PAGE SEVE14 SAI~tRDAY, NIARCfl29, 1930'1.4 THE MICHIGN DALY, SPRING TO ST BUSH 'IS FIRST EXPERIENCED MAN Yearing Track Stars il FOHIBALI HANDLING WHITE ;SOX SINCE 1919 Receive 19 3 Jnsi gn $, (Continued From Page 6) ART MO D}x-. no, .Vii'.; RoderickCocx. Biriin' ,9 H f Ihama; - Gorge Crane, Ann Arbor; . . a ,< ... _ ,. 1 Intram .ra1 News I ICL A S IF IEjj Members of the Varsity Eleven it Will be Chosen From :T htsGroup.1 KIPKE TO DIRECT DRILLS;j Coach HMarry Kipke announced yesterday that football uniforms for spring gridders will be distrib- uted. Monday, March 31, at the) Yost Field House. All those plan-1 ning on. participating in the annual spring football drills are to report at this tinge. Due to adverse weath- '1 er conditions there will be no prac- tice session Monday, but in all probability, the drills will get un- der wvay Tuesday afternoon, April s No man who fails to report for the spring practice sessipnS will receive a call for the Varsity prac- ; tice next fall, according to Kipke.! Du.ring the spring drills, the staff of grid coaches will present thej squad with new plays and forma-) tions to be worked out and ready for final polishing zip next 'Spetemn- ber. Each year, at the end of the spring training period, a football trophy is awarded to the mmber' of th squad who h~as shown him- self to be the outstanding player for that period. fTh e trophy for. this year has been received by the- athletic department. it is award-b to ,a player on the basis of atten- dance, improvement, attitude, ands value as a future Varsity condi-p date.Sr 1 '..'. r *4.. 1 -usscl Damm, MVusk egon; iat- ,'M cupphm ed the diving ho-nors. renzce Darrow, Dubuque, Ia.; Chari- By taking two firsts, a pair of sec- s )BeBakrer, Muskegon; Haw ley Ems- l~iOns. and a fourth the' senior lit.,' N1.-C,'=MP S MEET. gleoston, Chicago; Charles Ekno- IO c,. cl ,.It? by k,:, lone eir'lht points apiece vichl, Detroit; R. W. Godell, Hough P1tto 'T t'_Ue the ini r li s_;Fechliimer and Uhlman tied for ton; ouval .Golds nitn, Chu sti n - lie te Jt i1 10 15 T E..Ulaenr4 mll-cliu scoriimnonorsmithe burg, Pa.; Donald Hxaefele ILa F3t he heJn U ignesp u alc iu wmfug me.Fech- 'wood, 0.; Harry . LA ~ 'Te1t~~'£c~ ~. r~;- '~:t x r\.VilliamHill,!('igh C 1t1:,. iw 4'. .P )J ;2 t . . .; l' ( '! l IHit'-, Urbana.,O-i: . : ~ Pt !O '~117'~~' .I )iI~~ XQ .c2 .7i d _,w*~o po'xits 1"' and a' 1I 4 iA'~ICC . ^" Arbor: Edwin Jackson, Can-I osnFecbhe:"nier. Creg ) n1 n cii in ?e 5 yard race enabled ton. :0.; Alvin Jacobs, Detroit; p; ?- IP d composed the winning relay, irnan to finish as onc of the ert k~lalhn, Buffalo, N. Y.; fli j tea which came for the1 leaders. :loin, Cha tanooga, Tenn.; Sid-wyseni9s, just beating the sophs byf A total of 25 men took part in Kronfeld, Brooklyn, N1. Y.; # ay.. hches. Repeating his feat of the the meet which proved to be quite Ltarzn, o0iTr rnocl .a~ta.Tapa, Fla,.; -~ert last W r eas 25 .t adCregofish-sccsfl crdn o ficas 4mDtot.a ntpine2 ad bacskstrokeuln the220 ( only two men fcs crossed for the tird co seciative tune. In; the fi ih lin., Fossum winning the L0,9 AN ELE7S-The crack 4p- the -9-5 yard free style. Torell con1- eent with Townsend placing sec- Polo team will '1arlng its t~ributea a victor'; to the cause of ,cuid. Pocock annexed t-he laurels invasion of the United States to a the engineers. in the 25 yard free style, and Uhl- close by leaving for South America The sophomore lits gained a first, man cineied the 50 yard race. Cre{- next Tuesday. Thus they will not place in the ,25 yard breast stroke go and Gates walked off with thei compete in the international'I when Lance outstripped Fechh ci-j honors in back stroke events, with mate es at 'Meadowbrook in the mer, who carried the hopes of the victories in th : 25 and 50 yard dis- fall. class of ' 9; g.d onther when )Ew- t9,nces respectively. NOTICE , E:. fert F~ur Cleansinig, Glazing and recpairing, Now done at Cut- nate. %W ERDLING'S FUR SHOP 2111-17 E. Liberty Phone 8507 STONE SILLS AND ENTRANCES Fez fthe I-Tome. Fraternity, and Sorority. r JOSEPH L. ARNET 203 W. HURON ST. MOR~TGAGE LOANS --- Money at 6% without bonus to loan on modern Ann Arbor homes. Plione 4356. 1350 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V.. Rartsuff. Dial 9087. FOR RENT POR RENT-4-' block from cahipus. 1 room on ground floor. Prof es- sor or upper classman .preferred. .520 E. William. Phone 7451. 5 FOR RENT-All modern 6 room house *2 blocks from campus, ~lig immediate' income. 'Phone :1 * I Sport BriefsI (Continued From Page 6) heavyweight, wrestler, he has ac- cepte~d the job of wrestling miatch- maker for the Madison Squaare Gar- dhen. Walter Johunou iwild not b giveni much of a chance to wield * the managerial pruiing wife this .year. The Sejiatqrs took onlyr 28 #Ien to training camp, a smualler nunber than any 'other major league te'.m BOSTON - Tomn Heeney, whose pugilistic career was virtually anid-I ed by Gene Tunney, has arrived In *this country from Cape Town, Af- rica. He said that he returned at the request of his manager and so could not statean plans for the * X2 3I a eC t~ . t t t+ S' Ever since 19-19, -when several members of the White JSex were banished from professional base- ball for their part in the Black Sex scandal, the Chicago entry in the American League has been an also ran. Manager after manager has tried to turn the club into .a win- ning outfit without success; this year a new one will try his luck at the task. Donie Bush is the first experienc- ed big league pil6t to be called upon to manage the club since the -scan- dal.. His several years of :more than ordinarily successful work with the Pittsburgh team .has 1piroved his worth as a leader of maj or league: ball teams. Chicago's hopes are higher than they have been for the past few years, although no cause can be found for undue optimism even yet. T'he advent of Bush as manager, and the gradual improvement of several young players, has given the team hopes of climbing above; sev- eral other clu~bs that finished ahead of it last year. Carl.Reynolds will retain his out- field position in center, and will be flanked on the left by Johnny Wat- wood, a substitute on last year's teamn, and Smnead Jolley, a hard slugger from the Pacific Coast Assoviated Tress Photo league. Jolley is one of the great- est hitters ever developed in the minors, and should cause many an opposing pitcher considerable wor- ry this season. Bud Clancy has been working out at first, but now that Art Shires has) signed a contract he may succeed iwinning the position again this i season. Cissell has been shifted from short to second,-and Bill Hun-; nefield, a former second baseman, will cover short. Jeffries, a new- comner, will understudy Hunnefield. I IKamm, of course, will again -be on third. Moe .Berg and Chick Autry head the list of mediocre :catchers, nei- ther of them being especially strong hitters, although. both of them can handle themselves well behind the plate. IA great group of pitchers con- ! I stitute Bush's chief hopes for the club's promised climb. Ted Lyons and Al Thomas are two of the best hurlers in the American league, { while one .or two winners ought to be found. out of the group including1 Weiland, Adkins, McKain, Walsh, Henry, Caraway, and Blankenship. McKain showed up fairly well last' year, and with a year of experi- ence behind him may come through+ with a good season. WTatching the white caps f rom a >d ck Chir *... the Cherbourg, Paris, London, .. scaling the Alps ... gondolas i' ern ge .Pipe dreams?. 5.. No a future reality ... RES ULT 'S OF "STEADY SAVING. Pipe Dreams We ve a deposit book for you. Savingi1 a pleasae with these qualities. S4ER VIE-S5AFE T Y-EF;FJCIENC Y AnnArMbor SavingsBank Main at Huron 707 North University j. = ! MARKETS FOR THE Careful Buyer I5982. 561 COZY little modern home. five furnished rooms.' Rent $46' a Cmonth. Cll 7794. 456 FOR RET-Moder4 for room bungalow newly decorated. With garage. Pbone'""23. FOR SALE FOR SALE-fi. S Po ta-ge Stamps and U. S. Cover for cUe trs. Phone 3909. 456 WANIRED. WANTED-Garage space for- one car:. Near W illiams and Campus. Call d .ytime, 751. C nnResud -- Te, TheanD - ~ l . Daily :rs CFassifieds PyYunWme d I M'ITS ,r ,+ '; } _ .'S. -.. O . %"'". (707 Pa IFRES] F] - II SHAW I 709 3940 P I F Dress-E 40 andI } ~19-( H- MEAT ]QUITS AND Co. Packard St. irity P 4 TRY OUR 4A Lckard Street "I 3712 .s'.yyS1;P11 Phone -9605'jj DAW NP_______________ I: _______________ DONUTS WE MAKE THE BETTER DONUT . col ,FRESH 'TO YOUR GROCER DAILY. I I PHONE2640 216 East Washington St. 1 ,m ______ ' -P I )OD STUFFS Each lyer of this three layer ice cream brick 3s of the usual Ann Arbor Dairy quality 'A 0 0 PHONE iand the three Jayers are zblended into ~abrick -that xis ricli and -tasty. Vanilla Cherry Ice !Cream Maple Nut RNWEL L COAL - COKI Scranton, FPocahontas. Kentucky:and Wes TVirg isiaCoal Solvay and +Gas Coke This .business ,has been growing ever *inp :,t w~ established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do bus iaess in a :friendly way. If you :think so too, let'.s get together. A k reshl y ed Chickens I 45c per l rk Roast c per l ayre Ribs c ,per Ilb i Ad-gfress.