ETABLISHED 'V 7 rA IfIt iaMilj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PPRESS VOL. XL. NO. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 EIGHT PAGES r . PRICE FIVE CENTS TECHNICALITY MA Y nnriiriiT pnuennni Many Accept Sigma Delta Chi Grid Banquet Invitations as Committee Works on Program rraiE TOfl PSex Problem to be Topi .Four Faculty Mem C 11 A TCrfnnnonuni ic of Closed Forum; ibers to Lead DiscussionV OLVERINES subject, "Problems of Sex and Re- ligion." Of the 350 who attended the meeting over 60 signified their de- sire to carry discussion of this sub- j tpn f lthp in rln'd fnm of'IN g O 9 M 1 ' LY Replies to the'invitations mailed terfere with his attendance at any C[) 11. rIFiViL Opportunityy for discussion of a 351 locally prominent persons for grid-iron banquet, which he has problem that pays an important Sigma Delta Chi's annual gridiron, found since his college days, ne nDpart in the life of the average un- banquet, to be held Wednesday, said, to be the most interestingL dergraduate will be afforded stu- LII ""33 U P 9 3l 1 dents of the University when the otApril 9, are being daily received in and enjoyable form of stag ban- dirts of the sersi loe f hum large numbers at the office of the quet.yfrst of the series of closed forums House Prohibition Hearing Hits fraternity, Lawrence R. Klein, '30, Martin Klaver, editor of Sigma American Federation of Labor meets next week for the frank dis- ; schairma the ticket committee, Delta Chi's national phmagazine,ss D s saf h csubject, "Sex and Sn PemeazinuonDsaprveo DccuosSsionrofem subet."e"n Sng$P+ ie eruo said yesterday. Tickets are being The Quil, will also represent the DisaurprovesnofnecisionoSextPrblems, Unable to Appear. issued immediately on receipt of national fraternity at the banquet. in Mine Labor Cases. Four prominent men of the fac- the $3 remittance. Edward Warner, Jr., general ulty, three of whom are members WET HOPES ARE DIMMED A number of Sigma Delta Chi chairman of the razz fest, said yes- BORAH STILL UNDECIDEDo f the University Health Service alumni, who have gained positions terday that he has selected the ;tff, have consented to address offour groups each of which will be of importance in journalism have special favor which will be be- Rebuttal Witness Missing From sent acceptances to special invita- stowed the holder of invitation Officials to Appear at Hearing; inited to fifteen students. Congressional Inquiry; tions mailed them. George F. Pier- number 351 at the banquet. While of Judiciary Committee The meetings are designed as a rot, managing editor of the Amer- Warner was reluctant to discuss T Drys ees ctory. ican Boy, and Franklin M. Reck, as- the exact nature of the favor, he on Tuesay. Forum delvered last fall by Prof. sistant managing editor of the pub- said that the article selected was Warren E. Forsythe of the hygiene (By AMsciated Pr - lication, are two well known De- appropriate to its nature as the (fy Asociated Press) department and director of the WASHINGTON, March 28-Dis- troit publishers who will be at the third of the mock honors bestowed WASHINGTON, March 28.-Pres- University health service, on the I closures that it would require di- razz fest. annuallyat the gridiron banquet. ident William Green of the Amer- ~~--~~~~ plomatic representation to secure Peters to Attend. The other two, the oil can and ican Federation of Labor announc- the appearance of an official of a Ralph Peters, Saturday Evening favorable epitaph,-are well known ed tonight that the organization K t befa Post writer, has also promised to~ to University students. The oil can oreign government before a Con- attend the banquet. In replying to is given each year to the "honor- would oppose the confirmation of gressional committee dimmed the the invitation he had received, Mr. able lubricator" who during the Judge John J. Parker of North Ca- ! hope tonight of wet forces that the Peters declared that he would let past twelve months has dis- rolina to be an associate justice of testimony of Premier George H.I no press or other engagements in- tinguished himself by his ability to the Supreme court. gunri .spread what is popularly known as . Ferguson of Ontario Province, Can-! -Atreaiaio fJdePr ada, on government liquor control banana oil. The favorable epitaph After examination of Judge ar- Announcing of Northwestern's might be offered in the prohibition Lis read as a sincere tribute of the ker's decisions as a. member of the fromosormer Cean. migh be fferd inthefraternity to a faculty member of Federal Circuit Court of Appeals hearings before the House judiciary the University. by labor officials, Mr. Green said m Former Dean committee. Chance Method Used. these showed "that he places prop- In addition, reports from Toron- TOI The recipient of ticket number $8,500,000 IS AVAILABLE to indicated that Premier Fegu-,tIIJRUIU [351, the third person to be brought erty rights above and superior to , son would not accept an invitation into the-limelight at the banquet, human rights." ! Northwestern's new scale of fac- to' testify as a rebuttal witness to Scranton, Pa., Minister Listed has been picked entirely by, Parker is Labor Target. ulty salaries since the 33 per cent the charges of former Premier E. chance, since it was felt that this' The decision of Judge Parker in I" C. Drury, a witness for the dry t an Convocations Program method of choice suited the nature'the Red Jacket injunction case was increase voted Wednesday by the forces that government control was Sunday Morning. of the razz fest. the target of labor criticism. In board of trustees equals the best; a Canada; As a conse- this decision, Green contended that in the country, Dr. Clarence S.a quence, the wets, lead by Represen- WAS FORMER ATHLETE I r;nJudge Parker "approved an injunc- S. Yoakum wired The Daily yester- tative Linchicum, Democrat, Mary- _-__ WASvLhiumtDmcrJlUytion which virtually reduced the day. Dr. Yoakum has recently re- land, now plans not to extend the "The Four Fundamentals" has conditiof of the miners in West signed as dean of the Northwestern invitation. been announced as the subject of lr;Virginia to a point approximating iterary college to become vice- McBride Makes Statement. the address the Rev. Dr. Henry industrial servitude." president of the University of In that connection, F. Scott Mc- teCrane, flranf, LU., miniUtLr an Senator Overman DemocIat Michigan on July 1. the Anal Lueritende f widely recognized as an unusually _INort Carolina, the chairman of the The trustees voted to use the i- he nt t Saloon e guate ae - effective lecturer to undergraduate Lack of Leadership is Charged judiciary sub-committee, consider- come of $8,500,000 bequeathedtc Merit toight sai thating otherParkeracnominationip saidarhedNorthwestern last year by the late, Preier Ferguson to "try to comejaudiences, who will deliver before; mg the Parker nomination, said he'yfy i P.6threscu eguotentaryioLiqom;the student body of the University by Congressmen in Talks .would grant a hearing to the labor Milton H. Wilson for "salary in- to the resue othe ntar at the Student council convocation to Eastern Grous officials. He will call the committee creases, additional staff, outstand- este m axSundaymorning in Hill auditorium. ____together next Tuesday or Wednes-, ing teachers, research men, and Ferguson said his government The Rev. Dr. Crane is a compar- day after the Senate reconvenes improvement in teaching," Dr. Woud be glad t frn e atively young man for the proini. POLICY IS DENOUNCED Senator Borah, Idaho, a mem- Yoakum. said. The literary college: diciary eommitte with information ence he hlds among theologians of ber of the sub-committee, has been has already begun the selection of ,: ding tie' r control sys- the' country. e was .gaduated I' AM.nciateiI Press -giving close scrutiny to the Par new, men and the revision of the9 pn ded that eople of the from nesleyn to to 1913 after WASHING' ON, Marc 28.'A triple ker decisions in labor cases. He was nresent salary list which will makei Province had' repudiatec the pro- tdistinguishng himself in athletics f onslaught upon President Hoover's not prepared tonight to give his the minimum annual salary of .full alb on policies of former Premier ,and other extra-curricular activi- ecord in the White House was made conclusions. Senator Norris of the professor $7,000. This sum repre-. ties. He was a member of the var- . sentstaimhst the maximumrsalary] te Ontario Premier was declar- sity basketball squad and was tonight by Democratic congression- ju rying the P rke cas bee etpaid a full professor on the local ed by McBride to be "clearly dem-ws awarded a place on the all-New al leaders who charged "utter dol- as not ready to announce his campus. The salaries o prfes- Enlndcut twsano.redyptsannunc hisecadmiTheialarestfiprfe" onstrating what former Premier E.t England cou eam. heviews. sors of lower ranks willbe raised: C. ru y em hsz d i hi tet-I Said to possess a unique emo- lapsOofete ad inistation"sth ury, emphasized in his testi- ad ape hs ad e e disorganization of the senate repub- Other Also Protest proportionately, Dr. Yoakum ad-. ony before the House d I Rev Dr. Crane has been frequent- lican majority due "to lack of lead- A protest against Parker was al-. ded. commttittee to the effect that the Nrhetr il pn 3,0 co-malled governmentcontrol the ly called back to universities where ership capacity" and a poor legisla- so received today from the Con- Northwestern will spend $30,000: +-al gris n n control sy he has spoken. He is usually se- tive record in congress. ference for Progressive Labor act- of the Wilson fund income next gri and controls the officialsfr cured for a series of addresses in Senator Carraway, Democratic, ion through its president, A. J. year on new research.j "Tets.Mr. y order that all students may hear his Arkansas, and Rep. Garner, of Tex- Musie, of New York.1 heride said, "has proven a k lectures. His audiences increases as, Democratic leader, made their Prior to the opposition from la- GRANDMOTHER OF 1 out blow to the wet's pet scheme considerably each time he appears charges in statements issued by the bor, there appeared to be a clear BYRD DIES AT 911 holdi for a service in a college town, re- I Democratic national committee by road ahead for Parker's confirma-. ccthey have been fodng up ports from other institutions state. Representative Byrns of Tennessee, tion in the Senate. Despite the - isuccessful substitute for pro- I Arrangements for his appearance tchairman of the Democratic con- protest against him, some of his li2 A'socatedres" ) b enate Lobby Planned. here for a series of addresses have gressional committee, voiced his friends are confident of confirma-. BALTIMORE, March 28. - Mrs. While the House judiciary com- been the object of several organi- contention in an address over the tion. Jennie Byrd, grandmother of two' ~ittee plans to hear the drys next Ization of the University, but he is #National Broadcasting company. The statement of Green is as fol- famous men; died today after a: Wednesday, plans were made for booked so far in advance that this The Arkansas senator said Presi- lows: short illness which followed sev-. th&Senate lobby investigating com- has been impossible. He was able dent Hoover's assertion in greeting "The American Federation of La- eral months of declining health,: nittee to inquire into both the wet ,to come here for one day due to the Maine republicans at Bangor, bor will oppose the confirmation of as one of her grandsons, Rear Ad-E and dry organizations and a Senate the cancelation of an agreement. March 27, when he said that the re- Judge John J. Parker of North miral Richard E. Byrd was on his; hdciary sub-committee is prepar-i After leaving Wesleyan university publican party's record of legisla- Carolina, for appointment as a way home from months spent ex-' , to begin hearings next week on he attended the Boston university tion and administration "justified member of the supreme court: of ploring in the Antarctic, during ghe Williamson bill to transfer pro- school of Theology. Depauw un- ithe continuing confidence of the, the United States. This opposition which time they were in almost' hibition enforcement from the versity named the Scranton minis- people, "made one doubt whether" of the Federation is based upon constant communication. Treasury to the justice department, 'ter a Doctor of Divinity .in 1921. to smile or grieve. his judicial record as a member ofn Mrs. Byrd died in the Maryland s, reeommendation of the law en- The convocation Sunday morning Asserting that the telegram was h ui edSas a mebr o s. Byr dien therylad commission, will be the first of a series to be ; the "most disquieting thing that the United States circuit court Hospital for Women where she was lorementcomsin__fo thforhdsrt. taken several days ago when her Senator Overman, Democrat, of held th is spring, under the direc- has come out of the White House condition became worse after sev- North Carolina, announced that tion of the Convocations commit- Carraway asked "what can thewkd t representatives of legitimate uses tee of the Student council. Similar country expect, because if he is not McLarnin VW mis Battle home of herspen daughter,d Mrs. J. atLes-! of industrial alcohol, drug concerns services will be given April 6, and aware of the utter collapse of the noCe of her daugher s. J a and employees of the prohibition April 27, Stanton W. Todd, 30, 'administration both legislative and from Chicago Fighter'?ter Shipley, Jr., where she had Ono, 'Emloyes o th proibiion pri i +gi made her home for 8 years. Fun-.: bureau had asked for hearings on chairman of the committee, stated administrative, he is thetmost in-ys teWlimo mesr.yesterday. telligent person that is not. sad NW(P.3 A sociateI Press) eral services will be held tomorrow n illiamnson measure.yThe farmers, th rkansanNEW YORK, March 28-Jimmie and the body will be taken to Win-. nf ement the Treasury an- were in "a bad way" if "one can be 'McLarnin, crack Irish welterweight, chester, Va., the Byrd family's Uounced today that liquor ipor Descendents of Clay satisfied with the legislative achie- 'punched his way to a ten-round home .for burial on Wednesday.' (on Canada decreased, inFebr-rt Get Family Heirlooms: vements of this administration decision victory tonight over Jack She was 91.i rya oma red - the s Fmebr onthwhich has to its credit only a so- Thompson, Chicago negro, in a bat-. aer thsmh (y Assocated Press) called farm relief and tariff bill, tle that was close and hard fought. Professors May Enlist' year ago- LEXINGTON, Ky., March 28. neither of which promises the McLarnin pulled the verdict out of The will of Mrs. Annie Gratz Clay, slightest relief to aggressed agri- the fire with a fast finish, winning Aid from Universities' Seat Sale for Tragedy widow of Thomas H. Clay, grandson, culture." the.unanimous vote of Referee andF gLeagueof Henry Clay and for years an as- judges before a crowd of 18.000 at [11 A oia1t Pre'."j ______an t sociate editor of the Youth's Com- P Madison Square Garden. McLarnin CHICAGO, March 28.-A plan to anion which was filed for probateCosgrave Resigns ost hereweighed 142 1-2 and Thompson 143 remove from accredited lists col- ces of "oreo and Juliet,"rem here recently, leaves all her prop- After Defeat in 'Dail' 1-2. leges and universities which have ten"ed by Play Production, will erty to her daughter, Henrietta,--_--"--- dismissed teachers because of "ad- pen againat 1 Poclk this mor- Clay of Louisville. who is appoint- (y Associated Pres) vanced ideas" was presented to . 'uin at thea bo ocekof the Lydia ed executrix of the estate. DUBLIN, Irish Free State, March SENIORS leading experimental biologists of .endelssohn theatre. The boxof Among the family heirlooms are 28.-President William T. Cosgrave the nation Thursday a.s they con-. ewill remain open from t o- portraits of Benjamin Gratz, in' and his ministry today resigned Canes are now on sale at Wag-. vened at the University of Chicago.' lok o 5'clockp each day through whose honor Gratz Park was nam- their posts, after defeat of the gov- ner's. Order immediately to in- A questionnaire and a plea. atray Arl 5 The nights of ed after he had donated the land ernment in the Dail Thursday night sure delivery by Cane Day, Sun- urging aggressive defense of the teprfoayc e .the hofficewill re-for the site, and that of Rebecca. by a vote of 66 to 64 on an opposi- ( day, April 27. right of teachers and research i open until 9 o'clock. Gratz, aunt of Mrs Clay, famous tion measure. workers to think and work un-' The production will be given in as the prototype of Rebecca, in Sir The Dail, after announcement of -- -_ __--~ hampered by conservatives, were the Lyia Mendelssohn theatre on Walter Scott's novel "Ivvanhoe." the resignation, was adjourned un- handed to each biologist by the ednsday, Thursday, Friday, and til Wednesday of next week when . American Association of University Saturday nights of' next week. All Student Bridge Player nommation of a new president will Professors. fal to it and Mr. Cosgrave possibly F' D 13D d ma be0 re1 eats are pricedat 75 cents.T cmnvh-_ieted ±Lec (;uur eri n cioseaf orum meet- ings. Accordingly the Forum com- mittee of the Student Christian as- sociation is sponsoring the discus- Both Teams Qualify Nine Men pr ;M "i n of Qw** i. ri lmmar~LiesI orULwim Sion of the subject in four different sections. Meet at Cambridge. Dr. Forsythe will meet with one group at 7:30 o'clock on Monday AL SCHWARTZ - IS STAR night; Dr. John V. Fopeano of the Health Service will lead the discus- Raike's Diving Affected After sion at the same time Tuesday He Strikes Head on night; Prof. S. A. Courtis of the education department will conduct Spring Board. the group which meets at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, and (special to The Daily) D. William A. Brace of the Health ( \IIBRDGF, Mass., March 28 Service will speak to the section ---ichigan and Northwestern led meeting at 7:30 o'clock Thursday Nvith nine qualifiers each at the close night. All forums will meet in ofthefirst day's preliminaries of Room 135, West Medical building, the National Collegiate associations' Inasmuch as the number which ;svnhannmal mm meet at may 'attend these forums is limited leveh Stanfordnual swrinceton all persons who are interested in 'trvr St and Princeton entering these discussions are urg- withsix:point' apiece were next, ed to communicate with the Forum followel by Columbia and Rutgers committee at Lane Hall, so that a with four qualifiers each. place in one of the four sections Rlob'ert Walker qualifying in the may be reserved for them. All let- loo and 50 yard swims led the Wol- ters must be in the hands of the verine swimmers. Al Schwartz, of committee by Monday. Northwestern. was the star of the meet, qualifying in three events and twice equalling the N. C. A. record of 24 seconds in the 50, Meet records were surpassed in the 200 Iyardbreast stroke by Captain Ted Moles, of Princeton and by Ray Ruddy, Columbia's ace, in the 220 yard free style. In the preliminaries of the fancy German Chancellor Uses Merit dive, held in the afternoon, Michi- System in Picking Men for gan's entry, Raike, suffered a Se- Goi . vere jolt which affected his sub- Government Positions.' sequent efforts when his head stru'ck on the spring board. He NATIONALIST IS NAMED barely missed qualifying when he finished seventh among the 20 en- ERLli 28'~ Ptries. ERLIN, March 28. - Dr. Hem- Michigan's quartet turned in the rich Bruening, new chancellor of fastest time of the evening in the the R i-hstag, set about today 200 yard relay, when it outswam choosing members on a personal the Rutgers team in 1:39. It will battle four other teams, Princeton, basis and without dealing with 'Dartmouth, Rutgers and North- parties in his effort to form a cab- 'western for the title tomorrow inet succeeding that of Hermann night. Mueller. Four Wolverine sprinters survived Tdd the final elimination heats of the That was demonstrated when Dr. 50 yard free style, two, Walaitis and Bruening offered the Ministry of Walker placed in the semi-finals Agriculture to Martin Schiele, a, and will be in the finals tomorrow nationalist leader who accepted de- night. The other pair, Hosmer and spite the fact that his party earlier I Smith were eliminated. Al. declined to participate in the new ' Schwartz, Northwestern, who twice governmenttand demanded dis- equalled the N. C. A. meet record of solution of the Reichstag and new 24 seconds, is a favorite to win to- elections.morw The nationalists decided on their morrow. course of action even after their ' ed through the 440 in the slow time fiery leader Dr. Hugenberg had of 5:27 2-5 tonight, but both will been asked by President Von Hin- be out for blood tomorrow. I rlra ~hiloh t 'a fr. ntrcin 4 aenburgn To give up oppos. this point for the country fare. The President also instru new chancellor to forget pettifogging and to const new cabinet which cou through the budget and f reforms. It was after that ence that Dr. Bruening off agriculture portfolio to Herr who is president of the Farmer's Association and high in the regard of agricu Revenue Officers F Liquor Cut by Cre (By Assoihtal Pres) WASHINGTON, March 2 drink of crude carbolic a creosote and alcohol, flavor ginger, and sold by bootleg Jamaica ginger was said by bition Commissioner Doran be the concoction that had ition at Ys wel-Wickersham Appeals cted the for Enforcing of Laws party ruct a (I(y Associated Press) ld put PHILADELPHIA, March 28.--The inancial most important work of the law is confer- the solution of equations between ered the human restraint and human lib- Schiele erty, George W. Wickersham, chair- Federal man of President Hoover's commis- stands sion on law enforcement, declared ilturists. Thursday night in addressing the alumni society of the University of Pennsylvania law school. Find Mr. Wickersham, who was grad- osote uted from the Pennsylvania law school with the class of 1880, was tendered a reception at the close of 28 - A the society's annual meeting. .cid or "There are two important conclu- ed with sions in regard to reform in law," ggers as Mr. Wickersham said. "You must y Prohi- not put too much before the peo- today to ple at one time, and you must not caused attempt to reform the whole earth hundreds of cases of paralysis in in one full swoop. southern and southwestern states.' "One of the greatest difficulties The Commissioner made his an- with the current crop of suggested nouncement a f t e r prohibition remedies is that they come from chemists had tested more than one persons who are misinformed. Un- hundred samples of "Jamaica gin- til a man has learned the history ger" collected in localities where and growth of great institutions, he cases of paralysis had been report- is in no position to suggest nos- ed. He said that while it was hard ! trums for something which at the to understand how any one of the moment commands public 'atten- ingredients alone could cause par- tion. alysis, the combination had result- "But for the law there would be ed in quick paralysis to those who no liberty and but for restraint had used it as a beverage. 'there would be no freedom. So I . when people talk of the infringe- Antique Electric Plant ment of liberty, we are likely to Henry dthink of liberty of thought, for lib- Interests enry ord erty of action ;must always be in- z creasingly restrained." (Bv ~'Associ~atediP'es) ___________________ CLEVELAND, March 28.-Henry Canadian Rum Exports Ford was here Thursday to get a Decrease in February glimpse of an old and battered__ windmill which was one of the first ;(BY Associated Press) WASHINGTON', March 28.-A domestic light plants in the United haHIcGTOn liquo ex.rt sharp decrease in liquor exports States.! from Canada to the United States Ford went to the home of the in February, 1930, as compared to late Charles F. Brush, inventor of February, 1929, was shown in fig- Honorary Law Society Elects David Rawson1 is uea i J % j#a m o + 0 j S ?ILy W - . th Sean O'Kelley, who is leading the! What happens only once in five Fianna Fail, principal opposition or six lifetimes, happened last element, in the absence of Eammon De Valera in America, announced s n ' }3 i