F.A G ~T T %
V [11Y1 i1:L.p SVMV
* 'Michigan Schoolmasters' Club to
Convene i Annual Classical re
Conference, April 23-26. S :
Dynamic Balancing Apparatus
to be Used by Automotive
Engineering Laboratory.
e~ducational School Dean Will'
TFalk on Administration Be-
foe Large Convention.
Depargment of Superintendence Oh:'. 1io Stage Professor to Speak' Discard
esf6National -Association on Virgil, Cicero; cein1Meinick"
WIllconvene Monday, Arranges Program. T
Convening~ to discuss various as- n;- Completion of the program for: Profe
pects contributary to the theme~ - the annual classical conference of mtv
"Education is the Spirit of Lfe," h ihgnSholatr'Cu nounced
the Dpartent f Suprintn- .*~..andr setting of the conference date adto
declfteNtoa dcto . yesterday by Prof. Bruno Menike >: "-*''<... cilitlest
AssciaionWill meet at Atlantic.~ of the Latin department. Pusa
Gi1ty, February 22 through 27. . The chief feature of the newly' trot ha
Dean Edmonson of.the Education . arranged conference program for; asocated Pres Poto laborat
School and most of the faculty of! j the Latin and Greek department, Le;ch hwr ~ould c
that-groupare lannig to eaveacco ding to Professor Meinicke, oe
Frdyt\tedth etn.Da will be two lectures by Prof. M. B.! Well known pilot, who set a new Inn
Edmonson will speak on the sub-'4 Ogle, of the department of classics world's record of 185.452 miles per,'re
sect of administration before the t Ohio State university. Proe-hurfrpsegrdlnsi estCryse
aFeml. :* . sor Ogle will come to Ann Arbor If~ta akovleBah l.e e
The outstanding features of the -flight atisackUniversty lecturerlwhich has
meeting, in adidtlon to its size and ^"< > :. :, ".e, ~ been the traditional procedure at, Schoenhairs home s in Akron, ante to
im por.tance, "will be thre exhibition' :. 3.. al such conferences in the past Ohio. toig
ox books and supplies of all sorts li .-.,..... *~*~** ~>.'~Te two lectures to be delivered esseta.
ed in teaching throughout the ---~ N ... Associated P re" Photo th onn adatrooaejItermiat e
coA~i~try. The Movietone as anr Above are sno .-". a group of friends and relatives waiting in front of the hospital at Elizabeth, NewI "Virgil, the Prophet of a Saviour," Cour~t QiIse chies
educational device will make itsI Jersey, for news of the workmen who were~ injured in the recent explosion of an- alcohol still at the Standard { and "Cicero and Christianity." The: Draws Many StudentsIwand bt
_ t 'appearance at a demonstra-' Oil Company s Bayway refining plant. Over sixty-four were ijured, a score critically, and five were killed former subject will be an interpre- Iig e
tion at the meeting. A large amount by the flames of the burning alcohol. The fire was believed to have been caused by a ruptured gas line. tation of the fourth ecologue An increase of eighteen pupils coandw
of floor space at the exhibition- has -- ________-_______ --- - while the latter will contain little- at the University High School Mocooruc
also b o coaoI 1known data concerning the earlylagydutoan ier daeMtr
alo een reserved for the use of larrgely r n nlue to aui new"r inrermediatre'l Prussia
truce manufacturers' displays as1 IE RLL ~1~I ~YIu U LL~ .omng faultymnoihcnioreta ffr rae osiii ed
well as furniturei makers' ~area l IV ')77 xc ~ I Ilj '' I~oa eu '.te our avanofedsetdestosse re
and may displays N R 1 1 T I" NUand similar ex- TI vers33ztL tobaclit e o the Uogani te oladae half e of the ixt thee
hi3bitions. I 19CONl lP l SA~lh I :RFL.ECTIONS NoAtitnI flAJ TRElf is1LProfessor Benjamin D. Meritto ga d nte, lattben notedowthe the desl
"the three days of the meeting 1 Lgjr 1LbJVWI~ l Jf the Latin and Greek departments, semde,~sbe oe t h er.wsia
are to be divided so that each one+ who will give an illustrated lecturei The new course was first tried Dean B
wlil contain some keynote that cor- A Great ActressI on the latest develpments in ar-
responds to some aspect of the Remark of- Charles Lindbergh Her brilliant career sadly cut I Professor to Talk on Collection heology. A condensed report of lasteyar wt suchsues that resent
theme of~ the entire convocation., Lad o , short by an untimely death, Jeanne entrance reouirements to the Uni- prii tar aplignre ndwsh
-Such, 'topics as "Life is Recreative," ! edst eveopment o Eagels' last appearance is in "Jeal- of Charity Stamps at versity in classical subjects will be imore fto the course which is de- ingers
"Educatil for Progress," and "Life Aviation Beacon.i ousy," which closes tonight at the ( Club Meig giveni by Prof. A. R. Crittenden, of signed t care fo students that ,thr
is Co-operative" will be discussed --rMaj estic. The play of the same a s h ai eatrnn"aeavne orter'g'i ei t
by the group at various times dur-( VISIBLE IN DENSE FOG IName had a successful run last Prof. Howard B. Lewis, of theI "The underlying purpose of the school work. pfasi
ing the course of the program.,____ year on Broadway, the only char- I department of Chemistry, will ex- conference," stated Professor ,Mi-__________________________
-Due to a remark made by Col. acters being a newly-married cou-I hibit and lecture on his large cl 1 nicke, "is to sponsor a closeru-
City Erects 50d Signs Charles A. Lindbergh, a new type plr>, the husband insanely jealous lcino hrt tmsa h derstanding among high school
arid the wife with a none-too-dis- lecio;o cariy taps an rd college faculty men, and toTTME
in Downtown District of airport beacon has been dlevel- crepatohi. next mereting of the Ann Arborj furnish opportunity for an ex- LS TI S
oebyteGnrlEetico- Despite an excellent performance iStamp club Saturday night in room! change of views on the important - =
The requisition made at Wednes-e pany.xprieThg the light is still inI by Miss Eagels who had been gen- 408 of the Romance Languages' principles of teaching." The busi- GAY
da's meeting of Ann Arbor's be'd heeper intalstages, this new eal clie n ftefr--ns edureso h lsia o
p$ public works to erect several new flashing arc has passed very satis- most actressse ofothe decade,ftiouligrhecwl lob ncofrnewl einteMsu -E
cofrne wl ei teMsu
street signs in the business section factory tests. ( talking picture does not attain its! auction.ofCasclAheog atNw-s
of the city does not comne primarily While visiting the research lab- possible entertainment value. Sev-II Charity stamps are stamps which ofrrClasic all rch meolg t ~e-, __________
014 te rsut f sudntthetsoforaties of the General Electric eralote characters have been in- ' are sold at face value plus an ad- berrinal, ndill b usindt essmeet Super-Sophisticated Lr
the markers, said George H. San- company last summer, "Lindy" was eue ntesre eso ih . - -- --- - H T
denburgh, city engineer, yesterday. heard to say that "fashings made; coudn edminge s retverinwih- ditional amount which is given --- ---TES
ou'n sesgy ra ai nITYPE WUTTPTNC
W. Sandenburgh added, however, by the ples of trolley cars are no- effectiveness. over to some charity work. The'
thatappoxiatey 5 steetsigns ticelable whennflying in a dense fog,; Frpdelie March, a University of United States i one of the few lIMEiOG-APHINGj
-representing an expenditure ofeethuhoerlgsaent Wisconsin boy who made good in countries which has never issued Aseilyf~
over 350-disappear every year, distinguishable." Dr. Irving Lang- Hollywood, is suitabld as the hand- ostage stams for this Apurpose.'Ya
many of them being taken by uni- Muir, assistant director of the lab- smgre-yd!hsanbtproesopewshar pio-'. twen; E LS,
Srations in their rooms. on an instrument that would pro- Jealousy" rates a C -l, and is main- Iundreds of countries Luxemburg era. or.Mderate rates. raeto,
The signs that the department duce such a flash.\ ly attractive because of the star's! Germany, Jamaica, Monaco, and' 0. D. IMORRILL -
of public works intends to place in~ Flashing code signals would!I acting.! Holland included among them. i t} 1 Souh tae S. iPhone b61ats J .
ed as a test. The new signs, be-' error - in mistaking a trolly flash. ! The Rlae offers Glein Tryon in \ e - oust'-
cause of their more block-like let- for the beacon, while a definite "Skinner Steps Out," a talking ver- I - AT ci 9":0,ut 9ictu5 A
ters,' will afford greater visibility, code could be used to tell the flyer Isinriof the same story Reginald START ING OO-3qawwnt ictir
Mr. Sandenburgh believes, than the of his exact location. Deriny made silently several years TODAY k O-90 And a supporting cast of A
the past. They will be erected at in operation at the Schenectady pleasing performance by Tryon, , Broadway stagesucces on theAC
the expense of the Municipal Sign airport for nearly a year and has who'd go over big if Universal ever ! ralking screen. Gorgeous set
mayCompany and will be removed been reported very satisfactory. I gave him decent stories. C- (itnslo nes the beautsiTitfashion
should the city decide not to adopt One aviator, flying in a heavy fog, "Let's" I expn tertsiConneftsSinn
tht yp fsgn hul uhwas following the New York Cen-; At Mr. Fox's cinema palace in O IlIIIIIlliIllIIlili SATURDAY-COMING-S
markers be retained, Mr. Sanden-I tral tracks towards Schenectady.f Detroit is a new musical comedy d °P RS1
bug oe httesuet ilWil tl ormlsfcitefed peigtdy n nwrn o" O O llow' them to remain there: h- picked up the flashing arc andI the title of "Let's Go Places." The o
During the past decade, Mr. followed it to the airport. Ile- re-;,three "L" girls, Sharon Lynn, Lola __
Sandenburgh declared, several ported that due to the nature of } Lane, and Dixie Lee. are featured. I '-°---. _____
street signs that have been remdv- the light and the frequent flashes, I And while you're there, you can'
ed from their posts have later the beacon was easy to pick uip and'I have a silhouette made In the lob-
turned up in rooming houses and -S .A NOAH BERRY
--cu-follow, by. What next?_.:« .r JAO
fraternities, such discoveries'c________.-___---_'ROBARDS
ng a great deal of financial'dis- -illtllII11111i1liiiiililiflil1111111il111l 11i~1~11. VIRGINIA
omtfort to the signs "owners." -' TT-AI ~irJDQTAIVVALLI
"- ... JU A S andrld ve intbrt-ad ih awamn te thateveyfSrigS i
.....CL±Y n ~~ L~JL .Li B An empire of ghost vessels with a strange o'-ulation of castaways h
Mechanical equipment has re- A Problem of Relationship. wldomanerstbyoea abrte-awith a aw aonAvtreomatever
ducocI the pre-harvest labor re-I v wmnms hoeamt ihna a.' aeo detrRmne
quirements for cotton production E A small groun will investigate this problem historically under the Love like you've never seen before.
lrom 75 in ran hours to 10 man hours I E leadership of
anaraClfrnaArclua Rabbi Fink and the Rev. T. L. Harris - - -
college authoity finds. IThe first meeting will be held at the- ---SUT
f eri T eteI~o illel Foundation, 615 E. University 'P ~ t 4~ Ii1T
- I o Tuesday, February 25, 7:30-8:30 P. m ' uuIn tene o
ICA4-S THEATER --_______________ i ims-na r the season; inE
Eves. $4#t!______n___
I liet". ysto $ . . - Wi Nl -
led by Chhrysler Motors
Favor of More Rapid
ype of Instrumeit.
ssor W. E. Lay, of the auto-
engineering departmpent an-
d today that an important
a has been made to the ta-
of his department. The M.
n Machine company of De-
s presented the automotive
ory with equipment which
lost well over $15,000 in the
larket, Professor Lay stated.
caking several changes in
a speed up production, the
:r Motor company 'lsard-
ral of their dynamic bal-
sting machines, which, al-
as accurate as the new -type,
tore difficult to operate, nre-
ing much loss of time. Ma-
of this type had been in de-
y the automotive engineer-
)artment of the University,
'rofessor Lay immediately
nicated with the Chrysler
company. Unfortunately the
,n Machine 'company had al-
bought them, and askd a
oo great for the means of
partment. The next stage
communication between the
,n Machine company and
ursley which resulted in the
magnificent gift. No only
e original dynamic balanc-
lachinea given, but three
as well as additional quip-
be used in conducting tets
mnilar nature.
oniedy of Laughs
er Paramount News-
Victor McLaglen; Fifi Dorsay
El Brendel
ell of
It'T m rc Greatpst o! Dance and Tune Shows 1I w 7r,
jSchwab & Mndel Bring You JWhveKFb iOhanPwtrG
100% AkLL TALKIF '
Glenn Tlr yon/
OUTBy DrothyBHan00 ! h stanct i nC
COMING SUNDAY / -/________________ ______ hair and tWe
I natty
2t~h:~, liff d~FU