th adming tration g te i prand there had not been applied a ICOME ANn DANCE
The admngistre eatin bln r.- brushful of paint to them since; u c
site, a species of' mold. Mr. Van: _1915.______
Ingen said they spread in clusters TO DUCECNBRODyS
of green and white, resemblingh WEST PALM BEACH-This cityTUC BR '
damp talcum powder. In spots he has been made the siteof the St.
found the paint appaiently eaten Louis Brow'ns' tr'aining camp for k "El GHT VITOS
down to the canves, less than 15 the next five years by virtue of a Neva Shrink Neva Fade
safter the paintings had been contract the city and baseball A Campus Orchestra
completed. officials signed. The Browns have
The new treatment was devis'ed been granted exclusive use of the "THE RITZ
by Prof. A. B. Newman, director of Municipal Athletic field.
the department of chemical en- Saturday Night
gineering of Cooper Institute, New UNITE CAB 1.at the
York, with co-operation of Dr. 7 I
----MAS0110 TEMPLE
Turks Forbid Teachers HOUR SERVICE p. n. South Fourth Ave. Made in a Size to Fit
Use of Beauty Parlors 2___and Stay Fit

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